21971308? ago

Boomers? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3535491 they liked Woody Allen?

21971093? ago

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21970451? ago

Everyone needs a goal in life.

21970309? ago

Grow up .

21971432? ago

Muh rascism.. Muh crap muh nothing constructive.

21970038? ago

If that's the only joy in life you get, you need to get a new life.

21970083? ago

Time to say fuck you soap box! @TheBuddha @Rotteuxx !? @heygeorge @Chempergrill @MadJackChurchill New reddit bannings incoming so... why would you send the dumbest conspiracy people and tell them to some to voat?

21971925? ago

pisker diaper

21970380? ago

I'm just saying, that if the only joy the OP gets out of life is repossessing homes, he needs to get a new life. There is so much out there in this world that can bring joy. Serving others. Teaching children. Riding a motorcycle, Playing guitar. Singing along with the radio in the car. Having a barbecue with friends. Going to the shooting range. Participating in a sport. Life is so full of good things that bring joy, if repossessing homes is the only thing that brings joy to this malcontent, he needs to get a new life!

21969960? ago

Sounds fun!

21971092? ago

Boomers win again. Apparently the Common Core curriculum didn't teach Millenials how to determine which side of their bread is buttered. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525835

21969921? ago

Kind of blows your theory that they have all the money and control.

21970019? ago

did boomers accept this .... Honk Honk! https://voat.co/v/ClownWorld/3589614

21970112? ago

Boomers are in old folks homes eating oatmeal and getting sponge baths, so I would say no. What ever your generation is, accepted this.

21969943? ago

A globalist game, divide n conquering, played rightwing and leftie

21994585? ago

Maybe thats why the extreme left. They know they cant cuck the conservatives, so instead they go for the brain-dead liberals! Maybe the end game is not to normalize paedophilia, but to ensure the left/right ideals will always be way too divisive to team up and kick out the fucking parasytes!

21969966? ago

Do you think he will get it?

21991991? ago


21994598? ago

...is you mom a ho?

21969904? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/askvoatanon comment.

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21969903? ago

Why does 4chan hate the Boomers? https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1459727770011.jpg

21969969? ago

Because they are selfish pieces of shit.

21969926? ago

1945 - 1965 ; Boomers are born

1972 ; Nixon ends the Bretton Woods agreement and currency is disconnected from value allowing it to be printed to infinity debasing it on the way. Boomers are the first generation to get this freely printed debt currency (see The Cantillon Effect) .Boomers are 7 - 27 years old.

70s - 80s ; Boomers go to college/university and get grants to go, ie. they get PAID to go. Or they enter full time employment with a school diploma and a firm handshake where they are guaranteed work for life, health insurance, company car etc. etc. with training and support. Get 10-15% on their current accounts just for keeping currency at the bank. Merger laws were relaxed which ended free and fair capitalism.

Divorce epidemic ends nuclear families.

1972 - 2001 ; Boomers ride the biggest most consistent rise in debt that has ever happened ever watching the national debt clock rise and knowing full well you cant just print money. Boomers were between 27 at the youngest and 56 years at the oldest.

2001 ; economy shits the bed and has never really recovered. Corporate bailouts become a thing. Boomers bail out their own corporations. Boomers are now 36 - 56 years old. Established. Home owners. Children. Families.

2008 - The debt binge has banks bankrupt and need constant bailouts to stay afloat starting with $700Bn. Boomers bailout their current accounts and pensions. Boomers are 43 - 63 years old.

2019 - Boomers have orchestrated this regime of constant bailouts to keep their pensions funded. Boomers retire en masse. Constant bailouts are needed to keep the economy afloat. Boomers are 54 - 74 years old




CAN YOU SEE WHAT THEY DID POL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Yes - jews. Jews are ultimately behind it all, but boomers knew full well what they were doing and why its all fucked now. Boomers facilitated this hole debt based money and globohomo situation.

21972393? ago

I'm going to the store. Need any pizza rolls?