22164492? ago

Blackout necessary

22163303? ago

Perhaps the movement grew in directions they didn't intend?

but seriously...

22163165? ago

just print the last post and read it daily. Nothing else needs to be said at this point.

22162788? ago

We're on day 19 of Q abandoning Patriots. Just as major shit is happening. No drops about Epstein either before going dark. Most of the drops since going to 8kun have any meat on the bone to dig on. Rehash type shit. Sorry, but part of me feels like Q on 8kun isn't Q. We had the one supposed Q+ confirmation (Q to Trump Twitter), but shit seems really weird otherwise.

22163835? ago

Gaslighting shill.

22162761? ago

He's (they've) gone longer than that before. Q (I think) is a back channel. Potus tweets and administration surrogates are direct communications.

22162644? ago

10 days?? What grade are you in?

22162356? ago


22162347? ago

KEK... someone need a consonant-breast-feeding?