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21771193? ago

What is the significance of 17 and Q? What's the correlation? Is it a link to sacred numbers or is it a special program? Q coded billets in the military are kind of archaic and really not -a thing - in the military at least...maybe for Federal Agencies or Federal Departments it still is. What do you faggots know about the significance and feel like sharing with this faggot? Thanks....faggots.

21771232? ago

17th letter in the alphabet.

21771261? ago

Yeah I know that, but what's significant about that letter? There are 9 more letters after that....Is Q Bill Binney?

21771376? ago

Q clearance. Have you been living under a pile of rocks??

21771455? ago

Dude...Q coded clearances yeah I get it. NOBODY USES Q CODES for clearances anymore...we use ACCM...see here

So your supposition is that Q is Q because of an antiquated and oft unused coding system for clearances? That's dumb. It has to be something more...where's the NMBRFG when you need him?

21772235? ago

Q team has been around since JFK assasination. So Q clearence was absolutely a thing back then.

But only Q(team) can really answer your question.

Dont we need an ALPHABETFAG?

21772241? ago

Numbers, letters and sounds are one. You just need the numbers to start.


21772718? ago

All jokes aside. Im somewhat jealous of you because, like many here, maths was never my thing.

I do understand the concept of everything in nature being a mathematical equation. Or this is all an illusion that can be broken down into binary.

So you do you Neo...I promse I'll try to comprehend.

21772754? ago

Thanks fren.

I am going to have to do a big post on numbers and their meanings. <

I have been called NEO many times lately, I'm not sure how to take it. <

I just a guy that opened his eyes. All of them. <

21776718? ago

Hey you still need a laptop? Digits waiting for an email... :)

Twitter API had issues when I tried to get into it the other day. More recently I'm trying to automate logging in to Google for someone so they can have the sheets they created read automatically. Google a) takes weeks to respond to an API request; and b) has code to detect automation and reject the fucking login! So I'm blocked on that as well. Guess I'll work on the dating site today. God bless!

21803747? ago

Email sent to digits. <

21810487? ago

Email replied a few minutes ago. Mentioned the above as well (and, "did I mention I have a brain injury?" :) )

21810909? ago

Two replies sent. <

21822672? ago

Email sent, funds sent, exchange is still "processing" though might take a few hours.

21823972? ago

Can confirm 0.10423216 BTC my fren.

I see:

1 = A = Q

4 = D and T

23 = 11 (2300 hours)

2 = 11

1 + 6 = 7

Thus 1 >

Q is Revealed

4 POTUS is Revealed

1111, 11, 117, & 119 thus also ciphered.

Thanks again my brother. <

21824278? ago

Digits again -- did you see my "Bucket Rides" idea? There are others like me out there. It is helpful for us to be cautious. I would like to make something happen with that guy as well. Anyway, neat that my earlier response ended with 111 and you found several digits with 11s in the amount! :)

I just tried searching for "Bucket Rides" but nothing came up, guess it hasn't been indexed yet? Did I save it? Nope. Oh well. I think it's in the -- aha, found it! I had a tab open to it. Was going to say it was in the "Probably checking out before long (QRV)" thread, and was going to add that it would take a while to find it as I'd need to click on all the various "X replies" to unroll everything, since I know it was a little deep. Anyway, it's:

The guy I was replying to, was replying to someone else talking about taking risks that will be fun and fulfilling, like sky diving. Then the response to that, was from someone at a low point (but not with a time limit left) wanting to do some experiences, and mentioned he will make the funds happen.

So my business idea is to put "people with resources" together with "people who need them" although it's not really that simple, I don't want to do a "charity" due to all the pizzagate-type stuff that surrounds those endeavors, so maybe just a "business" or perhaps just "people helping others" (of course, then those "people" are individually liable, but the other way we're in bed with the government, so, grr...).

Anyway, something like the "Make a Wish Foundation" I suppose, but more like President Trump's charity -- give out more than it takes in, as long as my other revenue streams can hold up. And, they're starting to look very, very interesting. Anyway, more later or in email. God bless!

21824438? ago

I have a lot to give, I just need some sponsors, so I can buy equipment, and eat. I would rather be NMBRFG than that, and use my skills for good to further this movement, than cooking in a 100+°F pro kitchen. Mind you I am probably one of the best Professional Chefs you've ever seen in a kitchen, no joke. I will send you a family cake recipe ASAP, as a small form of "Quid Pro Quo", as Joe Biden would say. ;)

21829887? ago


Heres mine.

Old GOat Amazing chilLi Entree.

Brown sugar to taste hint needs to change color of chili.

1 -2 tablespoons of cocoa.


Beef broth gf

I red capsican

1 orange capsican

Celery four stalks

Beans +++cans 1 of 3 is chic peas drain beans in empty cans.

Bacon almost burnt smoked flavor. Or burnt.

Two tomatoes fresh

2 cans of tomato past or more.

2 cans of tomatoes diced. N stewed.

Two onions or 3.

Four + cloves of garlic

Can of corn.

++ chuck stakes grilled on open fire with wood for smoke flavor.

Make sure you pick marbled meat^

Or pre spiced brisket

1 cup of apple cider vinegar.

Meat to be partly thawed as not to cook fully on bbq

You will get juices in the mix this way. Brazed or med rare.

Salt and pepper meat before grilling.

Red seal sweat dreams tea or celestial seasons tension tamer tea.**

3 bag min set in 1/4 bowl of boiling water as needs to be condensed.***

Squeeze bags and force juice through often.

Two bay leaves.

Italian seasons or tyme marrjorium oregeno

1.5 Old el paso chili spice bag.

Tricks of prep.

Cooked onions meat garlic in the bottom of pan with spices to fry a bit. In olive oil. <Liberally

Do not add paste till very end of simmer simmer 45 min then add paste at last 15 min.

Top w corriander.


21836030? ago

Saved Sir. <


21844067? ago

Good Sir.

Sent ct an e .... was hoping it would be ——> ala2u. At digits.

Been reading majestic 12 hard out.

21844150? ago

Everything worked out great brother.


I am on Majestic 12.

Just signed up my BEST friend, and he is a Psychology gun. <


21850332? ago


Coukdnt find ref point.

21850436? ago

That's my fren that I redpilled I he will be contributing to the board shortly. He is a Psychologist.

21850641? ago