22181363? ago

Omg it’s HAPPENING!!!!!!

22163156? ago

“ Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?“

From Q post 140

Consider in light of this news:

https:// wearethene.ws/notable/77902

22162254? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#86949) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22157467? ago

Is your local news playing up the local connection to the Iran plane crash like mine is?

https:// www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/iran-crash-university-of-regina-1.5431070?cmp=rss

22150327? ago

Where art thou Q?

22159020? ago

8kun is down

22162242? ago

Thanks for informing me. Since when anon?

22175162? ago

It had been up and down for about 2 or so weeks. I was just on there though, so atm its up.

22088236? ago

Niggers ruin everything.

22162268? ago

You’re absolutely god damn %100 right anon.

22082567? ago

instructions: do the exact opposite of the flashing signs, pretty ez really

22082546? ago

so i thought about that1 while i was sleeping, if a bunch of the biggest cocks we have, maybe even bigger than my biggest boner to date get tickets to the fuckin thing ha. them hateful fucking [its] needs feedbak. o yeah, wear or do the most superfaggoty thing cuz sloth evrywhr. pink or purple streaks, a burntie shirt, a taped dick, a snatch or something on you head, oyea and choke down a few nice words from the party of meaningless words. which them zeros get from anothr bunch of losrrs. is it real or is it memorex?

22088473? ago

penis toots

22081507? ago

i guess ya know the next line... not that1 ha

22081481? ago

my best frend von hates that1 fukin lady with passion, she should step off suddenly, im def using his imput on that 1 unless she leaves

22081409? ago

in keeping with some tricks of the newsie trade of omitting the real facts, im sorry for not addressing some other characters and morning talk shows but im gonna be more transparent from now on and stop hiding stuff

22081283? ago

i thought a bit about the lame debate prob. lets have a national town hall same night, on some other forum, none of them faggots wanted, thanks. just real questions from people, not robber baron spillway trash.

22081213? ago

so im running a contest, whoever posts the funniest thing you could say about the wet one, i will rewrite it in some kind of code that i will invent tomorrow when im shitting thanks. put them under this one. hint÷÷ its kind of funny she gave all the cash to the dude that hosed her, and now shes broke..

22081127? ago

im thinking about cancelling the pres debates altogether this year. fukit. lets think of something funnier. at work i seriously wouldnt even interact with any one of those losers.

22081102? ago

lol one of the hoofed ones releases clever tweet shes incapable of authoring. quit

22080390? ago

fattened dicks everywher salute that brave mtherfkn barker. hope he got a medal b4 the ore cooled.

22079186? ago

a local unjar had a casual convo with a friend, he confided to he, that they, knew the ones that drove around the town as opposed to through it. i gotta admit that this one has me puzzled. wtf on earth did he mean? should we take his bullets till he reads the instructions ?

22077584? ago

zeus had his dick sucked sideways, just not recently

22076919? ago

they cant keep their hands off me

22076906? ago

if you surround yourself with 20 year old coeds which i have, its herding kittens personified

22074751? ago

the thing is unraveling backwards its a fuckin masterpiece

22074694? ago

omg hdhdi using 13p free space available

22070764? ago

nfw. fucked in tears

22070588? ago

rors nsf ha ish sa. supr la fag wzspl that,bakin mullet .n. pidg fht. faghearts flyin4 ra in supr dude

22069354? ago

mi baP?

22069336? ago

cheww mo3 os bae g su i hop tfz

22069266? ago


22069259? ago

durtnd ha

22069223? ago

fuk point fuk mid fuk fuk?

22068731? ago

people love ridicule, make fun of them on the floor . them faggots have no rules wwe them. they are the lowest dumbest fucke s ever. underhand softball vsthem doinks. they have become the the iron sheik so ez. people sit on couches 100 million strong making fun of losers. barrel fish. i could ez, call vince ha he draws it the fuck up.

22064660? ago

Voluntary systems break down if 30% of participants refuse to participate.

We’re at 10%. Settle in for the long haul.

22056239? ago

Still no arrests.

22054572? ago

Board sliding attack on NMBRFG in progress, so I will just counter by leaving this here.

Thanks. <


22039462? ago

C’mon, let’s kick some doors, or som’n... let’s see some perps, some depositions, some shit goin’ down... this is insufferable...

22034722? ago

How 'bout dem good arrests mah niggas??

22033606? ago


22007819? ago


22003320? ago

The pictures are working on the post over in v/Niggers.

21992275? ago

so many shills here. whoa!

21994262? ago

so much projection. whoa!

21985527? ago

are both bi[gs] out of service now ?

21980373? ago

POTUS just tweeted a very familiar image!

21976509? ago

Q post 593

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/its-creepy-unexplained-drones-are-swarming-by-night-over-colorado/ar-BBYwMD8

21976478? ago

Dead cat bounce.

https:// www.zerohedge.com/markets/morgan-stanley-sees-melt-lasting-until-april-after-which-markets-will-confront-world-no-fed

21974007? ago

Ghosn is the first arrest.

21963986? ago

Still no arrests.

21957701? ago

happy new Year Patriots!

21956350? ago

This is the biggest downvote/board slide attack I have seen to date. <

So I will leave this here to piss off the Shills even more.

Welcome to the Party Pal.


21955519? ago



(Keep grazing).

21948398? ago

We are discussing this heavily over in v/Niggers.

21944595? ago

2020 in Australia... hopefully we see some action this year... some real action, that is.

My life will not change throughout the out outcome of all this, however I’m so thankful for it. Somewhere, sometime, someone’s going to get Justice. And that’s a good thing.

I’ve expressed a lot of misplaced resentment, often, in these forums. It was just weakness I guess. And impotence.

We are about to witness things we couldn’t have dreamed of just 2 years ago.

Just take it for the show it is, focus on yourself and your Loved ones. If you can’t improve your own life anymore at least improve theirs! You can! Only YOU can!

That’s my New Year’s Resolution.

(Bad joke: “New Year’s resolutions come in one year and go out the next”).

21942542? ago

No (R) option in CA when registering to vote?

That’s a lie. It was a primary ballot request. Why are you shrugging off obvious fake news while claiming to be the very thing you’re against? Wake the fuck up.

21942537? ago

does q not read our posts here? i mean come the fuck on. we gotta watch ppl like roger stone get ass fucked by trumps own justice dept and not a single high profile arrest of anyone involved w all the bullshit the dnc did? why not start with something even liberals could get on board with like election fraud to fuck over bernie like arresting donna brazil ?? something!!!

21941805? ago

everyone missed the funny the other day when uncle joe said he wouldnt comply with the subpoena cuz 'trump will get away with it' .....yeah lol he would

21942526? ago


21935045? ago

holy fuck! look at that california registration leaving out republicans. They should be put in JAIL for this immediately. AHOLES.

21936906? ago

that was for the primary you fucking moron. Is there a primary for the Republicans this year? No. There’s not. Dumb fuck.

21932893? ago


Hmmm what could this mean? What lives in a swamp? Reptiles maybe? Reptilians?

21930456? ago

ADL is spelled out with the first letters of the choices, with a red X marking the spot below that column in the photo > Anti Defamation League. <

21929924? ago

I am registered in California with No Party Preference (NPP). When I registered, Republican was clearly listed among the party choices. Last month I got a notice from my county registrar explaining that I could request a no-party ballot at election time, or I would have a choice of voting in the primaries of one of three parties (Democrat, American Independent and Libertarian) whose party rules allow non-party members to participate in their primaries. According to party rules, if I want to vote in another party's primary, such as Republican or Green, I would need to re-register as a member of that party. A little complicated but it was clearly explained.

21941184? ago

There is no Republican primary in CA next year.

21949073? ago

Well, actually there is. But no serious challengers to Donald Trump have presented themselves. So in a way you are correct.

21930740? ago

Shut the fuck up

21929598? ago

Why would republicans hold a primary when they have an incumbent? Am I missing something here?

21932952? ago

My first thought too. Q fucked up, or this one goes in the list of LARP proofs.

21965011? ago

Why? Down ballot candidates.

21928334? ago

Who/what is the guide?

21928458? ago

The image that was attached to that Q post, which itself is an earlier Q post

21928158? ago

The discussion over this in v/Niggers is really enlightening.

21928106? ago

Last chance to buy gold, anons!

21927725? ago

The ballot issue! If there's a normal explanation, of which I've heard several, it's a bad Q-anti-proof. This isn't the first time Q has made a preventable mistake.

I don't thing this proves or disproves Q and the entire movement, of which I am a proud part, but it pisses me off. We make a living of pointing out the inconsistencies in their narrative, I don't like being guilty of the same thing.

Help me out here; is the voter registration thing a real issue, or did Q make human error?

(Note: I didn't add the third option, which would be that Q is full of shit, because I most certainly don't think Q is full of shit. I just think he/she/it is imperfect....which actually make me sleep a bit more soundly.)

21929335? ago

im sure it was just an error that a top military intelligence operation does not understand now primaries work in California.

21927696? ago

How many Cali idiots will never open that form and just pick one of the options on the outside?

21927658? ago

Oh would you look at that? Still no arrests while traitors are attempting a coup and flooding our country with niggers, chinks, and millions of spics. Trust the plan! The khlerghi plan.

21927957? ago

How did you come to think that "kalergi" is spelt that way?

21941991? ago

By speaking it into Siri like an idiot. Have actual rebuttal or just the typical leftist deflection?

21927387? ago

A message to Corney. <

Reply to James 8 Corney's Tweet > Decodes will continue > Shove it up your Jurisdiction <



21926875? ago

Nobody knows anything, all you are repeating media judaic hearsay and its all cock and bullshit

21925887? ago

So can someone tell me if it’s happening soon or we need to wait more?

21925597? ago


"Democrats Making It Difficult for Voters to Register as a Republican"

In WA state my ballot was sent back with a "no signature" and a request for a new signature. I know for a fact that I signed my ballot TWICE, yet they sent it back and said I had forgot a signature. I did not make it back to the ballot box in time to have my vote counted as a result.


21925148? ago

you Know, if Q apologizes for this fucking primary ballot bullshit, I’ll be fine. If not, I repudiate the notion that military intelligence was ever involved here. How stupid can you be?

21946686? ago

Q slipped up. No narrative is stronger than its weakest point.

21975050? ago


21948801? ago

Humans make mistakes, and when they do, they apologize. It’s actually one of the things I love about the military, at least in the ideal—when you fuck up, you report it immediately so damage can be limited.

21952084? ago

Q is a fail or Q is a fake.

Pick one.

21952807? ago

I’ve said my peace. Q has acknowledged many errors and been forgiven. Just needing them to man up on this one.

21954883? ago

Oh reals?!

Please do enlighten us as to what Q has apologized for? <

Asking for a fren.

21961805? ago

Search q posts for ‘error’

21961979? ago

Is that all you have?!

Grammar and spelling?

Fuck off idiot. <

21962219? ago

What does Q need to apologize to you for?

21962265? ago

You are Gaslighting. <

You can't win. We are too smart and laugh at you in derision. <

21962891? ago

Ok bot

21967713? ago

The Pot calling the Kettle Nigger.

21967826? ago

No, bot...

21953633? ago

Your “piece.” Your statement. 😋

21954718? ago

Speak your peace; hold your piece:-)

21924313? ago

lol this shit has gotten so stupid.

21923506? ago

Their crimes are so brazen its almost like they 100% expect they will not be caught and will suffer no consequences.

And there are no arrests yet. The cock is ticking, and if 2020 isn't secured, POTUS is doomed and us with him.

21923351? ago


21927626? ago

LETS GO. That tree looks of liberty is thirsty.

21926885? ago

jews don't arrest jews

21992269? ago

They just send them to israel where they can drink dick blood in peace.

21923342? ago

There is more detailed analysis over in v/Niggers.

21927847? ago

Great forum

21928146? ago

So many red pills, I can see why Q vouched and endorsed Voat.

21923074? ago

I never thought I'd see the day Q posts Putin talking points directly.

Has anyone looked closely into the connection between Watkins and the Russians hosting 8kun now? I'm not saying there is a conspiracy, but Q is now literally reposting Putin's whims.

21925874? ago

Which talking points?

21924029? ago

The lamest of shills = you

21922643? ago

Yes Q, thinking people DO know that coincidences happen all the time. (Or is “Q” really named after the Star Trek character?)

21922540? ago

Clas 1-12 in the Guide are US “allies” who need to re-learn the definition of the word.

Please have mercy on the patriots in those countries, Q+.


21926149? ago


21926231? ago

Truly, the world is watching

21926427? ago

I know. It's so intense, and a humbling experience.

Box seat. <

21922284? ago

Really fucked up the ballot photo

21922255? ago

793 days in

21925862? ago

Soon lol.

21922122? ago

His name was Seth Rich

21927808? ago

No. No it wasn’t.

21975069? ago

His name was Pinko.

21922004? ago

How about some fucking arrests already?

How much fucking longer?

22007548? ago

Fuck off, you fucking fuckhead

22007794? ago

Ok tough guy....

22105962? ago

Fuck is a very versatile word... You must admit that. Jews jewing jewy jews, fuck the fucking fucks... Was one of my favorites.

22053374? ago

by sticking their fuckstick in the fuckhole on the fuckface of the fuckhead and fucking it

21992253? ago

It is a war. Earlier, Q played his bluff that we had it all when we were really backed into a corner. DS eventually realized Q didn't have it all, and now is fighting back. War is ongoing.

22163316? ago

We have Weiner's laptop. The laptop that contained videos so horrific like 5 NYPD officers who saw it killed themselves.

I'm sure we have a lot more than that.

21988639? ago

Theres never going to be an arrest. Hillary, Podesta, Obama, Mueller, all these people were supposed to be in prison now and yet here they all are going about their business seemingly unworried about any indictments. Hiding behind meaningless slogans like "trust the plan" may bring you some comfort but deep down you know none of this makes any sense. Trumps inner circle like Stone, Flynn and Manafort are all getting convictions yet for some reason all the people Q predicted would be indicted are walking free. What will you tell yourself when Trump leaves office and theres still no arrests? Thats exactly whats going to happen.

21942497? ago

does q not read our posts here? i mean come the fuck on. we gotta watch ppl like roger stone get ass fucked by trumps own justice dept and not a single high profile arrest of anyone involved w all the bullshit the dnc did? not even election fraud to fuck over bernie like arresting donna brazil ?? something!!!

22007574? ago

Q reads our posts. Not yours. Yours are stupid.

21927827? ago


21927611? ago

Seriously. This is becoming clear that this is a campaign to keep us quiet and at home each and every post with no arrests or acton. Just regurgitating what anons have already uncovered.


21975103? ago

Let’s not and pretend we did.

21982452? ago

And it’s weak pussies like you that are directly responsible for the conflicts we are in today. Apathetic, lazy, weak, soy filled faggot. Probably fat too. Your gene pool shouldn’t have survived.

21939490? ago

I dare say some repetition is necessary to inform new arrivals. Sort of a day one training video.

Hold the line.

21941922? ago

For the last three years. When do we jump in? Take the training wheels off.

21926863? ago

Q is bullshit waste of time. Trump isn't going to save us. He is too busy sucking the rabbis cock

22007581? ago

Glow less.

21927469? ago

If you sincerely believe that, why are you in a nitch corner of the Internet?

People that are really that black pilled wouldn’t waste their time on this site...

What’s your motivation?

21931611? ago

why are people talking "pills" all the time ? Because they are not woke. If you are not calling out the international Jewish problem, you are a waste of time. You probably are a jew wasting Americas times. Q whatever the fuck it is, is a scam.

21929386? ago

To see what all the fuss was about - and nothing. You are affecting change. You ate just talking media hearsay which is Jewish rubbish.

Trump and his "wife" are trannies bought and paid for.

21928838? ago

He want to taste big pp

21925639? ago

Larpers can’t arrest ppl

21923380? ago

Will new articles of impeachment be 'continually' drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?

Moves & countermoves.

The 'silent' war continues.

Indefinitely it seems.

21927705? ago

Just like republicans being cowards fucking pussies. Indefinitely. They should

be next on the wall after Dems.

22007554? ago

You should probably stop drinking now.

22022006? ago

Like our president, I don’t drink. Nice try. Another miss.

21921892? ago

I was noticing a huge amount of anti-Jew shilling today. Now I see why. These new Q posts are absolute bombshells.

21924398? ago


21931579? ago

Remember that, while this is old news to us, many in the general public are not aware of these things. The bombshells are that it is being revealed in more mainstream routes now.

21935708? ago

LOL no

21936728? ago


21936884? ago

oh ok lol. like how California won’t let you register as a Republican that turned out to be request for a primary ballot? Lies like that are waking people up?

lmfao fucking moron.

21922315? ago


21922479? ago

No /s. Remember, we have known about this stuff for awhile, but the general public does not. These are now getting mainstreamed. That is the bombshell. Not that they are occuring. Sorry. Should have clarified that.

21921748? ago

You can vote for any candidate you like, as long as it's a Democrat.....

21924374? ago

You don’t have a clue now primaries work do you?

Q is banking on you people being fucking stupid. And they’re right.

21921469? ago

You just know that right NOW Ms. DWS just puckered her backside rosebud so tight it burst! Lou Dobbs @AnonMonkeyMan1


The murder of Patriot Seth Rich is going to be out real big and it will come to light who ordered it, who passed the order, who carried out the order. We know [KEK] but for the public this is massive red pilling of Magnitude #5.

21924435? ago

Stand by for a Florida FF, most likely

21921309? ago

This Fox-Video with Lou Dobbs seems to be from 2017 bc Lou Dobbs says last summer. Was this video aired in 2017? I don't believe bc I never heard about this. Could it be that this video got stopped in 2017? Or is it fake even the story is true.

21921246? ago

The California Secretary of State’s Office announced Monday that three parties will have primaries open to those who listed their political affiliation as “no party preference:” the Democratic Party, the Libertarian Party and the American Independent Party.

The Republican Party, the Green Party and the Peace and Freedom Party require voters to be registered with their party in order to vote in their primaries. They do not allow so-called cross-over voting.

https:// www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article236496633.html

21924386? ago


21940401? ago

Shill go larp somewhere else.

21942521? ago



21921052? ago

Welcome to the Great Retweetening!!

21929671? ago


21920916? ago

i have a feeling there is a lot we don't know about california.

21921035? ago

That's for the primaries

21920873? ago

[D] party = blithering, hysterical, usurpers

21920807? ago


"You can vote for socialism or right wing extremist terrorism"

21920794? ago

People in California can't possibly be dumb enough not to notice and complain about this, right?

21925674? ago

The dumb person here is you. Q manipulated this to make idiots like you REEEEEEEE when these are decisions that the R party made themselves.


21924347? ago

You can’t possibly be dumb enough to accept that you can’t register as R in California, right!?

I’m sure you didn’t just accept this as truth and you researched it and realized that it’s a primary and there is no R primary in 2020?

You did that right? Otherwise you’d be the stupid one and you’re not stupid, right?


21952136? ago

Q: “Oops...”

21926302? ago

Thank you.

People need to understand wtf is going on before they start bitching. My father in law is now freaking out over Iowa, asking me what the hell is going on Iowa?! They’re all liberal now!! I’m like relax, it’s a democratic primary, they’re not putting republicans on the news in Iowa to ask them about the democratic primary ....

21921044? ago

This for mail in primaries. You can vote D or libertarian for the Democratic primaries. The Republicans have the same thing

21920783? ago

In CA if you want to register Green Party or Republican you have to do it on line.

21920680? ago

Mornin Q

21920624? ago

Where did that pic come from? A particular county or area? Wife recently re registered to new address when changing her driver license with DMV and was able to put republican.

21922077? ago

The pic is a form for selecting a primary ballot for for voters not registered to a party. Only parties that have open primaries appear on this form. Republicans in California have a closed primary (I.e. you must be a registered republican to vote in the Republican primary)

21920908? ago

Q lies, get used to it.

2 years still waiting

21920960? ago

Congrats - You just made 50 cents.

21921959? ago


21954923? ago

Shill. <

21921901? ago


21921419? ago

hope their pay peroid ends before jan 1 2020 because the payroll bank accounts are being frozen after that

21920815? ago

This was online not in person at DMV.

Key takeaway.

Illegals are getting what again?

D party con.