21993514? ago

Well, Lisa, let’s take a closer look.

If Iran is ‘strategic and smart’ as you say, then they will take an accurate assessment of U.S. staggering military capability. Then they will consider the likelihood that U.S. military capability far exceeds that which is knowable.

Finally, they will consider the extreme likelihood that Trump will reign incalculable consequences down upon them for any further transgressions.

So Lisa, you tell us. Are the Iranians you speak of smart and strategic enough to make the smart strategic choice?

21991844? ago

"they have the pride of a 5,000 year old culture"

How dare they! They need more diversivication...send them a few million refugees!

21989524? ago

Projection. Think mirror, swap "hope" and "fear".

21988733? ago

MB infiltration from within. This time the mud will be on Iranian MB faces. The start of the Revolution right Jimmy you Treasonous sellout.

21988165? ago

Here is a picture of her as an Iranian spy https://twitter.com/Djmwhb3C/status/1201532687791640576

21987667? ago

Double meanings... since it seems that most of obama’s Fuck boys/girls in his cabinet all seem to have ties to Iran... maybe “Iran Next” as Q has thrown out there, has much deeper meaning than the country...

Love and Light fellow patriots...

21987615? ago

Iranian mother, jewish father.

That's a real shit combo.

21987184? ago

Right now Americans don't too much of a shit. If a towelhead(s) do what they do then Americans are going to want all of Iran bombed.

21987111? ago

Clowns In America is smart and strategic all over the world.

21986684? ago

She should be isitting in Gitmo ... not tweeting

21986675? ago

You have to go to war with Iran because Lisa Paige was born there, goyim. If we don't do a regime change in Iran and get them into the Rothschild banking system, the coup plotters will never get justice, goy.

21986613? ago

No, their culture is not 5000 years old. Their culture is Islam.

21987897? ago

Not purely. Not by a long shot.

21986367? ago

Ex CIA acting director Michael Morell said this today: "At a time and place of their choosing, they're going to conduct a terrorist strike that kills a senior American official," Morell said. "And that could be anywhere in the world."

"Such an attack could occur on American soil," he said.


21986336? ago

yeah... a non-interested party in her current legal position would not have attracted attention to themselves on this matter. that's just asking for trouble, so why do it?

21986192? ago

Had no idea she is of Iranian decent. Make sense more now about what is going on with her.

21986184? ago

Lisa Page - Iranian mother

Valerie Jarrett - Iranian ( not black as Roseanne Barr was fired for)

Peter Stroyk ... speaks Farsi (Iran)

Brennan... Muslim speaks Arabic almost perfectly

Huma Abedine Shiite’s Muslim

Obama ... most likely Shiite Muslim ( cause he had a DOG and named it Sunny) Sunni muslims hate dogs

Never mind the Awan brothers ... who have DIRT on everyone via DWS

21985908? ago

What is Valerie Jaret up to?

21985611? ago

Mom from Iran dad from Iran but I live in the US....which side are you on sweety

21985205? ago

Thanks for reminding everyone that you are another Iran-connected actor in the Obama Administration/sympathetic alphabet agencies. I KNEW there was something about you that was dirty and squalid--besides your filthy, tired lady bits. Now we know.

21985118? ago

Interesting that she pivots to Iran instead of recognizing the evil which was just killed.

Says a lot really.

And yeah, what's with all the Iranians in top positions?

21985028? ago

Trump team watches her tweets, at worse this is a way for our whithats to investigate who or how people respond to her tweets, the activity is all to unfold the sleeper cells.

21984967? ago

Her comments reveal that her concern is NOT for America. I suggest she go to Iran and "explore" her heritage...for the rest of her life.

21989456? ago

the endless wars ...coming to an end? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3591884

21985617? ago


21984914? ago

Lisa Page - Iranian mother. Peter Strzok - grew up in Iran. Valerie Jarret - born in Iran. Tip of a spear?

21988050? ago

Its like the TV series Homeland

21986695? ago

21985429? ago


Iran is key.

Seems like many obarna people were intimately linked to Iran

21996976? ago

Muslim Brotherhood involved too?

21985391? ago

It's one of many foreign groups infiltrating our nation.

21984867? ago

Only people with 4 grandparents born in the USA should be able to serve in any government position. Not enough of them you say? Wrong - the problem is too many unnecessary government positions.

21989447? ago

At the very least, they should have to have been born in the US, as well as the parents!

21988916? ago


21990872? ago

Not an argument, Mr or Mrs NotAnAmerican.

21993020? ago

I assure you I'm american.

The "rule" proposal is still retarded. Fuck off

21997677? ago

You're an immigrant or first gen, you don't have any ancestors who sacrificed for the freedoms you take for granted.

21998072? ago

You're a fucking idiot.

My mother's family settled in Jamestown. My father's parents were 3rd generation. Numerous family members, on both sides, have served in war time.

Eat a dick you fascist faggot.

22002530? ago

If your ancestors went back that far, you wouldn't have to look it up in history books and resort to name calling, Jewboy.

22009041? ago

Look it up in history books?

WTF are you talking about?

Eat a dick faggot.

21986470? ago

Hell, we haven't even banned those with dual citizenship yet. That should be a no-brainer.

21985304? ago

This rule would unfortunately eliminate my POTUS. His paternal grandparents, Friedrich Trump and Elizabeth Trump, were both from Kallstadt, Germany.

21988432? ago

Elected officials are a different ballgame; it's the administrative state behind all the election fraud and creeping sharia that needs to be halted. People with no ancestral ties, and whose parents often fled the results of the same socialistic policies they're trying to force on us, have no right to undo everything our ancestors fought for.

21987240? ago

from: doglegwarrior

western european white people still count come on we should be speaking german and all the jews should be living in madagascar if the hero of heros had not been defeated by the dimwitted jew controlled cuckchristian americans.

21986901? ago

He was duly elected which in my mind would 'trump' the rule. I'm guessing the OP was truly pointing to bureaucrats appointed to positions in the government. They aren't as easy to unseat as an elected official.

21987352? ago

Obama was "duly elected" as well...

21991011? ago

Sadly that is correct but it was the will of the voters. It was bad fucking news times two but you can't exclude a candidate because his/her four natural grandparents weren't citizens of the US.

Regardless of how you feel about him, Ted Cruz would then not be eligible to run for President or hold any government job.

22001292? ago

How many of those same voters would have still voted for him had they known his true origin?

My bet is he would have still gotten elected, first by the MSM, and then by the socialist minded dependent population.

22002153? ago

It's a scary thought too. Barry was so fucking hyped by the corrupt media that I've had that thought before and hoped that they would have impeached him immediately.

21988383? ago

Under false pretenses

21985912? ago

he does look and act as a German

proud beautiful nation before fall

21990233? ago

He looks and acts as a Scot, descendant of the royal line of King David.

21984899? ago


21984983? ago

They're also the only people who should ever receive any government assistance. I don't mind helping those who were purposely disenfranchised in "flyover country" while the nation gets back on track.

21984853? ago

https://tweetsave.com/natseclisa/status/1213079063113457665 :

Lisa Page on Twitter: "Iran is smart and strategic and all over the world. Iran isn’t an irrational actor, but they have the pride of a 5,000 year old culture. I fear they are going to hit back in a way to remind America that they are a real and independent country.

I hope I’m wrong. 2/"

This has been an automated message.

21984850? ago

Obviously her mother failed in teaching her to not become a traitor.

21984744? ago

Lisa needs to lawyer up instead of lecturing us on foreign policy. Treason carries the death penalty.

21984785? ago

How has she committed treason?

21985485? ago

Plotting against an American citizen running for office by using the power and resources of the FBI to do it for one.

21985535? ago

The OIG report proved there was no intentional plotting or bias. But also, that's not even a treasonous act. If it was Hillary would actually be in jail instead of on vacation because Q is a faggot.

21986523? ago

That is a lie. IG report in fact documented that bias existed, but lacked evidentiary standard required to prove the bias drive the process. IG has ZERO prosecution powers, can only refer for prosecution. IG reports on process of governmental entitites, NOT the actors. Durham will use the IG report — plus facts — to prosecute those whose bias drove them to commit treason and sedition.

21986865? ago


21986760? ago

Keep waiting for Durham's report!

21986946? ago

He will be issuing indictments, any “report” will be secondary in importance, lol.

21987489? ago

Any day now!

21984872? ago

That hair do for one.

21984994? ago

^^ Shill - I don't respond to shills. Do research on LP and her role in promoting an organizing coup against a duly elected POTUS.

21985035? ago

Did the research two years ago and she is still running free and saying stupid shit.

Next answer?

21984739? ago

She should move back to Iran tbh

21984723? ago

they are going to hit back in a way to remind America that they are a real and independent country

This is how the C_A talks to each other. Treasonous bastards. The hangings will start after the 2020 landslide. Get lots of rope.

21984691? ago

Its truly troubling when one looks at the number of people in such high leveled positions. Finding so many Iranians in the upper echelon of government and intelligence is just as dangerous as having one ethnic group controlling 90%+ of the media in this country....

21986697? ago

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21984670? ago

Well, at least she's smart enough to know the world is more than 4,000 years old. (Not defending her)

21984858? ago

It's 6000