21776538? ago

And then?

21775045? ago

5 december 2019 ....? ..... quick as melasses in January.

Wonder why?

21774731? ago

I'm really wondering now if Pelosi and many others aren't actually opposing Trump but are actors playing roles. Their payment is their freedom. Patriots want the top of the cabal. They are after the head of the snake, not the tail which can grow back.

Even Comey maybe working for trump. They seem to be doing their best to get him elected in 2020.

Real targets are crooked h, Obama and above.

Even some of the msm are letting negative parts of the ig report into the public.

We have think logically. Many people trapped by blackmail etc will work to escape that trap if given the chance.

21773826? ago

Nice find. Now lets impeach Obama. Let his name be stricken from all records and publications. Let us erase him from history and then throw his ass in jail.

21772853? ago

Devin Nunes' Video December 17th: FISA Court Need To Be ENDED.

Watch his video at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3567743/ They Were Complicit In The Coup?

21772416? ago

justice dept and fbi are executive branch

21772648? ago

Their authority stems from the executive branch's powers.

21772099? ago

It implicate the head of the the FISC. Judge Roberts!

21771987? ago

You need to go further. The order by the judge requires a DECLAS by 12/20.

21771540? ago

He can be implicated all he wants, he STILL enjoys his missions in his new waterfront mansion.

When he is tortured to death for further information in some dark dungeon THEN I will be satisfied!

21773039? ago

Did they move in already? You would think they would keep the new mansion as a summer home.

21771225? ago


This is probably how it will be done,

21771888? ago

They didn't fuck around back then. Probably didn't have a bunch of protesters against the hangings either. Obama would most likely have been hanged months ago if we lived in that kind of bullshit free environment.

21771914? ago

I believe we are going to see Nuremberg type settings for criminal referral trails. Some seen: and some unknown

21771152? ago

This is a beautiful document Thanks!

If I am reading this correctly, they got their first FISA warrant on March 21st 2016, which I have been trying to set up a Carter Page timeline ever since IG report came out. I will need to confirm with footnote links provided.

They seriously railroaded CP and starting to believe JC is behind this threat sent to CP on March 20, 2017 from following House Intelligence w/ JC re: false allegations from "dodgy dossier as CP called it. (Page 42 of CP transcripts) which reads:


This people deserve to go to jail especially once one figures out that CP was only talking to Russians on a investigation he was conducting on the behalf of the CIA which FBI was investigating CP for.

How fucked up is that shit? Fucking keystone coppers bullshit..

21771697? ago

The Kenyan.

I wonder if Barry the Kenyan and Michael whatever he is, are a package deal.

21771435? ago

Why does this guy keep coding “CHILD PORN” in his comments? CP is obviously a trigger word for this guy.

21772342? ago

Wow, what a tard, Carter Page is his name, looks like someone needs to get their GED not a DOG like you thought the first time.

Work on your A-game retard

21771062? ago

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21770443? ago

december 5. D5

21770269? ago

Cucked the fuck out

21770100? ago

Very fake super gay

21771710? ago

Thx for coming clean about who you really are very fake super gay guy.

21769947? ago

It says executive branch decisions. Who makes the ultimate decision with the executive branch? Not to mention the texts that say potus wants to know everything were doing. We all knew this went to the top but this will definitely open a lot more eyes coming from the FISC. Thanks for posting

21772569? ago

Well the FBI is under the Executive Branch. They're not supposed to be micro managed by potus.

21769874? ago

(((they))) are kicking around the idea that trump can be arrested after his presidency. good!

that means barry can be too.

21772859? ago

Judicial Watch December 16th: You Can Still IMPEACH OBAMA

3 minutes watch at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3565849/

21771658? ago

Well, lets find out on Barry. No use waiting until ~2030 ... should have it long figured out by then ... of course, by then there probably won't be anyone left trying to arrest our faithful POTUS ... but no matter!

21772964? ago

Trump is the only president I don't begrudge secret service protection for after he's out of office. He will be in danger from some wacko for the rest of his life. He deserves all the protection we can give him.

21770924? ago

Is there a statute of limitations on being a traitor to the United States and defrauding a Presidency?

21771146? ago

there is no statute of limitations on treason, murder, Fraud, embezzlement, war crimes and kidnapping

21772298? ago

And civil rights violations.

21770050? ago

Q+ is implying that? Because...





So, what are you saying?

21772538? ago

21770124? ago

lemme see if i can find it.. it was earlier today somewhere around here....

21769808? ago

Where did Hussein learn his criminal side from?

My guess is Killary taught him everything he knows. Now he is going to swing for it. Delicious.

21774676? ago

He was trained growing up in that islamic SUBUD cult in Indonesia, and by traitors like brennan and others. Killary and him are simply 2 cabal members who don't like each other.

21772781? ago

He was born that way.

21770417? ago

They have different puppet masters. HRC was puppeted by Soros and Rothschild, whereas Hussein was the house of Saud. Strings cut...

21771139? ago

House of Saud are joos in Saud clothing.

21769839? ago

Treason is punishable by death.

21770336? ago

Lets be honest, that's only one charge. These people are guilty of espionage, murder, etc. many crimes that are punishable by death.

21769923? ago

That’s what Durham says. I wonder if the method depends on the state you are in?

DC - firing squad I hope but I would also approve of concrete booties and drowning.

Utah (Huber) - slow suffocation in Mormon long johns?

21773030? ago

If they go by military tribunal it will be federal, not state statutes. Everyone is hoping for public hangings and it would be a good deterrent for the up and coming criminals but will that happen, who knows. I read somewhere they put a lethal injection suite in at gitmo so that might be how they dispose of them.

21769724? ago

Not to sound cliche, or like a shill. But OP’s responses in this thread lead me to believe he/she is having a mental health crisis. Again, I DO NOT advocate for using mental illness as a way to discredit posters here, but see for yourself

21770258? ago

^^^ Glowing noob shill

21771723? ago

Pedo-shill waiting in panic for swat

21769760? ago

What you said is, literally, out of the Shill playbook.

Games arw fun!

21770943? ago

Misspellings matter, kek

21769623? ago

Are you retarded or a troll trying to make us look bad?

21769656? ago

HELLO SHILL!! How's damage control going? VOAT is getting attacked atm, but you know that, right?

What's it like to be on the losing side?

ur glowing !

Here's more fun:

Page 3, Paragraph 2:

"...the Court ordered the government on December 5, 2019, to, among

other things, provide certain information addressing those concerns. "



21769667? ago

Dude. ^^cringe

21770962? ago

I think thats the point. OP is doing a performance art piece or something.

21769704? ago

U no u guys sound nothing like genuine human commentary, right?

U stand out like sore thumb, glowing!

21769742? ago

Dude just stop. If people link to your post they’ll think QRV users are fucking crazy.

21769787? ago

Sane in a crazy world appears crazy to the insane

21769607? ago

No way, holy cow. They said executive branch! Surely that means Obama and not any of the 1,000s of employees that work there. LMAO

21769680? ago

LOOK HERE!! Someone posting to make you think this is stupid.

It was dropped on Dec 17.

It mentions D5

You LOSE!!


21769515? ago

Woooooow! Crazy. I think we got him! Obama arrest incoming imminent!!!

21769582? ago

What's it like to be on the losing side?

ur glowing !

Here's more fun:

Page 3, Paragraph 2:

"...the Court ordered the government on December 5, 2019, to, among

other things, provide certain information addressing those concerns. "



21769712? ago

You don’t think Obama is going to be arrested?? Go away shill. It’s gong to happening and you’re MSM and deep state handlers can’t stop what’s coming. Prepare for PAIN.

21769777? ago

Never said Obama is going to be arrested.

But putting that idea in this thread and atatching it to this report and QRV is a tactic you use often. Get some new moves!

21769831? ago

A tactic to point out Obama is going down? Please explain how saying Obama is going to be arrested is a tactic

21769956? ago

Q just dropped today laying out timeline, we are nowhere near an Obama arrest. When you say it is "imminent" that is incorrect. If you know it's incorrect, the Shill tactic is to attach something false to something real in order to make the real thing appear false.

If you genuinely think he will be arrested imminently then I misinterpreted your post. But he's not.

21769994? ago

If Obama doesn’t get arrested. Or Hillary. Then Q failed.

21770075? ago

Muh Arrests!

21771018? ago


21770087? ago

Knew you were shilling.

21769653? ago

OMG. That totally means Obama is implicated!

21769824? ago

Nobody uses OMG anymore, get with the times Moe!

21770993? ago

I see you, shill. You look like a faggot.

21771037? ago

U post this, and get an upvote in seconds.

Only shill accounts get shilly comments upvoted immediately.

Ur glowing!!

21771084? ago

Yes, that could be it. Or maybe it was your mom who upvoated. The world may never know.