21998397? ago

RR Out Stringer & Marker


3 Jan 2018 - 9:43:04 PM


Everything has meaning.

Who is AMB Matlock?






21995968? ago


21995199? ago

Future affects past: Delayed choice quantum experiment.


21993808? ago

Fuckin hell. Combined with qdrop 1320

We are live

21995614? ago

I posted last nite another connection. I think that the flag tweet that POTUS tweeted was tied to Q1333 which was the one that only said "Castle LOCK". The capped letters spell CLOCK. I think that was our cue/Q to follow the clock. And the CLOCK will unlock things that have remained invisible until now.

21995854? ago

Its magic ❤️

21993744? ago

Also see this post.




21993712? ago

oy vey when will zognald bomb the fuck out of the deep state in israel?????KEK KEK KEK KEK

21993619? ago

How do they do this?

21995472? ago

Thank you.

21995019? ago

Thanks for the link anon.

Likely related:

Q - 3585

Project Looking Glass?

Going Forward in Order to Look Back.


21993525? ago

I believe we'll see quite a bit of 'protests' in Iran and probably Iraq within the next few days. Their 'Yellow Vest'?

21993840? ago

Are we really going to support terrorism against foreign countries followed by Soros backed colour revolutions?

21993457? ago

that's crazy, and just shows how intricate/precise this whole operation is.


21994769? ago

really though? You think Trump knew that in exactly 1 year Suleimani would be visiting Iraq and they would kill him?

21994964? ago

I think you're missing the connection anon.

If this isn't a coincidence -which is an incredible one if it were- it lends validity to everything we are learning and hearing about the Project Looking Glass that Q mentioned..

21996736? ago

You people... Proof that the jews are right about that whole "cattle" thing.

21996829? ago

"POTUS Took Control of Iran Today"




NYT tip off


I'm ready for "the revolution" about as well as anyone could be if this all ends up failing btw.

But I do hope the Trump / Q plan works.

21997229? ago

I take it that's one of the riddles? I don't know who takes that kind of thing seriously, but a 'communication style' like that is clearly targeting a certain demographic. It would be great if Trump and "Q" somehow turned out to not be jewing us, but my assessment of those odds is 'very low'. Low odds of success is also why I don't buy lottery tickets.

21995006? ago


Q - 3585

Project Looking Glass?

Going Forward in Order to Look Back.


21993080? ago

Much Arrest Shills and Bots: crickets

21993508? ago

They're due for a narrative switch. Notice the impeachment situation is all but a hush?

21993066? ago

Very eerie. Project Looking Glass in action?

21996358? ago

Glad Q mentioned it, because it not only validated David Wilcock's work into Project Looking Glass, which I had known about a decade before Q, but also gave an explanation for this future proves past insanity.

21996496? ago

Do you have a good summary of Project Looking Glass? I only know a little about it and want like a 101 type of article.

21998532? ago

Look up the YouTube channel Where We Go One We Go All. He's got a pinned video about it that is really fantastic.

22001830? ago

Thank you!

21994565? ago


21993490? ago

yeah it's so otherworldly.

can't wait until we find out what's really going on.

21992130? ago

Promises made, Promises kept.

21996848? ago

No. That was a general tweet. It wasn’t prophetic or hinting of any specific event years into the future. Don’t be a foo.

21992079? ago



21991255? ago

Good catch anon!

21991197? ago

Holy fucking shit you boomers are retarded.

21993030? ago

I know, you want your TPP, and your wage killing immigration, and your 3700 missile strikes. And you buy it all because the media sells it to you. You want your goldman sachs and citibank, just as long as they have nice rainbow flags.

21991220? ago

Breathe, it will be ok. Waking up is a painful process.