22284577? ago

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22284210? ago

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew


22280286? ago

Great Post. <

22280114? ago

Thanks for killing this traitor Q. The government is clean. The crop has been harvested. This will awaken the masses.

22279891? ago

So Q killed him?

22279875? ago

Explain the significance of the date. He didn't die on Nov 16th. Why does that matter?

22279893? ago

Are you retarded??? Q post Nov 16, 2019. Episode of Kobe dying in Helo crash Nov 16, 2016.

22282627? ago

OK, was not clear from the infographic. I had no idea there was a television show.

22279612? ago

Family Proud?

GEMATRIA Decode of POTUS tweet > Receive "Misspelled" as 'Recieve' > Coded Message and Q Proof > Family Proud?


22278954? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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22278639? ago

Hunt or be hunted - told by jews to a negro, appealing to the chip on his shoulder from birth - manipulated and now kaput

22278406? ago

So how many kids did Kobe diddle? Is that why he got snuffed out?

22286708? ago

Those are my thoughts.

22280155? ago

Lots. Yes. <

22278312? ago

This will tell you a very different story about Kobe. I believe he was a good person who crossed the wrong person in the wrong people in the cabal. he wouldn't play ball with them so to speak.


22278166? ago


One interpretation:

Refers to James Comey's true loyalty is to Y and a message for him that he's not out of the woods, his stuck in the middle. His 'loyalty' won't protect him from Y, and he is a treasonous, seditious traitor.

(Kobe has nothing to do with "Treason. Sedition.")

Hunters (plural) become the hunted. Comey was a hunter, now he's is one of many hunters being hunted.

He was all in the news in August 2019 (referred for prosecution and then it was declined) He shouldn't be too confident that he's safe either from future prosecution, and NOT being in jail in the meantime is no guarantee of anything, regardless of how loyal he is to his DS masters.

Was Q using the fate of Epstein as an example of how DS removes a liability, regardless of "loyalty"?

How do you remove a liability?

Six o' clock can be dangerous.

Epstein was found unresponsively dead at 6:30 am ET, what happened at 6:00 am? He was clearly a liability.

Now the first part of Q3599, referring to crop, is murky (to me)

The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.

This old Q749 is disturbing, seems to refer to MKULTRA

Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Sound familiar?

Wonder where they derived that idea from.


22280175? ago

That is a very good response Fren.

The Family Proud part is the clincher. <

22279170? ago

What do you understand by Y?

22280019? ago

I was thinking that Y refers to the puppet masters. All the puppets serve them. https://qmap.pub/read/133

22280681? ago

SerialBrain2 has been banging on about Family Y and the 93 Cult.

Somewhere it was suggested Soros had replaced Family Y

Y represents the two horned God the bull the goat Baphomet, the old religions which still indulge in human sacrifice and which beliefs and practices run through families,

I also got the impression that Family Y Cult 93 had dealings with ailens/lizzard people [who might be the ultimate decision makers a la David Icke] Fear lowers the frequency and allows them to break through into our visible spectrum

.Rumour. I'm struggling with it all. That's why I asked you. Thanks.

22281439? ago

Some interesting info on Owl symbolism https://www.richardcassaro.com/uncovering-the-secret-owl-society/

Caption for pic: The National Press Club is said to have been established in 1908 by thirty-two newspapermen. Their logo features a large owl perched on a book in front of the capitol building.

The NPC is said to have been established in Washington DC in 1908, soon after elites and journalists on the West Coast established the Bohemian Club. Most presidents have lectured here, and both Carter and Reagan announced their candidacies for president here.

“Through its doors have come presidents, premiers, kings and queens, Cabinet secretaries, senators and House members, movie stars and sports heroes, titans of business and finance – just a who’s who of the 20th and the 21st centuries. Here they have found a willing audience of reporters waiting to grill them with questions, interpret what they say and send the news around the world.”

—National Press Club website

Mystical symbolism in NPC’s logo reveals influence from Bohemian Grove’s Owl Shrine. But is there a link? If so, what exactly is the connection?

Unlike the Bohemian Grove, there are no known “occult” ceremonies attached to the NPC. However, unique and mysterious owl symbolism is certainly present here.

Enemy of the people ;) Coincidence? https://www.thenation.com/article/world/doomsday-clock-100-seconds/ (I don't know, just happened upon the link).

22281260? ago

Somewhere it was suggested Soros had replaced Family Y

https://qmap.pub/read/189 mentions that

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y))

But "Y" is not obsolete because of Soros

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y)

https://qmap.pub/read/142 NOTE that Soros replaced lower case family "y" (Rockefeller I believe)

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

https://qmap.pub/read/184 Follow the Owl & Y Head

22281980? ago


22279107? ago

Six o' clock can be dangerous.

The helicopter departed John Wayne Airport at 9:06 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, which would be around six o' clock EST.

22280495? ago

There is no point in the day when it's not "around six o' clock" in two time zones.

22280389? ago

9:06 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, which would be around six o' clock EST.

No, EST is 3 hours ahead of PST, not earlier. So 9:06 a.m. PST is 12:06 pm EST.

However UTC 6:00 PM (Not am), is PST 10:00 am

22280459? ago

Holy smoke I am stupid, thanks for the correction. Too much work, too little sleep...

22280658? ago

np, I know the feeling

22280179? ago

Mirrored that is 6:09. <

22277926? ago

Nice way to slide QRV. Go buy thew The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Hunt or Be Hunted Acrylic Cup. That term has shown up for hundreds of years. You can buy one from a Patriot Store today. While you are there might as well buy a SECOND AMENDMENT & DON'T TREAD ON ME APPAREL as well. Loyal Mind Apparel who began in 1776.

22277902? ago

Either way, not a BBall fan, didn't know him personally, couldn't really care less. Not being mean, just honest. It just doesn't affect me in the least.

22280523? ago

How can your world not be rocked by the death of a guy who throws a ball through a ring? It's pretty silly, but your fellow Qultists appear to be in quite a tizzy over it.

22277862? ago

I find it amusing that everyone who is complaining that this just can't be anything other than a tragic accident ignore the video/cartoon from 2016 and just shrug their shoulders. They call me a conspiracy theorist ... i call them idiots.

22281646? ago

I also call them deniers

Their brain can't handle the reality, so they put this fake reality in their mind.

22280127? ago

Had a friend stay with me the last couple of days.

He is a young guy (23) and into basketball.

The Kobe news came out, and he watched me do a big decode in real time, and I showed him the cartoon from 2016, the q posts, as well as all the information on Lebron James and his Satanism.

Also showed him the Bill Clinton material connecting Kobe and BC.

Outcome: He was too wigged out to stay, and had to leave before his stay was up.

He was totally Rick rolled, and peeling out.

Thinks I am the crazy one!

22280085? ago

Not "tragic" at all. But if you think this was accurately predicted by a cartoon, you've got some screws loose.

22280242? ago

Trump's ride down the escalator in The Simpsons?

22280696? ago

Because no one had ever heard of a "Trump", he wasn't constantly asked about running for president, and no one who knows him had ever heard of that cartoon episode...

Any other mysteries you want explained?

22277670? ago

This is a parody of someone connecting Q dots, right?

22277451? ago

Anyone got the clip from that skit that depicted Kobe in the helicopter crash? Would like to see it. Also... drawing correlations like this is ridiculous. With this logic I could probably connect my morning turd to a Q post.

22277422? ago

I think it’s pretty compelling.

We can accept that the elites are satanic psychopaths; why is it out of the realm of possibility that their puppets commit self-sacrifice?

Why are shills going nuts?

22280067? ago

Because they want Q to just go away.

Bwhahaha! Not gonna happen.

22280066? ago

I think it’s pretty compelling.

Points and laughs.

22277608? ago

Was probably a sacrifice to draw the attention away from peachmints

22280029? ago

Hence public conception

22277346? ago

Why would a basketball American have to do with anything?

At least he's not raping white women anymore.

22278847? ago

Because his teammate LeBron has been consorting with the Chinese. LeBron just passed Kobe's record. Bill Clinton met with LeBron the day before this happened. All sorts of things that make you go, "Huh?"

Is it related? Not sure ... yet.

But the 'MUH THAT'S BEEN DEBUNKED" OR "MUH YOU ARE ALL NUTS FOR THINKING" crowd just can't help themselves.

Or -- they are AI or Bots

22280653? ago

Bill Clinton met with LeBron the day before this happened.

He met him. He didn't 'meet' with him.

He did meet with Trump in Aug 2018 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/qanon-trump-white-house-meeting-michael-lionel-lebron-conspiracy-theory-paedophile-ring-a8507766.html

LeBron was reported to be a Q supporter.

(notice current events pic at bottom of article, Kobe memorial) If Kobe's death had anything to do with anything conspiratorial, it would be (imo) be a warning to someone like LeBron.

LeBron and Hillary 2014 http://archive.is/FVTif

22280193? ago

Not debunked. This is The Game now. <

22277251? ago

Not a coincidence. It does appear K was involved in some way, maybe even reluctantly. Thus, if true, put him low on the totem pole, and a possible weak link, now resolved.

Q did say many would be names people will recognize and be surprised by.

22278797? ago

And wasn't there a report that Bill Clinton met with Lebron the day before? CF seems to always be in the background on these things. So to the shills, maybe you should take a step back. Guys like Kobe were low on the totem pole, like you are. Stuff happens to useful idiots when no longer useful.

22280079? ago

BC Boom. <

22277319? ago

His T-shirt wording is no coincidence.

22277991? ago

Really? You now how many of those shirts get sold every year? LOYAL NINE APPAREL sold about 800 last year of the hunt or be hunted and that is just one shop. You guys are starting to be crazier than Adam Shifty.

22279769? ago

Truth be told.

22277211? ago

Was Kobe a Hunter?

Seems stretchy to me.

22277149? ago

Why do you wigiwagaougabouga people care about this nigger?

22280269? ago

Because he is connected to Lebron James the Satanist, child rapist, and pedophile. <

22277033? ago

lol You people could make a conspiracy out of a grain of sand. I call BULLSHIT yet again.

22280276? ago

You are dumb as dog shit.

22280293? ago

Ha!! You just lost the debate. “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” ― Socrates

22280309? ago

You keep telling yourself that.

22280316? ago

Loser. lol

22280365? ago

QAnon baked a whole loaf of lies March 10 2018 alone.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

How many times have you brainwashed Q-tist's predicted it's coming? Too many times to count.

What’s supposed to happen? Absolutely NOTHING.

But as Q would say, enjoy the show.

You folks are being Larp'd by the DS Illuminati Cabal.

Red October – FAIL,

Sessions – FAIL.

Mattis - FAIL.

Kelly - FAIL.

Huber - FAIL.


Obama in GITMO – FAIL

Hillary in GITMO – FAIL

Brennan in GITMO – FAIL

Clapper in GITMO – FAIL

Stzrok in GITMO – FAIL

Page in GITMO – FAIL

Steele in GITMO – FAIL

Baker in GITMO – FAIL

Lynch in GITMO - FAIL

Q-anon Update 12/3/2018 THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE – HUBER FISA Doc release - FAIL

Wednesday, December 5, often presented as #D5.- FAIL

1-1-19: National Emergency. FAIL

Hey Q - How is everyone going to celebrate the 11-11-2018 failed prediction?

Needless to say, none of what Q predicted in his first 3500+ posts took place. The National Guard was never called up, mass arrests never took place, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta weren’t detained, Donald Trump never sent a tweet mentioning “The Storm,” and the Emergency Alert System wasn’t activated.

22281913? ago

Soon. <

22279248? ago

the trouble is that so many things that once were unimaginable, much less anything anyone would actually do. False flags, Cuba, Tonkin, 911, Mena drug and gun running, JFK, infiltration everywhere and now the prdovore and human sacrifice stuff

22279909? ago

“We didn’t start the fire, it was always burnin since the worlds been turning.” There, I finished it for you.

22277905? ago

It's incredibly easy to dismiss something. No one gives a fuck about your dismissal faggot, have a wonderfuld ay.

22277923? ago

If you didn't care then you wouldn't of commented. lol

22276963? ago

Q has had convincing proofs. This is not one of them.

22280138? ago


This is one of THE Best ones.

22280131? ago

Oh, c'mon. Let's play along with their moronic beliefs and lead them even further into insanity!

Say, I read a riddle on the internet back in the 80s that... Okay, I can't do it right now. Maybe some LSD would help me get into the Q mindset.

22276912? ago

Y'all need a psychologist, a psychiatrist, Jesus, and a strong dose of reality.

22276893? ago

He was either a Satanist or he was used by Satanists and he didn’t even know it.

22280018? ago

Sacrificed by Lebron James. <

22280028? ago

Have you ever heard of puff pieces? Reputation managers? The nigger is reading a script, and you think it's real...

22276868? ago


Literally in the middle of WW3, white race on the edge of extinction and there are motherfuckers posted retarded horoscope messages and then interpreting them to mean anything. All for no reason whatsoever because the interpretations require ZERO involvement in outcome and nobody knows what the fuck they mean until after they can be "interpreted" to be linked to some event after the fact.


22280035? ago

That's why they're in a cult.

22278795? ago

I feels ya, breh. It's almost like the best thing would be to just vote Ilhan Omar in now, so she can ramp up the nigrification of America starting with today's numbers while whites finally get so uncomfortable they start creating their own justice until it becomes a movement that can't be stopped.

Otherwise, another 4 years of Trump with another 4 years of somalians breeding like rats, then another 8-12 years of Trump-like figures to promise that the problem will be fixed, while somalians breed like rats.

By the time whitey does anything, there'll be that first round of somalians that were bred during the Trump years ready to fight, along with all the new imports.

22279434? ago

Here's the real fake news,

NEWS: We hate Drumpf, but the economy is booming!

REALITY: The news keeps telling me everything is better than before, but every single place I look and every single thing I see in real life is getting increasingly worse. More homeless every month. More niggers every month. More people attacking people in the street every month. More unconstitutional laws passed every month without anyone doing anything to stop it.

QRV FAGGOTS: Holy shit, the latest horoscope reading says that because Qew the Jew posted a + symbol that must be related to helicopter blades and thus...

22280050? ago

These people are possibly worse than niggers. Enemy within the gates...

22281220? ago

If I was a betting man, Kikes bought this forum and created this "anonymous" forum so they could attempt to trick people visiting voat to fall for this, "just follow the plan" bullshit and keep them from discussing real problem and attempting to come up with actual solutions.

I'd wager 75% of posters on here are just JIDF Jews sitting back at HQ talking to each other and laughing at how stupid the goyim are.

22281404? ago

Voat was around before they existed. They started elsewhere, then moved here. They may be other places too. But I suspect this whole "riddler on the roof internet" operation is part reelection campaign, and part support for the jewish op to steal the USA franchise from its current owners-operators.

There's no question that Trump is jew-owned. He was mentored for years by one of the most despicable and corrupt jews in NYC, then Trump sold his entire family to the jews. (all adult children married jews) jews financed his campaign. He's appointed hundreds of jews to advise and support him. (only a slight exaggeration) Anyway, the list of his jewish behaviors and connections goes on and on.

Qultists pretty much "proved" that Q is directly associated with Trump. Draw your own conclusions.

22282933? ago

Trump is a dickless wonder. Where the fuck was he when the Virginia governor said tax paying citizens were not allowed to use their 2nd amendment right or walk into the capitol building, the very building the citizens taxes built. The citizens couldn't go into a building because some foreign dictator who hates law abiding Americans decided public property was now his personal property.

If Trump had a single testical, he would have strapped an AR-15 to his back and walked right through that fencing and straight into the capital and directly into the governor's office with a legion of law abiding tax paying citizens behind him. That's what a leader would do, not some snivelling cunt who waits for Netenyahoo to queef his next commands.

22283221? ago

If Trump was a dickless wonder, then what would have been the point in dating his hot daughter...? But to force us to vote for Trump again, they're going to run an actual insane person against him.

22278763? ago

ahhh, ran out of cookies and milk?


22280057? ago


What a retard.

22279392? ago

To attempt to wake people the fuck up.

22280055? ago

Won't work.

Here have some Gematria. >

All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5 - 'o-o' < > VOLUME 2


22277098? ago

You make it sound like we're allowed one post per day on here and we've just spent our ammo unwisely. This is huge news, not sure if it's warranted or not, and whenever the media spends a lot of time focusing on something or someone, there's usually fuckery afoot...

22280031? ago

Oh it's big alright. <

22277219? ago

I can only read a couple "if wild association X is true, the world is on rails" posts before I tune out

22287836? ago


22278771? ago

buh byeee

again - Why are you here?

22279425? ago

Were here trying to show you fucking idiots that Qew the Jew is a massive waste of fucking time. If his horoscope predictions come true regardless of your involvement, then it serves NO purpose whatsoever. We have a real fucking problem fren and we need more people to start to realize that it's going to take more than reading horoscopes and tea leaves. What, I have no idea, but at a minimum, wasting time on this only helps other morons to waste time on this instead of doing something useful.

22280036? ago

Then fuck off somewhere else.

22281247? ago

Deflection, a trick of the Jew. You don't even pretend to address the problems I bring to you. No mention of how this is useful or why anyone should waste 10 seconds on this nonsense, no you just want to deflect as quick as possible because YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT.

Keep inbreeding Kikes, it honestly might be the only chance the goyim have at freeing themselves from slavery at this point.

22281284? ago


Using time dilating looking glass technology.

Q is confusing The Enemy, and terrifying them to say the least. Playing with (((them))) like a Cheshire Cat plays with a ball of string, or a stunned rodent. Demonrats.

The cryptic nature of Q, makes this deadly "Game" more appealing to Normies, as it creates curiosity.

The Plan is all ticking along nicely Fren, and I am feeling comfy as fuck frankly.

Pass me the Popcorn.

22281325? ago

The cryptic nature of Q, makes this deadly "Game" more appealing to Normies, as it creates curiosity.

It wastes people's time on something completely and utterly pointless that serves NO purpose, when people should be finding a purpose as we are reaching a critical point.

Does a tree falling in the woods make a sound if nobody hears it? Does knowing of the existence of Qew the Jew make any difference on the outcome of his horoscopes?

22281409? ago

So you admit it's a Fait Accompli?

An accomplished, presumably irreversible deed or fact.

A fact accomplished; a thing done; a scheme already carried into execution.


An accomplished fact, something that has already occurred; a done deal.


22282947? ago

For anyone still wasting time following this particular thread, you see that response? Yes, that is why you shouldn't inbreed.

22283711? ago

You are scared as fuck of me. <

22284504? ago

Truly, nail on the head.

Wait, nail could mean nale, which is a Egyption term for horse and head is another word for bathroom. Bathroom are were people take shits, OMG, "horse shit", I've deciphered the hidden code! Yay, all the worlds problems have been solved!

22284666? ago

22279592? ago



22279632? ago

You Jews and your diversion tactics. What's got you worried, people might realize what a ridiculous farce this is and you'll lose one more method of distraction?

22276687? ago

oy vey does his jewish handlers get all of his stuff in the will?

22276644? ago

How many dimensions can autism have?

22280144? ago

Plenty. <

22276613? ago

Were the other 9 something you could justify? Just collateral damage?

22278869? ago

DS doesn't care about collateral damage. Multiple people have been killed just because they were on the wrong plane with the wrong person. The Malaysian flight. Ron Brown's flight. many others. So this is a non sequiter. We aren't people to the DS. We are just "useless eaters" - so who cares how many get killed in a virus pandemic, on a plane, in a mall? The end goal is depopulation. You are just in the way.

22279890? ago

Any good speculation in that Malaysian flight? What did the anons come up with on that one?

22280210? ago

They stole it, repainted and repurposed it, to then be used in the Ukraine Plane crash.

Same plane. <

22280370? ago

What about the passengers?

22280994? ago

Likely enslaved, either in DUMBs or off world. <

Or 187d.

Patents for remote control of Planes? Rothschild received the patent when all the others died?

Ghislain Maxwell mentioned MH370 in a presentation pertaining to her Terra Marr Project.


This shit stinks to high heaven. <

I am digging on this stuff. MH370, Ukraine plane crash, Iran plane crash recently.

All are connected, I know it.

22282217? ago

What the fuck

22282242? ago

I know right?

22279117? ago

Right... and they're the bad guys, aren't they?

Is it your suggestion that decent people emulate the wicked?

There's is not the way.

22277280? ago

Still waiting on a passenger listing. Perhaps there's more to the story.

22276604? ago

It is the annunaki cross. Just like Walmart, fed ex office, medic symbol etc

22276485? ago

what the fuck.

Either life is scripted like the Truman show or Trump/Q has a looking glass. Someone help me understand this shit, please.

22280974? ago

I came here to say that ... WHAT THE FUCK ... I don’t like most Q proofs, but Jesus

22280612? ago

I think the Cabal is going to try

blaming Q...

22279983? ago

We are looking into the past, the future and the present, to obtain information.


22279912? ago

He spent a lot of time in helicopters. Hence the joke.

22276691? ago

Project Looking Glass.

22279349? ago

Can we get a link to start? Google/DDG link to some Linux software with the same name.

22276449? ago

yes douche. a coincidence.

22277079? ago

Except a douche has more use than OP.

22276444? ago

What's up with the Y? This symbol is a new one? Is it a dragonfly, a pyramid from an orbital perspective, or something else?

22276850? ago

The Pyramids are 8 sided even though at first glance they appear 4 sided.

22280232? ago

Correct. <

22277025? ago

How so?

22277072? ago

You forgot about the 4 interior sides. And the bottom, so I guess that means they're 10 sided.

22277153? ago

Jesus, I hope you're kidding.

22278420? ago

10 sides plus 5 interior vertices = 15. 15 in Gematria is "Cafe." Everyone knows Cafe obviously refers to Starbucks, and Starbucks in Gematria = 576. Know what else is 576?

"Melania Trump" also, "The Seed of Adolf Hitler" and "The Secret Son"

I think it's pretty clear that Melania Trump is a tranny and secretly the son of Adolf Hitler.

22287748? ago

You've cracked the code. It can't be a coincidence. Commence with the final solution.

22280249? ago

You are a fuckwit. <


22277014? ago

Good catch. This symbol would be 2 tetrahedra merging, as seen from above- rather than a singular octohedran.

22276477? ago

Horns of baphomet

22280223? ago

And Goat of Mendes. <

22276438? ago

Yes. It is a coincidence. And not a very compelling one, either.

22277977? ago

Yes, totally a coincidence including the cartoon of Kobe dying in a helicopter that was aired EXACTLY 3 years prior to that Q post

22281623? ago

or he dies when his record was beaten

I think it was on the same day or next day! wtf!

22279140? ago


22279193? ago

the pic in this thread, the left side meme. Nov 16 2016 was the cartoon, Nov 16 2019 was the Q post

22279981? ago

My God! I'm dumbstruck by such an impossible coincidence. And November was only TWO months ago!!!! Speaking of TWO, he and his daughter died in that crash, which is a coincidence that's mathemagically impossible!

I am amazed at how dumb some of you are. Maybe get out and have more experiences so you'll have a legitimate basis to evaluate things you see and hear? Nah, "Q" will supply you with everything you need to know about life. It's too bad you missed the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, because that cult leader would have really rocked your world.

22286677? ago

You're kind of an idiot.😁

22287307? ago

Makes perfect sense. I didn't join the cult that's out to destroy my race and my country, but you did, so I'm the idiot. I can see you took that "think logically" command to heart.

22280006? ago

All over it Fren. <

22276222? ago


22276179? ago
