21893072? ago

Think mirror

21893068? ago

Trust the plan

21893062? ago

Indictments [2019]




21892605? ago

OFTG || stserrA

21892593? ago







21892577? ago

Is it happening?

21892409? ago

Give us something, motherfuckers, somefuckingthing, for fuck sake!

21892400? ago

‘Nother day gone by... bye, bye... The Great Awaitening... hopium running low, hope shifting to hoping this isn’t turning out to be The Great Whitewash!?


21886654? ago

Let’s see some action, please!

21884521? ago

Do not mistake this backchannel [tool] as a means to be complacent. Fight! Fight! Fight!

We lost.

21877478? ago

qanon guy pinned to the top of potus fisa tweet

21871868? ago

Meanwhile in Canada

“ He’s from Rwanda, she’s from Canada. They’ve been together for four years, married for almost two. But they've never spent a Christmas together — until now.”

https:// www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ben-tuyisenge-emily-knope-toronto-1.5408292?cmp=rss

21862749? ago

DEMS are PILING in illegals in a few purple swing states. THATS ALL YOU NEED. Most of the states are not flippable for either party. Focus on the purple/swing states and look at the cheating there. That's where it matters.

21859760? ago

Q-TEAM just seen the recent shit storm election for Virginia and realize the 2020 elections are in jeopardy. The awoken can't out vote 25 million illegal aliens. Generally speaking, conservatives/libertarians/republicans, would rather be doing something else productive than rummaging through the trash pile of politics. Believe/trust fuck that, when we've secured the house/senate/presidency for 2020 I'll relax. I'll also relax when I see some high profile shit bags hanging from nooses. Anything less than the death penalty isn't enough. At the end of their sentences they will be back out and colluding again. How many people are left government to take high profile, "B-level" positions? How many of them will be tempted into doing the same thing after the dems take the presidency? 2, 4, 6, 10 years before it's all built back up? We need the "cabal" to have a mass extinction level event around the world or this will be repeated. And you know criminals only get better at their jobs and maybe the next time this happens we might not have a "Donald J Trump/Seth Rich/Julian Assange/Mike Rogers" to rescue that generation.

21863271? ago

I have to agree with you although I find it hard to believe that they didn't figure out election fraud as a serious issue. This has been my legitimate concern for some time.

21857238? ago



Believe it or not. Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin were both Jewish. I was shocked to find, most of the original Soviet Communists were Jewish

21855246? ago


Why are [D]s attempting to block the counting of 'illegal' immigrants?

2 + 2 = 4

What is the total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?

What is the 'real' total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?

By flooding coastal States controlled by [D]s does this 'pull' votes out of the Heartland?

At what point will your voice and your vote become null and void?





Important to read and understand.

Why do [D]s want to flood the US w/ illegal immigrants?

This is not another [4] year election.

Our democracy is at stake.


Do not mistake this backchannel [tool] as a means to be complacent.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Your voice and your vote matters.




21853796? ago

hes sayin soros aint just a fluffed up donor, he runs/owns the dnc, probably bought it from the clintons

21895939? ago

Soros is the billionaire, not the Clintons

21853196? ago

Guys, why is Q posting the Punisher symbol over and over and over again?

What is the plot to the Punisher? Who is Frank Castle, what does he do? Both in the comics and Season 1 of the the TV show.

The Punisher skull is not meant to be put on your truck, its a clear message of what must be done, and how it must be done.

These people are sick, these people are evil, these people are corrupt and think that nobody can stop them. But they are people, bullets stop them just fine.

Why is Q posting the Punisher skull? At what point are w e patriots going to stop reading and start doing something?

21853352? ago

We the people need the Military to step in 1st. Then we get the ok for house cleaning. If any of us step out there without an official go ahead, we're toast.

21879902? ago

Unless your a baby boomer willing to go kamikaze....can anybody here get me over a serious target?

Cmon tough guys....my life + plus your access= victory for the Republic

21851700? ago

So GS has been seeding illegals and refugees for the past few years to destroy any chance of fair elections..

Obama essentially ruled by EO... what ACTION is being done to immediately and swiftly end this blatant treason and attempt to take over a nation? Why isn't Trump doing an Obama and saying he has the pen, and signing some EO's that put an end to voter fraud.. Mandatory life sentences to poll workers who aid in vote fraud, to people who drive busses around so the same people can vote 20 times, to politicians that protect this rampant criminality?

Telling patriots to get out and vote vote vote where hundreds of thousands of illegals are voting multiple times won't cut it.. We need some life sentences being thrown down for these cunts... 2018 was rigged, where are the public trials of these fraudsters where they're being put away for life? That'd scare away the majority of these assholes.

Even if GS were magically taken down, we'd still be stuck with tens of millions voting illegally.. unless heads start rolling to put the fear of God into people to never ever even risk voting illegally because of the repercussions, they'll just vote blue.. there's literally nothing stopping them.

21852618? ago

we can reconstitute voter registration and verification to eliminate many illegal votes.

21851504? ago

  1. This will change everything Q is telling us that if we prosecute GS, then it will light the path to repeall all those D by default and everything will then be null and void because a clear and present danger results in all laws passed by them to get repealled if not undo the hole government. Which brings us back to the declaration of independance.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

21879874? ago

Great 30,000 ft view....now bring down to sequence of events.

Who speaks first, then what happens

Based on that this happens

People abolish, institute new gov't

I cant do it!

21879953? ago

17 min ago.

We need to frame and rewite with simular set up i will sign along with others.

This is Dire

21879948? ago

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21850766? ago

Breitbart article + comments

Youtube video + comments

Fox News article + comments

Twitter post

Meme image

Twitter post

Highest security clearance in the country, ladies and gents

21851048? ago


You don’t know anything if not how both mil intel and common sense are at play here.

21850601? ago






We have controlled 3 Dimensions

21850650? ago

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21850623? ago





............... Via Tool.

4 dimension controll via tool ie looking glass.

21849992? ago

We are the news.

We know the truth.

Dems and MSM are corporate owned opposition.

21849754? ago

3753: This is what I think is the main objective of the Q project in addition to bringing awareness to the public of Deepstate Cabal secretive activities, and that is the complete bypassing of the 6 Mainstream media companies and their monopoly on news coverage.

21867263? ago

A question I want to ask my family, but probably won't: "Who owns the six media companies? And, why did they stop consolidating at SIX? Not seven, or go further to five? The answer is related."

21849391? ago

Election reforms!!

Voter ID laws!

No more uhauls of absentee ballots ‘found’ in Broward.

Make an example of Wasserman and CheatleJuice!!

21849303? ago

This latest embarrassing drop pretty much exposes Q for the fraud that Q is. The only question is how many of the truly gullible will continue to be proudly deceived by the fakeness of Q. We shall see, but they are thankfully a dying breed.

21852276? ago

Yet you're STILL here! It's been years!!

21851061? ago

Why would a fraud post 4000 times???

21852402? ago

Da FAME, foo!

21851787? ago


21849037? ago

21848400? ago

Cracking up laughing at my desk to drop 3752. God dammit I love this movement.

21849371? ago

It certainly has made my life better. Not to mention the best free source of entertainment one could hope for.

21848312? ago

For the love of God start droning these fuckers. Seriously! We need action! We know who it is, and we know what they're doing. Broken Arrow, I repeat Broken Arrow.

21847885? ago

Some say Trump will save us

Some say Q Will save us

Others the military

Some say the military oath will save us

All will help

The divine within, BLESSED by God has saved us.

GOD Bless the Patriots that made this all possible in this dimension. ALL, including those no longer with us.

Get to Know God, a Loving God. Thru religion & demonic BS they Hid God's Love from you. Certainly the magnificence of God's Love.

GOD is magnificent, YOU are magnificent. After all you are God's Child. Gifted with Brother Jesus to look out for us. Bigger than BIG... BIGGERER. ENJOY the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER...…. straight ahead.. GOD BLESS the Q team for organizing, educating, AND Loving us.

21848478? ago

Amen to that

21847824? ago

Love these drops today

21847725? ago

Holy fuck moar YouTube and Foxnews links this is EPIC!!!

21847794? ago

You have a problem with redpilling the public?

21847829? ago

Yes I find them to be incredibly stupid.

21849352? ago

Which is why they need redpilling. Not all will get it, but we gotta try.

21850702? ago

Kek kek kek.

Thats it

21847618? ago

Q, we know all this already. What are we supposed to do about it?

21847645? ago

Review before the big show?

21847575? ago

Hmmm, calls out George Soros again. This is shortly after Barr called him out too. Sounds like it's a bad time to be a SOROS.

I'm hoping he will be the first arrest. We need the second side of the pyramid to fall.

21849337? ago

You forget the anti-Soros initiatives in UK, Poland, and Hungary. Ukraine can't be far behind if those hints can be believed. I'm sure there's more. It's going to get very difficult for him to travel freely. I'd say I hope for the Assange treatment, but we don't want to wait years for justice. It IS coming, though.

21847510? ago

Send the illegals packing

Arrest those that enable the illegals, give them a fair trial, and punish them to the full extent of the law.

Illegals are enemy soldiers

they steal our jobs

they water down our vote

Some/possibly most STEAL(indirectly) from hard working taxpayers

Thus damaging our families & quality of life.

Some(way too many) get better benefits than our elders, and even our precious Vets...

Send them packing, after a certain date, allow our Vets free reign on what to do with them; with the help of ICE, NG, etc.

Illegals be GONE. Enablers of illegals; including media; prosecuted as allowed.

21856675? ago

I think the best part is where the government spends 15x per head on the refugees than they spend on us the loyal and hard working citizens of the nation.

Its really time to stop being loyal to the government. Ave Trump, and if he fails...Red is the color angry men....

21849683? ago

These migrants are our FUTURE you faggot. If I were you I’d start treating them with RESPECT, lest you be sorry.

21853026? ago


21848167? ago

See in Canada they just let them all in legally. Then they give them money to get on their feet. Meanwhile we have Canadians struggling to make ends meat. It's really bad here now guys. If I had children I'd move to the US.

21895774? ago

You should have voted Castro out of office.

21895821? ago

I tried but the election was decided before voting even reached my province. The vote is decided already by the time it hits Ontario. We're hopeless.

21888606? ago

Apparently there is nothing stopping you.

Oh wait, Canadian. Wants to move. Cares about his country. Fuck, sorry you are probably white ; that is not allowed.

21852254? ago

It's worse than this anon says. -Canadanon

21849957? ago

I have children and parents. I'm trying to convince people that shit is serious. They think...well, they're not taking the threat seriously.

I mean, what the fuck does it take?

21847505? ago

Q confirmed the scary truth. These migrants are being seeded strategically. This is a long game. We are doomed.

21853213? ago

No we are not. The people doing this die just fine to a bullet. Just who among us has the skills to get the job done?

21847635? ago

We are doomed

That's the spirit...go suck a dick faggot.

21848932? ago

People sucking dick is what got us here in the first place. If something meaningful isn't done about this in the next five years while we still have Pres Trump we are doomed. Sorry you don't like to hear that.

21849255? ago

With or without Trump we are doomed. The only difference is how long it takes.

This newish faith-based “everyone is the same” religion will spearhead the destruction of civilization.

21849299? ago

Nah, all we have to do is keep that "religion" in check a bit longer before the process of it eating itself becomes irreversible. In the meantime, we can round up a lot of the players who hoped to benefit from that "religion".

21849632? ago

Unfortunately there are not a critical amount of citizens willing to do what would be necessary to prevent our destruction. Once we pass a certain point it will be too late. It may take a century or two, but we are headed towards a “planet of the apes” scenario.

21850787? ago

Distruction is inevitable first a great quake then a tsunami, then the stars will fall from the sky it will become dark for days and the crust will displace odds are only a million survive after that the following four years will be the toughest and disease will kill off what the ice age doesnt. Last reset was 600 people im saying 10000 to 100000.

May the force be with you and yours.

21867194? ago

At first I thought you were talking truth. As in described in Revelation.

Then you ended it with fiction. Oh well.

21868754? ago

Truth is stranger then fiction. You are at step 2. Stand by . Step 3, 4, . 5 is a doozy the rest are off the charts.

21849747? ago

I don't think we've crossed that threshold yet, and I live in the heart of Leftist degeneracy, yet still hold out hope that most people are good. Just because NYC and Cali get all of the media attention, and the media does everything they can to make the loonies seem mainstream, there's enough sanity left to prevent your post apocalyptic scenario. I hope.

21852384? ago

Unless we are able to carve out a non-“diversified” slice of this planet we are finished. But that is the (((plan.)))

21850804? ago


21847486? ago

Jews control the D party.

21847416? ago

so this is talking about that 2020 election?

meaning we will continue red-pilling until November?

which is fine, will just need to pace myself emotionally/financially if this is the case🇺🇸

21847453? ago

Lmao LOL 😂

21847580? ago

is that all you guys have got, or did you forget your handbook?


21847617? ago


21847524? ago


This is starting to look like viral marketing for Trump's 2020 run.

21847559? ago

what? are (((you))) worried, he's quite a guy!


21850883? ago



21847721? ago

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the presidency so far. But, if there are no arrests made by the end of his second term, I will consider this presidency a failure.

21895864? ago

They've all been a failure until now.

21849267? ago

We don't have a country if the arrests don't start before the end of this term. Thankfully, I don't think that's in play.

21850127? ago

I agree 100%. Many promises have been made over the course of 2-3 years. If nothing happens and we are just told how important it is to go and vote for Trump again, I'll have to conclude that this has all been an elaborate viral campaign op.

21885773? ago

I'm just hoping that when that happens (and rest assured, it will), some of the dumbest Q-tards will decide to pick up arms against their own country.

Watching the viral videos of lifted Ford and Chevy pickup trucks getting shredded by the business end of a GAU-8 will make my dick split right down the top seam like a motherfucking Ballpark Frank™.

21847293? ago

We certainly dont take the coms or the back chanel for granted Q. Things seem to be heating up, i dont think i speak for myself when i say that nothing will be more gratifying than seeing some high level arrests. It will make it all worth it.

21847699? ago

Zzzzzzzzzz did somebody say "arrests" zzzzzzzzzz

21849766? ago

No but somebody said bloodlibel, thats probably what woke you from your kike slumber.

21853316? ago

*everybody is a kike but me

Sure dude

21847413? ago

Hold your breath.

21847275? ago

Morning Q