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She's actually pretty average looking without the makeup on. See cancer link here: Her profile also states that isn't her natural hair color, she states her real hair color as a 'medium brown'. The green/hazel eyes are kind of rare, but the rest of the package isn't. So don't anyone get too blackpilled, most of what you're seeing is cosmetic products and time in front of a mirror.
93% of Whites marry/have kids within their race. Of the remaining 7% that marry outsiders----- 3% are White/Hispanic, 1% are White/East Asian, and the final 3% is everything else (White/Black, White/Multiracial, White/American Indian, etc).
California and Hawaii are the leading states for inter-marriage. The deep south, midwest/greatlakes, and northern great plains have the lowest inter-marriage rates.
Somewhat ironically, Jews have been bitten hardest by their own race-mixing propaganda and there are now (((concern initiatives))) to persuade Jews to stop marrying mudshits and 'destroying God's chosen people'. Israel itself actually has a 'night watch' para-police force that goes around breaking up dates between Arab men and Jewish women.
Wasn't there some study that white women are the most ethnically loyal group in the world? White men are less loyal than the white women and had Asians as their number two choice. Which is kind of obvious when you think about it due to weeb culture and all that.
Black men are very disloyal to black women and (you guessed it) have white women as their second choice.
So basically, white women doesn't want niggers as much as niggers want them. And white men doesn't want white women as much as white women wants them.
And White women doesn't fuck as much niggers as porn and propaganda might have you think, despite being generally more pro immigration.
Israel itself actually has a 'night watch' para-police force that goes around breaking up dates between Arab men and Jewish women.
Whites should appropriate this behavior and apply it towards their people.
Also, Whites should signal against this behavior for jews. They are going into multicultural mode. All those other modes don't apply anymore. Whites should be resented by jews for their leading role in jewish development, but it must be done. Without race mixing, jews will not survive. Diversity is their greatest strength.
I like dating bowling balls. They got everything I want in a woman. Round faces and holes. Got some weight so you can throw EM around. And they don’t say I’m not hungry then eat my french fries
They have swyer syndrome. They are men with a mangina. Their bone structure is Male. Look how enomrous the shoulders are. They are also flat and not sloped.
Youre just a pussy compared to the dudes theyre supposed to be reproducing with... dont get mad if a girl is too "manly" for you
Im not saying this chick is hot, but ive def met plenty of chicks who are too tough for me to fuck. a 6'6" dude who weights over 250 though, sure he could handle that
Not always : I am a dude, I don’t dye my hair, yet my eyebrows are of a much lighter color than most of the rest — and the beard is something else altogether — may be I am just a freak.
Hey I have low self esteem! It’s n out my fault. It’s my brains fault. It won’t listen. I yell at it. That kind of works. People think I’m weird though when I’m walking by myself yelling at myself.
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The_Oogie ago
She could have had any man she wanted but chose bestiality.
SearchVoatBot ago
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Xantha ago
She's actually pretty average looking without the makeup on. See cancer link here: Her profile also states that isn't her natural hair color, she states her real hair color as a 'medium brown'. The green/hazel eyes are kind of rare, but the rest of the package isn't. So don't anyone get too blackpilled, most of what you're seeing is cosmetic products and time in front of a mirror.
93% of Whites marry/have kids within their race. Of the remaining 7% that marry outsiders----- 3% are White/Hispanic, 1% are White/East Asian, and the final 3% is everything else (White/Black, White/Multiracial, White/American Indian, etc).
California and Hawaii are the leading states for inter-marriage. The deep south, midwest/greatlakes, and northern great plains have the lowest inter-marriage rates.
Somewhat ironically, Jews have been bitten hardest by their own race-mixing propaganda and there are now (((concern initiatives))) to persuade Jews to stop marrying mudshits and 'destroying God's chosen people'. Israel itself actually has a 'night watch' para-police force that goes around breaking up dates between Arab men and Jewish women.
TGxRedPlayer ago
Do you have a source about the para-police stuff? I'd like to own libtards with it
Xantha ago
((( )))
cellgift108 ago
Wasn't there some study that white women are the most ethnically loyal group in the world? White men are less loyal than the white women and had Asians as their number two choice. Which is kind of obvious when you think about it due to weeb culture and all that.
Black men are very disloyal to black women and (you guessed it) have white women as their second choice.
So basically, white women doesn't want niggers as much as niggers want them. And white men doesn't want white women as much as white women wants them.
And White women doesn't fuck as much niggers as porn and propaganda might have you think, despite being generally more pro immigration.
steven_feelsperg ago
Whites should appropriate this behavior and apply it towards their people.
Also, Whites should signal against this behavior for jews. They are going into multicultural mode. All those other modes don't apply anymore. Whites should be resented by jews for their leading role in jewish development, but it must be done. Without race mixing, jews will not survive. Diversity is their greatest strength.
GhostCow ago
Man I wish that was average for women where I live. She's a solid 7 without makeup to me. Beautiful.
Maroonsaint ago
I wish you would shit in my yard so I could have some magic mushrooms
GhostCow ago
Fuck, good comment. I had a nice laugh
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
Oh God please don't encourage him
Goys-R-Us ago
Average without makeup? You're being pretty generous. I find her to be very unappealing.
cyclops1771 ago
She's a fucking mutt, that's why. Literally mixed breed of all kinds of tribes - Franks, Saxons, Teutons, Greeks, Celts, Britons, Danes, Serbs. Fucking gross. Tainted blood.
popsikle ago
it's not just the attractiveness, she's ok, not ugly. but her face just looks empty like there's no personality there.
Maroonsaint ago
My face looks good. I’ll bless you with it if you send me a dick pic
TroothHurts ago
Its a transgender. Women dont have such chiseled features. Women have soft round faces.
Maroonsaint ago
I like dating bowling balls. They got everything I want in a woman. Round faces and holes. Got some weight so you can throw EM around. And they don’t say I’m not hungry then eat my french fries
robot7247 ago
Even a tight fit in a bowling ball isn't something to brag about.
/helpful hint
awildbanannaphone ago
thats a chick... i know plenty of girls with that kind of face. Youre not around nordic women very often apparently
MumbleTranny ago
They have swyer syndrome. They are men with a mangina. Their bone structure is Male. Look how enomrous the shoulders are. They are also flat and not sloped.
awildbanannaphone ago
Youre just a pussy compared to the dudes theyre supposed to be reproducing with... dont get mad if a girl is too "manly" for you
Im not saying this chick is hot, but ive def met plenty of chicks who are too tough for me to fuck. a 6'6" dude who weights over 250 though, sure he could handle that
Flirp ago
Yup, when in doubt look at the eyebrows. Those are your telltale sign of the natural hair color.
Gargilius ago
Not always : I am a dude, I don’t dye my hair, yet my eyebrows are of a much lighter color than most of the rest — and the beard is something else altogether — may be I am just a freak.
Cacciaguida ago
Jews are a diaspora and outbreed to keep their numbers up.
BillyLuath ago
<1% are White/East Asian,
That's a new one for me, didn't know there was such a thing.
Magister_Of_Masks ago
sour grapes lol.
Xantha ago
Hi Jew.
Magister_Of_Masks ago
kekekekekek. Atheist actually. but same diff to you im sure
Flirp ago
How do you know someone is a faggot vegetarian?
Don't worry, just like faggot atheists they'll tell you without asking.
ForgottenMemes ago
Low self-esteem is a terrible thing.
Maroonsaint ago
Hey I have low self esteem! It’s n out my fault. It’s my brains fault. It won’t listen. I yell at it. That kind of works. People think I’m weird though when I’m walking by myself yelling at myself.
valleysunshine ago
Niggers are cool and exotic now though.
turniptruckpassenger ago
media programming.
Flirp ago
Yeah just like eating dogs, cats, koalas, bats, wolves and other incect people exotics. Exotic = 3rd world trash.