21842003? ago

And then we got bored

22756414? ago

21839925? ago

they are not some large powerful group: they all have at least 10 alts each--they shill themselves and troll others that way.

Oh, to be the Goat with a 1000 faces [SBBH moderator:]: how do they find time for all those quality posts--constantly switching a Gorrilion accounts an hour must be time consuming

21840323? ago

They're all on disability according to the really arrogant one.

21840158? ago

21840965? ago

from: doglegwarrior

not sure how i made the list ive been pushing a couple things a long time.. name the jew.


circumcision is an evil jewish religious ritual with absolutly no medical purpose... mutilating a babys genitals is fucking disgusting..

so does that sound like a clown or jester to you faggot with no name

21836286? ago

Sbbh median age is 60.

21840431? ago

the guitar one is one of the few that seems ok, says he's 62 @BrennKommando

21840411? ago

They are not all jews, they are not all iranian but there are many types. Did u ever go to a Wallmart and see a giant faggoty fatass squashed into this cart motorized scooter in walmart, giant monster juggernaut tranny assholes...driving around ... food stamped asses that block out the sun. There are a few of them worthwhile for example Buddha guitar guy https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3575367/21837625 the rest of soap box? most of them a drug addict trash

21838976? ago

Maybe it sounds like mick fuckery, was he from NZ? then you had that ObamasPinkSock user...this was before TheDonald migration, even before Bernie and 'She'?

21840188? ago

21834429? ago

SBBH fuckin rulz mane


21839216? ago

Someone doesn't like /u/antiliberalsociety some fakery or a second name?

21835084? ago

the demonic Zykon_b cancer posters, i hear his ex is legally allowed shoot him to death if he gets near

21835099? ago

sbbh is better mood without @gabara


21839074? ago

What happened to Gabara?? Many have deleted their accounts lately. Something bigeth this way comes

21840268? ago

21840285? ago

Q knows. After all, he predicted it!

21833629? ago

Crensch is a jewish agent and with the help of Srayzie damaged Voat. It was their mission and they succeeded. Srayzie was very skankish and degenerate and after seeing her photo it makes sense why. Jewish girls are fucking disgusting! Crensch thinks he can save her honor kek

21838889? ago

Soap box /u/GoddammitMrNoodle These are the spam attackers? @h3rts @Buff_Awesome @Hawkeyesvision @LionElTrump

21839067? ago

I'm not a spammer yo!

21833790? ago

Anyone that reads the arguments knows srayzie was innocent of any wrongdoing, and that SBBH supported the pedophile, Zykon_b in his crusade to doxx her.

21839026? ago

Retarded faggot with a tit pick alert

21833514? ago

what is soapbox?

21840344? ago

They brigdeed you

21839409? ago

what is soap @JJNova

21839706? ago

eh, fuck you @gabara

21833825? ago

At one time voat was Bernie type, it was arty, small and Libertarian at this time we seen the creation of a cancer sub within voat, its members spread commie shit, degeneracy

21833395? ago

/v/AnonAll is a leftist shitheap too. They are starting to invade Voat.

21839552? ago

? Many users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://www.16chan.xyz/pol/ , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. and https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ . , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

21839328? ago

21833358? ago

I agree. We need a sbbh renaissance. But to achieve certain peeps will have to be removed. permanent like. someone, yous knows who yous are, has been suckling on the corrupted teat of sbbh modhood for too long.

21840605? ago

and thewebofslime? ESOTERICshade

21838804? ago

Attack will come around Christmas, close to time when America sleeps and kike, kebab and fag atheist choose to hit? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3575413/21838215

21833243? ago

Long ago they started something ... too many drugs, they had a mission long ago but don't know, they forgot their own agenda. Now they just spam for the payments in narcotic and bitcoins. It's true some of the soap box are Jews and even Shemales

21833081? ago

Sbbh seems like fun people. I want to be friends with them.

21833153? ago

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

tell em clammy sent you

21833639? ago

Ckammy is a kike and alt of Crensch.

21834473? ago

oh fuuuuuuuck

21833800? ago

deleted? /u/Clammy/

21833473? ago

Legbird stripped my social credit, fuckem.

21834494? ago

Who are you?

All credit scores were stripped in a terrible CSS accident. SCS is being replenished starting at 500 for users who start posting again.

21840305? ago

except maybe u/thebuddha and his music

No other musicians in that sub matter.

21839754? ago

a nonsence shitpost board (to give you an idea: when I first came here they added invites for all users on Voat to be mods--a lot of people who agreed got frustrated and pissed-off, complaining site-wide about want how to be de-modded [I think a mod himself could not opt-out himself at that point..overall it was.pretty damn funny).

  • 1 out of 1000 ideas at SBBH turns out to be a winner like that.]

ps. there still are a million mods and they all have the power to ban/unban you from that sub [name of the game], which will happen repetitively until you get/receive a mod invite....I always think of the regretful unfortunates who accepted their BS trojan-horse club-card.

21834236? ago

when was SSBH not shit?

I had it blocked as soon as I got to voat--then I unblocked this, or last, year: had some fun fucking around with them getting out of serious voat for bits

but, you sir, should know I just got unbanned for the first time long enough to check to see if I could comment for the first time in more than a month

- I got no mail when I was unbannd [which is the norm], just as I get no mail anymore from the mod I irked (it was either @heygeorge or @thebuddah {I can't remember--but had it pretty figured out}

- am not voat-famouis so the user mention has interesting timing




21833326? ago

Don't look at me. I keep it shaved.

21833131? ago

clown show @TREDDITFIRST they are done, finished! @Crensch @Dr_No ! @Rotteuxx @MadWorld

21833078? ago

Some were on the old imdb board, most a reddit drama shitheads, fag gammer, jew nigs arabs, disgusting tranny cancer https://old.reddit.com/r/SoapboxBanhammer/ , https://fextralife.com/forums/t47417/sbbh--a-subverse-on-voat-aka-watch-out-for-the-ban-hammer/

21833083? ago

Some were on the old imdb board, most a reddit drama shitheads, fag gammer, jew nigs arabs, disgusting tranny cancer https://old.reddit.com/r/SoapboxBanhammer/ , https://fextralife.com/forums/t47417/sbbh--a-subverse-on-voat-aka-watch-out-for-the-ban-hammer/