21971768? ago

Just because you call me a Nazi, does not mean I'm a Nazi, you sister-fucker!

21972145? ago

What does your sister look like?

21974406? ago

Not as good as your sister I guess.

Look just because I accuse you of sister fucking doesn’t mean you actually have to go ahead and do it.

21974751? ago

I fuck my brother in law's sister.

21969686? ago

You do not understand the concept of free speech.

The rise of nazism, both now and in the past, is engineered by the same people.

(((They))) must have an enemy to justify mass murder of whites, especially whites in whites, and one which allows (((them))) to claim the ultimate victim status.

21969776? ago

I am against free speech now. You ruined it for everybody not me.

21969486? ago

Naming the OVERWHELMING perpetrator* is not Nazism. It is a warning.

Are DANGER signs that warn of hazards taken down after certain people get tired of seeing them?

They* can no longer hide the truth of their* intentions.

21969499? ago

You still don't get it.

21969509? ago

They never will. Bashing their own heads against the stonewall for so long has made it enjoyable for them.

21969455? ago

Ya I totally agree anon, we need to censor and delete all nazi posts.

21969493? ago



You're not a "kike" are you?

21969426? ago

Internet is dying from jewish censorship.

Go outside, meet real people and wake them up in real life where it matters.

We will take our Nation back from the satanic usurpers.

21969371? ago

Go suck a Weimar weiner dumbass cuck.


21969479? ago

I ate two yesterday with my pork and sauerkraut.

21969335? ago

Fucking this to a goddamn motherfucking TEE.

We get it. All you can focus on with your tiny brains is Jews. Good for you. Many of us acknowledge their role but you peabrained fucks have got a pinhole focus while the rest of us are looking at everything you ignore. You spam your tired old shit, but you NEVER look into current events beyond shitty little videos of violence that you proverbially masturbate to.

21969395? ago

Ok so what are we missing since we are too stupid to see beyond all the jewish evils?

21969409? ago

Like the last person who just tried to coax that out of me (you?), I'm not giving it up for the likes of ignorant cunts.

Maybe you see it when I post it in the near-ish future, maybe you don't. I gave up trying to help you long ago. I much prefer to help the "QTards", because bad as they are, they're a hell of a lot more open to alternative thoughts than your lot are.

21969444? ago

So it's aliens pretending to be jews and I'm just a nazitard?

21969480? ago

So it's aliens pretending to be jews

Did I say that?

21969537? ago

no you said nothing except people who focus on jews are peabrained.

I was hoping you would enlighten me on your wisdom and took a wild guess.

Amaze me with your prodigious brain.

21969567? ago


K, thanks for acknowledging that you need to twist shit like a dishonest subversive, well, you know the rest... hypocrite.

21969586? ago

You do not answer for me kike boy, i didn't choose you for shit.

Your a weak bitch that cannot form a proper argument, you just peed down your leg. lol

21969595? ago

The question was "Did I say that?", you admitted that I did not, thus you admitted that you twisted things to fit your snark.


21969604? ago

I took a guess, I never said you said that. lol

I thought kikes were supposed to be smart, you not so bright there boy.

21969638? ago

I took a guess

You can't even admit to it being a blatantly disingenuous "guess". See, if you would be honest about even that much, people MIGHT be more amicable towards you.

I thought kikes were supposed to be smart, you not so bright there boy.

Just like the last one, you just shot yourself in the foot by making false insinuations that I'm a kike.

21969679? ago

ok kike

21969388? ago


21969366? ago

Almost every bad thing in the world right now has a Jew behind it. With Israel there would be no ME wars.

21969397? ago


21969305? ago

Feb 2017 was when r/alttright got banned. That's when the shitshow started.