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22789011? ago

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22187843? ago

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22187809? ago

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22176478? ago

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22152060? ago

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22129913? ago

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22095213? ago

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21934701? ago

There were no Ashkenazi Jews until the 700s AD when their entire nation converted to Judaism. Most of the Jewish leaders of Christ's day were not even Israelites. They were of mixed Edomite/Canaanite heritage. This is why Christ told them, You are not of my sheep". The Edomite side of Judaism today is about 9% of the whole. The rest are mostly the Khazar, Ashkenazi side. One of their kings also talked about a connection to Togarmah. Togarmah and Ashkenaz were both grandsons of Japheth.

21936378? ago


21932499? ago

OP is a fucking twat.

21933221? ago

Egad, is that true?! Well, I shan't be reading any of this.

21932283? ago

Very interesting read, but a bit conflated. The title is misleading since Khazar Jews are more of the modern era, and none existed during time of Christ up to 10 century. Likewise, the term Illuminati is broadly used without clear explanation. The Knights Templers were European Crusaders who sacked Jerusalem. They were not Jewish, but found the Kabballah and began modern Illuminati, which went underground when the king of Bavaria found out about them, fleeing into Scottish Freemasons who were not originally Illuminati but an honest trade guild.

The money changers of Christ's time were genetic Jews, not Khazars. Ezekiel shows the satanic worship of the priesthood, based upon the Kabbalah.

Another consideration is the difference between Sephardic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews. From what I know so far, Sephardic (Spanish) Jews are genetic Jews that crossed north Africa settling in Spain. They were expelled in 1492 by Ferdinand and Isabella. Throughout the last 1,000 years Ashkinazi (Khazars) have intermarried with Sephardim so blending the bloodlines together in many families.

Ashkenazi author, Israel Shahak, makes it clear that of these two family lines, the Zionists came from the hofjudens. Hofjudens were Jews from both lines that brown nosed European royalty to act as middle men for collecting taxes from both the Jewish serfs and the European serfs. These hofjudens are where the Rothschilds and others money lenders gained enough wealth to become the international bankers of today.

The human trafficking mentioned in the article makes no mention of mind control. I think it would be interesting to trace the roots of mind control, and would not be surprised to see the Khazars and European Illuminati development of it.

Lastly, European royalty is a criminal enterprise as well. They all claim to be descendants of Mary Magdalene sired by Jesus, which is a flat out lie. But this is their justification for ruling by divine right over the Europeans. It would also be interesting to see what Jewish blood actually exists in the various monarchs or Europe.

21936389? ago


Thanks for your reply and information.

I will read and consider it all carefully, and start to construct a map with which to get the facts here exactly right.

If we are going to have a heap of Normies flooding this board over the next year, we need to get the Jew facts sorted from disinformation, and documented once and for all. It's a crazy hot mess.

We are not haters of other human beings.

We are not Neo-Nazis.

We are not racists.

We are freedom fighters and truth seekers.

I promise to be very precise in my work.

I just want the truth, so I can fill in this part of the puzzle because it's driving me nuts.

Thanks again. <

21944057? ago

Ii is a sticky mess for me, too. I love the Jewish people and I know that the evil cabal is comprised of many ethnicities, not just Jewish. Unfortunately, the Zionists have a leading role in the destruction of life..

21931926? ago

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21931595? ago

Very interesting read! Thank you!

21931607? ago

Thank you! <

21930916? ago

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21930887? ago

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21930660? ago

Part 4

In the Dark Ages the commerce of Western Europe was largely in their hands, in particular, the Slave Trade.” Jewish control of trade and commerce, both legal and illegal, grew tighter and tighter. It spread far and wide, until every European country’s economy was more or less in their hands.

Evidence in the form of Polish and Hungarian coins bearing Jewish inscriptions gives some indication of the power they exerted in financial matters during those days. The fact that the Jews made a special effort, to issue and control currency, supports the opinion that the moneylenders had adopted the slogan “Let us issue and control the money of a nation and we care not who make its laws”, long before Amschel Mayer Bauer (1743-1812) used the slogan to explain to his co-conspirators the reason the Jewish money-lenders had obtained control of the Bank of England in 1694.

The barons, who were the leaders of Aryanism, determined they would break the Jewish control of trade, commerce and money in Europe.

It was with this purpose in mind that in 1095 they obtained the support of certain Christian rulers to start The Crusades or Holy Wars. Between 1095 and 1271 eight Crusades were organized.

Officially, the Crusades were military expeditions undertaken to ensure the safety of Pilgrims who wished to visit the Holy Sepulchre and set up Christian Rule in Palestine.

In actual fact they were wars fomented for the purpose of dividing the population of Europe into two camps. One camp pro-Jewish and the other Anti-Jewish.

In more recent years, the Secret Powers divided the white race into Semitic and Anti-Semitic groups. Some of the Crusades were successful, some were not.

The net result was that, in 1271, Palestine still remained in the hands of the Infidels, although the countries of Christendom had spent MILLIONS IN MONEY and treasure to finance the Crusades and sacrificed MILLIONS OF HUMAN LIVES fighting those Holy Wars.

Strange to relate, the Jewish lenders grew richer and stronger than ever.

There is one phase of the Crusades which must not be overlooked when the “Causes” are being studied in relation to the “Effects” they produced in later years. In 1215 the Roman Catholic Hierarchy held the Fourth Lateran Council.

The main topic under consideration was Jewish aggression in all the countries of Europe. During this period of history the Rulers of the Church, and the Rulers of the State, worked in unity.

The rulers of the Church, after due deliberation, expressed themselves in favor of continuing the Crusades. They also drew up, and passed Decrees, designed to put an end to usury and the Jewish money-lenders practice of using unethical methods in traffic and trade to obtain unfair advantage over Gentile competitors, and to curb corrupt and immoral practices.

To achieve this purpose the dignitaries attending the Fourth Lateran Council decreed that in the future the Jews be restricted to living in their own quarters. Jews were absolutely prohibited from hiring Christians as their employees.

This decree was passed because Jewish money-lenders and merchants, operated on the Joint Stock Company principle.

They employed Christians to act as their front men while they hid in the background directing operations. This was convenient because, when anything went wrong, the Christian front men got the blame, and the punishment, while they got off scot-free.

In addition, by the Decrees, Jews were absolutely prohibited from employing Christian females in their homes and establishments.

This decree was passed because evidence was produced to prove that young females were systematically seduced, and then turned into prostitutes; their masters used them to obtain control over influential officials.

Other decrees made it unlawful for Jews to engage in many commercial activities. But even the power of the Church, supported by most Christian officials of the State, could not make the Money-Barons amenable to the law.

All the decrees accomplished was to intensify the hatred the Illuminati had for the Church of Christ, and they started a continuing campaign to separate the Church from the State. To achieve this purpose they introduced the idea of secularism amongst the laity.

In 1253 the French government ordered the Jews expelled because they refused to obey the law. Most of the Jews who were expelled went over to England.

By 1255 the Jewish moneylenders had obtained absolute control of many Church dignitaries and most of the Nobility.

That the money-lenders, the Rabbis, and Elders belonged to the Illuminati was proved by evidence given during the investigation ordered by King Henry III into the ritual slaying of St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. Eighteen Jews were proved to have been the culprits.

They were tried, found guilty, and executed. In 1272 King Henry died. Edward I became King of England. He determined the Jewish leaders must give up the practice of usury. In 1275 he had Parliament pass the Statutes of Jewry.

They were designed to curb the power Jewish usurers were exerting over their debtors, both Christians, and fellow Jews. The Statutes of Jewry were probably the first legislation in which The Commons in Parliament had an active part.

They cannot be classified as Anti-Semitic because they actually protected the interests of honest and law-abiding Jews.

The important thing is for every person to support Bible Christianity. If you're not a Christian, then why not? Do you want to go to Hell forever? If you know that you are a guilty sinner in God's holy eyes, and believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and bodily resurrected three days later, and that is your ONLY hope for Heaven, you are saved.


21930659? ago

Part 3

This new diabolical law allowed the Illuminati to print and lend via the U.S. Treasury, TEN TIMES more money than gold held in reserve.

This is why it is often referred to as “Fractional Reserve Banking.” This explains the Illuminati's motive for starting World War I in 1914 (the very next year), which profited the sinister banksters $125,690,477,000!!![1] The greatest money is made from war, which is why this world will always have wars.

Do you think that the Illuminati care about the 20,000,000 people who died in WWI, when they profited 125,690,477,000 dollars?

War equals profits for the international banksters! Another 70,000,000 people were murdered during the 6-years of WWII.

Look at this shocking video of what the Illuminati did to the world is World War II (although this video is eye-opening, I disagree with the end of the video, which suggests that the world has improved.

My friend, WWIII is brewing, which will kill far more people than all previous wars). The Devil (who has started every war in history) one day will be cast into the Lake of Fire, where he and the false prophet and the Antichrist will be TORMENTED, day and night, for ever and ever.

That's 24 hours a day for all eternity!!! Revelation 20:10, “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” ...

This is the first recorded case in which the money-lenders made a person commit suicide because he had become troublesome to them, but it was by no means the last.

History records dozens of similar suicides, and murders which were made to appear as accidents or suicides.

One of the most notorious in recent years was that of James V. Forrestal. In 1945 Forrestal had been convinced that the American Bankers were closely affiliated with the International Bankers who controlled the Banks of England, France and other countries.

He was also convinced, according to his diaries, that the International Money-Barons were the Illuminati and directly responsible for the outbreak of World Wars One and Two.

He tried to convince President Roosevelt, and other Top Level Government officials, of the truth. Either he failed, and committed suicide in a fit of depression, or he was murdered to shut his mouth for ever. Murder, made to appear like suicide, has been accepted policy in the top levels of international intrigue for many centuries.

*// Where in his diaries did Mr. Forrestal mention the Illuminati ? And why would he want to convince Roosevelt of the truth when Roosevelt & co. worked out and implemented the plan to instigate ww2?

Justinian I, (Flavius Anicius Justianiamus 483-565 A.D.) wrote his famous book of law “Corpus Juris Civilis”. He tried to put an end to the illegal methods of traffic and trade indulged in by certain Jewish merchants.

By engaging in illegal trade, and wholesale smuggling, the Jewish merchants, who were only agents of the Illuminati, obtained unfair advantage over their Gentile competitors.

They put them out of business. The book of law, written by Justinian, was accepted as the text book of law right down to the 10th Century.

Even to-day it is considered the most important of all documents of jurisprudence. But the money-lenders were able to offset the good Justinian tried to do. Funk & Wagnall’s Jewish Encyclopedia has this to say about the Jews in those days — “They enjoyed full religious liberty ... Minor offices were open to them. The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 339, 384 A.D., etc.”

There is the story in black and white. But history reveals that the Jewish merchants, and moneylenders, did not confine their illegal activities to the slave trade.

It is recorded that they engaged in every form of illegal traffic including the drug trade, prostitution, wholesale smuggling of liquors, perfumes, jewels, and other dutiable goods. In order to protect their illegal trade and traffic they bribed and corrupted officials; by use of drugs and liquors, and women, they destroyed the morals of the people.

History records that Justinian, although Emperor of the Roman Empire, wasn’t strong enough to put a stop to their activities.

Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) deals with the corrupting influence of the Jewish merchants and money-lenders. He credits them with contributing greatly to “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”.

He wrote the book with that title. Gibbon gives considerable space to the part Popaea, Nero’s wife, played in bringing about the conditions which started the people of Rome reeling drunkenly towards their own destruction.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, Jewish predominance was established. The nations of Europe entered into what historians name “The Dark Ages”.

The Encyclopedia Britannica has this to say on the subject. “There was an inevitable tendency for them (The Jewish merchants and money-lenders) to specialize in commerce for which their acumen, and ubiquity, gave them special qualifications.

See Part 4 >

21930656? ago

Part 2

The Great Khazar Kingdom flourished for almost five hundred years. Then, towards the end of the 10th century, the Khazars were defeated in battle by the Varangians (Russians) who swept down upon them from the North. The conquest of the Khazars was completed by the end of the 13th Century. The revolutionary movement inspired by the Khazar-Jews went on within the Russian Empire from the 13th Century until the Red October Revolution of 1917. The conquest of the Khazars in the 13th century explains how so many people, now commonly referred to as Jews, remained within the Russian Empire.

There is one other important fact which sheds light on the subject of Aryanism and Semitism. The Finns, and other groups generally classified as Varangians (Russians), were of non-Aryan origin and the German people generally speaking have treated them as enemies.

Christ was murdered by the Jewish money-lenders, aka, the Illuminati today...

One act of Christ has a great deal of importance in the study of the World Revolutionary Movement. Christ was considered by many, a radical who based his reform movement on the worship of Almighty God, obedience to constituted authority, and love of one’s neighbours. The story of the Life of Christ shows that he loved ALL people except one particular group. He hated the money-lenders with an intensity that seems strange in a man of so mild a character. Jesus repeatedly admonished the money-lenders for their practice of usury. He publicly denounced them as worshippers of Mammon. He said they were of the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev. 2: 9). He emphatically expressed His extreme hatred of the money-lenders when he took a whip and drove them out of the Temple. He admonished them in these words: “This Temple was built as the house of God ... But you have turned it into a den of thieves.” By performing this act of vengeance on the money-lenders Christ signed his own death warrant. It was the Illuminati, and the false priests and elders in their pay, who hatched the plot by which Christ would be executed by the Roman soldiers. It was they who supplied the thirty pieces of silver used to bribe Judas. It was they who used their propagandists to misinform, and mislead the Mob.

It was the agents of the Illuminati who led the Mob when they accepted Barabbas and screamed that Christ be crucified. IT WAS THE ILLUMINATI WHO ARRANGED MATTERS SO THAT THE ROMAN SOLDIERS ACTED AS THEIR EXECUTIONERS. Then, after the foul deed had been done, and they had had their revenge, the conspirators stepped into the background and let their guilt rest on the masses of the Jews and their children. History proves they had a fiendish reason for putting the guilt for the death of Christ on the Jewish people. History proves that they intended to use the hate engendered amongst the Jewish people as the result of persecution, to serve their vile purposes, and further their secret totalitarian ambitions. Christ knew all these things. He made his knowledge known in the most dramatic manner possible. As he hung dying on the Cross he prayed to His Heavenly Father and He said: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Surely he was praying for the Mob? He was asking forgiveness for the men who had been USED by the Illuminati to be the INSTRUMENT of their revenge. History proves the International Money-Lenders have been using the Mob to further their secret ambitions ever since. In the Lenin Institute in Moscow the professors who lecture to aspiring revolutionary leaders from all over the world invariably refer to the Masses as ‘The Mob’. The Illuminati direct all evil forces.

The “World Revolutionary Movement” (W.R.M.) which Commander Carr speaks of, is also commonly referred to as the “NEW WORLD ORDER” today.

It is Satan (Lucifer) who has perpetuated “the Synagogue of Satan” (i.e., the Illuminati who are plotting World Government) down through the millenniums, generationally amongst Luciferian members of secret societies. It is important for born-again Christians to understand this truth, so that we will not unknowingly in woeful ignorance actually help further Satan's cause.

Christian men who join Freemasonry are helping Satan, by supporting a group that promotes religious ecumenism and prohibits praying in Jesus' name. Churches who use the modern corrupt Bible versions are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, promoting corrupt Bible translations that redefine the meaning of repentance and the plan of salvation.

Thus, we see how Freemasonry unites organized religion, infiltrating and eventually taking control over their governing bodies, influencing the masses to support their evil agendas.

This is why in March of 2015, the Presbyterian denomination in the United States officially embraced the homosexual agenda in all of their 10,083 churches. Satan is extremely deceitful.

So many Christians today are helping the Devil and don't even realize it. Those churches who promote the present apostate nation of Israel and Zionism are helping the Devil.

The purpose for infiltrating and transforming the world's organized religions is to PREPARE humanity to receive the New Age philosophies (spirituality without theology) of the coming man of sin, THE ANTICHRIST!

Study of the World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.), from the time of Christ to the present day, proves that it is unjust to blame the whole Jewish Race for the crimes committed against humanity by a small group of false priests and money-lenders.

These men always have been, and still are, The Secret Power behind Internationalism. They use Communism to-day as their manual of action to further their secret pans for ultimate world domination.

Study of history will prove that it is equally unjust to blame the whole German and Italian people for the crimes against humanity committed by the small group of Aryan War Lords who organized Naziism, in the hope that they could defeat International Communism and Political Zionism and give them world domination by military conquest.

History proves clearly that the leaders of the two opposing groups have divided the masses of the people regardless of race, colour, or creed, into two opposing camps and then used them all as pawns in the game of International Chess.

They play to decide which group will ultimately defeat the other and establish, once and for all, undisputed control over the world, its wealth, its natural resources, its man-power, and its religion.

It must be remembered that as the purpose of the Devil is to win men’s souls away from God, Satan uses both “Red” Communism and “Black” Naziism to influence the minds of men so that they will embrace EITHER Atheistic ideology. Those who accept EITHER Atheistic ideology sell their souls to the Devil.

Historical events prove the continuity of the evil purpose of the Illuminati. Many theologians agree that this perfect continuity of their Long Range Plans is positive evidence that they are, as Christ named them, “Of the Synagogue of Satan”.

Theologians base their opinion on the theory that nothing human could have such a continuing record of evil down through the ages of time.

The continuity of evil is the exact opposite of the Apostolic succession of the Roman Catholic Church. In this, as in many other things, we are forcibly reminded of the actual power of the super-natural forces to influence our individual lives, national policy, and international affairs. Arguments of this kind regarding evil minded Jews are equally applicable to evil minded Aryans, and evil minded men of all races, colour and creeds.

History proves that Seneca (4 B.C. to 65 A.D.) died because he, like Christ, tried to expose the corrupt practices and evil influence of the money-lenders who had infiltrated into the Roman Empire.

Seneca was a famous Roman philosopher. He was chosen tutor to Nero who became Emperor of Rome. For a long time Seneca was Nero’s best friend, and most trusted advisor.

Nero married Popaea who brought him under the evil influence of the money-lenders. Nero became one of the most infamous rulers the world has ever known. His licentious conduct, and depraved habits, developed in him a character so base that he lived only to persecute and destroy everything that was good.

His acts of revenge took the form of atrocities usually committed in public upon the victims of his wrath. Seneca lost his influence over Nero but he never stopped publicly denouncing the money-lenders for their evil influence and corrupt practices.

Finally the money-lenders demanded that Nero take action against Seneca who was very popular with the people. So as not to arouse the wrath of the people against himself, and the money-lenders. Nero ordered Seneca to end his own life.

*// Too bad evil Empire Rome was an empire of the money power, the same international money power which later resurrected it as the British Empire.

World Wars I and II didn't just happen, they were caused by the Synagogue of Satan, the International Money Lenders, aka, the Illuminati.

It was in 1913 that the betrayer-of-betrayers, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, sold his soul to do evil and allowed the International Banking Cabal to pass The Federal Reserve Act.

With that one act of betrayal, President Wilson sold America into financial slavery to the money-lenders (a private group of thuggish bankers).

It was Wall Street bankers and attorneys that created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947 during Harry Truman's Presidency, which Truman later regretted, admitting that he was misinformed as to the true nature of the CIA's purpose.

See Part 3 >

21930903? ago

Nobody is going to read all this shit. Quit sperging

21931622? ago

No, THIS is sperging >

Just some things I observed in the message from Lewis and I thought I would share.

BTW I think there is more in this and I will reply again when I have more. <

No wonder Corney and Co. hate me so much... >

Quote >>

"“I have been in some kind of fight — for freedom, equality, basic human rights — for nearly my entire life. I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now,” Lewis said in a statement.

32 words total [Freemasonic code > Skull and Bones]

Sentence word count broken up as follows >

These denote the heiphens -

8 - (2,1,3) - 5 - 13 > thus

8 - ({2 +1} - 3) - 5 - 13 > yields

8 - (3 - 3) - 5 - 13

33 = Freemasons. <

13 is the chaos number. <

13 appears twice in that 8 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 13

The 5 breaks down as 3 + 2 which is 32 again.

The word fight is accentuated and is the key word here, and was tweeted by Obongo, and Bill Clinton et al today too. Fight is the key to this message cipher. <

“This month in a routine medical visit, and subsequent tests, doctors discovered Stage IV pancreatic cancer. This diagnosis has been reconfirmed,” he said.

Notice the roman numeral IV? >

Also stage has 5 letters and precedes IV (4) thus 54 the mirror of 45 is revealed.

The IV implies a 4 and also a 5, as the V is present > Thus another ciphered 45 is revealed.

“While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of caner treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance,”.

There are 45 words in that last statement from Lewis. <

The heiphen appears at the fourth and fifth word > 45 <

Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer (cancer affecting Pan > Satan > Baal) <

Stage is five letters and 4 = 4 obviously, thus yielding 54 or 45 mirrored. <

He is sending a message to the [DS] letting them know they have something in the works to remove their Trump cancer problem. More Peach Mint FUCKERY?

It was a coded message. <

Who knows, maybe he was on Death row, having been told he faced the death penalty, and has been released? > Clear-eyed > Means in the clear for the all seeing eye? > Prognosis? A coded phrase referring to the state of the situation <

Something is up here for sure.


21931467? ago

Shut up Schlomo. It describes your crimes in painstaking detail.

21930948? ago

Bullshit. <

This is the most informative price I have seen anywhere.

It is bang on the money.

Take the time to read it please Anons, it's worth your time.


21931596? ago

Yeah, not reading this. We don't need more word salad and we don't need more q proofs or retweets. We need some goddamn action!

21931614? ago

Then go find yourself a hooker. We are busy here. <

21931631? ago

Listen Boomer, you can sit here and copy and paste old shit all you want, it has nothing to do with current events and you're brain is too fucking addled to stay on track here. Stop wasting your time trying to convince us of shit we already believe. You're literally forum sliding and should be banned, faggot.

21931668? ago

Over the target. <

Fuck off Shill.

21932323? ago

Hahaha ok boomer, keep telling yourself that.

21931237? ago

Thank you OP for this posting! Ordering up the "hard cover"!

21931457? ago

Ps... Here is a free copy.





21931454? ago

You are very welcome.

Love to you all Anons. <

21931232? ago

Thank u 4 posting this, OP! Informative read and very worthwhile!

21931451? ago

I know right?!

I thought it was best to post real information to combat the Jew and Nazi disinformation on the board once and for all. Shill destroying article. <

Now we have a place to start real research, and connect the dots.

Essential for what's coming.



21931663? ago

Np! I actually posted on one of ur gematria decodes last night...I feel like I'm starting to understand them better recently...Keep posting! Love ur work and appreciate ur effort! God bless!

21931691? ago

I love you too Anon!

As you can see I do a lot of solid research backing up my decodes. <

I added the comments today on the Gematria thread. Please go back and re-read the Corney tweet decode again.



21931946? ago

Will do! ✌

21931029? ago

That doesn’t change the fact nobody will read it. Summarize it or something with some call-out quotes and then provide links to it. What makes you think people won’t be lazy when you did the laziest thing possible and just copied/pasted a wall of text. Take your autism meds.