21953630? ago

She's had Governor Moonbeam's dude-piston in her squish-mitten. She's a Commie. 'Nuff said.

21951108? ago

Old tactic. Attack your own guy to make your enemy defend him.

21948574? ago

then what you're saying is she is a C_A creation just like Manson was. Think about Manson for a second... everything about that PsyOp was wrong. Miles says it better than me - check this out http://mileswmathis.com/tate.pdf It was all faked.

21948131? ago

Even my college liberal brain-washed son knows that the moment one calls their enemy Hitler they have lost the game.

FWIW, praise God my son is slowly waking up to the liberal b.s.. He thinks Biden and his son are crooks and Bernie sold out. Still not a Trump supporter but he and his girlfriend were kind enough to lay off politics over the holidays and admitted the economy for working class people was good.

21948674? ago

you obviously are bothered by it.

you can only control yourself, don't be so over bearing.

21947814? ago

The Tate Murders were a False Flag, and the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Project CHAOS - by Miles Mathis


21948589? ago

oops, sorry, didn't see your comment when I posted the same. Interesting guy, Mathis. And he's actually a Progressive. At least he was in 2015 when he was posting all this stuff. Might be closer to us by now...

21947739? ago

I watched that new documentary of her. It sucked

21947494? ago

“Strange Happenings in the Canyon”

21946846? ago

"Magic Man" was about Manson I thought??

21946416? ago

I thought she was dead.

21946631? ago

That doesn't seem to stop anybody. RE: Ginsburg

21948156? ago

Yup. And those dead Democrat Fuckers vote too.

21957936? ago

Every Election Day the cemeteries have to go into lockdown.

21946202? ago

She also dated Gov Jerry Brown. This was back when he was governor the first time. Same time period when the gov was caught walking the American river levy while dressed in drag.

21947888? ago

Pizzagate Artwork, Murals in Comet Ping Pong https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3584077/21922216

21946024? ago

Were we not told she had Parkinson's and no longer does interviews? Last time I saw hew on the digital jew she was a mess.

21946643? ago

That sort of thing doesn't stop Biden, Pelosi, or Crooked.

21945220? ago

Linda Ronstadt is another name to add to the fubar list. What a munch of satanic morons.

21946655? ago

And dumb enough to come out now, when everyone had long forgotten about her.

21948621? ago

that's probably why. All these washed up actors and celebs need to reboot their tired old asses and make a little money. Must have used it all up for coke and little kiddos. Just like DeNiro. Dude's an idiot. He actually was headed towards legend status when he opened his mouth and made us look a little harder at his checkered history. [They] just can't help themselves!

21957928? ago

The whole celebrity machine has fallen apart, ironically because of another Deep State thing, YouTube. Now anyone who does some sort of cool thing is a celebrity. No Deep State apparatus. No one cares about People magazine.

21963890? ago

agree 100%. The cult of celebrity is dying. And they killed it all by themselves. Maybe with the death of the celeb cults, our children who want to pursue acting or singing will actually have a fighting chance at a real career that doesn't start with bribery, blackmail, and other heinous sex crimes against them. There will be a place for them after all the perps are waltzing in Gitmo

21945173? ago

All of the old pedophile/kikes with fakes names are coming out of the woodwork for 2020.

To no avail.

21948646? ago

What's her real name? She was a sweetie at the beginning. Went to her first concert. Powerful voice. Terrified of being on stage, even in front of a small group. Same with Elton John. Powerful talents, overshadowed now by age and abuse.

21945167? ago

I'd ask you who the fuck Linda even is (because I don't recognize the name), then go look the name up (as I'm about to do right now).

21945670? ago

I'm not OP, but she did hang with the Laurel Canyon crowd and dated Moonbeam.

21945721? ago

That faggot is a shill.

Manson lived with Brian Williams of the Beach Boys, made demos in his studio.


21945756? ago

Wilson not Williams, but yes I know.

Just saying she was part of the Laurel Canyon crowd.

Saw her several times live in the '70s, really liked her.

21946021? ago


when did you figure out LCanyon was tied to Manson and the CIA ?

21948714? ago

Here's some info from a few years back on Laurel Canyon. Also, for a real trip, go read Joan Didion's huge book, "We Tell Ourselves Stories In Order to Live." Is a collection of most of her works. She chronicles the 60's, 70's and California. Also has some things that make you go, "hmmmmm" on JFK and the Cubans. It's in the moment reporting, so a lot of things lost to our history books. Some of what she writes explains just so much about how we got where we are. How the hippie movement was started (besides by the C_A) with all these rich kids. They were the 3rd or 4th in the family, so weren't going to inherit dad's business. Instead they had trust funds and lived in SFO, just bumming around, doing drugs, etc. So much made sense after I read it. Well worth it.










21946163? ago

I've known for several years, we talked about it in the pizzagate forum. I have a facebook friend who hung out with many of them. It's a real rabbit hole. Still trying to figure it all out.

I saw the Beach Boys in the '70s. Dennis, the one who drowned and was buddies with Manson, was so drunk he could barely stand up. I was almost front row, he was a mess.

21945710? ago

Needs reputable sourcing. That's the only thing missing here to give credence to the Manson connection claim.

Still doesn't change that visiting the link provided by OP will expose your IP on the other end and they will be able to see that you were visited from v/QRV; IP addresses can then be associated with Voat and sold to the highest bidder.

So even if it happens to be true, which I don't say is impossible, OP is putting users at risk (deliberately or otherwise).

21948740? ago

See all my links above this - re: selvedge yard recap of all the people who hung out at Laurel Canyon.

21945783? ago

Fair enough, but any place you visit is like that right?

21945806? ago

Of course. But if I were worried about, for example, Voat, I wouldn't be here.

21945811? ago
