22333298? ago

No. we need less regulation. Less government. If you're concerned about addiction and debt, people should just use their brains and decide for themselves whether they want to piss their money away on porn or just watch the free stuff. LOL

22332832? ago

Shove your censorship up your ass, faggot.

22329699? ago

Just end all porn sites with ". xxx" . Easy to block.

22328973? ago

Why is it that 10 years ago porn sites spammed my computer with pop up ads, viruses, page content that would load and jump all over the place making it so you can't click buttons etc. Etc.

And now NEWS WEBSITES (pretty much all of them) are now worse than the PORN SITES used to be, while all the porn sites have a smoothly functioning UI?

22329300? ago

Because one is a whore and the other is a professional.

22328868? ago

Are you from the Middle East? Sand Niggers? You like woman covered from head to toes, and you most likely will find a ladyboy underneath.

22329056? ago

You don't see an agenda pushed in certain nations of the West? https://voat.co/v/ClownWorld/3635105/22327178

22328766? ago

Yep; cuz regulation by the Government totally fixes societal issues.

22329061? ago

Anarchy is working great in Somalia

22329093? ago

Because Muslim Shit Skins are are a great comparison.

22328709? ago

Former porn addict here back in the 1990s and early 2000s. I finally got off that miserable, addictive shit and saved my marriage and family. Once I realized where the porn was coming from and why, the tawdry circumstances of the females involved in it and the disgusting way its pushed on kids as normal human interaction, I got down on my knees and prayed to whatever decent power was out there to help me be free of it. Not a Bible fag but it worked.

Don't defend that shit. It's shit for your brain on purpose. The elite want you to view it to make money and keep you from interacting realistically and with loving passion with a decent woman. I got no problem with nudity and tits. I still look because I'm a man who loves beauty. But the shit that is porn is not good for me or an honest healthy society.

22328601? ago

And just like that all that "freedom" talk is tossed aside. People like you are why the pendulum will swing left immediately after Trump. No common sense and blind, puritanical hate.

22332309? ago

The guy Dershowitz defender of wife killers and the merchants of smut ... then Barr a guy who was at the Epstein school and wrote a scifi book with pedo and slavery themes? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3635520

22328276? ago

I hear what you’re saying but has that actually slowed down tobacco use? Regulated is just another word for taxed and I don’t want to give the porn market that level of moral legitimacy.

22328170? ago

The problem with this is it sets a bad precedent and lays a dangerous legal foundation. Who knows what other "explicit content" future censors might decide to target?

22334590? ago

and the Shapeshifters, they say one thing and yet act another way? @Joe_McCarthy ask /u/Joe_McCarthy ... and Japan land it seems controlled by their mafia, weird school girl tentacle porn crap https://voat.co/v/whatever/3632957/22314631

22337907? ago

Actually most Jap porn nowadays is netori. Tentacle shit is honestly the least weird of the stuff that comes out of there. One anon showed me the end of a doujin with two sperm cells screwing each other. It's almost absurd, but I think it's more a trait of the Japs than something forced by Yakuza.

Speaking of, I can't speak for how much the Yakuza control. They are however one of the most fucked up criminal organizations around.

22328080? ago

Agreed. It should be heavily regulated. We are dealing with physical bodies and human souls.

A slew of evil can come of this combination.

22328049? ago

I love fapping to big titties. Go somewhere else comrade.

22327977? ago

If you have no self control - GTFO of our free nation you pathetic socialist faggot

22327882? ago

Commercial Porn is disgusting, makes our kids mentally ill/sick and many adults too. We need hard rules for pornography in the future.

Private porn is ok but we need laws worldwide to protect our children/youth from it. It is a shame that nearly all laws, that protected our children in the past(before the Internet came up), have no function anymore. All adults worldwide did nothing about it that from one day to another all children worldwide who had access to the internet were not protected from this shit anymore.

Here in Germany we had strong laws before the internet was born.

So porn should not be forbidden but we have to do something. I always wondered where the money comes from the commercial industry because you get nearly everything for free if you want. Some ads here and there but millions of Ad Blockers installed on the other side.

I knowthe reason why it is free but i want to know where the money comes from to pay all these servers and....

22329263? ago

Here in Germany we had strong laws before the internet was born.

What the fuck are you talking about? You guys are the undisputed kings of shit and piss porn, and you always have been.

22329091? ago

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22327867? ago

All porn in .xxx domain.

22330279? ago

Hey thats actually a good idea

22329013? ago

That was the original plan, dot com for America and Western sites, .EU for Europe, biz and Domain Register dot Org for business ... thats the way it would be until most of the blogs, facebooks, reddits etc got subverted to crypto-porn, funny jokes, hollywood trendy stuff etc that link to offsites of degererate filth and sadism. It's a fine idea to keep porn in one area or one shelf but there will be always groups who try push it into other sites and domains like drug pushers on some street corner.

22327841? ago

Few seem to understand the difference of social maintainence and judicial correction.

See, it makes perfect sense to insist murder will be met with retribution, but we should all consider the ramifications of promoting restrictions on freedoms like prostitution. See, prostitution should be allowed because it's another one of the things that will be done with or without legal permission.

Therefore, the simplest way to deal with the pornographic question is through socialization, which starts with education. I'm not saying we should tax each other over bullshit, I'm saying we all need to be more responsible and we all need to help educate each other a little more.

While some things shouldn't be legal or illegal, we can't let things like pornography go unnoticed. We need to band together and meet its advance with stern defense. We need to use shame against people that both practice and promote it. Or, if we're really aiming properly, we need to confront the very people that historically promote such ideals... which, I don't think I should really have to explain to anyone here.

22327811? ago

Quite the little dictator there, aren't you, OP?

22328913? ago

Why do they only want to flood the West with this filth.... Open Borders for Saudi and Israel? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3613031

22327655? ago

lets just out law it but lets help isreali become the world wide leader in porn using Israelis in Israel

22327618? ago

No, that is censorship and where do we draw the line with that.

People should instead be better educated about the dangers of addictive behaviors and have a better sense of morality instilled in them. Do that and porn producers won't have a market.

22329027? ago

With people questioning the Weinstein industry? The age of degeneracy is ending https://voat.co/v/whatever/3613031/22155387

22327611? ago

From freedom to fascism faster than you can blow a load.

22327554? ago

It should be illegal.

22330290? ago

It's actually more uplifting for women

22332231? ago

??? No, not for real women. Source: am a woman.

22327525? ago

If you don't want kids having easy access to porn, stop giving them smartphones. Make them go play outside and climb trees and shit. Problem solved.

22328884? ago

and what to do if youre neighbor hood is suddenly take by illegals, merchanst of smut and criminal young negroids? Sell house n move??

22330314? ago


22328881? ago

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22327779? ago


22327398? ago

Equal time for all animal species. You must watch another species fornicate to the equal time you watch humans. Porn is just the outward expression of something sacred. I've struggled with it. Just realize, by watching it, and acting on it, you are opening yourself to a hoard of spirits that feed on your spiritual expression during orgasm. These beings affect your life, drain you and basically want more, so then you are in a feedback loop. They are as real as the phone in your hand. I have no fucking idea how you can regulate it. AI probably could.

22328894? ago

The merchants of smut why dont they push porn filth into Saudi and Israel?

22327377? ago

Wouldn't it be easier to kill all the jews?

22329406? ago


22330131? ago

Two jews do not like my idea.

22327315? ago

How heavy should the regulations be?

Are you thinking of minimum weights per reg? Or maybe aggregate weight? Or we could do average weight like the CAFE regulations to ensure fuel efficiency.

22327064? ago

Porn should be outlawed.

22330265? ago

Nope its a free country

22328924? ago

I would make their life very very difficult, not sure about a ban but without doubt they often connect to other industry like human trafficking, drug addictions, the industries of abuse etc

22327537? ago

This is why conservatives cant stay in power. This ain’t freedom. It is facism.

22328162? ago


You can't do this, and still have freedom of speech.

Also, regulation has been tried again and again.

The government cannot solve the problem of porn.

Raise your kids better, and there won't be porn actors or actresses.

Also, openly shame people that perform, or consume it.

Porn is simply a symptom of jewish invasion.

Make it shameful again, and openly discuss how it is used as a weapon against the motivation section of the brain.

People will be less likely to enter a trap, if they see it as one.

22329618? ago

Porn isn't speech, you idiot?

22330104? ago

It's a slippery slope.

22327842? ago

It should be allowed to exist, but it should have something similar to what OP said.

22327512? ago

Just outlaw it and kill the people making and funding it

22327431? ago

Came here to say this.

22327051? ago

What sort of mandatory additions?