22134204? ago

My $20 per month at work....I am pleased.

22136090? ago

Thanks for helping this great Patriot

22129743? ago

Ask all you want it's not a guarantee.

22129713? ago

Love this

22129513? ago

Who Is Brandon Van Grack?

Robert Mueller Team: Nine Donated to Hillary or Democrats

Brandon Van Grack gave small amounts to ActBlue, an effort to raise money for Democrats, and to a Democratic candidate for Congress in 2012. In 2008, he gave about $286 to Barack Obama.

According to his LinkedIn page, Van Grack is a special assistant U.S. Attorney in the National Security and International Crime Unit. He also served as a counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, and “Provided strategic legal advice and counsel to the Department’s leadership on national security matters, including cyber crimes, export controls, economic sanctions, espionage, and theft of trade secrets.” He was a law clerk to federal judge Thomas Hogan and was in private practice at Baker Botts LLP.



22129502? ago

Declas is close. After that Anons get exonerated by their family and friends because Q said he would announce Q's legitimacy after Declas. Buy Popcorn, lots of it.

22128389? ago

If they put this man in jail and he gets hurt/suicided...God help them.

22127805? ago

Effing Flynn needs to be bitched slapped big time for pleading guilty in the first place! stupidity stup stup stupid!

22127843? ago

He had corrupt deep state attorneys advising him then

22127572? ago

Jesus Christ WTF not one person is gonna tie the loose ends together?!? This means Declas is coming faggots!!

Popcorn time!

22127736? ago

Well, it definitely means Durham is much closer than we knew

22127967? ago

Read some Conservative Treehouse articles on the Flynn. This case has been tied to Declas for awhile

22128433? ago

Read this recent Q post:


22127110? ago

22127150? ago

Sidney Powell will be on Hannity shortly. Tune in!

22128536? ago

Sidney Powell said in public that NYPD officers were vomiting in the back of a room after watching videos from Wiener's laptop. She's on video saying it.

22129551? ago

Coming up on four years since that “explosive evidence” was found, and no arrests aside from Weiner, who is already a goddamned FREE MAN at this point.

But I know, I know.... it’s totally common for law enforcement to sit on a video of a child rape and murder for four fucking years as the offender goes galavanting around the globe, scot free and banking millions in appearance fees.

You fucking cum-guzzling faggots are an embarrassment to every Conservative ideal. I hope each and every one of you contract terminal cancer.

22135248? ago

What about you?

22134598? ago

You were doing fine with your post, until you wished death on other people. You're not a Conservative. You're a parasite.

22133122? ago

its a plan and its working. get over yourself. you are not interesting. you are actually kind of stupid.

22131100? ago

Meanwhile allowing the DeepState msm to set up their deep fake narrative in time for the real reveal.

22130120? ago

Yes! Glad to see there are based people around here.

22127229? ago

You mean the lawyer that plagiarized a bunch of her motions last time. I’m excited to see how this plays out for Flynn. I’m guessing he gets sentenced nonetheless

22127323? ago

Lawfag here; can attest to the standard wording with only the details being interchangeable. It's a standard practice for attorneys nationwide.

22127575? ago

Another lawfag here. Confirmed.

22127071? ago

I'll say it again - and this is from someone who thinks Bill Barr was Trump's best hire, just slightly ahead of Pompeo - but WHERE THE HELL IS BILL BARR IN THIS CASE?

22134590? ago

Barr is doing his job. He isn't the one that pled guilty to a crime he didn't commit. Flynn has to go through this like everyone else who pleads to a crime he didn't commit.

22129644? ago

Barr is too busy telling us that Epstein killed himself.

22130507? ago

Barr is investigating the death. So, just the opposite of what you said.

22128166? ago

Barr hasn't done Jack or shite

22130114? ago

Sure he has. Barr is keeping us mollified.

22127603? ago

Bill Barr is exactly the distance away Bill barr needs to be away, so that bill barr is relatively unnoticed in the way that b needs to be.

22127631? ago

B2 bomber

22129481? ago

It just occurred to me, B2 = 2 B's = B2 = Bill Barr. Maybe other anons already brought it up but I haven't been active here lately due to life's pressing matters.

22130312? ago

Yep. Congrats

22129568? ago

ARMY Tweet = Love QAnon > Plus FLOTUS Christmas Decode 'o-o' <


B2 > Be Best > Bill Barr

22127099? ago

It's a timing thing. Barr/Durham would never let Flynn twist in the wind. They would however allow Van Grack to hang himself on his own corrupt actions.

22131476? ago

Unless Van Grack leads Barr/Durham to others. Maybe someone higher up the food chain pyramid. Remember, this case goes back to 2015/16 with Flynn's involvement with the Trump Campaign and earlier when he was "working" with Manafort.

22127161? ago

I guess. And maybe Barr doesn't want it to look like he's bullying everyone in a kneejerk "I support Trump" fashion.

22128364? ago

doesn't want it to look like he's bullying everyone in a kneejerk "I support Trump" fashion

Half the country will say as much regardless. Stop with the "soon" and get work done.

22127479? ago

Remember Durham has uncovered much more about the conspiracy against Trump, Flynn et al that we've not yet seen.

22127186? ago

Yep. Moves and countermoves.

22127067? ago

Where are all the shills obsessed with Flynn’s butthole? This is just another example of anons being correct and shills being shills.

22128946? ago

I’m here, but I’m spamming other stuff, Flynn is boring and doesn’t get the Qews riled up enough anymore.

22129062? ago

Gatewaypundit is fake news

22129081? ago

Lol. I’m sure I just asked you this but I’ll do it again. What’s fake about the video?

22129163? ago

Don’t trust Nunes ever since his memo bombed and he sued a cow on Twitter.

22129171? ago

Then why would you ever trust people like Adam Schiff who claimed the have smoking gun evidence and ended up having nothing?

22129177? ago

Did he try to sue a cow on Twitter?

22129187? ago

I don’t believe a cow can use Twitter. Cows are farm animals.

22129227? ago

So why was he suing devin nunes cow?

22129254? ago

Who? You have no context to your question.

22127333? ago

They're busy right now attacking the Project Veritas video that dropped today

22127522? ago

That was the plan.

22127051? ago

Oh shit...this is a HABBENING!

22130146? ago

Heh. I see what you did there, because you know nothing is really “happening” - so you changed the word to “habbening” with the aim rightfully mock Q. Gotta agree with you, unfortunately. Nothing will happen.

22132372? ago

Hey thanks for stopping by Jurek!

22127218? ago

Only if the judge allows him to withdraw. This sounds like more BS from his right wing meme lawyer

22127241? ago


22127249? ago

You know, Sydney “half my motions were plagerized” Powell

22128247? ago

Your spelling leads me to suspect that you are not an attorney

22127278? ago

Is Lawfare like Comp 101? Who does the grading?

22127299? ago

The judge literally called her out for it LMAO. Embarrassing, but I guess she is a rightwing conspiracy meme lawyer

22127309? ago

Woah, you're a busy little critter...with all the meme lawyering accusations.

22127735? ago

They downvote you immediately. Probably a sour old goat...the same ones who like to throw Qult around.

22127563? ago

Well that is because I guess she is a rightwing conspiracy meme lawyer!

22126991? ago

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22126955? ago

This is great:

".........moves to withdraw plea due to the government's bad faith, vindictiveness and breach of plea agreement"