22310442? ago

What makes Kobe the bull? Did I miss something? (honest question)

22308378? ago

Wow someone do this for vick

22305429? ago

I think it a lot simpler than that. Not saying you dig doesn't have merit.

The democrats have been using high paying athletes, stars, business personalities as agents of human trafficking and money laundering.

A lot of high level black people like oprah, beyonce, jaycee, etc... are being used to funnel money via the democrats money engine, where they give large donations and grants to news outlets, publishers, and people like oprah since she is high profile enough and can launder 100's millions. And have that money directed and funneled and come back to democrats as living wages or political contributions. Look at Planned Parenthood, they used to get 100's of millions and would donate $30-$60 million a year back into the democrat political machine.

I think Kobe was an agent of money laundering and probably one of his venues or start ups like the logo Y, was getting dirty money but the money wasn't getting funneled back like it should have. Being a nigger he probably thought he could keep it for himself because he was too high profile for something to happen to him. Met with Clinton and he told him where he can go and this happened.

No reason for the Dems to kill off a valuable human trafficking or money laundering agent unless he/she isnt doing what they need to.

Trump isn't helping either with his crack down on dirty money and shutting off the PP funnel and the light he shed on Burisma.

22308293? ago

Y combinator

22307447? ago


22304688? ago

My first thought as you started down this road was, "this is a stretch..." And then you got to the last paragraph and - damn - patriot! Given what we have seen with the fascination of the elites with dates and numerology and sacrifices on specific days, you could be right. Hmmm. Any datefags out there? If there's this, there may be more.

Also - I have always wondered about that Bull statue on Wall Street and why it's a bull or bear market. This gives a little more food for thought.

Anyone got any extra tickets on that Elon Musk spaceship outta here? The more I learn the more I think it's time to go visit a different planet.

22304563? ago

Watch the Kobe vids.



22304207? ago

Did Nike remove Kobe from the website before or after the crash? Nice dig btw.

22304089? ago

Because people were buying up product to later sell it at an increased price. Duh .. Please do stop with the bullshit Conspiracy Theories

22303624? ago

Thank you for sharing your work

22302693? ago

Slaying the Bull Astrology: this likely represents the end of the Taurus age. Going into the next age of Aries. During which Rome rises to promenance an sets about going to war concerning.

Pisces, the fish, is iconography in The Christian faith because it began at the beginning of the age of Pisces-much can be said with symbolism here. No time. We are nearing the end of Pisces. Soon. Aquarius begins. Pisces is an age of hidden secrets. Aquarius is change. Advancement. But the transition. 😱 🌋⛲️🚢🔥💦🌎🦑

22304848? ago

Moon was in Aquarius when this happened.

22306512? ago

You’re on wrong scale.

22306831? ago

Heh? Wrong scale?

22307059? ago

I was describing the ages. 2160 yrs.

you’re referencing the moon. It’s in Aquarius every month.

22310298? ago

Yes it is. Moon stays in a sign from a few minutes to 2.5 days or so before going into next sign. Solstices and their 'high' holidays are every year too. Star alignment, planet positions are approximately same albeit in different signs. Is interesting that that particular day had moon in aquarius. This doesnt happen every holiday that Moon is in Aquarius (or whichever sign they are looking for). Symbolism. Supposedly Age of Aquarius began in 2017 with rare alignment, or so I read. Dont know. Is, again, interesting. Curious.

22310421? ago

Aquarius doesn’t begin until after 2100’ish.

22310524? ago

There is no difinitive date but hey, you are the astrologer ;). Seriously though, no one knows exactly when it begins or if it already has. Depends which school one follows- or wikipedia

22311949? ago

Stop reading wiki-shit.

22302584? ago

Prince Carlo Odescalchi and Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini. Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini is associated with the Greek Pallas and likely a mixture of various people named Pallas including mixed up with Titan Pallas in Greek Mythology who is said to be the "father of Nike" although Greek writers were usually guessing and were often wrong about lineages and made connections of lineage based on other types of connections and they also mix up people with the same name. For instance they claim Cronus is the father of Zeus. This is not accurate. It is Aether which is ionized air and plasma similar to lightning and that makes sense. Pallas is said to be the son of Eurybia and Karen Akers who is a Pallavicini is the modern Eurybia.

The Illuminati's Vicar of Nike is Natalie Portman who has Austrian ancestry and her grandmother from Austria was named Bernice which means the Bringer of Nike. Pallavicini like Pallas. The Pallavicinis are managers of the smaller cults of Athena and Nike. Nike means Victory and the Pallavicinis are the Princes of Victory a title and name "Della Vittoria" given to the family by Mussolini.

Athena has an epithet called Pallas Athena when she wields a spear and there is a statue of Pallas Athena in Vienna, Austria. Prince Moroello's brother Prince Sigieri is a top executive for Athena Investments and the Pallavicinis have an Austrian branch in Vienna where there are two statues of Athena including one with Athena holding up Nike. The Zionist Natalie Portman was taught Kabbalah by Ashton Kutcher who was taught by his ex-wife Demi Moore.


In Greek mythology, Pallas (/ˈpæləs/; Greek: Πάλλας) was one of the Titans. According to Hesiod, he was the son of Crius and Eurybia, the brother of Astraeus and Perses, the husband of Styx, and the father of Zelus ("Zeal" or "Emulation"), Nike ("Victory"), Kratos ("Strength" or "Power"), and Bia ("Might" or "Force").[1]


Natalie Portman is an Israeli and American actress, director, and producer

her family were Jewish immigrants from Austria

Natalie’s maternal grandmother was Bernice Hurwitz


The name Bernice is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "she who brings victory".


In ancient Greek religion, Nike (/ˈnaɪki/; Ancient Greek: Νίκη, "Victory" [nǐːkɛː]) was a goddess who personified victory.

Statue of Pallas Athena holding up Nike in Vienna, Austria not far from the Palais Pallavicini. There are two statues of Nike in Vienna, Austria. Prince Moroello's brother Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini is deputy chairman of Athena Investments.

Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini with Stefania Scarampi di Pruney who works at the Pallavicini vineyards which they use to traffic human blood and adrenochrome.


Athena Investments


Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini


Athena[b] or Athene,[c] often given the epithet Pallas,[d]


Portman, who was born in Jerusalem, noted that Kutcher taught her more about Judaism that anyone else in her life.

“Ashton’s a very serious student of Kabbalah and Judaism,” Portman told USA Today. “He knows a lot.”

Despite being raised Roman Catholic, Kutcher took to Kabbalah after he met Demi Moore.

Demi Moore is a top witch in Hollywood and worshiped by many occult members with Scythian and Moorish ancestry and worshiped by members of the Cult of Saturn. Demi Moore is their Vicar of Demeter. Demi like Demeter. Demi is a Greek name and means half because Demeter was half Greek and from an invasive Scythian bloodline. Both Cronos and Demeter are associated with harvest and agriculture. The occult and the Bible refer to humanity as a farm with wheat and tares and calling people cattle and sheep. To the occult the harvest is covertly murdering and cannibalizing non initiated people in society which they call tares. They are the tares who are torn away from their humanity.


Demi Gene Guynes[n 1] (born November 11, 1962),[12] professionally known as Demi Moore (/dəˈmiː/ də-MEE),[13] is an American actress and film producer.

She was at one point a follower of Philip Berg's Kabbalah Centre religion, and initiated Kutcher into the faith


In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Demeter (/dɪˈmiːtər/; Attic: Δημήτηρ Dēmḗtēr [dɛːmɛ́ːtɛːr]; Doric: Δαμάτηρ Dāmā́tēr) is the goddess of the harvest and agriculture, presiding over grains and the fertility of the earth. Her cult titles include Sito (Σιτώ), "she of the Grain",[1] as the giver of food or grain,[2] and Thesmophoros (θεσμός, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law; φόρος, phoros: bringer, bearer), "Law-Bringer", as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society.[3]


The Parable of the Tares (also known as the Parable of the Weeds, Parable of the Wheat and Tares, Parable of the Wheat and Weeds, or the Parable of the Weeds in the Grain) is a parable of Jesus


The Scythians (/ˈsɪθiən, ˈsɪð-/; from Greek Σκύθης, Σκύθοι), also known as Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Iskuzai, or Askuzai, were a nomadic people who dominated the Pontic steppe from about the 7th century BC up until the 3rd century BC.[1]


Revelation 14:14-20 New International Version (NIV)

14 I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man[a] with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” 16 So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.


In Greek mythology, Cronus, Cronos, or Kronos (/ˈkroʊnəs/ or /ˈkroʊnɒs/, US: /-oʊs/, from Greek: Κρόνος, Krónos), was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans

Cronus was usually depicted with a harpe, scythe or a sickle

Cronus continued to preside as a patron of the harvest.

22302460? ago

Nicely done

22302157? ago

Kobe Bryant > Ritual Sacrifice > 654 > 1854 > POTUS Tweet - Get The Gatt > Decoded


22302466? ago

Your posts suck and seek to distract from the real research which has been done.

22302608? ago

"Real" research?

Fuck off Shill.

22301948? ago

Sure doesn't appear to be a sound business decision. Normally, in a situation like this, you never let a tragedy go to waste. Normally they would push Kobe merchandise like crazy, make every buck they can while the interest is hot. Got to tap into the emotional buying frenzy.

22302575? ago

However, what if Kobe merch was in a steady decline off his playing years, which is almost certainly the case. Kobe's projects since his retirement have been underwhelming, to say the least.

What are Kobe's contract details with Disney and NIKE and how long are they? Kobe went to his 'camp' no more than 2 times a year, for one day only. The fact that it is located in Thousand Oaks is suspicious to me. Seen of the Borderline False Flag. Kobe never had anything to do with that area prior to retirement. I'm from T.O., his camp seems totally out of place there because the town is 99% White.

22302874? ago

I'm sure they have a lot of Kobe merchandis in their inventory, wouldn't they want to sell it all off before they wiped him? A bucks a buck, right? We're not talking about an organization with integrity here, we're talking about Nike.

22303039? ago

Actually, his death emptied their inventory of his merch in less than 24 hours.

22304569? ago

Good, now let him RIP and let's move on.

22301885? ago

This was a great dig, you are def. onto something here. Keep up the great work buddy!!!

22301572? ago

This is an amazing dig. Thank you.

22302711? ago

And for research into why Kobe was killed on 1/26 and how it relates to the timeline and Pi, see here

22304703? ago

whoa - I didn't see this before I asked for it.

Love you date and number fags! Thanks!

22303334? ago


22301517? ago

Very interesting. Good read.

Thank you.

22301472? ago

Ignore the braindead here. This is a really great dig.

Idiots can't accept that unless it ends in some definitive conclusion.

There is more to Kobe's death than meets the eye for sure.

22302802? ago

These people are that sick (psychotic). Like baseball players who have crazy rituals and superstitions. They live their lives that way. (No Black Box!)

22304724? ago

Remember that Major League movie with Charlie Sheen? They depicted a caribbean player who had all these rituals. I thought at the time it was just a funny cultural thing. Maybe there was more to that message than we realized at the time.

22302700? ago

Is the king better than the goat?

Did they sacrifice a goat?

Is Tom Brady next?

NFL goat vs NBA goat vs NHL's? MLB?

22302974? ago

Maybe hollywood goat next. That also fits

22301366? ago

Great dig anon! Keep up the good work!

22301223? ago

A spacing alien species would have abundant access to gold. Asteroids have plenty of gold. Gold is amazing for it's corrosion resistance and reflectivity, as well as ease of shaping. Thus aliens use gold everywhere. Especially so since it fascinates primitive races.

22302314? ago

Humans will not be able to make the long treks across the universe. Our robotic, AI driven counterparts will with ease. Aliens aren’t biological, they are mechanical. Hence being described as having “skin of gold”.

22323919? ago

Crossing the universe would be simple, even for humans without cryostasis. Time dilation could mean crossing the universe would take only about a decade. The trick is getting enough fuel to sustain 1.2g acceleration for that long. Leaving everyone behind would be the rough part.

22301480? ago


22302344? ago

Annunaki. The "gods" of old. There is a difference between God and god(s). They came here to mine Au (gold). Check out the "stone Circles" in South Africa. Millions of them. Some have acoustic properties that ring like bells. Frequency, vibration and electromagnetic signatures that nullify radio/cell phones and compasses. Michael Tellinger was the researcher on this... also discovered Adam's calendar and a foot print of the giants in granite.

22300784? ago

Dont listen to him.....I believe you!😒😳

22300833? ago

YOU, are proof that a sucker is born every minute. Hey sucker!

22301543? ago

You clearly have no idea how this works. Have you spent ANY time at all on the Chans?

This is exactly the way you do a dig. It doesn't always bring you to conclusion. Sometimes you only slightly shape your perception of an event or person...there is most certainly more to Kobe than the surface level shit everyone knows. Have you seen his brand and clothing line?

Covered in gold and clearly a Y head. Nickelodeon is satanic af and has deeeeeep connections to the pedophile wing of the satanic cabal we are fighting.

His chopper just so happens to go down with his 13 yr old daughter onboard along with others her age....near Las Virgenes Calabasas Cali. Need a translation?

If that's not enough then go and check out the satanic calender for Jan 26th...

Everything together adds up to quite a bit! It's highly fucking suspect! Not to mention the week of Repub senate hearings!

22300895? ago


22300741? ago

Bunch of rambling nonsense

22301443? ago

You have no idea


22301537? ago

Ignore the losers. They're Alex Jones IQ level.

Good post!