22299797? ago

Their symbols are just visual pilpul, influencern it in a positive way

22285802? ago


22286189? ago

I live to give. <

22284267? ago

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew


22283809? ago

So if he's this satanic pedophile why is he now dead. You guys need to do a better job breaking things like this down for readers who don't see everything in some kind of DaVinci code...

22280671? ago

The hatvest [crop] was just a basketball player.

22279665? ago

Interesting. I met Kobe in 2007. He was genuinely the nicest man. He gave up his hotel room in Toronto to my friend and I who partied too hard and it was too late to find a ride back to our city. We slept great and ALONE and we only chatted for a few minutes but I will never forget his kindness. I find this so hard to believe.

22277773? ago

That symbol is the 6th letter of the phoenician alphabet

22277396? ago


(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?

22277139? ago

Some more interesting notes here on Furor Rises' thread. https://twitter.com/FurorRises/status/1221531194715602947

22276334? ago

Kobe loved fucking that jewish pussy

22275884? ago

Snake all the way

22275771? ago

Wait for satire story: American Rapist Association Mourns Loss of Kobe "Master of Rape and Walk Free"

22275496? ago

How to explain his being a practicing Catholic? He was often seen at daily Mass.

22276569? ago

Look into the history of the Catholic Church and Babylon. The Catholic church is not from God.

22275726? ago

How to explain it is that linking him to satanism is bs. He wasn’t linked to that at all. His nickname was the “black mamba” because he was so quick and deadly with his basketball skills... hence the black mamba snake on his face picture. Kobe wasn’t in the Illuminati. This helicopter crash was just an accident.

22275668? ago

The bush family was seen at church all the time.

22275381? ago

Great digging guys. Thanks~

22275318? ago

In a pic I saw yesterday he has a bandage on his left ring finger. Spirit cooking?

22275218? ago

Uhhhh, except for she was his second born.

22275674? ago

Doesn’t matter. The satanic ritual calendar calls for a female child sacrifice on January 26th, the final day before the new moon.

22275153? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @TheBRAINz.

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22275145? ago

The question is, is that photo even real?. It's a single, blurry photo, and I can't find another like it on the internet. This seems like a distraction.

22278945? ago

Except there’s more of him with that shirt on..




22285851? ago

Its for protection. He was trying to warn us. Read the symbolism chat above these comments. Its explained

22276029? ago

Hey look, we found the only critical thinker in the thread!

I can't reconcile Kobe = bad with Trump praising Kobe.

22280710? ago

POTUS has said positive things about not-so-positive people in the past. Perhaps a bit of the high road being taken, and a bit of a spotlight being shone where light is needed? What surprised me is how he said "three people" died when other sources were reporting 5 or 9....given one of them would be the pilot, that suggests Kobe and his daughter were alone.

22282389? ago

Maybe only 3 people on the chopper had souls still.

22274906? ago


Kobe - 41 y/o

Gianna - 13 y/o


22274901? ago

Except it wasn't his first born, it was his second child

22275652? ago

The satanic ritual calendar, which u can find in the first 40 replies to the IET tweet shows that on January 26th, the last day of the old moon, there is to be a female, child sacrifice. So my point is that it didn’t have to be a first born, it only had to be a female child.

22285747? ago

Satantic or Judiasn or Muslim dont they all keep moon calendar holidays...

22274868? ago

Hunt or be hunted

The Comedy Central show “legends of chamberlain heights” showed Kobe die in a helicopter crash.

It aired November 16, 2016

Q posted November 16, 2019 post 3599

“Hunt or be hunted””the harvest [crop] has been prepared”

Kobe had “Hunt or be hunted” clothing

22275405? ago

Okay that’s pretty interesting.

22274686? ago

He was part of a children’s charity 3rd largest non profit in china called Soong Ching Ling Foundation, which also worked in Africa, Phillipines, Maylasia and more. For orphans and underpriviliged. Red Cross and Chinese government were part of it. The charity hosted a “ping pong friendship” reception promoting good relations between China and Japan. Also the foundation was investigated for lending out loans for profit (philanthropy.com - “Leading Chinese Foundation spending loans investigated” - September 07, 2011. (More found on these sites- en.people.cn - Sept 7, 2011, Nonprofitquarterly.org - Sept 7, 2011. Also - finance.yahoo.com - 7th anniversary “SMIC Liver transplant program” June 10, 2019, cns.cn - 2018-04-02

Cannot link right now, I’m sorry. Best can do at the moment to provide this research info.

22274657? ago

I only get one post but I’ll put this out there haven’t seen it mentioned, and finally a good thread w symbolism. Does Y represent Y heads? Someone posted a weird illustration here which taught me a little about that concept.

But the thing that I immediately noticed was GIGI Maria AKA GM, doesn’t surprise me coming from Mr. 23

22274632? ago

A 360 Million dollar fortune = The Entertainment Illuminati Class ----- Luciferian servants out front who do not entirely control their own destiny. They must "perform" their whole lives according to script and for that they are rewarded handsomely, but sacrifice genuine free will, which is everything.

22275602? ago

Did they recruit him? He was on espn at 15 years old and came into the nba at 18 yrs old, maybe even 17? Became a multi millionaire at age 18. Seems like these types would be who the cult would recruit, no?

22274577? ago

"What does it mean to be covered in Gold?" https://qmap.pub/read/195

22275663? ago

Ancient ritual done to fetuses.

22274982? ago

What does it mean?

22275069? ago

Kuman Thong? Black magic.

22274562? ago

It makes a 6 pointed star.

5 and satanism is fools gold to distract people from the real magic.

The ouroboros is there as well.

Research more your getting closer.

Overlay the star of david om that jacket and you have both the ouroboros and the 6 pointed star. Which represents a 2d image of a 3 dimensional object.

As above so below.

Connect the dots and your learn the truth.

Alchemy wasnt fake science it was coded research because of the inherent dangers involved.

22274575? ago

Fullmetal Alchemist used the same symbols in conjunction for the Homunculus


22275199? ago


This shape casts 2D shadow that is the 6 pointed star. As above so below. If this 3D image could rotate around and bend into itself you can atart to visualize what this 3D representation may be reflecting from the 4th Dimension.

22277045? ago

If this 3D image could rotate around and bend into itself you can atart to visualize what this 3D representation may be reflecting from the 4th Dimension.


Any more on this?

22285825? ago

Some of us have lived previous lives. As we cycle back into this world at certain times or intervals as you call them. When chaos is great and bloodshed and pain at its breaking point.

The 4 Horsemen have been here before.

It has all happened before, it will all happen again.

22285789? ago

Think of the "Allegory of the Cave".

Same as the Matrix.

There isnt an afterlife and we arent just returned to dust.

We live in an electric, quantuam universe.

Psychic abilities are real. Pharmaceutical companies suppress people who show symptoms of being naturally gifted.

The brain is a muscle. Its a part of our vessel its all in our DNA. We were created forna reason. 4th dimensional beings need 3d bodies to actually interact with this dimension.

22290106? ago

*There isnt an afterlife and we arent just returned to dust.

We live in an electric, quantum universe.

Psychic abilities are real. Pharmaceutical companies suppress people who show symptoms of being naturally gifted.

The brain is a muscle. Its a part of our vessel its all in our DNA. We were created forna reason. 4th dimensional beings need 3d bodies to actually interact with this dimension.*

Thanks for taking the time. Where can more info be found?

22285801? ago

Why they harp so hard on 5 senses. And move "empathy" into a psychological category instead of accepting some people natural empaths and others lwarn empathy from them. This is normal part of human potential.

Its why the library of Alexandria was burned.

Why the Vatican Archives exist.

The Smithsonian.

They coverup incidents.

22285771? ago

These symbols are used to communicate (summon) and dismiss interdimensional beings into doing your bidding or assisting in your endeavors, so long as you satisfy their desires(requests).

They can be used for protection from them all as well.

Our bodies are vessels for 4th Dimensional Beings.

We can share our bodies, even leave them entirely if you do not have control over your "demons".

But its magic as in the general public would dismiss it away as coincidence, luck, gods will, chance, karma. Anything but science(how our world actually works)

String theory. Suggests 10+1? Dimensions? Not sure on how many now as "science" is always changing.

22290062? ago

These symbols are used to communicate (summon) and dismiss interdimensional beings into doing your bidding or assisting in your endeavors, so long as you satisfy their desires(requests).

Thanks for replying. Where does one learn more on this topic?

22291151? ago

See comment on Allister Crowley's Lesser Key of Solomon

22296107? ago


22285720? ago

Read Aliester Crowley's Lesser Key of Solomon.

It's all there. They created Satanism/Luciferians as yet another faction for the christians to fight against in addition to the Muslims.

Hillary is a lucifarian.

Judiasm is a cover religion.

Anyone can become a Jew.

Any Jew can be a Dual Citizen here in America and in Israel.

You can have Americas Security.

Israel's child pedophilia.

And when history repeats itself.

You can move back to Israel after Ameican blood has paved the way to it being as secure as America.

22290039? ago

Thanks for the suggestion.

I have not read that yet.

22291129? ago

Well you dont have to read all of it.

Lots of repetitive bullshit. The demon names aren't to be trusted.

Neither are all of his directions on how it works, summing and dismissing.

So i would never suggest using his instructions, those are the fools gold traps that lead to what you see in series lland movies about people fucking around wuth "dark" forces.

There are Evil good Neutral and apathetic 4D beings, including ourselves. None have any power over us or our 3D bodies.

But once you open a gateway you basically turn on a street light calling any beings to harass tou, because they desire the 7 deadly sins, they have little to no control when they share a vessel with us, and not being stonger than them leads to possession.

22296091? ago

But once you open a gateway you basically turn on a street light calling any beings to harass you, because they desire the 7 deadly sins,

Yeah, I wouldn’t indulge in summoning acts. Not even, ’just to see’.

I’m not naive enough to believe there isn’t something bigger out there. A fundamental rule of life applies here: Don’t fuck with people you don’t know.

22297955? ago

Mess with the dark forces your likely to end up like Cedric Diggory, who? Harry Potter and the Tri-Wizard tournament..

22297997? ago

22285701? ago

Its why they use the star of raphiem on their flags.

Then US Politicians can wear the us/Isreal flag.

This is called flagrant symbolism in the face of the goyim.

Anyone who bears this symbol is fasttracked through politics.

Gets away with pedophilia and murder.

And run the world as we know it. Indirectly as intended in the Protocols of Zion.

22274954? ago

Father - Trump

Pride - Barron

Lust - Ivanka

Envy - Donald Jr

Greed - Kushner

Wrath - Hannity

Gluttony - Eric

Sloth - Q

Edward Elric - Bernie

Alphonse Elric - Yang

Roy Mustang - Biden

Hawkeye - Warren

22275542? ago

Roy Mustang... BIDEN? LOOOL More like Shou Tucker!

22285839? ago

The people have spoken and the downvotes are ahead.

This needs a poll made for who fits what best hehe

22274795? ago

Looks like the tongues on the lions from the Lions Club - it’s probably Hebrew symbols.

22275272? ago

Just shows you haven't dig into symbolism enough. The surface layer: Noes, it's satanic. The middle layer: Noes, that's power. The inner layer: Free choice.

22285831? ago

What we do with it though...

22274986? ago

Jews and Hebrews did not create these symbols, they stole this from Babylon.

Hense the entire lack of such symbols in their religion "Judaism".

The words can be replaced or left out entirely and the oroborous and 6 pointed star predate abrahamic religions and their corresponding languages.

22275622? ago


22275001? ago

I don’t respect you or your opinion

22275078? ago

Truth hurts. Opinions are shit.

Ill find you the book that shows Hebrew Plagiarized the Magic and ideas for the Abrahamic religions directly from the Cuneiform Tablets, by all modern scientific dating happened before Jews or Hebrews built their Temples. Digging the video of the book now.

How did a small nomadic horde 13 tribes. Manage to go from Nomadic Invaders for.decades aka generations. Then they suddenly masterer marbel working and stone cutting to build temples without any experience at all...

All to perfection...

Because they used a couple simple symbols and the power all humans have.

They seek to covet and horde this knowledge. Because it eliminates the need for manual labor, then without a golem slave workforce they would run out of virgin boys to fuck.

22274797? ago

The antlers on top I mean

22274750? ago

Youmean the fictional country of Amestris? Are you seeing dead people too?

22274760? ago

The USA is Amestris.

Dont you get it?

This has all happened before, it will all happen again...

22274899? ago

Funny how “Don’t you get it” often means “I’m in over my head and drowning”

22298030? ago

I meant the writer of FMA was telling a true story. Not a scifi fantasy.

22274557? ago

Could it be that black males such as him are actually demons being controlled to do the evil bidding of the masters who hate Humans??

22274545? ago

Yup. Excellent thread on IET twatter about all this. Excellent digging by anons there...

You got an upvoat. He was [their] guy, it would appear.

22274959? ago

So was Trump

22274535? ago

Very interesting because since the rape allegations he really stayed out of the public eye so he wasn’t someone I think of BUT you don’t get famous without selling out.

22274581? ago

He was a protected asset. Like Mr House of Cards...

22274618? ago

Had to be

22274691? ago

Protected assets have projected marketing values in the greater than billion dollar range.

Most get suicided long before.

But I dont see any bodies.

Nobody died this is a distraction from impeachment fiasco.

22275259? ago

Absolutely whether he died or not you’re absolutely right. Weirdly though he’s not a big enough name to really hold the media for long. It will take a head of State to distract.

22275617? ago

“ Weirdly though he’s not a big enough name to really hold the media for long. It will take a head of State to distract.”

Kek!!!! Ok boomer, you go ahead and pay close attention to the news cycle for the next week and check back in. Lol.

22278570? ago

You do understand that just because the media drones on about something for a couple of weeks doesn't REMOTELY mean that their narrative is holding public attention. Which IS entirely the point of the exercise.

Kobe gets a few days, tops. And even that is pushing it.

22285730? ago

Tomorrow is my Districts Republican Meeting. I got to keep my mouth shut but im making a great story that will be told after I am in office. Goats won't be forgotten.

I may be the Antichrist.