22482573? ago

Q stands for queers

22236881? ago

Check out FreedomBox.

22196280? ago


Can anyone post their 8kun.top hosts file or a place I can find one. Is there a current link on using Loki, Tort, 8kun? 8kun.top is not working

22137904? ago

As of now, you cannot link off QMAP from the various posts to 8KUN. What is going on with the QRESEARCH page on 8KUN?

22075600? ago

Info was communicated in ancient Rome with graffiti. Write on walls, leave cards, posters, bridges, billboards. They want us isolated since they cannot track all conversations YET. staying connected and living in the matrix is challenging. Share 1 gig usb drives loaded with data. if there is enough of them they can circulate and direct user to ip addresses. Ham radio- there is a frequency to refer to but i have to look it up if anyone is interested. I heard someone is starting an Patriot +IP directory board to go directly to sites e.g. Jim Stone's site. The tech thread on this site has info for moving work files to Linux and creating a Nextcloud server (encrypted) on a $50 device. There is another infrastructure to comm off the grid: with a cell phone and a solar panel for charging you and your family can be in touch no matter what. Community version supports first responders and the whole town. IF anyone lives in NYC or close to brooklyn check out the next meetup for +NY +Mesh+Club. free to join free to connect. this movement is growing ww. good luck and God Bless Potus and protect him and his family from the demented demonrats. After Thursday events and q post 1307 - we are watching a move and won already. It seems is harder is waking the normies up. On a positive note, pleasantly surprised by the growing number on the Patriot side.

21874248? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#81326) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21851356? ago

How do I save information on 8 kun? Wont even let me screenshoot

21831870? ago

I don't thing this thread is relevant to many here.

21790390? ago

Using tor is totally rooted. 8kun is not for the common man.

21734236? ago

Best thing to do is install virtualbox (it's free / open source) and then download TAILS and run TAILS from virtualbox, then run TOR from there

Your'e welcome!

21733273? ago

why is it called 8kun instead of the old name.

21691758? ago

Everytime I say 8 kun, old highball, my three legged dog goes to barking. Last night my wife asked me, what the name of that site. I hollered to the other room "8KUN." Old highball broke through the screen door, went running through the woods, sparked his leg nub on a fat lighter stump and caught the woods on fire.

21649489? ago

Working link is up at v/Niggers still!

21632811? ago

Seriously what pain? MSM won’t give the IG report 30 seconds next week. It will be wall to wall House Judiciary Hearings, and FF’s. If they give it any coverage it will be to pull out one or two favorable nuggets.

Horowitz cannot bring charges. That’s Durham’s job and he is six months away or more.

You people are building this up too much. We know this will be damaging to the Left. But the people who vote Dem and independents will never find out what is in the report. The MSM will make sure of that as they spin it To their advantage.

I know it. You know it. Everyone else here knows it. Stop overplaying this as the end of the Deep State.

21632640? ago

Very depressing. Can’t load images from any boards. Can’t post. It’s basically just a Q view only portal. Frens taught me so much. Now they are gone

21554234? ago

8kun works on clearnet, no idea why you are all being this tarded.

21531811? ago

I like to tickle my butthole while watching the Trump youtube video

21524553? ago

No issues at all with download or link - thank you very much.

21488295? ago

v/Niggers has a new working link to get to the site now.

21485599? ago

This is a new Q-archive board website that has a great feature of mirroring related 8kun posts or optionally taking you straight to 8kun.

options in top right hand corner of posts.


21468407? ago

Is there a way to get meme web-addresses from the QResearch board to convert so that they can be posted on non-TOR sites? Or do you have to download and use thumbnails?

21458763? ago

Firefox is the Trannyfucks system, staying away from that gay shit, to much aids over there.

21457304? ago

Uhhhh just so you know the onion adress still loads clearnet crap from 8kun.top as well as clearnet images (look at yer address bar tells ya its unsecure) and just watch your browser bottom left...fuck Im on vpn via tails/tor on a usb (im a boomer too) this is still all BS....we are being fed crap..... untill I see real security and my PGP post is decoded im gonna watch with baited breath....prove me wrong....

21452406? ago

Mental midget gives advice:

Do not go to non-Tor sites from the Tor Browser, it will work for clearnet sites but you can be tracked and identified if you do by the third parties that run the nodes that go from the Tor Network to the Clearnet.

Geeeeez... you people are stupid.

21451009? ago


21450839? ago

Time to take this post down!

21547870? ago

Is that who I think it is?

21473045? ago

Never saw that pic before.. Is he still alive?

21446688? ago

Anons - You can use the Brave browser and just right click on any Tor/Onion site to open up the link in a private Tor Window. Or just bookmark and go from Brave.

21444008? ago


TOR. this takes you to the australia board

21443991? ago

the link I have been using works and the Australia board is working almost normally. it;'s great.

21440738? ago

Nope. Not going to install another browser. Duck Duck Go is all I need.

21440231? ago

Anyone actually able to get to 8kun?

21444002? ago

yes i am there right now

21444031? ago

link for me bro?

21430459? ago

Getting to 8kun from the Tor Network.

1) Be Q.

2) Or else don't bother trying to post.

3) Jim and Ron are useless faggots and the worst IT team in US military history.

21428069? ago

Just found a working link at v/niggers

Thanks for the heads up, whoever posted that advice here

21425563? ago

Did Epstein really kill himself?

21422963? ago

I can't get into the current bread, what am I missing?

It's showing as thread #9411 with only 716 posts. I go into it and the last post was from 8 hours ago, and no new posts coming.

I've used the link from this post and I've also followed the qmap.pub post titles to no avail.

Movies about to begin and I need my seaaaat. Any help would be appreciated anons

21409274? ago

and while you're at it, if you have access to big storage, backup the Qanon archive. Every additional copy may come in handy some day.


21401942? ago

v/Niggers has a new link to 8coon.

21392603? ago

How about a sticky for qmap.pub instead?

21391255? ago

You can find 8coon up and running over at v/Niggers

21390991? ago

Use TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) if your going to use Tor. Install the operating system on a thumb drive and boot from it when you want to use TOR. It would also be wise to learn PGP encryption to go along with TAILS.

People also need to read up on the Darknet so they don't end up going somewhere they don't want to visit. Darknet has some good places to visit but it's also a cesspool of garbage and illeagle content.

21388510? ago

Fuck Q. Where can I get some Ecstasy/MDMA on the dark web?

22075663? ago

grow your own shrooms

21389936? ago

Look in yer mums pocketbook.

21391240? ago

I looked in your Dad's sausage wallet and a bunch of bats flew out.

21388506? ago

v/Niggers has a working html link.

21384286? ago

So you can also go to QMAP, click on a heading hyperlink, at the server not found message, cut and paste that link into Tor Browser, and access the link.

21486932? ago

good info!

21384248? ago

Thanks op

21377358? ago

the link won't do a download either in edge nor in mozilla firefox. Can you help?

21377754? ago

Here is a direct download link to the Windows Version of the Tor Browser: https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/9.0.1/torbrowser-install-win64-9.0.1_en-US.exe This link is going to open a DIRECT DOWNLOAD link. If you don't want to use that link, go to the downloads page and click on the windows circle, that will give you the link instead.

21556786? ago


21377337? ago

The torproject.org download won't download, either in edge nor in firefox. anything diff?

21374963? ago

I'm with you, brother.

Some of us have to keep our asses hanging out, so they know where the heads are pointed. As far as I am concerned, I'd rather they see the tip of the iceberg--I want them to know we know, we're digging, we care, and we're not going to give up because of some snopes article. Their greatest fear has come true.

If you want to keep up, follow Q's posts--I've been using qmap.pub for awhile, but there are many others. Keep refreshing throughout the day. And if there's anyone that you care about that has swallowed this whole globalist bullshit hook, line, and sinker, just pull them aside and tell them that we've all been fooled--Democrat and Republican alike. Just tell them to keep an open mind between now and next November,.

21475649? ago

Boats for Voat app on Android gives direct link to qmap.pub and notifications for new Q drops.

22469895? ago

Good app!!!

21371690? ago

Whenever I click on the "Download now" button, nothing happens.

21377539? ago

me too

21382728? ago

I got it to work finally by scrolling to the next section and choosing my operating system, and from there it took me to a different screen to download, I think.

21368510? ago


21362015? ago

Tor browser is a know honypot, has been for years, and mozilla includes a metric sheetload of telemetry.

You used to be able to just download plain old tor, where the fuck is that now? Torproject just has the download for mozillas piece of shit browser?

Brave allows no plugins? Fuck all that, just give me an onramp to tor. I'll figure the rest out myself :)

21352264? ago

Personally use Brave's built in tor, working fine.

21352120? ago

Keep this post sticky. Not sure how to bookmark in onion.

21351030? ago

The link is not supposed to be shared in public. nice going

21396551? ago

It doesn't matter.

21350352? ago

Yep! — Tor browser works. I was able to access 8kun — took a little time to load — also allows the link from Q post 3593.


21350321? ago

Amex by Wells Fargo... didn’t know that

March 19 – American Express is founded by Henry Wells and William Fargo.

21350013? ago

8coon no workeee

21486941? ago

8coons own 16 unused workboots.

21349756? ago

Secrecy, anonymity and our apathy are the root causes to this situation. Visibility, personality and enthusiasm are the solution. Entheos. God in us.

21348560? ago

The number of ways they stop us connecting. The pain I feel from separation from people I never even met is ridiculous. They are frens. Nobody is more brutally honest. Best music ever. Most intelligent, autist extraordinaries. I salute the anons and bakers. Let’s get this done. Wwg1wga from Western Australia where that cunt downer dare not step foot.

22469920? ago

"best music ever? TOOL?

22485521? ago

One of them yeah. How you know that hive minder? Also the spoon lady 😃

21346450? ago

Only thing I see is a link to v/Niggers

21345266? ago

They want money. That gives out a lot of personal info.

21343780? ago

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21990370? ago

21341200? ago

Even Daily Stormer has a domain name on clearnet now.


Elite government operatives relegated to pedoweb?

21337025? ago

what is the difference between a clearnet site and a tor site? Sorry I'm a newbie to these things

21336926? ago

8coon down again.

21336610? ago

Jim Watkins likes to run backwards through cornfields butt naked.

21336574? ago

Fuck Q. Where can I get some Ecstasy/MDMA on the dark web?

21336542? ago

Lots of titties on the Qresearch page!!!! Wooooooooo


21336361? ago

Thank you OP!.

Downloaded TOR. Opened TOR. Copy and pasted link you provided in TOR browser. Took about 30 seconds to load. It works!

21336339? ago

I'll pass. Q is a Larp.

21362425? ago

Yet you are here.

21335271? ago

i gave up trying. never fking works. sick of it constatly going down. Isn't there anything Q can do to fgix this issue. how the fk does he expect to have a great awakenin gwhen there's no place to read and discuss. voat doesnt count. its a kindergarden, i wana go to college level 8kun.

21336299? ago

If you can't figure out TOR, you can't graduate. OP gave some pretty easy directions that work.

Pay your fucking Internet bill or stop stealing shitty wifi.

21334229? ago

8kun has never been available for me in uk yet

21352667? ago

use tor as commented above

21344245? ago

Use a vpn

21336589? ago

Hahahaha. Europe sucks ass.

21486954? ago

moslem ass

21336304? ago

Because this isn't for the UK. America First.

21334193? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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21333195? ago

Why not simply forget having a domain name and everyone just use the raw IP address?

Used to do that back in the ‘90’s.

21637531? ago

Because you can still be tracked visiting the site.

21333180? ago

“Safari cannot open page “http://www.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html” because your iPad is not connected to the internet.”

21333759? ago

You may have noticed that OP mentioned "TOR browser" 3 times in his post. He didn't mention Safari or your iPad.

21358855? ago

Send em to school and all they want to do is read the comics.

21336315? ago

Nevermind the fact they aren't even connected to the Internet.

21333002? ago

thanks anon, much needed info!

21332476? ago

So seriously there is not a single registrar where 8kun can get platformed? It seems 8kun.tw still works some what but is not updated and is not showing Q posts after July. So I assume it is not working properly. Now under registrar status under a whois search it says clienthold. which if I understand correctly means it is deplatformed but part of the site still comes up. Can someone with more knowledge on this subject enlighten us please? I guess the site works under the tor browser but as long as the Q posts make it to qmap and qpub I don't need to go straight to the source so I have not decided if I want to install the onion browser or not. I am familiar with it and have used it in the past briefly but it can be dangerous because much of the dark web can be accessed there so if you do decide to use it be careful what you decide to access.

21332853? ago

Did anyone stop to think that Q team is making this difficult because Watkins is a trap?

21486962? ago

Wondered why he resides in a shithole country.

21488241? ago

He specifically moved to the Philippines so he could host uncensored japanese porn websites so people in japan could pay extra to watch uncensored porn. He bragged about it to a group of people he tried to hire a few years ago and he's talked about it himself on a few podcasts lately.

21716205? ago

I assumed there was a reason for his creepy vibes.

21725525? ago

Because he's a pedo.

21729546? ago

Wouldn’t surprise me. Unfortunately many men from many countries go there in search of what most would consider inappropriate age gap relationships and take advantage of their currency dominance and exploit the Filipinos desperation to try and help their family escape poverty.

21333015? ago

No, but we do think Q is making this difficult so the stupid people will get out of the fucking way and let the researchers do their jobs. Stupid people should stay here on Voat, like me. Otherwise, they get on Qresearch and shit up the boards.

21332312? ago

Ok, as a lurker for the most part since theDonald days on reddit - I migrated to Voat when Q told us too.

I also downloaded Brave and have been using that to access qmap.pub and voat.

I’m seeing talk here about Brave being a honeypot.

I don’t really care if it is, cause I am an old boomer lady just trying to keep up. But I really don’t want to have my IP on a list if things don’t go as planned, which I guess I probably am anyway so WTF?

Ok boomer jabs are fine, just someone give me some good info on the best way to watch the movie 😜

22430410? ago

what about EpicBrowser? Been using that with some success

21691774? ago

Go for it. It ain't like we got that long to live anyway.

21632656? ago

Boomer bloke. Hello. We can share a cell. If they want you they will get you. But like me you probably don’t matter.

21538626? ago

In all seriousness take these steps and you'll be flying well above the subversive elements that are on Voat.

  1. get Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN. Pay for the yearly subscription, it's worth it.
  2. Download (free) VMWare Player. https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free Follow the steps to install, it's easy and Youtube has tons of tutorials...just search Install VMWare Workstation Player in Youtube and you'll have more than you need.
  3. Download a (free) virtual machine. VMWare --the VM stands for Virtual Machine-- You can also use youtube for this or use a free Linux Virtual Machine. Go HERE to see some of the most popular virtual machines: https://techsviewer.com/best-free-virtual-machine-software-2018/. Go HERE to see how to set a VM up: https://lifehacker.com/how-to-set-up-a-virtual-machine-for-free-1828969527

  4. Once setup, your Virtual Machine shall be the only machine you use to browse qmap, voat, 8kun, 4chan etc etc...NEVER EVER login to a personal account on the VM. If you're not already using a throw away account linked to a throw away email address on Voat...STOP...setup a fake email address (use Google if you want but I'd use protonmail if I were you)...and link your voat account to that fake email address (click on your user name at the top right, and edit your email address there).

The best thing about this is that you can run the VM in a window while running what you want on your actual machine with very little chance of compromising your identity or personally identifying information. Now a government agency can still get to you, but I doubt they care if you shitpost as long as you're not talking crazy shit about hurting people. Then use your browser in your VM to login to voat or whatever else you want.

There will be no browser history or artifact to link directly to you. People on Voat use Buffer Overflow, SQL injection, and Cross-site Scripting/Cross Site Request Forgery attacks to recon info and 'dox' people. Yeah...their lives are really that empty. --Looking at you SBBH.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this post and I'll walk you through it. It's very simple to setup and once it's running, as long as you are mindful of what you login to and practice good cyber hygiene none of the fuckfaces on voat (SBBH users setup SQL scripts on this site so they likely have backdoors built in or just know how to manipulate the back end because they helped build it)..can't make their presence even more annoying to the other areas in your cyber life.

21486883? ago

best comment i've read in a long time! Classic!

21393546? ago

https://dissenter.com/download <----- this works well also

21348593? ago

Same, I couldn’t give a shit if they knock at my door. They are faggots. I am boomer man struggling to find a reason why my successful career actually matters. It’s all diversity corporate bullshit. I choke on it. I rage internally it is so offensive. Retirement looks good compared to this madness. But we go on for those that depend on us.

22430436? ago

Ditto boomer female here. Have had a hard time getting motivated since obummer tried to destroy things. Trying to retire... maybe reverse mortgage will make that possible. I take lots of deep breaths about the effing SJW's and the LGBTQLMNOP tranny schitt they are shoving in our faces. Tip a glass for me and I'll tip one for you. Just glad I'm not in my 20's!

21691821? ago

Same here pal.

21637502? ago

Sucks doesn't it, the idea that everything you produce is going to support a bunch of barbaric niggers (and the kikes that back them) that want to destroy, you, your family and the world you love?

I'm one of the younger Patriots, part of the "lost generation" caught between the boomers and the completely brain dead virtue signally SJW's. I've already decided. If Trump and Q fail I have decided I would rather die on my feet than on my knees sucking nigger cock.

21921871? ago


21502177? ago

It doesn't matter. Quit and move your 401k to a self directed ira....buy a cabin, a boat

22022524? ago

what does not matter?

22039096? ago

The "madness".....unplug from it! Moving your 401k to a self directed IRA is a conduit for this change to be positive.

21347102? ago

Just do what ya want. I block/ hide nothing and nothing has happen. I’m going to be on a list and try to fuck your granddaughter till they stop me.

21340417? ago

The "Internet" is a honeypot. Always has been. Al Gore, yadda yadda.

22469817? ago

"yadda yadda" sorry I no speak Joo.

21348691? ago

Even exit nodes compromised. But it really comes down to how much you matter to them. Me? Gadfly level. Not worth wasting the bytes on. From dust I cam and dust I shall return

21524581? ago

I dont matter. They can have all my info. I wont put up a fight.

It's better to give them noise, waste their resources. Warfare101. You, your kin, and God are their enemy. If you won't fight for yourself, fight for your kin. If you won't fight for them, fight for God. If you won't fight for God, fight against your enemy to simply spite them. Don't go down like a bitch.

22212362? ago

youre very right about god being their enemy. these people are satanic whether they know it or not. some do.

21335232? ago

No one needs to use Brave. There is a reason all of the fake MAGA youtube paytriots push it constantly

21391003? ago

People need to use TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito Live System)

22396711? ago

Hmmm, never heard of it - how best to get started?

22397891? ago

Search for tor TAILS. If I remember correctly. You will need 2x usb drives over 8gig. Then you boot from the final usb drive, encrypt the operating system (Dont lose your key) and browse the dark web. This adds a layer of protection. The other part of being protected is to make sure you aren't using your own internet connection, however, most likely, you won't need to go that far to protect your self. People don't realize how fucking dangerous it is to access the dark web from a windows machine so use TAILS instead.

22469743? ago

Also wash the laundry from time to time. https://moo0-anti-recovery.en.lo4d.com/windows

21486895? ago


21344062? ago

Brave was started by the CEO of Firefox after they fired him for being pro traditional marriage.

I use Brave and fuck firefox

22430443? ago

oooh where do I find fuck firefox? kek

I use EpicBrowser too. Anyone else?

21344306? ago

Soros and firefox???

Good plan.

21344391? ago

That's why I use Brave, not that it isn't comp'ed but because it isn't firefox.

21344635? ago


Fair enough

Im good without it

21340920? ago

Q group actually posted a video or image showing that they use brave- that is the main reason I started using it, before patriots started pushing it as ads. Having some ads does not make somebody fake maga. Everybody needs $$ to survive in our world, and many of the good condition providers work on getting information for us full time, meaning they need some income to be able to put food on the table. Going crazy with ads and trying to get rich off of it is being a paytriot

21632680? ago

If it’s free it’s provided by [them]. Twitter, google, FB, porn, YouTube ... never could comprehend why they were free.

22469777? ago

(((Them))) Grammerfag so sorry. so sorry..........

21347275? ago

Alex Jones is the worst of the worst. He is old money funded and his Jew poison supplements are probably going to kill you in 20 years. The YouTube kids making a few grand are not even close to same level.

22469764? ago

20 years? Have a corona....

21341159? ago

Uh huh

21343987? ago


Original image from Q. Somebody hasn't been paying attention to detail. Or you are just newer, that's ok. This post and related discussions are where I first heard about brave.

21344188? ago

Q has not told anyone to use brave.

21355943? ago

agreed Q didn't tell anybody to use Brave- I never suggested that if you re-read above. I just said Q team appears to use Brave based on an image they shared. Sauce provided, yet somebody is offended and needs to downvoat and twist my words

21356235? ago

You think that is Qs computer??? Lol

21785688? ago


21334551? ago

Anonymity is gone. Privacy is somewhat attainable. It's the grizzly bear joke of the internet.

Two guys running away from a bear. One stops to put on his sneakers. The other turns and says what are you doing? You'll never out run the bear! First one says, I don't have to, I just have to out run you!

Use tor, or palemoon with a trustworthy VPN (see "that privacy guy"). But never doxx yourself or others. Not much else to be done. Enjoy the ride.

Ignore people saying to use tails or qubes OS. They're probably right, but if you're not planning to blow shit up, there's really not much need. Just beware of the metadata breadcrumbs so you don't doxx others through your personal network communications. Assume PMs are not safe.

21341663? ago

If you are using Tor on mobile use the Orbot browser. It's configured to work with Tor.

21333035? ago

Everything is technically a 'honeypot', if intel agencies want access to you and your data, they can get it. Now, what you are possibly avoiding by using some basic precautions are Google and co., the non-govt intel agency, which unless you're a secret agent is probably all you need to worry about. Having said all that, either hang out here on Voat with most of us dimwits, or get Tor and go over to Qresearch and watch the bread baked. As far as I know, those are the only Q authorized locations for information, Qresearch for the deep thinkers, and Voat, which is more like a chat forum full of shills, nitwits, and us regular folk.

22469583? ago

Weaponized autism....With the lights out. Damn I love the people on the chans.

21785661? ago

Excellent answer, thank you.

21416222? ago

Here here! Well said

21331498? ago

Directions are PERFECT.

Worked 4 me.

21330299? ago

I get to the ebake but can’t post due to failed captcha but there is no captcha...,, I guess it’s just closed to everyone but Q

That’s through Q Tor link today

21332845? ago

The captcha is corrupted

21329406? ago

Yeah. I trust a team of bumbling retards who can't even get a dog shit web site up and running to save the country.

21333630? ago

It's not a technical issue dumbass, it's a political one. The companies that run the address book translates 8kun.net to or whatever the actual IP address is are removing the translation from their records. That's why the clear net version is broken. It's out of CodeMonkey's hands and the service that all the internet is dependent on is breaking their shit, their shit is not broken.

21341214? ago

Patriots in control...right?

21334179? ago

The one or two times I actually got to their horrible site, it was a piece of shit. That part of the shit show is on them.

21333038? ago

Then why are you here? Go back to reddit, they're trustworthy. /s

21329302? ago

worked - all setup for Qresearch only....

21328463? ago

If you want to be tracked and lumped in with pedos, this is totally advice you should follow.

21328479? ago

Fucking moron shill

21327954? ago

Or install brave browser and “open a new private tab with tor”

21334286? ago

No setup required? Tor just works?

21328487? ago

Sure if you want every company in China to steal all your info on your laptop.

21328520? ago

brave is open source shill

21334569? ago

Even the chromium part?

21337357? ago

Chromium is an open source project, as is Brave. Brave is hosted on github and Chromium is in a git repo hosted by Google, that you can download, compile, and contribute to.

21342469? ago

Thanks. I learned something today.

21344275? ago

Notice how many shills were in here spreading disinformation? Lol

21327616? ago

For android https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.torbrowser

guardian project is safe & clean

21332847? ago

No it's not, that shit literally destroys phones and steals info off of them.

21334062? ago

Q referenced a guardian project app. Are you suggesting Q is a larp?

21334072? ago

Trace who makes money off of the app and see who is currently monetizing Q

Didn't you think it was weird Q linked to Epic Music on YouTube ... do you know who owns that channel.

Jim Watkins.

21334371? ago


21334079? ago

Q = Jim Watkins?

21327454? ago

Use brave browser it's got tor built in and is generally better than chrome.

21327629? ago

Dissenter* brave reports usage

21334378? ago


21327226? ago

Nothing will happen.

21327119? ago

Boomer here. If I can't click on Q's posts in Qmap that take me to Qresearch, I'm not going. Hope you get this shit fixed Q.

21336337? ago

Lazy boomers. Have your grandson/granddaughter help you.

21329172? ago

I understand the Tor network now makes Q links inaccessible for a lot of skeptical people.

However, installing a Tor browser is just as easy as installing Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox or any other web browser.

Just copy the .onion link Q posts into the Tor browser instead.

21328499? ago

It's the best Military intelligence can do!

21327828? ago

Brave is supposed to be a honey trap, I am told after I installed it. People advise use it for TOR and 8kun...nah, I'll just go to the map.

Bakers can bake at 8kun I guess, but what do we need Q for these days? Not dissing Q, just saying we're good.

Just Do It POTUS, Q+...

21327883? ago

Your PC is a honey trap bro. If you don't know, now you know.

21328533? ago

Israel Inside!

21334095? ago

Yep, the backdoors are in th hardware, but who cares?

God Wins! (In the END)

21506203? ago

You can now disable some of them

21334120? ago

Yeah (((applebaums))) Tor worries me but like you said, they have a backdoor regardless.

Fuck em. I reinstalled it when i saw Q post the onion

21327032? ago


21328472? ago

I've never understood this whole analog. Why do bakers bake using crumbs? Shouldn't it be dough? You can't bake crumbs, you'l just get more burnt crumbs.

21352487? ago

Not when crumbs are used in/for stuffing ...delicious ....taste of more : )

21486911? ago

hahahha! These comments have me rolling.

21331988? ago

Boomers teaching boomers lmao.

Bake the bread rhymes with make the thread. It's from the chans. All other explanations are wrong

21328709? ago

bakers bake using the dough. that's how it is and has always been. only person here talking about crumbs is you.

21328828? ago

Then why is it called dropping crumbs?

21333010? ago

Q drops crumbs, Q researchers have to follow the crumbs to find the answers to make the dough, then anons accumulate all the dough and make into a bread.

21333028? ago

How do crumbs lead to dough? Crumbs are from baked bread.

21334313? ago

You are overthinking the metaphor.

21333097? ago

Let me get out my jumbo crayons and draw a picture for you.

Remember the story of Hansel and Gretel? They dropped bread crumbs on the ground as they walked thru the woods so they could find their way back home. Well this is nothing fucking like that because the birds ate all their goddamn bread crumbs and it left them lost as fuck. We ain't doin' that shit here.

Here, Q drops crumbs of information for us to follow, because of nat'l security law he/she cannot just give us the information, so we have to take the clues aka crumbs of information and research the answers ourselves. Also, because just like niggers on welfare, there is no pride if don't earn it yourself, you gotta work for your dough. Now when we find answers and put that into simple English and post it for stupid motherfuckers like you, that is called dough. Then some awesome anons take all that posted information aka dough, and compile it into lengthy threads which capture make sense of what conversations and research transpired over the day/night, and that is aka bread. You can then download a bread and read thru it like a transcript and catch up on the conversations and research that has occurred while you were away jacking off. All this work is saved for a later time when we can use it to explain what just happened to normies that had their head up their ass, or when all these treasonous fucks are tried and hung.

If you don't understand that, and I'm sure you won't, then you are too fucking stupid to be here, so go back to watching CNN and reading reddit.

21554027? ago

Omg I love you!

;) sometimes people need things spelled out. Have some more faith in the stupid normies. Everyone resonates when truth is spoken. For you ain't know just might who get awoken!

21333851? ago

Me likey.

21333197? ago

Ok boomer.

21334935? ago

Ok millennial.

21334959? ago

I'm actually Gen X you faggot, I built the internet and all of this shit for you even though you tried to drown us.

21334979? ago

Hi, Al Gore, glad to see you on Voat, can you get rid of all the fags and shills please?

21329743? ago

Q drops crumbs, not bakers. Bakers bake the bread with the dough.

21329262? ago

Because dough rises when baked, and after baking others can come back LATER (like after work) and read the crumbs.

Crumbs come from bread.

21329277? ago

That's fucking stupid. So Q provides the dough, bakers bake, then they read the crumbs they drop, then it's passed down to normies or something?

21329297? ago

Its only stupid because you are a black guy, and black people arent meant to use things like 8chan. Its too hard for you.

It just doesnt happen. Go to the ocean you never see niggers there either

21334335? ago

It just doesnt happen. Go to the ocean you never see niggers there either

Because they sink. They don't float like white people. Scientific fact. That's why there are no black olympic swimmers.

21334355? ago

takes notes on clipboard

Fascinating, Carter. I shall put this new information into the database immediately.

21329342? ago

Um, I'm an old white lady. What are you talking about idiot?

21329794? ago

The fuck are you so caught up on the autistic semantics for?

21333881? ago

Fucking finally! It's a bunch of nerds and hackers researching and shitposting. Who gives a fuck what it's called.

21332114? ago

Lol @ this whole conversation

21326965? ago

I use the "private window with Tor" on Brave; it's the only way I've been able to view. Can't post but can read.

I was able to view on clearnet for 2 days but haven't been able to since.

21326944? ago

current general shows over 400 posts but only displays 8 or so.

21329397? ago

Cache refreshes populated globally and very slowly. Roughly been 1/2 day time lag.

21329225? ago


21328541? ago

Ditto, resolution?

21329480? ago

Change it for every post. They track browser resolution. Or are u asking for the solution?

21413452? ago

Don't you want to leave it at default? Then you have the same resolution as everyone?

21326819? ago
