22500583? ago

Look up the article in Vanityfair on Nov 2 2017. It’s Donna Brazile explaining how Hillary stole the election from Bernie. Voat won’t let me post the link...lol, I don’t have enough points.

22502608? ago

Thanks, I'm finalizing the email to my folks right now and this will help!

22492294? ago

His name was Seth Rich.

22488047? ago

Yeah, have to be smart about what you say. Everything you told your parents is meaningless. Instead, why aren't you bringing up his future promises that he hasn't yet figured out how to pay for. Learn what socialism/communism really is. It is a two tiered system of the the haves and have nots. Ask your parents are they really willing to give up ownership of all their assets? Your parents don't care about 2016 or black eyes. They do care about their house and retirement savings/pensions.

22487467? ago

the podesta emails had a couple where they were complaining about Bernie attacking Hildog... The response was something to the effect of "this was not in our agreement"

22487705? ago

Thanks, I tried looking but I haven't searched Wikileaks before, and am getting a headache (another concussions symptom indicating I'm trying to do too much) so I'm going to rest for a little bit. God bless.

22487422? ago

Bernie flipped the script this time, he is on the payroll , his whole family that is.

Tucker Carlsons Daily Caller Destroys Bernies game and shows how he doesn't care about winning, he just wants his cut this time.

Cut the hearts out of the Demonrats for the last years screw job and Keep all the Campaign profits this time. All while we know he plans to have his Burnie Bro's Burn down the DNC this time. The city will be on fire when they screw him. The City surrounding them , that is.


22487677? ago

Thank you! That's more recent but definitely shows the trend has continued.

22487300? ago

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22487291? ago

Show them the DNC lawsuit, where the prosecutor got suicided and they had to admit in court that they have the sole power to rig the primaries.

22487639? ago

22487264? ago

So what if you get them to turn on Bernie, won't they just vote for another Demwit Party stooge? Or do you think they might be inclined to vote for Trump?

22487472? ago

They are republicans. They just aren't as up-to-speed as I am on Q, and the true nature of the opposition. It's a spiritual battle, played out in materials. I just want to help make it easier for them as they get their news through the tube.

22487540? ago

Ah, well there's hope for them yet. I know a lot of older people (I'm sorta one myself) who steadfastly remain in the paradigm of the era they grew up in, where politics was mostly civil, and presidents behaved like potentates, above the fray. They don't realize (maybe CANNOT realize) that we are now in a new paradigm of politics in the west. It's an era now of street fighting, bringing a gun to a knife fight, all out warfare. With the Republic at stake, we need to wake up more of our contemporaries to the real nature of the fight we are in... it's merely for the life of America, that's all.

I have heard some of my fellow Republicans bemoan "Oh, if he would just stop tweeting...." and such. I try to point out to them that they are living in the past. Civility and moderation will not win in the early 21st Century. I also like to cite the amazing book "The Fourth Turning" published in 1997, where the authors (both historians) predicted that we would enter a period of Crisis between the years 2005 and 2025, and that one leader would emerge from an unsuspected source to see us through this Crisis. So here we are...the crisis they predicted is all to plain to see. And I believe DJT is that leader whom they predicted would emerge.

Urge them to forget the old paradigm, we will never return to it in this lifetime. We are facing a barbarian horde and our very existence as a free nation is at stake.

22487621? ago

It is difficult removing one's self from the nipple of the media. Far more difficult to remove someone else. My wife watches "The View"... Says it's to "get the other side's view" but I get enough of that here! At least she's also Republican, believes in President Trump and Q and what I've told her, and even created an account here to read a link I sent her.

I agree, there is a LOT at stake! In fact I started a long email to the entire family a few days ago which I need to finish, thanks for the reminder! (It is not easy to navigate the world while constantly forgetting. The recent week-long fast seemed to have helped somewhat in that regard, like it did around Thanksgiving, but I'm still not 100% and pray that I will be.)

22487879? ago

Hang in there, Patriot, no one said this would be easy. Soon enough, I believe, news is going to be so shocking, so unavoidable, that I think it's going to shake a lot of people out of that old paradigm of thinking. When confronted with the corruptions, treason, and criminality of the past, every American is going to have to do some serious soul searching. Some will retreat into the soft platitudes of the past and try to ignore what is happening, but many millions will embrace it and decide to be sheep no more.

22489340? ago

Agreed, and I hope and pray that my family members, all, will have eyes to see and ears to hear.

22492439? ago

Mee too.

22487523? ago

Excellent, although this article does seem to disagree with answering that question in the affirmative! It does have info on the house purchase though so I'll include it.

22487224? ago

google sanders house and clinton. and

google images with bernie sanders and black eye.



22487516? ago

Thanks, not a black eye but I'll include it.

22487208? ago

The hot mic of his wife telling him how to fold should convince anybody.

22494036? ago

In context it's very damning. She's giving him instructions on how specifically to fold to benefit Hillary the most.

22487195? ago

I also mentioned Seth Rich's murder, and how it was done by two MS-13 gang members, who were then murdered themselves to tie off all the evidence. Except of course the communications regarding all of those murders, which the NSA has. And the "download speed" and how that indicates that it was a local hack, the Internet doesn't go that fast -- and their eyes glazed over... So, I want to send them some links so that they can peruse at their own speed. Again, thanks!

22487227? ago


22487126? ago

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