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21995505? ago

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21976194? ago

Patriot - I love how you make us think. I can only follow this about 50%, but I get it.

Now, I'm more of a historian and sociologist -- so I did a little research on obscured histories -- And actually, amazingly, this fits. I've never been one to jump on the "muh joooos" bandwagon, but I have always instinctively known we have been fed some serious BS over the millennia. And, actually, this article does play into what you're finding in gematria. It shows rather clearly that the entire history of the modern day Jews (Pharisees/Edomites) is contrived and fabricated -- especially the "Chosen Ones" mantra.

I would bet in reading this article you'll find some things that lend credence to your numberfagging, and probably more dates to consider. https://northerntruthseeker.blogspot.com/2009/11/real-history-how-modern-tribe-of-jews.html This and http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/jewish_sacrifice.htm

Also, am digging again into the Armenian Genocide. How many of the "turks" were related to the "jews" in the above two articles? And now, how much of the islamist movement is financed and goaded on by the Edomites/Pharisees?

So much we don't understand yet about the back room workings of our world.

Q: "We are leaving Israel for last..."

21977596? ago

Thanks for the comment, and I know a lot of this seems very strange and complicated. A good place to start is to understand the bare bones of the timeline which is basically the timeline given by Lord K’inich Janaab’ Pakal, and then the Bible ALSO mentions dates coinciding with the same timeline. The Brazilian Medium Chico Xavier also confirmed the same timeline. There is a larger explanation of all this here...

What I believe is that the timeline is similar to the Yuga cycles... It's as if certain dates coincide with new energies or different consciousness of the planet... So I do expect some big changes happening between now and 2023, especially as we are all waiting for the "storm" to arrive...

I'll take a look at that link

22052315? ago

thanks - look at the one I just posted for Jan 12 as well. would love your take on it. Pluto conjunct Saturn. Interesting that one of the last times it was here was 1947. Isn't that the year Israel was formed or treaties were signed for it?

21975751? ago

numerically autist much?

21975856? ago

I'll take that as a compliment

21975880? ago

you should, it was meant with total respect. your work makes me feel like a mental midget

21975652? ago

Hmmm. You may not be aware that 9/11/2001 was the FIRST DAY of the new millenium on the ancient Coptic calendar which is much older than our current Gregorian calendar.

Their 9/11/01 (Coptic) is equivalent to our Gregorian 1/1/2000.

The day/month "9/11" is called "1 Thoth" as opposed to the Gregorian "January 1st".

Food for thought anyway OP....

21975840? ago

How interesting that I go to search for this information: https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/coptic-calendar.html

And I see:

Year 1 in the Coptic calendar started on August 29, 284 in the Julian calendar.

Just as 8/29/2019 is the first day of the 1260 days, it is also possible that the destruction of the first and second temple happened on August 29th...

Also, I don't see what you are saying about 1/1/2000, but I do see that 9/10/2001 is the last day of their year 1717 "5 Pi Kogi Enavot 1717" and then 9/11/2001 is "1 Thout 1718"

21976627? ago

To your question, the start of the new millennium is technically year '01', not year '00'. So the new millennium celebration for them, by modern standards would have been the first day (as counted on the Coptic calendar) of the year 2001 -> 09/11/2001. Hence, not another "insignificant" day...

Also - "Thout" is just a different spelling of "Thoth", the wiseman/savior during these "prehistoric" times - aka - Atlantean - pre-Younger Dryas period.

21975628? ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it's funny how I thought George Bush was a pretty good guy when I was young, now it's so clear he was just as evil a cabal player as Obama and the rest.

21976005? ago

Same. Now I understand why he ready that specific verse.

I’ve spent years researching the Bush family vs WW2 but they also go back previous to JP Morgan lining up and financing WW1. Without them The Great War would have fizzled literally.

Evil as evil can be. I’m also in Houston and the lore around is pretty intense regarding HW groping people from catering companies etc

21975193? ago

I just made a connection with something you just said in your post...

2/9/2023 is the end of the 1260 days, and is ALSO again Mayan day 222.

Take a look at 222 Records:

Founded February 9, 2012; 7 years ago

So like you said, February 9th in 2023 is that portal day mayan day 222... Then February 9 in 2017 is Mayan day 111, and 2265 days before 4/24/2023, the last day of the 1335... Now I see "covfefe" is the numbers 3 15 22 6 5 6 5

very clever indeed

21975189? ago

You mean a number related to the geometric properties of a circle shows correlation to years and dates? It’s almost like the Earth orbits the sun and we decided to divide the circle into 360 degrees.

Now the question I have is why would they plan activities on these dates? What is so significant about 9/11 that it required that level of blood sacrifice?

21975272? ago


Heh, 189 at the end of 1717 digits...

You mean a number related to the geometric properties of a circle shows correlation to years and dates? It’s almost like the Earth orbits the sun and we decided to divide the circle into 360 degrees.

The divine blueprint of creation is becoming more obvious with the planetary awakening. Our solar system is moving into an area of space where the vibrations are higher. This is causing changes in our people.

What I find to be pretty marvelous is that the diameter of the Earth is approximately 7918 miles. (~7,917.5 mi)

7/17/2019 is the 7918th day of the 7920 days. (7920 is also 5280 * 1.5, remember 5280 feet in a mile)

In Pi, 358 occurs at the end of 11 digits... This is of course 717 if you are looking at 2Pi... Because 7/17/2019 is the 358th day of the final 360 day cycle of the 7920 days which start on 11/12/1997...

It's funny that the next time 358 occurs in Pi, it is at the end of 3601 digits, residing right next to the first occurrence of 7918 in Pi...

21977144? ago



Think about that for a minute.

21977516? ago


21974945? ago

This is some very advanced research... I also notice that Francis Bacon's birthday is January 22, 1561 ... That could also be important...

We are coming up on 1/22/2020, those will be some important 1189 days... I wonder what's to come

21974926? ago

It's like that movie Knowing (minus the solar flare).... They do tell us what they are doing.

21974980? ago

Who knows, maybe a solar flare is coming (in a good way)

A divine flash of light which illuminates our souls, and makes us remember our connection to source, as source energy beings.

21974528? ago

That is an incredible observation about the true placement of 9/11/2001, I always wondered about that :> especially good as most people would never even know the correct start date of the 7920 days, and then 1399 isn't apparently obvious as a special number, and who would search for its reverse in Pi? these people obviously have a leg up on 99.99% of unawakened society, it's time to learn their codes.

21974617? ago

Thank you, and if you are interested in learning a bit more, especially how these codes are incorporated into Bible verses, see here

21975385? ago


Bible Code shows the same. Bush repeated the verse on the day of the intercect. He knew

21974466? ago

1225 first contains 225, a special number of spiritual significance, being 15 squared, with 15 cubed being 3375, the sum of all digits before the 999999 sequence of Pi... 225 days in the orbit of Venus. But what I find to be the great thing of all is that the 1225th PRIME number is 9931 as 9931 occurs at the end of 22222 digits of Pi, and the reverse of 9931 is 1399, the 222nd prime number.

Holy shit.