21935453? ago

Anyone following an Abrahamic religion has fallen for the trap already.

21934169? ago

And the jews are satans chosen people, never forget!

21933642? ago


21933521? ago


There is no god.

21935164? ago

The irony.

You exist in creation but believe there was no creator. How dumb can people be? You're living proof that the IQ points out there are pretty damn low.

21936371? ago

Actually there is iron in my blood. So, ha! Jokes on you.

21934243? ago

then how and why are we here?

21936383? ago

Wow. I bet you thought you were going to get me with that question. I was born. When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...

21936746? ago

so your cretinism is hereditary, and you're unable to answer my question?

thanks for letting me know...

21936798? ago

Totally! I'm as db as rock. Brother.

21936808? ago

wrong again, I'm a girl😘

21936819? ago


Totally! I'm as dumb as a rock. Sub-human.

21933593? ago

There is no NWO either I suppose lol

21933861? ago

There is direcct evidence of a nwo.

21933393? ago

He comes as an angel of light. Do not be deceived.

21933279? ago

Freemasonry is sun worship.

21935440? ago

Christianity is sun worship.

21935468? ago

You have conflated "the man of sin" with "Christianity." Why is that, I wonder?

21935503? ago

No, I haven't. The Bible is an allegory. The literal interpretation is the lowest interpretation. Am I to assume you think talking snakes are real? How about talking donkeys? There's a deeper, hidden meaning to all of it.

21935643? ago

Why are you still describing "the man of sin" while pretending such is Christianity?

Christianity = the words of Jesus Christ, and the ten commandments. All else is "the man of sin."

Do you have any questions?

21936035? ago

Ah okay, so your definition of Christianity is different than the rest of the world's. I suppose that would be good to know.

Jesus is the sun. When he fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish, that's a reference to the two fish of pisces. When he talks about following the man with the water pitcher (which wasnt even a thing in those days - women carried the water) into his house, he's referencing the sun going into house of aquarius. Jesus is the "light of the world". Him being the sun is the same reason Easter takes place after the spring equinox - when the sun rises above the equator and plants come back to life, hence all of the references to fertility also made around that time. This is also why many churches have sunrise services - the sun/son has risen ("he is risen"). This is also why the Jews celebrate Passover around the same time as Easter - the sun is "passing over" the equator. Him being the sun is also why his birthday is said to be Christmas day - on december 21st, the sun "dies" as it reaches its lowest point in the sky. It stays there for 3 days and then, on December 25th, its "born" again. This is why Hannukah and Kwanzaa are also celebrated around the same time. It's the same story, just in different cultures. Ever noticed the churches with the crosses that have circles on them ([like the Celtic cross)? That's the sun of God on the cross.

So again, Christianity is sun worship.

21936074? ago

Ah okay, so your definition of Christianity is different than the rest of the world's

Those caught up in the trappings of the man of sin aren't aware of that fact.

Jesus is the sun.


When he fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish, that's a reference to the two fish of pisces. When he talks about following the man with the water pitcher (which wasnt even a thing in those days - women carried the water) into his house, he's referencing the sun going into house of aquarius. Jesus is the "light of the world". Him being the sun is the same reason Easter takes place after the spring equinox - when the sun rises above the equator and plants come back to life, hence all of the references to fertility also made around that time. This is also why many churches have sunrise services - the sun/son has risen ("he is risen"). This is also why the Jews celebrate Passover around the same time as Easter - the sun is "passing over" the equator. Him being the sun is also why his birthday is said to be Christmas day - on december 21st, the sun "dies" as it reaches its lowest point in the sky. It stays there for 3 days and then, on December 25th, its "born" again. This is why Hannukah and Kwanzaa are also celebrated around the same time. It's the same story, just in different cultures. Ever noticed the churches with the crosses that have circles on them ([like the Celtic cross)? That's the sun of God on the cross.

You just described a whole lot of "man of sin" there, bud. None of the above is "the words of Jesus Christ" nor "the ten commandments."

All of the above was snuck into Christian dogma by pagan sun worshippers.

So again, Christianity is sun worship.

You're still doing it, anon.

21936750? ago

You just described a whole lot of "man of sin" there, bud. None of the above is "the words of Jesus Christ" nor "the ten commandments."

All of the above was snuck into Christian dogma by pagan sun worshippers.

You could say the same thing about the teachings of Christ. Aka that's a convenient way to dismiss what doesn't agree with you. But whatever you say, you've got it all figured out!

21937048? ago

You could say the same thing about the teachings of Christ

Only if you were ignorant as to the development of what you call "Christianity."

Aka that's a convenient way to dismiss what doesn't agree with you. But whatever you say, you've got it all figured out!

Convenient or not, it is the truth. Which of Jesus' words, or which of the ten commandments, is sun worship?

21937326? ago

You say I'm ignorant of the development, but I feel the same way about you. I suppose we're at an impasse on that one.

Luke 22:10 - Jesus' words. Refer back to my previous comment.

Mark 9:31 - Jesus' words. Speaks of the son rising from the dead after 3 days.

I'm short on time, gotta get dinner going. I'll add more later tonight if I have time, or you could do some of that research for yourself. Dont throw something out just because it doesnt jive with your worldview.

21948464? ago

Luke 22:10 - Jesus' words. Refer back to my previous comment

Jesus referring to the existence of astrological ages does not make him the sun.

The rest of your previous comment is below:

Jesus is the "light of the world". Him being the sun is the same reason Easter takes place after the spring equinox - when the sun rises above the equator and plants come back to life, hence all of the references to fertility also made around that time. This is also why many churches have sunrise services - the sun/son has risen ("he is risen"). This is also why the Jews celebrate Passover around the same time as Easter - the sun is "passing over" the equator. Him being the sun is also why his birthday is said to be Christmas day - on december 21st, the sun "dies" as it reaches its lowest point in the sky. It stays there for 3 days and then, on December 25th, its "born" again. This is why Hannukah and Kwanzaa are also celebrated around the same time. It's the same story, just in different cultures. Ever noticed the churches with the crosses that have circles on them ([like the Celtic cross)? That's the sun of God on the cross.

None of this is related to Luke 22:10, the words of Jesus Christ, nor the ten commandments. It's just a description of the pagan perversion that you call Christianity.

21933112? ago

Satan is the biggest loser in all of creation. Those that follow him are the biggest retards in all of creation, especially the former Angels whose sole existence is now all about abusing humans, with a boss as a psychopath. Great life choices! Let’s follow them! -Retarded Ashkenazi Turks posing as God’s people

21934298? ago


and that's exactly how deal with any negative thought influences I have, like they're 'retarded' parasites about to be exterminated.

get rid of the 'serpents' in my mind,

like breaking up with a nasty ex.

you NEVER want to associate with them again.

21932924? ago

Satan, Allah, Lucifer and their followers are all the same. Anti-God, anti-Christian, controlled by satan puppets.

21932734? ago

Just call them what they really are: jews.

21932034? ago

The Satanists are here on QRV, posting and commenting about Jews, ad nauseam, ad infinitum

I'm so sick and tired of downvoting all this divisive shit

21934575? ago


21932329? ago

Yep and they are all child raping pedos too.

21932306? ago

Don't be trying to copy my speech patterns to paint me as either an anti-semite OR satanist.

The fact that you have to resort to such dishonest tactics, only serves to prove I'm on the right track and that you need propaganda to sell your narrative. Other readers probably won't see what you're doing, but I do. Truly pathetic of you.

21932419? ago

Go back to watching tranny porn in your mom's basement, dick-in-the-ass.

The grown-ups are having a conversation

21932461? ago

Struck a nerve, did I?

Don't worry, I'll be sure to inform the police of this too so they don't confuse me with you.

21931918? ago

Yes. That is why I posted this real information.


21931870? ago

Divide and Conquer is a tactical objective for the Hearts and Minds of our children.

Sexualizing children is how the CIA has corrupted the USA. With the propaganda arm of Pedowood doing the heavy lifting.

21933258? ago

Its the jews.

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel Consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


21933441? ago

So the Jews are running the FBI and IRS?

Then go after the FBI and IRS for crying out loud! You can call them all Jews for all I care, but we need to keep Whistle blowers alive long enough to testify. Then feed them to the Deep State in bite sized chunks.

21932313? ago

Exactly! And now they come to QRV to shill and troll because they fear that they’ll be the next pedos rounded up and jailed.

21931863? ago

Your enemy is counting on you pretending you don't see him.

Just look. It's plain to see.

21933246? ago


21931857? ago

The Satanists hide among us

No they don't. They don't give a toss about you.

and want us blaming each other and not them specifically.

Nope. But the real bad guys who indoctrinate you into blindly blaming Satanists (and a whole host of others), really love that you believe this instead of realizing the centuries of – irony drum roll – deception at their hands which has culminated in the mentality you hold today.

Get it yet?

The bad guys want Christians, Muslims, Jews, Satanist, Atheists, Bhuddists, you freakin' name it, at each others' throats and pointing fingers at each other and just generally being divided. Pretty damn simple, really.

But of course, you'll probably now call me a shill or Satanist (both of which being woefully incorrect) or something similar in order to justify proverbially sticking your fingers in your ears with your eyes closed while screaming "LALALALALA!"

TL;DR: OP is yet another shining example of dividing by religion, without even realizing it.

21933302? ago

Found the freemason. Go circumambulate a room, you sun worshipper.

21932351? ago

Okay Muslim boy = fake Jew = Luciferian = what’s wrong with the world.

21932366? ago

Ask in good faith without assuming I adhere to a garbage Abrahamic religion or the garbage that is Luciferianism, and you might get an answer... might.

21934044? ago

I don't need answers from FAKE / GAY freaks. It's you that needs answers pedo-shill.

21933172? ago

Spoiler alert: we don’t give a shit about your answer. Thanks for playing and have a nice day! :D

21933191? ago

Of course you don't, because anything that goes, even a tiny percent of a degree, against your beliefs must be ignored at all costs.

21933235? ago

No, we don’t like people who think we are waiting with baited breath to hear your lofty opinion. You have something of substance to say, then say it, don’t allude to it, don’t be vague about it, fucking say it or shut the fuck up.

21933319? ago

I don't think you're waiting with baited breath at all, lol. The opposite, rather. I expect indignation and ignorance, to expect any differently would be insanity.

See, I don't give a damn what you think, just as you don't give a damn about what I think.

or shut the fuck up

Or what? What're ya gonna do? Downvote brigade, attempt to insult and harass me; behave exactly as was expected in the first place? Oh no. Halp.

21933340? ago

Why are you even here, narcissist?

21933019? ago

Think a little more highly of yourself would you? I can't hear you over the density of your condescension.

21931854? ago

Keyser Söze exists.

21932309? ago

with the leverage he's been displaying since being outed, including towards the Royals and having witnesses drop dead..

Kevin Spacey may just indeed be Keyser Soze

21932377? ago

Kevin Spacey was named in the 9/11 Attack Trial thingy, filed in Nevada, last year.

21931842? ago

Satan is known to some as "Allah". As Paul Harvey was often heard to say...."and now you know the REST of the story..."

21934318? ago

that makes sense and would explain 'why' muslims are so violent.

21931838? ago

God is the one who wants you to die and sacrifice. Satan loves you, God lied and lies, while Satan decided to free humanity. Christ was a ‘son of the morning’. Women brought wisdom to man. You shall not die when you eat the forbidden fruit. And we didn’t and realized god lied.

21932369? ago

What’s really funny and proves you’re a Liar is: To the real ones there is no Satan only Lucifer. U FAKE

21932442? ago

ooo lions and tigers and bears O my

21934036? ago


21931936? ago

Eternal spiritual death you idiot. <

21931890? ago

The father of lies requires your blood oath. By all means use your own fucking blood and leave the children out of your perversion.

21932139? ago

Exactly God jehovah yhwh is THE FATHER OF LIES. Expose and eliminate the archonic parasite.

21931930? ago

(Different anon responding)

Proving your ignorance something severe there, anon.

Satanism explicitly denounces and discourages any harm being committed, of any kind, unto children. Maybe try asking one about it in good faith some time.

21932134? ago

Deception and false promises are used to procure child sex slaves. I am not a child.

21932230? ago

And what does that have to do with what I said?

21932370? ago

Satanism explicitly denounces... (snipped) partial quote @FatherofLies

About the deception or the false promise your Master demands with a blood oath?

Your father of lies demands a high price.

Me? I piss him off as a hobby.

21932116? ago

Yea all organizations in power have blackmailed p does. God specifically asks for sacrifice over and over. I’ve studied the Bible to know enough that god is a real big dick. Isn’t it obvious? If he really was “god” why the obsession with such negative horrible experiences that continually happen? The church’s and religions of the world in the name of God actually emulate the satan they despise, when confronted with the truth rather than forgive as taught in EVERY religion, the followers resort to name calling. God wants obedience, Satan wants us free. I mean Jesus himself was definitely versed in satanic principles. His teaching is full of it. Christians as a whole get very scared when someone gets close to pointing out their problem and solution. Stop fucking sticking your nose in other peoples shit. If you stop doing anything, return to nature, do nothing, find the order underlying chaos. Church doesn’t want you free, the church of science, the church of justice, the church of medical hospitals, your schools and education, doesn’t want you free, Islam does not want you free. I’m not singling any religion out I’d write them all, but for the sake of time they all are oppressive and lack truth and freedom. Why I think Jesus is a satanist is because he stood up to all powers and rebelled and now his message has been watered down to “nice”. In some of the manuscripts found there is a gospel of Jesus, unlike the Bible, it explains how to heal any problem of any nature. 123

1 fast don’t eat or drink for as long as you can,

If that didn’t work 2 sunbathe

O life still sucks? Your sick? 3 soak in ocean salt water. Do that in combination and followed by herbs and sacraments, shit man you will BE Jesus. Take your fucking power back men. No body’s going to help or save you. You have your own volition, your own body your own mind and heart, unique beyond measure. You are on your own, but remember only as you give shall it be given to you. That hurt in your heart? You must forgive everyone that ever hurt you if you want to feel heavenly. It starts with a real hard look in the mirror in the windows of your soul, how do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? What do you think about when you do that? Don’t you know your forgiven? We are pretty much all humanoid and share a varied but similar experience. You give what you get. Stop being a pussy and face everything that is uncomfortable. If it cause you fear, run at it screaming.

21932035? ago

But Satanists practice inversion. So.... You must take What they claim with that in mind.

21932163? ago

If you truly knew about inversion, how to use it and how it actually fits into the picture, you wouldn't waste your energy with such an asinine comment.