22083791? ago

Cover up. They will get away with EVERYTHING!!! Barr is in on this fix!!!

22083466? ago

Comey's daughter...explains everything. Nothing to see here.

22082234? ago

Having worked in surveillance for nearly two decades I can say that the redundancy they would have had would make this nearly impossible.

22083209? ago

Agree. Most large networks, like govment or law enforcement are designed along standard architecture:

A file or document on a server can be deleted from that location, but copies will be held in other network locations. Metadata of the server will identify who deleted the file. But copies of the file will have been captured on the backup servers, which ideally backup every 15 mins, or every 24 hrs at minimum. The backup files are at some point written off to tape, and held for a length of time depending on the 'Data Retention' agreement - for some law enforcement and legal agencies this can be 20 yrs.

Most large networks also have a primary and secondary geographical location for servers. In case fire/flood/explosion takes down one complete site. Meaning the servers at the primary location are real time replicating data to the secondary location, in case it needs to be brought online in emergency. So copies of data also sit on the 2nd site too.

In short, a file or document can be deleted from one location, but multiple copies of it will exist all over the place.

On modern day networks, it would be very difficult to remove something entirely.

Unless something is running entirely outside of an accredited network, like a certain infamous email server !

22080892? ago

This is such fucking bullshit. First off, POTUS put Sessions in charge of the Epstein case a year before he got arrested. There is no way in hell the white hats would trust the SDNY to make sure he was protected.

It's another show. Of course the guards fell asleep. Of course, the camera doesn't have footage. And what? No deadman switch? Ya, right.

22080638? ago

Throw corneys daughter in jail.

22079038? ago

It's barely possible to "lose" something digital on purpose, nevermind on accident.

Just ask Hillary.

22081330? ago

"The hammer slipped, I swear"

  • Hillary

22079006? ago

The fact she was “Comey’s daughter” wasn’t mentioned.

22078994? ago

How, indeed! This is getting tiresome. We keep waiting for indictments and arrests, and [they] keep getting away with murderous sacrifices that further [their] cause. It's ridiculous at this point. At what point do WE, THE PEOPLE take the fight to them?!

22078745? ago

Guys, think about it... if someone is blackmailing powerful people, their first line of business is making sure they're as dangerous to their victims dead as they are alive. Otherwise blackmailers would just get killed, and we'd all move on none the wiser.

We already know that if he had dirt 40+X pedo flight taker Clinton, and he was leaning on them without some sort of dead man switch, he would have been suicided along with the countless others who the Clintons found inconvenient.

So what kind of people must Epstein have dirt on for them to just say fuck a cover story.. we have to let him move funds around, fake his suicide/murder, and get him vack to Israel, and it doesn't matter what it will look like, and who gives a fuck what kind of cover story we can come up with?

The worst people. The worst dirt.

There is no reason to entertain their lies.

22081320? ago

The worst people. The worst dirt.

There is no reason to entertain their lies.

Precisely. Their power is derived from our apathy. We has to CARE.

(what do they burn (and fear) in that grove again?)

22082686? ago

The killing of what they call, “dull care”

22078539? ago

So Trump and Barr allowed this to happen ? Again ? Fuck themm all

22078482? ago

Why do you fucking think? And why do you think Trump and the Q gang aren't doing jack shit about it?

22078432? ago

Because the government is extremely incompetent. Yet most people are perfectly happy to give up their rights for a sense of security. The people of United States are way too soft.

-1. Strong men create good times

-2. Good times create weak men

-3. Weak men create hard times

-4. Hard times create strong men

I think we are between #2 and #3. We've got a long way to go before MAGA.

22081339? ago

Jesus christ its like a timeline of my life.

o7 on we go

22080059? ago

The biggest mistake us boomers made is that we got complacent. As long as we had good jobs, homes, cars and toys...all was well. My warning to the younger people that are doing well with this economy. Don't get complacent.

22082694? ago

Your blind “trust” also played a role.

22087320? ago

Absolutely. Talk about a humbling experience! We were raised with, as long as we were willing to work hard, we would always have what we needed. That got shattered with the Depression of 2008. And, it was a Depression.

Many, including myself lost everything. After the shock wore off, anger took over. And after 8 years of Hussein's bullshit, We the People, elected President Trump.

Looking back, I remember praying about the losses. The answer I got was, "don't think about what you're losing. Think about what you're gaining. And, personally I have.

What our Country has gained is The Great Awakening. They tried to destroy US. Now it's our turn to give them the Big Fuck You through our votes in ALL levels of government. And, to do our due diligence and call out the bullshit. We can never get complacent, too comfortable again.

22080485? ago

Thanks for your honesty!

And for those of us struggling to feed our families, teach them everything you know and more. Don't be ashamed of letting your children surpass you, do not hold them back.

22078308? ago

The TDS is strong with the fucktard who wrote this article,

"He was often seen socialising with the rich and powerful, including US President Donald Trump, former President Bill Clinton and the UK's Prince Andrew."

As the old Sesame Street song goes: One of these things is not like the others...

22078301? ago

Why tf is Comey's daughter even on this case to begin with and why tf isn't POTUS highlighting how obsurd that is?!?!?

22078353? ago

Come to think of it...why tf doesn't POTUS EVER publicly touch on anything related to Epstein? His silence on the matter has been deafening.

22078278? ago

My gut feeling is he’s with the white hats under witness protection. There’s so much BS out there about his death it just doesn’t make much sense.

22078113? ago


22077953? ago

Sounds like some jail staff are complicit in murder and cover-up, hindering an investigation (but NY reps and senators voice no opinion on that).

22077917? ago

Again... SDNY (Southern Ditrict New York) the same ones handling Weiner’s laptop. The same district where there is an epidemic of seasoned police officers “committing suicide” especially those on the verge of retirement.

22077891? ago

US prosecutors say the jail mistakenly saved footage from the wrong cell.

Even a complete simpleton would call this out as bullshit.

22077890? ago

Just an honest mix up guys. A real “whoopsie”.

22077856? ago

Technical errors? What is this a Ukranian flight out of Terhan? Every time. My dog ate my homework 😉

22077922? ago

Alan Dershowitz Wanted To Bar Press From Courtroom Where Judge Is Ruling On Epstein Case?

Celebrated gods for Mardi Gras

https://files.catbox.moe/tnhw77.jpg Epstein and the Mamluks.

And the "guardians" of free speech, ABC news, tried to pretend that the "temple" was not really a temple, but a "gym".

22078021? ago

I grew up just outside of New Orleans. Mardi Gras is wicked evil beyond your wildest dream. Fat Tuesday is the cresendo of wickedness were every vile imaginnation is performed. In public! Followed by ash Wednesday were everyone repents. Just get a charcol cross painted on your forehead by a priest and its all good.

People come from all over the world to partake in the debauchery. Epsteins temple was just that. A shrine to demons. Just like Mardi Gras is the act of satanic worship sanctioned by the "church."

Here in the Philippines this week there was the festival of the black naserene. A black chrome cross where one wipes it with a towel and you will "get a healing." People get trampled to death. All sanctioned by the priests.

This evil is more wide spread than you can imagine.

Epsteins temple is only one of tens of thousands.

And a temple is for the rich to hide their evil acts. The common man...slave does his her deeds in the open. Exposed.

22079664? ago

Anyone who has really been to Mardi Gras knows it’s the opposite of wickedness and evil. It’s full of happiness and joy.

22095762? ago

To satan....yes. I fuess you never lived there.

I did

22081312? ago

Read further, he says it, that is the world of the commoner.

None of whom are in the temples,and will pay fines for their every urination.

Its literally exactly as he said. I like 'normal' mardi gras too.

22079013? ago

Am Baptist - God told us that the earthly world will be ruled by Satan. We are living in hell, and if you haven't found salvation through Christ, then I suggest you look for it now. We are in the second coming. God bless us all.

22095792? ago

I am a minister. A bit of a rough buck at times. But no we arent in hell. But....Satan is the ruler of this world, the physical world. The world of fear and doubt not faith. The natural, aka carnal man can not comprehend the things of the spirit because it is not able to.

Romans 8:6-7

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

And that is because it can not precieve the things of the spirit. Just as darkness can not percieve light. The Spirit is greater than the flesh.

Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. If we walk by faith, that is after the Spirit we are not bound or subject to the law of sin and death, the carnal world. We are free from its power. Also if we are born again, the spirit of God dwells in us and we have rivers of living water flowing in our being, our on Mt. Horeb. As Moses smote the rock and living waters flowed from it like a river, we now can speak to the rock and have that in our inner being.

Isa 44:3

For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon you seed, and my blessing upon your offspring:

So we arent in hell but we are in satans kingdom, the natural world. But through faith and in the spirit of life in Christ, we are more than conquerors of this world and all the blessings of Abraham belong to us.

Deu 28:1-8.


22078781? ago

like that as a quote "" a temple is for the rich to hide their evil acts. The common man...slave does his her deeds in the open. Exposed.""

22077847? ago

It’s all a big sham.

22077843? ago

She's just a typical federal employee.

22081344? ago

I thought she was white...

22077637? ago

Epstein's video didn't delete itself!

22081292? ago

I cant even bring myself to comment on this bullshit.

Its so phoney baloney I dont want to acknowledge it, and I look for these sort of things.

Its just too much. I want to look away.

Vital evidence incriminating actual criminals... oops butterfingers... yea...

cool story officer.

22079960? ago

No, it was an accident. Have some faith. If we start distrusting each other then all hope is lost.

22084809? ago

Corney's corrupt daughter is not part of "we".

22078236? ago

Just like Epstein didn't kill himself! All part of the plan...Now, Comey's dirty daughtwr will be found as complicit in destroying evidence. All while Epstein sits alive in Gitmo! I love this show!!!

22080528? ago

This is close to what I believe is happening. Epstein dead or not.

22077863? ago

Were clown groups CIA, KGB, Mi6 involved.... the French Connections? Masonic rituals, a Rome snake eating a kid as a symbol for a car company... "The House of Lusignan (/ˈluːzɪnjɒn/ LOO-zin-yon; French: [lyziɲɑ̃]) was a royal house of French origin, which at various times ruled several principalities in Europe and the Levant, including the kingdoms of Jerusalem, Cyprus, and Armenia, from the 12th through the 15th centuries during the Middle Ages. It also had great influence in England and France."Blackmail... treason 1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family 2 : the betrayal of a trust : TREACHERY...Keystone (aka the 'Keystone Kops') ... https://geopolitics.co/2015/01/17/ted-gunderson-fbi-whistleblower-vs-satanists/ , https://frankreport.com/2019/08/22/more-than-just-pedophilia-insights-into-epsteins-island-temple-and-its-purported-use-for-satanic-worship/ The Temple and Owl symbols ... ask the pizzagate sub posters .... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3601342/22066881

22080609? ago

You sound like a crazy person.

22078990? ago

I was just watching a video about the House of Lusignan the other day. Melusine, the double-tailed mermaid also known as the Starbucks logo, was called the Mother of the Lusignans and the Serpent Mother of European Royalty. I always wondered what the logo meant. Knew it was meaningful and not some random image. Here's a really informative and interesting mini doc about her:


22078167? ago

Why would you not Include Mossad?

22077392? ago

LOL, I am sure she is a non-corrupt as her father.

22077372? ago

1 of two things. Deep state got to him, they are still powerful and erased evidence.

  1. Trump in control and Epstein is alive and turning evidence.

at this point its probably #1.

22077345? ago

We deleted over the VHS table with sitcom reruns. Oops, sorry.

22077943? ago

Named the Rothschild? https://streamable.com/89t53

22077314? ago

Technical errors? No there are hardware failures and then there are operator errors. It didn't delete itself.

22077977? ago

This happens all the time sure they record video 24/7 but the whole system is not designed so that the video can be saved properly.....end of sarcasm.

22092383? ago

I could see some stupid but plausible reason.

Let's say the video goes onto a server and it is recorded over, say, after a week passes. You get one week to save the video onto an external device or it is overwritten.

Given the monumental clusterfuck of all these idiots in the system, I could just barely believe that someone didn't archive it in time.

Poof, gone.

Or, more likely, they waited out the 1 week on purpose. Or, more likely than that, someone walked right into the sever room and deleted that HDD on purpose.

Occam's Razor.

22077832? ago


22077789? ago

Anyone figure out what the Temple island thing was about?

22078097? ago

child sex trafficking

That was their base of operation, underground base full of tunnels.