21973604? ago

Time to call in the Crips and Bloods.

21973380? ago

young jews are signing up for Shomrim jobs

21970735? ago

And this really happened too: https://www.foxnews.com/us/jews-talmud-anti-semitic-attacks-meadowlands

They need to do it on a regular basis, or at least once more so that we have a record of who they all are so we can transfer them out of the West pronto.

21970491? ago

Why is this allowed, oh it's oblasio territory. No man's land?

21970415? ago

Who thinks all this jew hating is by the deep state so they can blame Q eventually, or 8kun/voat, or Trump.

21971403? ago

No one thinks that. The deep state = jews. Pay attention.

21996774? ago

Maybe but you faggots repeat the same shit over and over like you are on a mission. We've heard all of it.

21970637? ago

Naming them does not equal hate unless you have been mind controlled/ frightened into that belief.

21970366? ago

Looks like a terrorist group to me.

Gas them.

21970429? ago

I thought you retard shills said the holocaust was fake?

21972359? ago

It was

21970452? ago

The real one wont be.

21996812? ago

OOOOH SPOOKY. Fucking glow fag. All Q followers do not believe what you believe. We know there are some bad jews and some good ones. You nazifags are pathetic. Back to 8kun where it's comfy and anons ignore your spam.

21970268? ago

The Shomrim police Broward County, Parkland ...a shadow police, the actual police. who allow all jewish criminal activities.


(under "Lunatic Fringe" paragraph header)

21970220? ago

Bloods, Muslim Enforcement Patrols, and Armed Orthodox Jews.


21970945? ago

WTF is really going on?

Trump supporters get the blame from all 3 groups.

21970498? ago

And the cops just go along with it like little robots. Out here i always see one or two cop vans parked at synagogues either guarding or attending them. Last time I had to call the police for a threat, it took them over three hours to show up. You can see where their priorities lie. It isnt protecting white Americans.

21973034? ago

Almost time to start excutejng them

21972454? ago

That's how you know they're SoS (there are cops guarding them). All over the world it's the same arrangement.

21970569? ago

Yeah, fuck 'em.

Just doing your job?

Wait to you see what my job is. lol

21970587? ago

Youre the guy who sucks the bloody baby dick afted the other rabbi snips off the foreskin.


21970596? ago

You are jewish.

21970646? ago

Good replies, Ari. The goyim will never suspect you.

PS watch out for niggers

21970658? ago

Thanks josh, maybe you should watch out for the niggers in your genetic lineage.

That's why your hair is nappy and you act like a child. lol

21970749? ago

Oh hilarious coming from a jew. No race is more mongrelized than you canaanites who are more closely related to sand niggers than any other type. You jews survived via race mixing and would have went extinct without it. Mamzers. You are literally the king of the niggers in every possible way. Both genetically AND in terms of your own deviancy. You are king kong. Congratulations on winning the race to the bottom!

21970766? ago

No need to post your autobiography, joshy, I get it, you're mad about being a nigger but there's nothing anyone can do to help that.

21970281? ago

War on free speech, genital mutilation rituals, religious extremists, so is it that these sand people,their common enemy is Lady Liberty?

21970142? ago

Ive always wondered why we dont just start Identifying as Jewish in RL. Anyone that says we aren't, just beat them up with calling them anti semites.. Anyone that asks, I tell them I'm Jewish. Works great for not getting Vaccines...

21972427? ago

i said this when Q moved here, and the goats were so offended about "not playing jewish games."

we should ALL front like we are fucking jews.

make our own temple to legally boogaloo from.

fight bolshevism with superior white bolshevism.

21969980? ago

Those cops look like NYPD cops to me. Not whatever this Shomrim is.

21970150? ago

It's a mix. Look at the Jew in the back.

NY is going to get interesting.

Feeling race war 2020 is coming.

MS-13 being removed so the nog gangs can start roaming again. The 13's were protecting the Jews. Their street thugs gone, now they need more overt options.

21972449? ago

i've never witnessed MS13. only rumors they existed.

i've met people from all sides...never met anyone from MS13. is it even real.

Middle School 13itches

21972371? ago

The 13's were protecting the Jews.

I'm curious, any sauce on this ?

21972473? ago

Ask Seth Rich.

21974032? ago

Do you have his number ?

21969707? ago

Is there a way to set up a legal fund for these 2? Just to stir the pot a little

21972360? ago

Try GoFundMe and equivalent sites. If they shut you down it's making the point across more rapidly.

21969572? ago

Blacks are mad because they were told Whites brought them over as slaves, I wonder who told them the truth? lol

Slippery slope the kikes travel with the amount of lies they spew.

21970236? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3577838/21860722 Sharia ... an extremist kike a jihadi kebab type, these people do NOT assimilate

21969651? ago

Very well said

21969556? ago

Oy vey goy, rules for thee but not for me!

21970288? ago

sheeeit https://files.catbox.moe/azxswi.jpg thanks Boomers!

21972274? ago

I bet Khan is Khoen ;)

21969464? ago

blacks are dumb enough to do the dirty work kek

21969656? ago

they do the dirty work upon themselves too

21969425? ago

exactly anon. that's why it's vital to name the jew, everyday

21971034? ago

did Boomers do this? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3589677 Anon Zoomer - The only joy I get in life is repossessing homes in 55+ communities. 90 days later, I kick them onto the fucking street. And every single time, every time, they have a sob story

21970260? ago

some groups working together ? https://files.catbox.moe/bldht5.jpeg

21969379? ago

Can't load catbox.moe.

Looks like fake news though.

Down voted

21969713? ago

Gas your fucking self