22099268? ago

This doesn't do much for me.

22098055? ago

Keep in mind that he has also been talking to a lot of people out of the public eye... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3604869

22096712? ago

"The world is watching" is a very common phrase. Need moar. Just saying

22094635? ago

Trump: To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of our presidency and my government will continue to stand with you. We will be following your protests closely. Your courage is inspiring.

Reply 1: We Iranians appreciate the efforts of the US government and thank you for the death of Qassim Suleimani, who was one of the main contributors to the killing of Iranian citizens during the November protests.

Our demand is the complete overthrow of the terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic and the establishment of a democratic, secular and allied system with the great US government.

Reply 2: Thank you, Mr. President, Today, the Iranian people have once again proved that they hate this regime, the Revolutionary Guards and, in particular, Qassim Suleimani.

22094365? ago

Trump tweets “The World is Watching” and Jr posts the Punisher symbol on his Instagram, all in same week. Q is 100% real.

22094639? ago

r/qult_headquarters is having a lovely little denial meltdown over the Don Jr punisher tweet.

I wonder what they'll come up with when Trump tweets a wwg1wga. Kek.

22094298? ago

The south pole pic is my favorite!

22094169? ago

Can someone explain to me what the timestamps mean in these proofs? I see it often but not quite sure what the significance of them is. I fail to see the pattern.

22096680? ago

It's just to highlight the fact that Q said it so many times before Trump tweeted it.

22094686? ago

4:20 is the universal time to smoke

9:11 is an emergency

11:11 make a wish

12:00 it’s a new day

22102351? ago

4.20 is Hitler's birthday

22094083? ago

Common phrase. Lots of people also say “These people are stupid.” Give it up.

22093333? ago

How is this making America great again?? This is the same ol bullshit of meddling in other countries business. Trump said he'd stop this but he's as bad as all the others

22093611? ago

WG1WGA. The world is being liberated from the cabal. There wont be a safe place for them to do their evil.

This makes America great again by being an example of fighting for freedom from the evil swamp creatures and no place for them to wreck havoc on us.

22094054? ago

Canada can’t wait for its turn.

22093724? ago

so war mongering the world is now called getting rid of the cabal? haha You sheep are so easily tricked that its just mind blowing

22093956? ago

How is supporting the revolt of people against a death-cult theocracy war mongering?

22093991? ago

You support the jew. Thats not America first. The American people have no interests in the middle east. It doesn't benefit us at all. Only israel.

22093798? ago

Why would someone like you be somewhere like this?

I can think of plenty of weird forums full of people that I disagree with, but I don’t have or the inclination time to go taunt and degrade them. Tends to kind of solidify peoples’ belief that there just might be something to all this.

22093839? ago

I'm trying to awaken you. Its why Q sent you here. Zionism is demonic cancer.

22094065? ago

Saved the best for last.

22098188? ago

Its never going to come. You've been tricked into destroying all of israel's enemies. fool

22098258? ago

Iran was to Israel what ISIS was to the US: a homemade artificial controlled threat. Read a book, brainlet!

22098427? ago

and you will say the same things about the next enemy that israel goes after.

22093222? ago

There were 17 Q posts with that phrase.

22094949? ago


22094580? ago

That means if it’s said one more time then this “17” would have been just a coincidence, right?

22092636? ago

It's not insignificant.

I think more telling is the tweet was sent at 5:50 PM (DC eastern time, you clearly are west coast.)


22102286? ago

22102725? ago

brief summary?

22096618? ago

That's funny. I am not West coast. So clearly you are incorrect.

22100438? ago

Back in my day, trolling either had the purpose of being funny or upsetting someone.

you know you got problems when you can't even troll correctly


22109523? ago

You're an idiot.

22110254? ago

big words, 22109523?


22114427? ago

You're the one who can't even figure out a timezone.

22127122? ago


22094874? ago


The last line of this POTUS tweet is specifically "The world is watching."

Capital T, the rest lower case.

As best I can tell, Q has said "world is watching" in 19 different posts:



Some are all caps, some are first letter caps, some are one word caps, etc. But exactly two say "The world is watching." in the same case as POTUS. But the method of capitalization or lack of in each instance appears to be deliberate.



1258 is listed as a marker.


Also worth noting that "The world is watching" gematria returns the following:

where we go one we go all

the stock market crash

jeffrey edward epstein


you can trust in me

entrance to the golden age

22102438? ago

The title of 1258 is listed as a marker but the title comes from qmap.pub, Q doesn't make the titles. Besides the title what indicates the post is a marker?

22094727? ago

Trust Sessions.

Trust Huber.

Yeah, okay.

22095551? ago

Trust Wray. Trust Mueller. Trust em all.

22094086? ago

We are to believe that Trump is (a) unaware of the present day meaning of that phrase amongst his base, and (b) using this odd turn of phrase without any thought as to its meaning?

If any of (you) reading this believe that, then enjoy what little time you have left enjoying the fantasy that President Trump has ANY chance of losing 2020 or the ultimate struggle against the global banking and child fucking cabal.

22095722? ago


22093957? ago

Q already outed himself as a fraud when he posted that garbage about the Republican CA primary ballot. Oh, and before when he claimed a two year old photo showed Obama as a child.. Oh, yeah, and his “a phone was present” embarrassing fail.

22093990? ago

Cry harder. Q and POTUS are delivering!

22094564? ago

Q delivers fakery.

22094675? ago

To make you PANIC lmao

22092386? ago

Lmao. Seriously, “the world is watching?” Is a proof. That’s laughable and sad

22092519? ago

You’re the same shill that has been trolling since reddit. STFU

22092534? ago

You’re a Low IQ faggot

22092644? ago

You always say that lmao

22092659? ago

It’s never been more true

22092693? ago

And you’re a bot. Bot.

22092699? ago

Omg, anyone who tells me I’m a gullible faggot is a bot or a shill

22092266? ago

Peaceful killing of protesters WTF does that even mean?


22095560? ago

He just humiliated himself to Iran.

22093537? ago

Likely a problem with auto translate. Probably "the killing of peaceful protesters" is what he said.

22092372? ago

Bro, get out of here.

22092128? ago

OMG Trump tweets an incredibly popular phrase that Q has posted before. BOOOOOOM!!!!!! IT MUST BE HAPPENING!!!!

22093865? ago

What a life you must lead. Why would you spend your weekend on this forum bashing people who aren’t anything like you?

Even if this were a kooky larp, I’d rather be one of them than one of you.

22103863? ago

What a life you must lead. Blinding faithful in a faceless and nameless letter to make you feel you’re making a difference sitting your fat ass on an armchair. And hilarious you criticize someone for posting on a weekend, when you’re so triggered about a satirical post about your golden calf that you in turn bash someone on a weekend.

Retard. Enjoy the view up your own ass.

22235405? ago

You're partly right. I'm powerless to help Q other than to vote. I'm not taking credit for what's being accomplished, just here watching in amazement as corrupt, unimaginably powerful organizations crumble. And laughing a bit at people like you who for some reason want to come here and mock. It's sad.

I'm not blindly following anything - I've skeptically followed since the start, finding things hidden in plain sight, one after another until allowing myself to believe that a blow is actually about to be dealt to horrible people that love to keep the masses as miserable as they can. Who knows what comes next, but I certainly enjoy being in the know as these things unfold.

I live a great life. Blessed to be healthy, fit, and working for the joy of it. I hope everyone has opportunities to enjoy their life as much soon.

But you can go ahead and piss off. It's real and it's happening, but even if it weren't I wouldn't spend my precious time trying to mock people who hope and believe in something.

22237803? ago

Take your fake sincerity and shove it. The passive aggressive ‘blessing’ is laughable. Your wall text means nothing. You’re no where near as enlightened as you think you are. You’re a little girl thinking that daddy is taking care of everything when you’re being spoon fed a story which you hold as gospel.

Having a disagreement or loosing opinion doesn’t equal misery. If you had a modicum or intelligence, you’d understand that. Enjoy your safe space echo chamber.

22243547? ago

You make no sense.

Mocking me for taking pleasure in the fact that the government we elected to take care of us is actually taking care of us is ridiculous. I don't hold any mortal's words as gospel, but this Q group has shed a light on enough for me to at least have hope.

You're saying Q is just setting us up? Or that he's completely fake? Neither makes sense, and that's my disagreement with you.

The DS had us all where they wanted us. Why would they shine a light on how they engineer their corruption? It's unspeakably stupid to suggest that. Their agents are obviously in panic - trying to impeach for looking into corruption and prevent him from appearing on the 2020 ballot is utterly desperate.

If he loses in 2020 to any of these dems, I'll publicly apologize to you. If he doesn't, will you?

22259767? ago

I’m saying question everything. Trump is the only one in our govt I trust. Everyone else has political motives and malevolent means. Q is more than likely a psyop by Dems or a foreign IC to keep awoken Americans at home thinking everything is being done for us. The best part of Q is the anon research he regurgitates.

I pray every night for President Trump. If he doesn’t win (only voter fraud will cause that), I hope you don’t apologize to me for nothing, but get out in the streets and get ready to fight instead.

22261171? ago

I do question, but I find it impossible to believe that dems would shine a light on the stuff Q has. And I find their course of action and behavior to be consistent with a trapped animal.

I think this is much bigger than Trump, and they needed him to win because he wasn't owned.

If we need to fight in the streets, we're effed. While we may have 2nd amendment, we don't have the tech and communication they do. I think we're far past the point where a citizen militia can stand up to the DS.

I'm praying right alongside you, and being a productive citizen. It's about all I can do as I see it right now.

22271250? ago

You just outed yourself as the biggest faggot or kike shill psyop responder with this.

‘If we need to fight in the streets we’re effed.’

You HAVE to be a shill to say something that stupid. People on my side (right wing, conservative, non kike) are the most well armed, trained, fit, and full of current/ex police and military. You’re telling me that an actual fight, we lose?! To soy boy faggots who’ve never been in a fight?!


I was gonna continue your civility, but that post made you glow so hard, you light up N Korea at night.

If by some sad chance you aren’t a shill, you’re so soft and weak, you need to stop being a pussy and hike up your skirt. Don’t be afraid to fight or just accept you’re gonna be a water boy if you’re lucky when shit cracks off.

22278423? ago

You have me all wrong. I'm the farthest thing from a shill. I'm here enthusiastically watching, hoping, praying and being entertained.

I literally fight physically 3 times a week - have for a loong time. I'm a patriot and I'd fight for my country and family.

I'm not ex-military, so maybe I'm wrong, but my impression is that the DS have gamed things (both tech and disinfo) to the point that it would be suicide to just rise up and start throwing down. If it came down to it, how do you know who to even fight against? I'm sure it wouldn't be simple to ID 'bad guys'. They're decades beyond what we know they have tech-wise and they've gamed out every uprising scenario a million ways, right? I'd still go down doing the right thing, I just think I'd go down. My point was that we need Q and white hats to do what they're doing.

Also, I was responding to a post that made us (IMO) seem like a bunch of trigger-happy idiots.

22285806? ago

Take my previous venom with a grain of salt. It’s not personal. I’ve just seen so many distraction posts ‘hey fellow kids’ style it drives me insane.

You’d know who the bad guys were eventually. The thing is you’re right on some things. If civil war broke out, it’ll be devastating. Our side would win any fair fight without even trying, but certain DS ops will use whatever means necessary and dividing us would be the death blow. Other govts would get involved and life as we know it would be over.

No one wants that, except those as the proverbial top. For us to be our play things. I pray it never happens, but be sure as shit I won’t hesitate to fight for my family, countrymen, and our constitution till I perish. It’ll be absolutely no ROG and full blown totalitarian combat. These DS pedos deserve the rope and each day they step another boot on our throats just makes me more cynical and angry by the day.

Keep sharp. Keep in shape. We’re on the stronger side and we need to start showing it. A one on one fight right vs left would leave them as ashes in the wind. This country has been at war for decades. Only one side is fighting though.

God bless and I’ll gladly fight along side you any day.

22296695? ago

No sweat - no offense taken.

I'm with you, would do anything for God, family and country. Been addicted to combat sports since way before it was popular. Still kicking the snot out of guys half my age. Ready for a nice Antifa 'attack' :].

Hopefully Q is real and they've sun tzu'd the sick bastards into nothingness. Just as hopeful that the public learns just how bad they were so we don't just get a whole new crop in a few years...

22299127? ago

Amen, brother. I’m in the belly of the beast here in Portland. I’ve had plenty of fun ins with faggot antifa. Legitimately they’re being paid and LARPing without fear of consequences because they don’t get arrested since our traitor mayor refuses to let the cops do these jobs. I’ve tangled up with a few and honestly was laughing as my bros and I were launching those pinkos into the street. See, the problem with those black cladded bitches is that they’re being told they won’t get hurt and to stay in packs. They have certain groups of dudes that follow close to the agitators who are the ones that fight though. It’s so obvious.

Problem for them is people like us. I can’t speak for you, but getting punched in the face just amps me the fuck up. We like combat. They like the idea of it till you get a pair of mitts on them. I almost felt bad breaking some noses and teeth. Almost. Every protest I’m there. A group of us always are. We’re a mixed bunch too, it we all love this country and love to fight.

And honestly, I don’t care if Q is a real or not. The people here have a huge cult like attitude, but the important thing is we are informed and ready to fight together against a common enemy.

22092732? ago

“Incredibly popular”

Who else says it besides Q and Q+?

22103822? ago

Yeah. They’re the only one who has ever said it. Literally a popular night phrase amongst politicians forever and pseudo intellectual professors. Incredible you think this game s Q only lol.

22104360? ago

Show me, or you’re full of shit (at best).

22117477? ago

Not your personal army. Learn to research and not be force fed info you lazy fuck. Typical leftist wants it all done for them.

22121469? ago

Translation: “I couldn’t find any.”

We are blessed with these moronic opponents. Trump 2024!

22139991? ago

Translation: I’m a brainlet who can only be force fed information because actually looking for myself means that I need to put effort in something. Go back to sleep, lady. Trump 2020.

22092380? ago

will kick your butt bro, don't even..

22103835? ago

Not gay, so stay away from my ass. And I highly doubt you could kick anything besides the bucket from your armchair, fatty.

22104092? ago

Got a harley and ride with cops, got a BMW convertible and built-in pool. Pretty active for a 64 year old. Probably would kick it.

22117567? ago

Harley’s are great. I prefer sport bikes, but I’m in my 20s. I have a GT350 weekend car and C63S coupe as a DD. Small home in a red state that’s being infected with California filth. I hope you don’t kick it, but you’re not kicking my ass either. I got 40+ years on you and have been hitting weights since a young teen. God bless, brother.

22119717? ago

Godspeed friend.

22092042? ago

Whats with the ++?

22093772? ago

The + ++ +++ is in reference to the city states / pyramid parts ..

Why is op using it here.. no idea.. just roll with it. But means nothing.

22098379? ago

May have this wrong, but

  • Soros ++ Rothchilds +++ Saudis

22094926? ago

Agreed he should edit this shit.

22097789? ago

kek, can't edit a title!

22094680? ago

Never go full retard dude

22092096? ago

should just be Q+

22092151? ago
