22263476? ago

In the Greek and Hebrew, Thou shall not commit adultery, adulteration, mixing, miscegenation. Race mixing is a violation of the commandment. In the Hebrew, bastard means to alienate, a mongrel. Read all the occurrences of mixed or mingled people. Philippians 2:15 That you may be blameless and unmixed, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the middle of a crooked and perverse race, among whom you shine as lights in the world.

22262073? ago

Wish you fucking Nazi scabs would start your own sub.

Collectively you're like the assholes who rip off Ben Garrison's work, modifying them to make them anti-semitic. You're completely incapable of making a palatable argument so you parasite off others and try to leech their credibilty for yourselves.

Qanons have nothing to do with you Nazi fucks.

22270264? ago

i find your use of the word 'parasite' to be anti-semitic

22265289? ago

Spotted the kike!

22260978? ago

That .4 trace North African is from getting banged out

22261609? ago

Her social media is nonsense and tiresome, a lot of people leave their media open, you see events, places, what they visit, likes, places where they check-in, a bunch of old fat Blacks shaking their ass to some hiphop disco bullshit and a fat African tranny male trying to sing like a woman https://www.facebook.com/cassidy.lafleur.90/videos/560168954787480/ , https://www.facebook.com/shares/view?id=10157717210279894&av=100008464838984

22261279? ago

That fruit fly study? the DNA of every men they've ever slept , a process called micro-chimerism https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=172114753

22261978? ago

It only applies if she became pregnant with the first guy's kid. The fetal DNA becomes part of the mother's DNA.

22260550? ago

Bet you she is butt ugly without her pound of makeup on.

22261409? ago

If the profile is real she is very vain woman, maybe whores online & shit ton of social media. She paid a lesbo artist Jenny Stout to portrait her disney mickeymouse cgi princess style, Cassidy R La Fleur in California

22259716? ago

More than 100k yrs. Likely millions.

22260350? ago

A boring cam whore with fake colored hair from Commiefornia ... what makes you guys say real men would want this mindless air head. https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/3625655/22256152 ? The New Dawn comes.... In an age of Iron all she can be used for the love toy of pleasure, is a Concubine or brothel servant? @Dark_Shroud @somebody112 ? @Splooge @metricisokay @Xantha ... brainwashed to whore i guess....

22260383? ago

if real.... California explains @Tyrone_Biggums @whitesrbetter @The_Oogie .... wastng tie now with interweb fag drama

22262101? ago

Say that to my face and not behind a number.

Sincerely, the_oogie.

22259621? ago

I love how anti mixed race this movement is. It's the REEEEEEE of the far right. Genes over character yes that will get you changing the world.

And yeah I get it about the problems of forced or politically manipulated mass migrations to destroy unifying notions of culture. The leftist kumbayas do nothing good for the world either.

Critical thinking is king.

22260187? ago

Why won't Jews and Saudi open their borders and race mix with Bangladesh type, North Koreans, the Iranians, the people of Mexico, Bantu Negroids and other Races and Cultures?

22259884? ago

Yet you'll NEVER criticize Chinese who only want to date Chinese, and the same for every other ethnic group on earth except for whites.

"Critical thinking is king"....it's obvious you haven't practiced any. No one said a word about "genes changing the world", retard. You then criticize the left and offer no position of your own.

22259711? ago

Yup but it's way funnier to mock them for their absence of critical thinking, their free will in action blinds them willingly and [knowingly] to their own hubris.

22259437? ago

Every woman with halfbreeds laments it.

22261474? ago

There was an old new report of an older woman, same family name Lafleur walking crazy ass naked through some store ... model page https://www.modelmayhem.com/friends/view_friends/4029563/0/5 they look like street hookers

22260762? ago

A mixed race wont solve all the worlds problems, maybe even wont fix anything you will just have a new mutt breed and another caste system, people will divide and exploit by class and town instead of race

22260012? ago

Race mixing is old they did it in Babylon, in Yemen, in Egypt, in Arabia, in India, in Libya, it is nothing new, today Brazil had a murder rate of 29.2 Venezuela in 2018, a rate of 81.4 Theodore Roosevelt: After visiting Brazil in 1913 he wrote an article in Outlook magazine. In his article he talks about how the Brazilian Negro is disappearing replaced by a new mongrel brown tanned negroid Latin type, mulatto the casta zambo the mestizo, sociedade de castas, the Goblinas.

22259169? ago

That's the problem with white people these days. They think it's "progressive" to work against the existence of their own gene pool.

22259954? ago

It’s a symptom of propaganda over decades by the Bolshevik Jews. 1917. 1965. Notable dates.

22261668? ago

She looks like a Low IQ airhead, a 'doll' face that sells her ass.

22271326? ago

Anyone who believes Whites are the bane of all evil and actively engages in the spreading of such propaganda are low IQ by default. They don’t deserve their god blessed white ancestry.

22259820? ago

I found the attention whore bitch, she seems real, she is addicted to lipstick, hair, make up, her real face is a bit drained and sulken, sometimes she looks very nordic white others she seems a bit more balkan or greek in other pics so the hair color is probably dyed and un-natural. Her normal face is sinking in like a junkie or she has these weird bloated reddish face pics, she wants to have that tv/movie look and the make up fills her face out, i guess she is skilled at putting her own 'make up' on, she seems to have pix of some half breed mongrel kid i will assume is hers. She maybe whored herself out, set her account private recently, insta nigga gram cassidy lafleur

22259289? ago

Exactly. It's pretty amazing how stupid.

22258706? ago

If you think she has an attitude now, wait until the black dude leaves her. Not a single white guy is going to touch her or want to be the cuck paying the raise her two halffrican kids. Then she's going to pout about how racist we all are. I've seen that on dating sites before. Dumbass!

22260309? ago

Hell A or Commiefornia?

800 selfie photos

Being Liberal, I fucking love science, Left Of Liberal, Humans Of Africa, Darrion, Jordan Peterson's Neverneverland Ranch for High IQ Lost Boys, Man who has it all, Making White Dudes Type Paragraphs, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Science Memes, Ally Henny, D U M B B I T C H J U I C E, Do you even Science, Bro, Hungry Owl Project, jejuneart, March And Rally Los Angeles

Being Liberal


Town of Eureka? ....there is also a www.pinterest cassidy_lafleur/ not sure if the same

22259840? ago

To the heavens, or in half-baked women's mags, she will exclaim "where are all the good men!?!?!"

22259709? ago

How do we know its not a old male pajeet behind the keyboard, is this a real person or some fake interweb hotgirl reddit account .... not that I doubt some Western women are this fucked in the head and love to virtue signal over some BS race ethno masochism agenda.

22261815? ago

She's real.

22258660? ago

It's not destruction.

It's evolution.

22259849? ago

IQ has nothing to do with reproductive ability.

Inferior species go extinct

22259885? ago

people fucked like rabbits on Easter island that didnt stop them from dying out, tell me ... when the next super SARS or super AIDs hits, how are the nations with no technology going to fight it, will they fight a virus with sex voodoo magic or some other dumb shit?

22259971? ago

people fucked like rabbits on Easter island that didnt stop them from dying out

They lived on a tiny ass island and ran out of resources quickly.

will they fight a virus with sex voodoo magic or some other dumb shit

Mixed race offspring have stronger immune systems than white ones. Notice how the black plague killed off 1/3 of whites, while barely making a dent in Africa.

22260094? ago

The plague killed fuck all in Africa because Africa didnt even have cities or even roads, Africa had NOTIHNG just plains, huts and jungle, when White people went there Whites seen a bunch of naked negroids chucking spears, with Asians and Europes and the Natives of the Americas have already mixed, they have many other ethnicity and tribes for thousands of years they do have gene mixtures. It is Africa who has the both most and both the least diverse gene depending on which pool you examine, the African Genome Variation Project analysed this, some Negro and Congoid types are very inbred, others mixed with other tribes, a proportion introgressed genes they received by archaic admixture both inside and outside of Africa, its possible Jews or people from India or Egyptians have have been fucking around there in ancient times, Negroid tribes also attacked, raped, killed and bred with other Negros for thousands of years.

22258602? ago

22259208? ago

He donated 10 million of his own money to charity. I don't see many people doing that, so I'll give her a pass!

22259277? ago

Didn't know that, don't know much about him.

22258731? ago

Who cares? She's trailer trash. You'll only find trailer trash mating with the groids, by and large.

However, this guy's a hockey player. He may be a decent human being unlike your average football and niggerball player. So I will keep an open mind for the time being.

22260658? ago

Just because he may be a decent human being does not excuse race-mixing. It is NEVER justified.

22262139? ago

I can handle it so long as it doesn't become too much of a trend. What is it lefties say about abortion? Something about wanting it to be safe, legal and rare?

Ditto here.

22270110? ago

they lied

22261442? ago

Well that's Anti-American af. Want your cake?...

We are MAGA. You are NOT.

22262132? ago

Having money excludes you from being considered trash?

22259922? ago

He's from around my way and though i dont know him personally its known around here that he's a black dude who grew up in a good family (pretty sure hes adopted by a white family) and around white suburbanites. If you were to listen to an interview he talks like a white guy

22259308? ago

How do you know she's trailer trash?

22262123? ago

Who else would marry a nigger?

22260220? ago

instagram whore if not total trash

22260732? ago

Not surprised, was just curious.