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22180548? ago


What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer.

The weak link in the Global Chain of Command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine).

The Rothschilds, Bauers, Rockefellers and other elites are all connected to Racine, linked through Astors and other families.

The real Pilgrims are the Pilgrims Society connecting the first Corporate Nations and Trading companies to control global distribution channels.

Racine is also connected to Weishaupt, the Sabbatean-Frankist movement, and the original Communist Communes.

Racine is The Root of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Masons, Shriners, Jesters, Rotarians, Knights of Pythias, SOBIB, SMOM, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, CATO Institute, Center for American Progress, Order of the Moose, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300, Council of 13, and on. They have unlimited layers of protection, propaganda, blackmail, control, contingency and obfuscation.

What are Community Foundations and how are they used to control communities?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting involving Paul Ryan, and why Paul Ryan resigned.

We are the reason why Chris Kutcher and others backed out the Project I-94 events.

Why are Amazon and Foxconn making such huge investments in the Racine area?

What is the most valuable resource in the world and what are its unique properties?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders of the World, and the ancient formations and civilizations in Wisconsin?

What is The Path of Souls?

Both Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich are members of the Knights of Pythias linked with Racine, and both are still alive.

This is The Parousia.

22329595? ago

To some elite.... its a game?