22330751? ago

They do not fear you. They never will. They rule and I am not talking about your politicians. The powers that be are not the leaders. They are puppets playing their role. You'll have to dig deeper.

22339898? ago

no shit, Sherlock

22335781? ago

Sorry, but you're talking to cows.

22330434? ago

Moo jew!

22329831? ago

I don't think this is related to a Q post, rather the desire to eliminate cows as part of the Green New Deal because of their methane production.

22331209? ago

So what does Trump mean by the part after the cows?

22329775? ago


22330170? ago

The fucks that lobby for hate speech laws, using the "supremacist" bogeyman, in other countries while in their own homeland rabbis have gotten away with claiming that it's okay to kill children that might grow up to harm Jews and that it's okay to seize organs from a non-Jew to save the life of a Jew.

22330328? ago

Y'know, I really, really want to read their religious tomes. But I haven't fully gotten through Scripture yet. And, I'm not sure I want to expose myself to such filth, even if it's "just for research purposes"...

22330917? ago

Yeah, I've read excerpts (from Jewish sources), rather than their full scriptures, myself. The "gentiles" article of the Jewish Encyclopedia is worth a read as a quick intro to Jewish supremacism.

22329582? ago

And it can't happen soon enough...

22328954? ago

When the public becomes aware that all these bastards are involved in the creation of the bio-engineered global extinction-level Coronavirus to wipe us all off the face of the planet while they hide out underground, and what Trump had to do to save us, THEN it will not be safe for them to walk down the street. Screencap this.

22335736? ago

I am the public, and the Corona virus is our only hope. 5 billion need to go ASAP.

22330071? ago

You have to evolve beyond the 'frightened little girl' phase of your development.

22329479? ago

Except the current coronavirus strain has an ~2% mortality rate. Hardly extinction-level. Stop the fear mongering. You sound as stupid as the climate change fanatics.

22335747? ago

Oh, you believe the Chinese government.

22330132? ago

The new factor with this virus is how fast it mutates. it's not that lethal now, but not sure if it'll stay that way. This specific virus, however, isn't as concerning as the fact that the elites really do want to cull us.

22335756? ago

Not that lethal? You're not believing the obvious chinese lies, are you?

22329759? ago

wait 30 days.

22328953? ago

"If people only knew how bad it really was"

22330081? ago

The birthrate is collapsing, autism's skyrocketing, trans children are a thing, and the UN's trying to push global mass migration but retarded normies think their way of live is somehow immutable. Most people now really are cattle, in terms of how they think, but they were trained to be over generations.

22339845? ago

who did this training?

was it jews?

22344087? ago

Yes. They hijack culture to lead it off a cliff. That's one part of how Jews wage waar.

22333444? ago

And just like cattle, when you scare them, watch out, they run in a mindless stampede. Q has a plan so we don't end up in civil war or worse WW3.

22335706? ago

What are the details of that plan?

22339854? ago


22330306? ago

Well, some good news from the trans children platform -- "James's" mother just lost the case! She can't transition him into "Luna" (she's a lunatic, no doubt!).

22329597? ago

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22328918? ago

Crops ready for harvest -Great awakening- Neo sits up out of his pod finally awake and looks around at all the crops of people still sleeping. what happens if we all wake up at the same time?

22331469? ago

Hear me out. Kobe Bryant -> Kobe beef (renowned delicacy and bull symbolism, remember pic of Kobe covered in gold, golden bull?)-> sacrifice of the best meat for their cannibal ritual purposes -> Trump makes statement about killing cows and we're next

22339864? ago

If bulls are to be eaten, they are castrated early on.


22329852? ago

T  h o  m  a s   (76)  A  (1)  A n  d e r  s  o  n   (90)
20 8 15 13 1 19        1       1 14 4 5 18 19 15 14

(167)     (59)     (238)     (85)

(15 letters, 3 words)

22335772? ago

That is amazing!

22328688? ago

On the house of the Goy one looks as on the fold of cattle.

-Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII

22330406? ago

Have you ever tried to fold a cow?

22330802? ago

we had a cat that allowed us to fold him occasionally

22328612? ago

Aka never

22327872? ago

Nice catch, wow.