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21771152? ago

This is a beautiful document Thanks!

If I am reading this correctly, they got their first FISA warrant on March 21st 2016, which I have been trying to set up a Carter Page timeline ever since IG report came out. I will need to confirm with footnote links provided.

They seriously railroaded CP and starting to believe JC is behind this threat sent to CP on March 20, 2017 from following House Intelligence w/ JC re: false allegations from "dodgy dossier as CP called it. (Page 42 of CP transcripts) which reads:

This people deserve to go to jail especially once one figures out that CP was only talking to Russians on a investigation he was conducting on the behalf of the CIA which FBI was investigating CP for.

How fucked up is that shit? Fucking keystone coppers bullshit..

21771697? ago

The Kenyan.

I wonder if Barry the Kenyan and Michael whatever he is, are a package deal.

21771435? ago

Why does this guy keep coding “CHILD PORN” in his comments? CP is obviously a trigger word for this guy.

21772342? ago

Wow, what a tard, Carter Page is his name, looks like someone needs to get their GED not a DOG like you thought the first time.

Work on your A-game retard