22018026? ago

They are finished? @Crensch /u/Crensch lots of jew iran crap posted the past days

22018552? ago

PIA is getting ready to arrest everyone.

21973809? ago

I'm aware of the folks over at SBBH and they can get annoying but in the end, it's nothing more than a distraction. Just don't pay them any attention.

21973665? ago

someone explain?

SBBH was a sub, how did they affect voat if you weren't subbed to it?

21972905? ago


21972921? ago


Bow down at Q's feet, animal. GTFO!

21972843? ago

They just switched names Qtard

21973028? ago

what's the new name?

21973112? ago

That's the point of switching names no one knows.

21972847? ago

Sounds like they scared.

21972885? ago

No that's just what they always do

21973008? ago

Changing names sounds very jewish...

21973185? ago

and moslem

21972750? ago

Well now who are you going to blame when people drop pills about the jews?

22346936? ago

Soap box is A.I machine robo nigger https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3636994/22346054

21972818? ago

Jews are God's chosen.

21972835? ago

do you literally believe that or are you being sarcastic?

21972897? ago

It's a fact.

21972938? ago

Jews instigated Jesus's death.

21972966? ago

Wait until you get to the end of that book!

21972937? ago

It's a fact the jews are defined by their rejection of God. God's chosen people are the people the accept Jesus Christ as their savior. They were God's chosen people, but they lost that status within the telling of the bible, because they rejected God.

Dude, if you seriously believe this, you are hardcore brainwashed. It's sad and pathetic.

21973167? ago

It's a godless SBBH tranny that posted this thread, idiots

21973205? ago

ya i figured

21972770? ago

Goats. It's always the retarded goats