21876815? ago

Some did not carry over to 2010, that were on the 2009 return. Did he sell them and not report?

21874418? ago

Upvote! Saw this on 8kun, you should do a another/follow up with Pelosi's financials as well. Good info.

21874304? ago

I have a 401k with a blackrock fund in it? Am I bad too? They are a massive ETF and mutual fund company

21874353? ago

Dear anon 21874304 :) Have you consider doing business with another fund to your liking? Which is not allegedly the world's largest SHADOW bank and did alleged abuse rental market.

BlackRock is allegedly the world's largest SHADOW bank



BlackRock Abuse Rental Market

  • “BlackRock is also now the largest holder of single and multi-family housing in the USA (and probably others worldwide). They were somehow in position to obtain most/many of the banks' foreclosed assets. They now are the largest landlord, and are virtually singularly responsible for the high rental rates today (since few can now afford to buy a house).”

BlackRock Inc. is the latest company planning to finance investors who buy single-family homes, capitalizing on soaring rental demand as the U.S. homeownership rate sits at a five-decade low.


* https://archive.fo/3cmFm


* https://archive.fo/WcsER


21874371? ago

Blackrock has great prices. I love their iShares ETF lineup. What else is an equivalent company

21874430? ago

I suggest any other company to your liking which offers real ethical investing

Socially responsible investing (SRI), or social investment, also known as sustainable, socially conscious, "green" or ethical investing, is any investment strategy which seeks to consider both financial return and social/environmental good to bring about social change regarded as positive by proponents.



21874452? ago

Bringing ethics into investing means losing money. Check out the Vice Fund. It owns cigarette companies, weapons, booze, drugs, guns, etc etc

21874572? ago

Bringing ethics into investing means losing money.

Says BlackRock? ;)

I understand that you value money above people. To each their own belief. Enjoy your journey on that road :)

21874583? ago

I just mean that I havent found an ESG fund that outperforms

21874703? ago

I just mean that I havent found an ESG fund that outperforms

Thanks for clarifying what you meant. What I am suggest is to prioritize another metric first. Ethic first. Money second.

Speaking for myself, I asked my finance team this, when they review investment options, my first metric filter is ethic. Money is my second or lower metric filter. For example, when reviewing all recommended options, I am asking myself which one of those investment options ethically outperform all other options? Which option really do put people above money? Also which options really has ethical behaviors itself? As a result I quickly and easily filtered out BlackRock. Then filtered in ethical investment options.

In other words, if you value people above money then, most ethical ESG funds will likely outperforms BlackRock.

21874833? ago

I don’t care how ethical the world is. My goal is to leave my children the most money possible, and do it with the best risk/reward trade off I can get.