22087731? ago

The sad little porn addicts are defending that guy who blasts out porn filth everywhere, spamming all subs acorss voat. @goatsandbros @DrShitlord @drj2 @endomorpho What the fuck is up with these people addicted to product of the smut merchant?

22088372? ago

They are either in denial or severely addicted with no end in sight while knowing who is behind it and the reasoning. Either way the porn mind control has worked.

22006473? ago

Porn is anti love.

22003329? ago

This blog post explains it: https://www.kirkdurston.com/blog/unwin

21998117? ago

Everyone is online looking at something. So they tempt the weak with porn so they don’t see all the truth and find communities such as this one. They never thought the internet would be used against their evil plans.

21997853? ago

Contributes to the moral decay of our nation.

22170713? ago

https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3610811/22140588 going to agree with beefartist, you can control whats in your sphere, do the best you can for you and yours

21997831? ago

Gives demons energy.

21997647? ago

Device of the enemy meant to enslave, to kick open a door for demonic attack and oppression, to destroy marriages and families.

21997630? ago

Porn is a weapon of social control. Watch EMJ's opening argument. He breaks down eloquently what porn does to society.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBjzyEckTVE His opening argument is based and eloquent from 4:24–15:16

21997592? ago

Decrease birthrates. There are 20 year old men with erectile dysfunction. Also, magically speaking, what you look at when you orgasm receives a lot of energy. Some people charge sigils by masturbating and staring at the

sigils at the moment of orgasm. What is being nourished by all these porn orgasms?

22000028? ago

Thank you for bringing this up. Sex Magick is real. Even if you don't believe in it, they do. Aleister Crowley wrote about it a lot

23141299? ago

Quick rundown? Why do you believe in this magick and what is your proof?

23142774? ago

I say that it's real in that people do practice it and that it's not just a myth or urban legend, not necessarily that it works. As I said, Aleister Crowley wrote about it and encouraged it, and a lot of powerful people followed him. Look how often he is referenced by celebrities, in music and art, or even then just wearing t-shirts with his face on it. He is considered one of the most influential people of the 20th century. He was kind of a Marina Abramovich type figure. It's something they believe in, even if you don't. Not sure what kind of proof you want other than looking at Crowley's writings.... I don't have proof that it works because I'm not a practitioner of it but in my opinion it's probably part of the reason why everything is so over-sexualized.

I know Wikipedia is fucked but this gives a good rundown on his writings and influence


23150197? ago

Oh ok, I thought you did and wanted to know your reasoning.

21999867? ago

21996417? ago

Read this book: The True Reality of Sexuality by Stewart Swerdlow

Explains everything

21996293? ago

The same reason Iran is being attacked oy vey

21996953? ago


21996137? ago

It makes a lot of money

21996116? ago

Psychopaths try to make everyone think and behave like them. They don't understand or respect boundaries!

That's why we have everything that is anti human pushed by all types of media.

22084773? ago

Why do they spam up the Q subs? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3603777/22083244

21996101? ago

Never underestimate the power of idle distraction.

It's embarrassing how the elites haven't figured this out. Idle entertainment, basic amenities, and the general population will be happy sheep forever. (((They))) just get too impatient and bitter about not being top dog.

23129763? ago

why are the porno abuse media company and kike websites filled with pornography never mentioned https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3733576

21996017? ago

100 AD - Bread and Circuses

2019 AD - Pizza and Porn

21996177? ago

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21996038? ago

Don't forget sportsball

21996761? ago

Sportsball has always been a thing. Have you heard of The Olympics? It started in Olympia back in BC?

21996986? ago

I don't have an issue with whites competing, and making themselves better. The naked part would have been odd though.

21995983? ago

To be safe for all eternity:

* Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)

* Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)

* Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13,14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)

21996063? ago

Be safe brother.

21996058? ago

Oh praise be to our Lord Jesus and forgive me for playing with my penis so often and dreaming of Trump pounding my ass like a stallion. Lead me away from such carnal temptation o Lord. Amen

21996603? ago

May your prayers be answered in prison, shill.


21995915? ago

Pornography is sex trafficking.

21996473? ago

That makes it even hotter. Just knowing that the sluts are being abused.

21998706? ago

The lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying.

21996057? ago

Even the most popular ones?

22005134? ago

ESPECIALLY the most popular ones.

22009333? ago

Anything to read or watch?