22180548? ago


What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer.

The weak link in the Global Chain of Command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine).

The Rothschilds, Bauers, Rockefellers and other elites are all connected to Racine, linked through Astors and other families.

The real Pilgrims are the Pilgrims Society connecting the first Corporate Nations and Trading companies to control global distribution channels.

Racine is also connected to Weishaupt, the Sabbatean-Frankist movement, and the original Communist Communes.

Racine is The Root of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Masons, Shriners, Jesters, Rotarians, Knights of Pythias, SOBIB, SMOM, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, CATO Institute, Center for American Progress, Order of the Moose, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300, Council of 13, and on. They have unlimited layers of protection, propaganda, blackmail, control, contingency and obfuscation.

What are Community Foundations and how are they used to control communities?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting involving Paul Ryan, and why Paul Ryan resigned.

We are the reason why Chris Kutcher and others backed out the Project I-94 events.

Why are Amazon and Foxconn making such huge investments in the Racine area?

What is the most valuable resource in the world and what are its unique properties?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders of the World, and the ancient formations and civilizations in Wisconsin?

What is The Path of Souls?

Both Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich are members of the Knights of Pythias linked with Racine, and both are still alive.

This is The Parousia.

22329595? ago

To some elite.... its a game? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3635234/22328953

22166987? ago

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22162727? ago

Sephardic Rabbi, Sabbatai Zevi and London burns in 1666 .... Somebody some group would later erase, re-wrote books, BANNED History. “In no small measrue it prepared the ground for the messianic movement of the ‘Sabbatean Movement’. ” The Sabbatean movement which later found resurgence in the Sabbatean-Frankist movement, a bunch of grifters who faked being one religion while remaining Sabbateans, and engaged in objectively Hedonist or Pagan or Satanic or Luciferian practices.... manages to roll all conspiracies into one great big conspiracy. Jacob Frank, who changed his name to Dobrushka, to construct an upper level above the regular Masonic structure which opened doors. 1666 was also the year of the Great Fire of London, just 10 years after Jews were allowed back into England after their expulsion. Only six (there's that number again) deaths were recorded. The fire consumed 87 parish churches and St Paul's Cathedral...Babylonian Black Magick and Occult Secret Societies.

22162797? ago

and house of saxe gotha someone said the Queen was head of Masons and another said Rothschild @WD_Pelley @IIJOSEPHXII @Conspirologist @Monkeyshinerbot3000 ? Where do the Royals fit, the maxwell boat and an arab family of irangate gun runners? I thought Diana fucked the red headed body guard? https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3606861/22109951

22162324? ago

Theeeeee wheels-on-the-bus go ov-er-the-jew ov-er-the-jew ov-er-the-jew it's a-bout fu-cking time we run-over the-jews and-stick-the-nig-gers-with-them.

It's a clown whirled!

The Nigger aquarium goes HONK HONK!!! AhhhhheeeeeewwwwwwwGaaaaaaaa!!!

There's probably the head of satan under that alter er um I mean "table".

I wouldn't doubt it being the sacrificial room where they chew the foreskins off of babies.

22162717? ago

Btw that video is fucking as real as it gets in satirical truths.

22162704? ago

Do you know who you're talking to?

22162883? ago

Sabbatai Saturn Amsterdam. Religion, where sects Templars sects of Masons came from? Sabbateans prayed to Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), claims he's Messiah in 1666 ...even after converting to islam.

22161366? ago

See the Masonic chessboard and Compass with the G in it in the painting in the back, wow.

22162853? ago

Mostly we wuz kangz niggaz these days .... Amsterdam, NY Lodge Damaged by Car? New Amsterdam, New Babylon, New York, Prince Hall Masonic Temple, Fulton-Montgomery Masonic the pervert Cyropto-Jews and Pirate Cyrpto-Jihadists in British Colonial America ... Opium Traders and Their Worlds? https://freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com the first silk road of drugs and filth, the Indian tea company and Royal-Dutch? The lost wars but the old networks and roads remained??

22162076? ago

And the all seeing eye on the ceiling.

22161442? ago

Looks like...She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://files.catbox.moe/hlyz1x.jpg That is the Pyramid of the all seeing eye. Look around. It is everywhere today in all shapes and sizes. Baroness de Rothschild seen wearing a bull headed necklace or goat head jewelery or she sometimes wears baphomet pendant, Freemasonic Order of National Order of the Legion of Honor or Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur. She was also involved in tv and film and acting, the central control of these secret societies, Hollywood etc. is probably in some arab britbong jewcave. The Château Mouton Rothschild the illuminati Freemasons Secretly Worship Jahbulon ?

22161358? ago

22162946? ago

and now tv Trump Adds Dershowitz ...WTF??

22162891? ago

Amschel rothschild, Adam weishaupt, Jacob frank/ sabbatean frankist/ zionists/ masons and the 13 bloodlines...

22161372? ago

Photo Jeffrey Epstein with Alan Dershowitz...honk honk ! https://voat.co/v/ClownWorld/3609011/22126520

22161218? ago

That's the inside of a Masonic lodge.

22161492? ago

They worship that collapsed star, the same blackhole photo NASA published?

22162993? ago

Not sure but wouldn't doubt it

22161337? ago

They took offense the Demiurge and Pyramid symbols are all over hollyweird and mtv, some weird people run that show

22162985? ago

Very weird

22161300? ago

Seems to be a connection with weird masons, the arab babylon moslem rituals and the Jewish occult ... some say the elite worship 'mystery babylon' @jthun2 @DABBING_AT_AUSCHWITZ @midnightblue1335 ? @MarauderShields @veteran88 What is their agenda? https://voat.co/v/politics/3613530/22159394

22162979? ago

Mystery Babylon! Thank you for reminding me of that. Forgot the name. Thanks

22161886? ago

Anti-European agenda.

(((They))) are writing is out of our own culture.

22160794? ago

Ian McKellan was already a creepy weirdo

22161330? ago

That's right. Spacey was knighted in 2015.

22160901? ago

Gaydalf? Fagneto?

22161168? ago

rumors about Bryan Singer .... he also worked with Kevin Spacey on Sueprman btw v/xmen

22161932? ago

Howe did @SirNiggsalot git nighted?

22162391? ago

As a young Knight I fought many niggers. My fame spread throughout the Realm. I was summoned to the palace and Knighted Sir Niggsalot, Defender of the Race and Realm.

22170291? ago

22162635? ago

Being serious a sec....'The Shriners' seem fucking weird @Chad_Stethoscope @ababcb @ThisIsTheParousia @Blacksmith21 @Quicktor blackmail and abuse?

22163065? ago

the Jew and the Mason, is there a connection? @Phantom42 @Sir_Ebral @SIayfire122 ? the truth of it https://voat.co/v/whatever/3613347/22157904

22163198? ago

Why are you pinging me? Are you looking for my input or something?

22160750? ago

.... ?

22163846? ago

Amazon is absolutely satanic. It's apparent to anyone who knows what to look for.

22181774? ago

Hol'up, why was I summoned here ?