22314028? ago

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22193499? ago

I think most cops are good people but when you allow your paycheck to infringe on Americans and violate the Constitution.. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. GROW SOME BALLS AND REJECT TYRANNY!

22194997? ago

If they were good people they would arrest the crooked cops, instead they cover for them. They are not good people.

One bad apple spoils the whole bushel

22193182? ago

Police are citizens. By definition they always have the same threats. It's only a question of frequency.

Remember, if the police called, it's because someone already encountered that threat.

The biggest delusion police have is that they are not civilians. If they are not themselves, one of us, a citizen, then they are by definition a domestic terrorist group.

22192991? ago

The Militarization of the Police.

22194716? ago

That's been the plan for a long time. Get them to see us as inferior to them. Pump up their egos. Cause conflict and strife between us and them.

22192521? ago

Law Enforcement does Not rank in the top 50 dangerous jobs! Farce.

22193224? ago


"14. Police and sheriff’s patrol officers

Fatal injuries in 2016: 14.6 per 100,000 workers
Total: 108 fatal injuries, 28,740 nonfatal injuries
Most common accident: Intentional injury by other person
Median annual wage: $59,680"


22192336? ago

Citizens face Deep state gun grab raids, and need rotary cannon.

22192027? ago

Millions of violent crimes happen every year and being armed is the best preventative measure against it.

They can't say guns aren't for domestic when they are used every day as domestic protection.

22191933? ago

As a retired LEO, Citizens are facing more. Law Enforcement is a primarily reactionary force. Something happens to a citizen and LEO responds. If LEO is a reactionary, responding option, shouldn't the front line, the citizen, be more prepared?

22192847? ago

You're right, Cops dont have to live next to the maniacs on a saturday night, come home obviously alone while the maniacs take note, and the cops never have to deal with the most dangerous time of all:

when the maniacs are there and you are there... and both of you are fully aware that the cops aren't there.

22195695? ago

Yep. This exactly.

22192722? ago

Eh, bizarre argument... that’s like saying the common citizen should carry more anti-fire equipment than the fire department, or that the average citizen should carry a stretcher and defibrillator to work.

I am not arguing against the 2nd amendment rights, I just think your argument is hasty and sloppy. Need a bulletproof argument - and we have that. It’s our constitution.

22202934? ago

Don't worry. You don't need a fire extinguisher. Just sit around and watch it burn while waiting for the FD to show up.

22206714? ago

Should we have more than they do? Every single human being should have a better equipped fire truck? A larger hose? More resistant suit? A better, more expensive respirator and a thicker boot? Every age group? You’re missing my point and assuming I’m anti-gun, which tells me you can’t read

22216620? ago

You should definitely be allowed to have more than they do. If you want to spend the money on a better fire truck, why should that be restricted? As you're well aware, no one here is suggesting that every single human being should have a better fire truck.

22216675? ago

Maybe I'm just bothered by their phrasing. I think our forefathers had access to warships and cannons, and the citizenry should as well. I think we're all more or less on the same page, I'm just pedantic.

22195663? ago

Is there not health code requiring access to AED, how many smoke alarms you should have and access to all types of alarms. You can buy as many fire extinguishers as you feel you need and in what size you want. You can purchase all the equipment a fireman has most of the equipment your first responders have. I can't purchase the same equipment the military has. In some states, you can't even purchase what your local LEO has access to. It seems like a strong enough argument.

22195579? ago

I can stop a crime with a gun that weighs less than a pound. It is unreasonable to imagine people carrying around the means with which to fight a fire.

22193452? ago

Well I guess if you can show me the part of the constitutional that protects my fire equipment rights I will jump right on your shillwagon.

22193276? ago

we absolutely SHOULD have access to that equipment.

22195857? ago

shouldn't the front line, the citizen, be more prepared?

I think we should have access to virtually anything. I don't think every citizen should be more prepared for heart failure than a hospital/EMS... that's silly. They're specialists in their fields. Fire departments keep special anti-fire compounds on hand... I want access to the compounds, but I don't plan to buy 'em

22196011? ago

All the same I dont think the average citizen, even the average gun owner is equipped on par with the military. even allowing for the discrepancies in what is reasonably obtainable.

22192567? ago

Man, give this guy a medal. Thank you for your service to your community.

22195711? ago

Thank you. There are more of us than you would think. Look to your Sheriff and elect the right person for the job. As a deputy, my oath was to the constitution of the USA and my State. The end. Your PD chief is serving at the behest of the mayor. FYI

22194964? ago

Like he hasn't ruined someones life for no reason other than that he could

22195777? ago

Nope, quite the opposite I was reprimanded for not going with what I felt was wrong, even if it was accepted practice. Want examples? I sleep well knowing my purpose was a peacekeeper, not a law enforcer. I got into the career to help people not make their bad decisions, or make a mountain or a name for myself by creating problems. I worked part of my career in corrections as well as patrol and then the gang unit. It is a hard and challenging career that takes a special breed of person. I am sorry you have had a bad experience.

22195804? ago

how many crooked cops did you bust?

22195826? ago

2 in my own office and 6 at the DOC.

22195903? ago

The two in my office were one for inappropriate relations with an inmate (f) and another for possession of child pornography(m). I was involved with a multi-agency gang investigation that wrapped up 6 (m) compromised prison guards.

22195862? ago

now I know you're lying, you would have been murdered

22195949? ago

Nope. There are more of us than you think. Good people trying to do a good job. The only time I truely feared for my safety was when I was found out I had a green light by La Eme.

22195984? ago

I have only ever encountered one decent human being that was an officer in all my years. The rest are either roid raging or power tripping assholes

22191971? ago

Omg the politicians around you prob couldn't wait for you to leave

22195600? ago

Ya it was fun at times. I was quite vocal.

22191894? ago

Asset forfeiture is a huge threat, even bigger than guns: it affects more people and ruins lives.

22194386? ago

Call it what it is; Armed theft.

22191885? ago

Serious Question: Except for the Navy, does the Federal Government have the constitutional right to own guns?

22194656? ago

Yes. I may argue against abstract organizations being persons, but a gun is simply a tool. A machine if you will.

I don't think abstract organizations should have personhood. In that case, organizations can't own anything. But your question wasn't about that.

22191824? ago

THEY are going to TAKE your guns and there is nothing you can do or will do about it. The UN rules the U.S. and the Globalist will have their way. There are literally UN troops stationed in the US locked, loaded and ready.

22191838? ago

there is nothing you can do or will do about it

lol ok Clown

keep telling yourself that

22191874? ago

They have weapons that will kill you before you even know it happened.

22192247? ago

lol clown doubles down

22192282? ago


The only clown is the Boomtard's who think their guns are going to save them. lol

22192227? ago

If this was the case, they would have deployed said weapons already, I call BS.

22192264? ago

22222268? ago

Quit while you're behind.

22192076? ago

yeah like cutting your head off without you knowing it, nancy's daughter?

22194260? ago

Loved that short.

22191773? ago

As framed, bearing of arms are specifically to deter police, roaming militias, and law makers from face-fucking our Rights.

22193058? ago

I wish they'd have written it with that exact wording. Succinct and to the point.

22191616? ago

Well, i can think of one threat we have that the police don't.

22191455? ago

Lmfao police look that way because of shitskins, though. If America were a white ethnostate, police would barely need to carry a gun at all.

22192536? ago

I lived in England in 1960s and cops (Bobbies) carried NO Guns!

22194557? ago

Would you want to live there today?

22193473? ago

Ok Boomer.

22191699? ago

Police look that way because they're about to enforce gun seizures passed by a 5th column of Traitors in the Legislatures.

seriously... wake the fuck up

22192867? ago

that too...

22191651? ago


How many fucking guns it take to make your ethnostate?

You snivel about being amongst violent savages, but dream of running your own bloodbath. YOU ARE A CUCK.

22191716? ago

Wait not wanting niggers in your countries mixing with your daughters makes you a cuck? Pretty sure you don't know that word means, boomer.

22192399? ago

Ah, le trigger.

Not wanting them to fuck your wife- while they are fucking your wife every weekend, and you help her recruit new meat... all the while you hate it, and want to have the big dick for her, but you can only provide it one way. So you stay in the US and snivel on the internet.

You snivel about being amongst violent savages, but dream of running your own bloodbath. YOU ARE A CUCK.

The self-loathing that is exposed by this statement... you hate violent savages, and those that maybe have a slightly higher likelyhood than your lineage of being violent.... and want to run a bloodbath to kill them... which is your heart of darkness- The true nigger.

22193031? ago

You attempt intellect but fail, I suspect onlookers will know which is nigger from your text alone. Good try though.

you want to run a bloodbath to kill them... exposed is your heart of darkness- The true nigger.

But why does he desire this, if we assume that he does...?

To create in it's place the good and honest and civilized world that exists outside of barbarism. That is his goal, if he is as you claim. This is not the goal of any nigger and niggers will burn the world down if allowed.

You fool, you slander the saviors.

22192131? ago

Considering how much of a Nigger you are, as demonstrated by your insipid retarded shpeiel, you'll have to off yourself too you fucking idiot.

22192984? ago

lol he triggered him so hard he lost control of his keyboard.

22191604? ago

Yeah, look at white, rural areas, you don't even see cops, they aren't necessary.

22195590? ago

except for speed traps

22192956? ago

Take a look at San Diego, the city design... it's brilliant.

Not in any functional way, certainly not for traffic flow or ease of commutes but something far more special.

The nice areas, have no gas stations, no convenient (impulse) shopping, just houses and more houses, but most importantly...the thing that keeps those houses filled with nice, profitable, law abiding normies.... there are no public bus lines in those areas.

It's a spark of genius really, how to effectively filter such a demographic when degeneracy touches all outward appearances? Easy, the american way.... Do they have a car? If not = degenerate, if so = doing ok. Not a 100% solution, but definitely effective.

Anyone living in San Diego now (I'm so sorry), knows I speak truth... we used to have a saying there, to find someplace nice when moving: "Never move south of I-8, stay North of I-8"

I-8 is where (most) of the public metro lines stop. Very few head north from there, and none go into the protected areas.

I submit that this is by design, and not a very bad idea, although it certainly is devious, the outcome is desirable.

22191375? ago

Seal team six? Did you see extortion 17? They were all in caskets

22191027? ago

Your basement isn't Southside Chicago

22191356? ago


22191422? ago

Yep, a pro 2A shill. We like those.

22191135? ago

This isn't an argument faggot.

22191166? ago

Exactly, it's fact

22191354? ago

And your mom's a whore. I get what you're trying to say BUT our statements of fact don't add to the conversation in any way.

22191376? ago

Sure ok