22006555? ago

TODAY, is the first day of Israel's Exposure and FALL

that's how I interpret it

22004222? ago


22001931? ago

Nice! What's 1420 say?

22001884? ago

Nothing can stop what is coming! Nothing!

22001060? ago

What sorcery is this

22000395? ago

I don't know how to share images on voat, but I always wonder why I don't see Zuma frog to go with pepe and keks.


22000386? ago

this is why QRV exists

21999633? ago

You guys are fucking fags

21999525? ago

This is the best explanation I’ve heard to date of what’s going on re (deep state) Congress vs President Trump


21999357? ago

holy time travel, batman. look at reference to BIG Q post. time stamp 10:58:17. Look at post 105

21999309? ago

It also talks about pending sanctions. Remember that poster in the White House with the text: "Sanctions are coming"? That was exactly a year ago!

21999259? ago

Nice find anon.

21999103? ago


1320 = 1/4 mile, usually used to reference a DRAG STRIP.

Does 1320 mean that the rubber met the road yesterday? That Things will ACCELERATE from here on out?

Does it mean we are 1/4 of the way through this process?

Peace and love patriots

21999097? ago

VERY nice catch... since we now have confirmed that drop numbers can correlate to dates, we should go forwards and backwards in the Q drops to see if there are any other major events Q mentions, and cross reference the drop number, as well as the 1,2 or 3 year delta with current dates.

22000599? ago

Please post what you find.

21999002? ago

I feel sorry for us... my God

21998748? ago

ThanQ for breaking cover and guiding us ;)

21998704? ago

This is not a game.

21998702? ago

Tay is Q

21998661? ago

Thank you, Anon! What a great post!

21998653? ago

Holy fucking shit batman!

21998188? ago

Ty for shitting and giggling.

21998050? ago

There’s more! (If not already mentioned below) 1/2/2019 - Trump at Whitehouse with Game of Thrones themed poster with his picture titled ‘Sanctions * Are * Coming’. The target of the strike [Soleimani] had a response Game of Thrones graphic posted on his Instagram with his image titled ‘I Will Stand * Against * You’. So the strike happened exactly on the 1 year anniversary of the poster sitting on the table at the 1/2/2019 press conference / meeting.

21998808? ago

Those GoT posters were posted on 11/02/18 and 11/03/18 respectively. The original "Sanctions are Coming" poster had the date Nov 5, but the one on the table during the press conference on 1/02/19 had the date Nov 4. I wonder why he changed the date?

21997924? ago


21997884? ago


21997698? ago

God is good!

21997691? ago

So the bombing was a setup

21997326? ago

Umm, that post is from May, 2018.

21997029? ago


HOW can Q do that? .... this totally blows my mind.

22006543? ago

The DS had the world in a time bubble, that shit popped after 2012

22029034? ago

I can go with that.

I read a book: the mind race and did the remote viewing back then.~1991 (70% of the time 100% accurate.)

stopped doing it (weird side of things)

Would sit in a car with my buddy and describe the area a random stranger would be at in an hour...

now that you said that... I did the entire remote viewing in 10-15 mins... BEFORE they got there...

never thought about using it that way for the future.

I can see this is totally possible. If we had 17? people with same results we could take the majority who had the same intel.

You just blew my mind. I cant believe we didn't realize it was looking into the future.

22029080? ago

Also. it took me about a hour to "recover" from the stupor i was in (to do it best I had to remove my memory and imagination and "peer through a hole" )

I would know the item or area visually but had a real hard time describing it in words and shapes. Like I knew it was made of wood but couldn't say "wood" totally weird.

Can you link me to more current info on this ?

21996823? ago

We know SOLEIMANI planned to bomb a DC restaurant and hired Mexican Cartel to kill the Saudi ambassador on US soil. Was Soleiman involved in the Las Vegas shooting along with others?

21996383? ago

More evidence for Q / Q+ / Trump team somehow knowing the date of this well ahead of time:

EXACTLY two years earlier - TO THE DAY:


22006467? ago

the warp in 2012 that sent the Mandela Effect into hyper-drive also allowed for an opportunity to kill the cabal

21996378? ago

thats crazy

21996332? ago

OP: You rocked for posting this!! AWESOME...

But what is in that Embassy...?


If you find the youtube video of Congressional hearing of Iraq's Wealth Audit.. it was estimated in the TRILLIONS Gold, Antiquities,oil, -

21996314? ago

Nice connection made there anon!

21996164? ago


21996096? ago

Along these lines, 1/10 (next Friday) will be interesting, as treason is per Q, 1/10th of it all

21995829? ago

On a post ask for 1/6/20 it didnt take me to that date but to qpost 3054 those 2 posts are interesting per current climate of things

21995802? ago

Seems pretty relevant to whats going on.

21995737? ago

Ho-Lee-Fuk lads!

21995725? ago

lol when will whites take control of israel?

21995707? ago


21995582? ago

Fuck Yea!

21995548? ago

Bullshit lol

21995528? ago

Funny, I've seen other people post this, and yet they never mentioned the post 1320 thing, and I'm sitting there wondering how a post from May relates. Suddenly, it clicks. That's crazy.

21995495? ago

Q people getting played by an ancient formula. The pi code.



Should have asked Esotericshade

22000848? ago

Q people getting played? This not what the information shows at all. Basically it's just the Cabal using a block chain to communicate through time. You cann go back through time, find the dates that match and see their played hands. The crazy thing is once you understand this, you can see the constructed reality.

22001008? ago

Cabal plays people. repub and dems both working for geater israel plan. Thats what iran is about.

21998636? ago

We're not here to talk about Francis Bacon's Birthday. Get lost loser.

21998655? ago


22003897? ago

So what you're saying is I need to add 2323 days to 1/22/2020, okay got it.

21996972? ago

I need to do a big update to the site, there are many things I've learned which have not been included, and plus I need to organize the information better as there is so much to say which can seem very chaotic.

21995464? ago

Top Kek

21995427? ago

Wouldn’t it have been 1220?

21996629? ago


Died: 3 January 2020 (aged 62)

Near Baghdad International Airport, Baghdad, Iraq

Soleimani was killed on 3 January 2020 around 1 am local time

21995255? ago

Awesome find. This does not look at all like a coincidence. But I wonder how Q knew that Suleimani would attack the embassy at this time.

21998167? ago

If you include the Trump whitehouse meeting on 1/2/2019 with the Game of Thrones poster ‘Sanctions are Coming’ responded to by [Soleimani] in a similar meme on Instagram stating ‘I will stand against you’, I don’t think coincidence applies.

21995287? ago

They used Looking Glass to set up the right circumstances that would lead him into the trap. They knew this would happen years ago. Trust the plan.

21995185? ago

1/9/20: 1920

Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

What a coincidence.

Remember Southwest?

Remember TX?




So next Thursday we see events in Southwest/Texas? Along the border? Remember, the cartels have been designated terrorists - that gives POTUS all the war-on-terror war powers. Four booms, four cartel leaders?

21995360? ago

I'm not sure 1920 in sequence will play out but let's see.

in 1920 drop anon referenced 4 "planes" in other countries. Q "Remember Southwest" = Airline? Remember Southwest engine explosion and lady getting suck halfway out window and plane emergency landing in Philly. Cabal remote controlled plane issues.

21995391? ago

Right, but was Q responding to the Anon. Or using that post as a marker?

21998149? ago

as you probably already know: 1320 - marker. blown away

21998139? ago

IMHO - I'm thinking response

21995210? ago

Assuming last boom sent is Soleimani, then we set our calendars and see what happens.

21995123? ago

listen i've been following Q for a good long while, but damn. that's solid right there.

21995068? ago

The suicide references always intrigue me. I wonder if the suicide is not a person doing themselves in, but is an organization or party? Will we recognize it when it happens?

21995631? ago

I think it was Epstein. His "suicide" is the catalyst that has (and is) red-pilling a lot of normies.

21995067? ago

Project Looking Glass?

21995182? ago

Not a question anymore.

21995564? ago

I agree OP...the one that blew my mind at first was 93 dark. I was monitoring CMZ on Twatter and his dad. All the shit they went through trying to get 8chan up again. Then it barely is up and hardly anyone can write a post, yet somehow Q posts almost exactly 93 days later.

Between that, 1320, and calling the peach mints like a year early have my mind completely blown. How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?

Am I missing any?

21998115? ago

Game of Thrones poster on display at Whitehouse press conference 1/2/2019 re: Iran. Responded to by Soleimani with retort Game of Thrones instagram saying ‘I will stand against you’. The memes were done earlier (found November 2018 articles about them), but featured at Whitehouse on 1/2/2019 as a poster on table of press conference.

22002425? ago

Does this have anything to do with th recent death of GOT star?

21998620? ago

I just need like ten more proofs and I'm all in kek

22004918? ago


21996660? ago

Tippy top

21995059? ago

I don't know about yinz, but my Spidey sense is tingling. Bigly.

21994972? ago

Looks like Trump is targeting Iranians and not pedos in the US. Kill more Iranians who are dangerous for Israel but don't kill pedos who are dangerous for children.

21996028? ago


There have been 2,315 arrest events. The most arrested in one event is 2,300.

Executive Order 1: Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

Executive Order 2: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

21996211? ago

Where are major arrests and confirmations of what Q has been saying about spying on Trump campaign or John Podesta and all other stuff, no confirmation ... I don't say those are untrue but where's confirmation, is Q legit with us? We will maybe find out but there are no confirmations beside a fact that Durham is leading criminal investigation.

21996647? ago

You'll see. Enjoy the show.

21995104? ago

Lots and lots of human trafficking arrest.

21995759? ago

No major ones though, no confirmation of what Q was talking about for two years.

21996495? ago

Epstein you stupid fucking cuck. Goddamn you’re worthless

21994885? ago

This is fan-fuckin-tastic. My mind is blown. Is Hagatha in New Zealand?

21994864? ago


21994856? ago

Great find and very relevant. Democrats are demanding to know what is the plan. We have the map! PAIN incoming!

21994851? ago

Nice find.

21994775? ago

I wonder what the other 9/10ths are? Is Iran a Mother Lode?

21995178? ago

Yes, one of a few remaining cabal controlled evil countries

21995083? ago

Yes, U1 & Sum of All Fears.

MOABs incoming. <

Black Nuclear sites built by Iran in Syria...

21995260? ago

I also wondered if "it's going to be Biblical" that perhaps they have been hiding Noah's Ark or something. Big to me means something we haven't listed yet.

21998565? ago

The Storm reference points the way.

21994740? ago

Double plus good find! It resonates and leans towards "future prove past".

21994726? ago

Bigger than people can imagine.

Treason is 1/10th.

Ask yourself, why are they panicking?

1/10th sounds pretty evil. We don't know the half of it. Only 40 to 60% will be revealed because of the sheer evil of their deeds. Those who know can't sleep.

21994974? ago

1/10th- January 10th?

22006247? ago

Wonder where they came up with 144,000? That's a pretty specific number. Sounds like Revelation.

22032775? ago

It does indeed! That number is revered by both religious and spiritual (non-religious) groups alike, which makes it all the more intriguing IMO.


Thanks for the reply btw. The link I'm sharing seemed to wake me to some interesting stuff in dreamtime last night after reading through it and the comments ;)

22004575? ago


22004866? ago

High tension and polarity expected by astrologers due to the unique planetary configuration coupled with a full moon lunar eclipse:


Stay grounded and focus on the most positive timeline. If you're inclined to join a group meditation, it's linked in the previous post. The more hands on deck, the better.

22004890? ago

Thank you..

21997945? ago

Full moon

22006388? ago

ded sand coon

21994722? ago

So if this pattern holds:

On 1/7, Lisa Page will be fully cooperating with the whitehats.

1/9, there will be four booms and or airplane incidents related to Texas / the US Southwest.

That's based on drops 1720 and 1920..



If the trend continues,

On 2/3 the Presidential Alert System will be brought into play.


On 2/5, the Washington Post / Amazon / CIA connections will be exposed. (They are Deep State / cabal-controlled traitors to the nation after all..)


On 2/6 the Senate starts to investigate Google and their financial records from Financial Year 2019. (Paper trail to show illegal technology transfers, etc. to China?)


On 2/7 the sleeping American people will have no choice but to wake up to what has really been happening. (Big disclosures?)


No idea if this will pan out. But one can hope.

What an interesting time to be alive.

21998367? ago

Interesting that the presidential alert system is the day before the projected state of the Union.

21995989? ago

This seems to be highly relevant regarding project looking glass:

Q - 3585

Project Looking Glass?

Going Forward in Order to Look Back.


21998943? ago

Look back to see the future must also be true. Jon Titor needs cross referencing

21999489? ago


21998218? ago

what is looking glass

22003589? ago

It's woo woo bullshit these people are jacking off to thinking it's time travel or remote viewing.

Realistically it's a spy program that's gathered data and now the revelations are being drip fed to the public slowly in order to not shatter their reality tunnels.

22001324? ago

21996304? ago

More evidence for Q / Q+ / Trump team somehow knowing the date:

EXACTLY two years earlier - TO THE DAY:


21995740? ago

we keep doing all of this but when will we bomb israels deep state?

21996397? ago

Saved for last

21996405? ago


21995572? ago

So --- is this "learn our coms"?

22001472? ago

its bigger than that jim.

yes, "learn our coms"

BUT these aren't merely some coms that Q et al made up in the last few years.

this way of planning/scripting events/ news has been going on for a long time,

often right in front of your own face.

consider how many dates you already know are planned, for example holidays, or the super bowl, etc.

you know when election day is. you know when inauguration day is.

now you just have to make the leap that all the less important days in between are planned and scripted too.

every day is planned/scripted, and has been for a very long time.

so when Q says "learn our coms", he really means "learn (((THEIR))) coms"

and once you learn their coms, you can go back thru history and see how the news/events have been planned and scripted

the guys from "no agenda podcast" discovered a 6 week cycle between all these fake news stories, and literally predicted the Boston Marathon Bombing down to the exact day, April 15, 2013

this is perhaps one of the biggest take-aways from the whole Q experience, is the ability to unlock their coms. once everyone knows how they roll, they will forever lose their ability to fool all of the people all of the time.

22003943? ago

Sort of. The 6week cycle thing is specifically to FBI events. Like the honeypot arrests they do. It's not about all events.

No agenda is completely wrong far more often than they are right. I'm not saying it's a bad podcast. But Adam and John are boomers and their retarded ignorance shine through a lot. Moreso Adam than John. Some highlights:

They shit on Q then months later discuss the events and don't make the connection.

Adam though "fap" was some Dutch term. Cause he thinks the Netherlands is the center of the universe.

Adam claims to be from Georgia or Tennessee or whatever. But he's Texan. But he's British. But he's Dutch. But he's from San Fran. But he is a New Yorker. I know what he means. But he's obnoxious.

Remember Adam saying trump and Bolton were bathhouse queers for months?

Adam thinks being "off the grid" is using a phone he's getting paid to shill that runs google services and ok google.

Their "off the grid" deferment is pants on head retarded. It's literally a tech news segment now. Adam actually ranted about how people telling him to run lineageOS to avoid google services were stupid. Because being off the grid meant having difficulties using a browser.

Adam thinks running an app on a non jailbroken iPhone 5 to make browsing harder is "cloaking your iPhone".

Both Adam and John for all their history in tech think jailbreaking and rooting are "hard".

Adam runs a live disk of Ubuntu makes him a Linux geek after a week.

No Agenda is good sometimes. But lately and more often then not, they are doing the exact opposite of what they brag about. They are cow towing to no insulting their audience so they they get money. Then they fill the show with as much non effort shit as possible.

22001969? ago

Well said Patriot! Boom!

21995373? ago


Glorious times. Kek

21995140? ago

This would be glorious.


21995017? ago

Sounds right.

21994674? ago


21994840? ago

Maybe he really is? Wouldn't that shock and wake up everyone!

21994669? ago

Nice find!

21994605? ago

Well, that is interesting.

21994527? ago

Good eye man!!

21994500? ago

Good observation, Anon

21994435? ago

All the shills are thumb sucking right now!!! LOL!!!! Wonderful! Thank you for an inquisitive mind!!

21994329? ago

Creepy ass looking glass!

22006399? ago

get you some mushrooms and peek with us

21994615? ago

Timeline 1, here we are!

21994301? ago

Nice find!

21994283? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @threesevens.

Posted automatically (#83844) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21994174? ago

I’m going to show this to my wife the hater, I’m going see what she says and report back.

This is the stuff dreams are made of.

The deeper we go the more unrealistic it all becomes.

21995096? ago

Good luck!

21994985? ago

I’m going to show this to my wife the hater...

Divorce and trade up to a MAGA woman!

21995907? ago

I’m looking to do just that.

21995214? ago

No, wake her up and keep your family together!

21996873? ago

No kids, no commitment

21998426? ago

A covenant is a commitment of life and death before God

22004432? ago

Christ-cucking at its finest. Don't stick around degenerate women because you fucked up.

God forgives.

22005227? ago

"Don't fight for your woman, be a fucking cuck and surrender, let some other guy try and help her. God loves selfish pricks who do that after all.

22005599? ago

Not everyone can be saved, some will only drag you down with them.

Don't be so myopic.

21994211? ago

Happy redpilling.

21994166? ago

one line in that post scares me. what do they mean the goal is to keep potus in till impeachment / term end? I want 4 more years of Trump. they better be planning another 4 year run! why would the goal stop at impeachment/ term end?

21994470? ago

He means “the goal was to keep POTUS in the Iran nuclear deal until they could remove him”

21994496? ago

remove solimenie or whatever the muslim shit stains name was?

21994663? ago

No. Remove POTUS.

21994102? ago

Nice dig anon. Major hit, yuge even.

21994090? ago

Who commited suicide? After May 8th?

21994084? ago

just searched to see if I could figure HRC's current location, found this article from a few days ago with a pretty meme worth photo in it

Hillary Hanging with the Heebs

21994157? ago

21994339? ago

Looks like her botox-infused cheeks double to me.

21994321? ago

Are we sure that's even her and if it is, why the fuck does she now look like Jigsaw from Saw? 😱

21994044? ago

mind BLOWN!!

21994036? ago

Welcome to Kekistan.

21995253? ago

Shadilay brother!

21994737? ago

Aye, shadilay!

21994522? ago


21994303? ago


21996863? ago

With tears of drunken exultant joy, shadilay

21999717? ago

Love it, anon, I love it!!

21996793? ago

21999726? ago

Spectacular.. Cheers!

22000124? ago

Correction: KEK-tacular!

21993975? ago

NZ is part of 5 eyes but doesn't have to keep log files of other countries using them as spying proxies

22006511? ago

New Zogland

21994126? ago

HRC, Kerry, et al were able to take advantage of technical hole in the access tracking, if they pull intelligence while in one of the other five eyes countries, I guess especially NZ and Australia.

21993963? ago

Whether evil was controlling Iran or not.....what does it have to do with us!?!?!?

21994048? ago

Iran is a rogue deep state controlled country with nukes like North Korea per Q. Been part of the cleansing plan

21994330? ago

What does that do for us.....oh ya, nothing!

Meanwhile, trump refuses to do anything about the flood of spics and latin americans flooding our border. Nothing at all.

Wake the fuck up man.

21998616? ago

UMM...what about the massive wall he is having built along our southern border fuck stick...or the 100 000+ illegals a month stopped from entering the country for starters??? are you a fucking dunce??? naturally brain dead???

21999695? ago

There is no wall you fucking retard. Literally no wall to speak of. Just your imaginary wall in your stupid MAGA Q head.

22005199? ago

No not from coast to coast...but for now wall has been built in the biggest problem areas...and more is being built each day faggot...it's not going to be built over night ....now go eat a dick fuck stick...

22005304? ago

I'm pretty Trump's motto was "REPLACE THE EXISTING FENCE" right?

21995144? ago

We ARE awake Shill, and your shrill cries and lies, won't be enough to gaslight us here.

21995154? ago

Meanwhile your country you claim to love is still being flooded and overtaken by Mexico. And Trump hasn't done anything about it!

21998566? ago

Yes he is.

21994362? ago

Cleansing the deep state does everything for us... Order is important.

21994557? ago

Trump hasn't "cleansed" any deep state retard......

21995092? ago

He literally just blasted a few to hell......

21994896? ago

Didn’t you see them all weeping for Suleimani today?

21998226? ago

I saw the video of people in Iraq cheering in the streets with giant flags. But when the head of the nation that just tortured and killed a few hundred protestors declares 3 days of mourning, there may be some photo opportunities of mourning to indicate compliance. [Not a free country].

21994017? ago

Because the swamp is WW. And nuclear disarmament is the first priority.

Drop 1245:

Think SA.

Order is important.

SA -> NK.

NK -> Armenia.

Armenia -> Iran

Iran ->

Any other rogue nuclear states?

21995120? ago

Israel comes to mind.

21994316? ago

Israel is the only rogue nuclear state in the middle east, idiot. Their nuclear weapons are all illegal per the nuclear proliferation treaty, and they stole all the technology and materials from the United States.

Shut your fucking mouth idiot

21994137? ago

Israel, Pakistan, India

21993956? ago

Iran next! Anon remembers! Big Q proof after NK...

22006526? ago

none of us will be free, until Israel is LAST

hang in there!

21993945? ago

Soleimani is holding absolute power in Iran, not Khamenei or Rouhani.

21995217? ago

Soleimani was cabal / C_A placed, protected and controlled asset...now he is a puddle of mudd

21994193? ago

was...kek.... not is...another piece of shiite dead

21993886? ago

Is Iran where we'll stage our attack against Israel?

21993916? ago

Anon, that must be it! That's the only thing that makes sense!

21993785? ago

Great find!

21993774? ago

Great time to be allive

21993756? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#83841) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21993724? ago

Why are coincidences more convincing than shits airing on MSM?

22006377? ago


"idiot yelling from the igloo"

comes to mind

21996230? ago

Because there ARE NONE!

21993831? ago

Why are you watching that garbage is the better question.

21993693? ago

So Q is confirmed to be a Mossad operation? Thanks OP

21993760? ago

Ur ass is glowin

21994304? ago

kek. good one!

21994422? ago

Ive learned from the best

21994007? ago

This is not porn. Open it while scrolled toward the bottom of the screen to be certain, then scroll up slowly. This is informational.

21993972? ago

^ Porn spammer, ignore him.

21993682? ago

That reads as literally speaking about today, more than ANYTHING that was going on in the news at the time. Certainly Iran and the deal were in the news then, but pending military action(s)...Always a possibility, but I don't remember being super worried about it at the time. Military actions certainly seem "more pending" right now.

21996813? ago

Designed to foil the enemy

21996536? ago

Why is Hillary in NZ?

Government no longer to fund the Clinton Foundations' flagship aid programme

8 Oct, 2019 9:59am


21993578? ago


21998337? ago

lol it's really hard for me to believe that there is a man with inside info telling a quarter percent of the population some shit that the cabal may or may not know.

but god damn, there are some coincidences that are pretty god damned crazy

21996385? ago

It's like a/thee "phenomenon"...

21995955? ago

Project looking glass confirmed.

21998750? ago

The date of 1320 also has a Trump tweet related to Iran.

21998601? ago

Ha! No effing kidding, right!

22006345? ago

never say "right" at the end of a sentence, especially without a ?

21995769? ago

Great QProof Anon. Kudos.

It IS scripted!

Relax and enjoy the Show!!!

22001243? ago


it is scripted, and it time to wake up and move.

21998755? ago

Plenty of drops tell us not to relax, per se

21996543? ago

you fucking retards are unreal "Relax and enjoy the show!!!"

21997359? ago

This shilly bitch just figured out scheckels are worthless and got pissed. LMAO.

22006353? ago

that's fucking funny!

21997761? ago


21994936? ago


21994457? ago

Not really. You can “find” anything. This is a, yes, (wait for it.....) coincidence. Believe it or not coincidences do happen all the time, despite what members of the Q religion faithfully believe.

21995730? ago

your believing that this is a complete coincidence is way more of a stretch, in this instance.

21995351? ago

Fuck off

21994930? ago

No such thing. <

21994827? ago

There is a spectrum.

It runs between "coincidence" and "cause and effect."

At this point, nobody following Q believes much in coincidence. Anyone who follows this stuff runs into coincidence way, way, way too much. In fact, the sheer amount of coincidence here is mindboggling, because there is no human way that this much coincidence can be generated. Anyone who has dug DEEP into Q and started looking at codes, and yes, even the coincidences that exist in gematria, has left scratching their head -- or simply blowing it off.

I'm not the type to simply blow it off. That's how I became a "conspiracy theorist" in the first place. By acknowledging the facts that are in front of me without shrugging and dismissing them to coincidence. Which leads me again to the sheer number of "coincidences" that can be dug up in so many different ways. This is unnatural. There has to be technology behind it.

I personally believe that there is a Quantum AI that has generated the Q drops.

21994971? ago

It's a puzzle built for us to solve, and keep our focus along the way. <

The Gematria I am doing is scratching the surface.

This Gematria stuff isn't for everyday people, it's the language of the Top Elites on both sides, and it is why they that are so interested in my decodes.

21995267? ago

You have any links?

21997170? ago

Thank you.

21994556? ago

The word co-incidence simply means that multiple events converge. What you have failed to describe is the question, "Is there meaning in these converging events?", and anyone with any sense can clearly see that the meaning is obvious.

21996805? ago

Just because you can find two things that match up doesn’t mean shit. Think about all the literal infinite number of combinations that don’t match. Looking at it that way it would be impossible for a few things to naturally correlate by coincidence. Checkmate, fucko.

22000471? ago

Let's name the coincidences: Potus post time, date match, Iran control through a decisive action.

All of those coincide with a post by Q in May of 2018.

Run the odds.

21994549? ago

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

21996718? ago

Doesn’t mean that nothing is a coincidence.

21994544? ago

What kind of skeletons are in your closet, oh petrified poster?

21994533? ago

Oh, thanks, now everyone will stop noticing that the ayatollah/Deep State's top dog just got deconstructed. Right on the same day of a Q post number about Iran leadership.

21998460? ago

Didn’t happen, foo. Coincidence.

21994130? ago

my word exactly

21993465? ago

This has to do with the Iran Deal.