22132652? ago

I wonder what role Judge Sullivan is playing in this.

Comped? Not comped? Confused?

22130696? ago

Nothing will come of this. They will claim that they already offered him the opportunity to do this, which they did, over a year ago.

22129919? ago

Haven't been able to freely access the Q drops. Where does it say Flynn will be sentenced & jailed? Isn't that an anon interpretation (that could be wrong)?

22129688? ago

This is a BOOM😎

22129129? ago

Check out X-22's rendition of the Flynn ordeal.

Ties it back to the Watch pics time/date.


just past the 23:00 mark.

Says Flynn will need to be sentenced on 1/28 and spend next 30 days in jail, then freed.

I'd tend to agree with his version.

I suppose that doesn't necessarily mean he can't drop the hammer anyway.

His filing today to rescind his guilty plea has some meaning. We'll see what happens at his sentencing hearing on 1/28.

22128956? ago

I don't think so... jailed and then freed in 30 days. Marker.

22128567? ago


22128111? ago

Unleash the kraken, flynn.

hits power chord on guitar

22128575? ago







22130370? ago

Audio please

22131482? ago

pinch harmonic divebomb

22130132? ago

This is gold.

The metallica cord!

22129699? ago

E minor

22130283? ago

Which is really what he should have said instead of power chord. If you get one chord only, you crank the gain and blast an e minor. I guess I'd settle for a open g minor or a minor as well.

22200708? ago

Or a raunch 5th ....a little mystery. Lol

22130135? ago


E metal

22129992? ago







22200712? ago

A minor

Add a 5th 😉

22127786? ago

What habbens now?

22136134? ago

If the judge grants the request and the plea is withdrawn, there is nothing stopping the government from bringing additional charges against Flynn, and possibly his son. Don't think the snakes in the DOJ are just going to walk away from this.

22127813? ago


22127879? ago

I'm inclined to agree...

22127894? ago

I'm always right so...

22127109? ago

Gettem Gen Flynn and Ms. Powell! Godspeed and God Bless. o7

22126986? ago

Here's the legal filing:


22126834? ago

Too bad sentencing is already scheduled

22127327? ago

Try harder