22330859? ago

Shills? Oh yeah that's right. Antone who disagrees with your narrative is a shill. lollollollol

22329281? ago

Yep, my post on ""Q" "anon" found in Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger!!!" is getting attacked by demons at the current moment!


22332360? ago

right, great post. Shills everywhere at the mo

22329037? ago

Where is new board?

22329286? ago

At top, click "New": link --> https://voat.co/v/QRV/new

22333933? ago

Thanks. I misunderstood. I thought that you were saying there was an entire new board.

I almost always stick with hot or top, unless there's some particularly interesting breaking news.

22334227? ago

No worries, and, I'm someone else. :) And I align with your behavior -- generally only "Hot", sometimes "Top" and rarely "New" (mostly when I've made a post and am wondering if it showed up).

22334649? ago

Yeah, I know that feeling. You've made a post that you are certain is going to generate inspirational discussion, and you are trying to wish it onto the hot or top pages so the more lazy readers will see it. Not having multiple ID's, we can only sit back and hope our content inspires others.

22334690? ago

Yes, exactly.

22328758? ago

Has that "concave anus" shill stopped posting in /new yet? If not I'm going to stick with hot or top.

22328593? ago

Be sure to click on my misleading links that turn out to be big black dicks

22328704? ago

^^ OP's alt account

22328765? ago

^^^ Gets an erection when he sees black dicks