21749344? ago

lol. Q is the biggest fraud since 9/11.

21746634? ago

POTUS, Barr and Durham. "Why, POTUS?" Horowitz is not a part of.

Less than 10 all but 3 are Military?

21745751? ago

If Barr is in on Q plan, when does he get taken to task about the allegations of his DS past, I think in particular testimony regardind his 'fixer' role with Poppy Bush during the Iran Contra days, etc.

21746625? ago

Q has already addressed this. He asked how patriots would feel if their families were threatened? And then once the threats were neutralised, how angry would they then be for revenge against those that made the threats?

21744168? ago

P.s. POTUS said in a recent video talking about specific times, and how important they are, and he seemed to get frustrated and annoyed slightly at us Anons, for not paying enough attention to them.

He was talking about Iran at the time.

"They're not doing it".

A coded message to us, to please do the Gematria analysis on the time stamps, lengths of WH videos, and Q posts.

Also the file names of all files and pics they post.

Anagrams should be looked at.

And especially misspelled words, key accentuated phrases, often at specific times in the remarks, and are critical comms.


21743690? ago

These are the adults in the room. These are the guys that are stopping the evil that corrupts our world. I hope to see Bill Binney on the team. He's a Patriot through and through.

21743667? ago

Not even going to speculate, gonna wait for the surprise ending.

21743318? ago

Or it means q is communicating from a different planet with a different speed of time.

21745131? ago

Yea i have a poof on this subject if your skilled at listening.

21745700? ago

Assuming time is really related to gravity. But sure I'll listen. What's the proof?

21745796? ago

Gravity is dubious. And time is relative.

The rest of the contractor calls are on you.

He hasnt called back in.

An hour in. All callers. Some are doozy.


21743256? ago

how about Q is the A number 1 AI straight out of a quantum computing.

21744037? ago



11 (Pi)



Are in play.

Q uses 17 (the number of Osiris) to troll the Cabal.

And 17 really is a cipher of Pi, in that Pi = 3.14 >

Thus 3 + 14 = 17, revealing a coded Pi.

Pi is referenced in the creation as 11 or ii (Pi), as God (1 or 10 reduced to 1) has split into the creation or 2, the duad. So 2 also = 11 in that 1 + 1 = 2.

1 = A which = Q in the Isisian Codes, which = 17 which = 3.14, or Pi or 11.



21749902? ago

So can you please tell me if this is correct?:

Q is made up of a couple handfuls of different beings. They post using a general code and following certain rules so ultimately their message is One. But each one has a distinct signature - one which has other meanings within the drops - so we know exactly which member of Q is sending a particular message.

For example, D5 means Dec.5, avalanche, etc but it is also the unique signature of one of the members of Q Team. Usually the D5 comes at the end of a post, before it's signed off "Q".

Same with WWG1WGA. Of course it means Where We Go 1 We Go All, but it looks like it's also a signature because the posts containing it all have the same vibe. And again, almost always signed just before "Q".

So the members each have a specific signature, like it's their first name, then Q as the last name.

Am I close?

21745145? ago


21743185? ago

RE: (3) reports/rebuttals at precisely 1:29

1 + 2 + 9 = 11 + 1 = 12 ( 12) reduces to 3. ; 1 + 29 reduces to 1 + 11 . Could be read 111. So times three = 111 x 3 or 333

11 and 33 are Cabal numbers. So it sounds like the Cabal is sending a message. OR, Q Team may be appropriating the Cabals use of numbers to drive them crazy and sow confusion. Hopefully Barr and Dunham and Horowitz are on the Patriot side.

21742743? ago

IG report was released at 1pm not 129

21743303? ago

The tweet alert was published at 13:29 and so was Durham's tweet.

21742653? ago

I like it op, thank you.

21742518? ago

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21742321? ago

Oh Bullshit,

You mean to tell me that the NSA can't fiqure out WHO Q is?

21744136? ago

if they are looking for a person...you are right, they can't figure who Q is. Maybe they should look for something other. AI

21743413? ago

I've always thought the white hats at NSA are part of the Q team. Didn't someone say there was a "northern virginia army" made up of 90 or 900 patriot white hats who made up the Praetorian Guard and Q team for POTUS?

21745169? ago

400 sub contractors who are off books and unavailable.

21742265? ago

I mean, fuck me, but I assumed by default they were plugged in.

21741962? ago

where are the fucking arrests?

21746631? ago

Epstein and No Name asked that same question.

21742020? ago

This every time.

21741848? ago

HOLY MOLY Patriots The Don, seems a bit out of character of a man like Don; "Donald J. Trump




Because Nancy’s teeth were falling out of her mouth, and she didn’t have time to think! "" Unless it may unleash some sort of action... BB, Q, Q+ have me on the edge of my seat tonight... BOOMS are non-stop ENJOY your evening

21741657? ago

"How many coincidences [use of coincidences essential not to violate NAT SEC?] before mathematically impossible?"

I have said this about Nat_Sec and coded messaging in my Gematria decodes like, a GORILLION TIMES! This is confirmation it wasn't just a theory. <

Check out my comments re Nat_Sec and Trump's coded comms here: >



submitted 3 months ago by 3420188?


My Fellow Anons,

It has now become clear and obvious (to those of us paying close enough attention to events unfolding around us), that we are being sent multiple layers of coded messages in a number of different ways, and through varying forms of media. I have been studying these patterns intently for 2 years now, working day and night to unlock the secret of this covert yet obvious communication method. EXAMPLES of sources of messages include but are not limited to: >

Twitter messages and other social media posts, by prominent people. One must pay particular attention to the dates they were made and time stamps. Also any associated files (which have very specific file names),

Videos put out by The White House, of POTUS' remarks. These videos have deliberately contrived lengths, some of which I believe correspond to Gematria numbers, and other numerology and occult symbolism, and Isisian Cryptology, in order to send us messages one way.

Another way is via awkwardly worded (and often over accentuated words) and phrases, at precise time stamps in the footage. This is suggestive of 'confirmation codes' to Anons, and at times Black Hats. These particular numbers MEAN SOMETHING. When one understands the Occult symbolism and Numerology the Satanists practice, as well as the study of Isisian Cryptograms, it becomes easier to recognize the patterns and the messages being sent, and to whom.

White Hats are using (((their))) method of communicating via symbolism, numerology and specifically Acroamatic Cyphers, Pythagorean Geometry/Gematria, Concentric Gematria/Numbering based on 11 (which is the symbol for Pi in all this), and Sacred Geometry (among other methods). Decoding then requires great discernment, contextual knowledge of news and current events in Geo-Politics, knowledge about the messenger, and then applying Isisian Cryptology to decode the intent of the messenger.

This methodology creates a form of Triangulation, which paints a picture of the message for the receiver/decoder, and the intent of the original sender, whilst keeping multiple layers of secrecy and encoding. It's a secret method of communication used for 1,000s of years, but occulted from Humanity. Well not anymore!

This method is highly sophisticated and employs the Free Masonic Craft methods of our enemies and The Illuminati, which have been kept secret since time immemorial, from those outside of the secret societies.

By using this method, White Hats and Trump/Q, are Trolling the living daylights out of The Cabal, who are now relegated to passing notes in class, considering Anons have now cracked (((their))) method of communication. This was the whole point of Trump/Q Team getting us to “learn the comms.”

What are the comms? > Raw data/messages > analyzed using Numerology, Gematria, and Steganography, Occult Symbolism, Geometry, when all put together in context, create a new code/messaging system. This is to be decoded/interpreted using the principles of The Isisian Codes. They need us to learn this, and the knowledge is manifesting itself now as it is a skill needed by humanity in order to defeat The Enemy.

We are being aided by White Hat controlled A-Diabatic Quantum AI. This is a battle of AI now, and as Putin said in the past, this will become an arms race to create the most powerful AI in order to defeat the other side. It's a tight race, and China is leading the charge as far as enemies go. They are using stolen Tech, sold to them from many sources but mainly via the treason of the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton et al, who sold SAP secrets via illegal servers in her basement. Not an accident. But you know this already. It wasn't just nuclear secrets that were sold off.

Other media for receiving raw data/encoded messages include but are not limited to:-

Trump speeches at rallies,

The Trump family Tweets,

The Military and Intelligence apparatus Tweets,

QAnon (drops/posts) - also heavily encoded with many layers of messages

Back door methods - such as Q team hi-jacking Ghislane Maxwell's Amazon “Book Reviews”, with all those strange capitalized letters, leading to clear and deliberate messages sent by White Hats. The CAPITALIZED letter system of sending messages is now widely accepted as correct, and in this case full credit should be attributed to @SerialBrain2. Thank you SB2.

Tickers on TV screens (QQQ Trust...)

Messages are flowing both ways, but the perfection and eloquence of The White Hat messages and synchronicity, assures me that we Patriots are firmly in control, and have the full power of the Quantum AI, NROC and GSIA at our disposal, not just MI/NSA/The Military. “We can hear you breathing - Q”

Regardless of whether Q Team have been posting, there has been an embarrassment of riches with respect to coded messages being sent to us and others in this deadly game of Chess, we are all engaged in.

One must learn to “Read between the lines”, which really means Gematria, Numerology and Occult symbolism, Isisian Cryptology, looking more deeply for double meanings in all information transmitted to us.

Q is not kidding when he says think Mirror. Hebrew is read backwards, and so many of the signals must be read in reverse, and often there is a subjective component to interpreting values in a system of numbering/coding known as the Isisian Codes.

These are the methods the White Hats (and Black Hats) are using. Definitely.

Let me further break down the clandestine forms of communication being employed by White Hats (besides the Qanon information dissemination operation).

(I) Tweets and other social media posts: > Trump and The White Hat Alliance, have been sending messages with CAPITALIZED letters, key words/phrases accentuated, or spelling/grammatical mistakes (making The President of The United States look seemingly stupid). When anaylzed more closely, they are obviously deliberate. WHY? Because The President is wanting to get your attention, which for many normies is focussed on MSM (The Enemy of The People) propaganda, which is quite legal after the repeal of the Smith-Mundt restrictions previously in place. See this post by another Anon on VOAT:

Smith-Mundt Act


These “errors” matter, as they MUST be DELIBERATE.

To the Shills: > You didn't think The President of The United States of America is some fool just tapping away at his iPhone, fumbling away and making mistakes like a retard, did you?

Especially considering POTUS has a HUGE communications team, and not a word is uttered or typed publicly, without being carefully scripted and checked. POTUS needed a way to bypass the MSM lies, and get the message across about this complex spiritual battle between the forces of good and evil. Teaching us (((their))) symbology and methods of communicating, effectively makes this method of coded messaging between Black Hats dead AF. Learn our comms., indeed.

We SEE you now Mother Fuckers. You can't hide, especially as we now know just how important all the SYMBOLISM is to your cult of death.

You see Anons, (((they))) can't do without symbolism. It defines who they are at the smallest level, and it is their sacred language.

There are numbers and patterns in these messages. EVERYWHERE. It's in Trump's tweets, his speeches and comments, many put out by The White House. There are things The Enemy is posting too. It's all about the numbers.

They are signs, and confirmations codes to us and others. A secret way to communicate in plain sight, while still staying covert, and not breaching Nat_Sec. Numerology, Gematria, and Occult Symbolism, and Isisian Cryptology (I will explain below in detail) are the keys to this code.

On a different tangent; what about all the hand gestures Trump is making? Are they a code...? I am looking at Morse code related to his hand movements at the moment. They are VERY deliberate indeed.

Check out each of the G7 pressers with the foreign leaders and Trump (they are seated BTW, and their hands say it all). They are messaging each other, and it is ALL Masonic make no mistake. More coming.

Symbolism will be their downfall - Q


21745817? ago

TLDR: Q is legit

21745847? ago


Too Long. Didn't Read.

"Frequently used acronym by lazy, ignorant people in Internet Forums, where their urge to type something exceeds their ability to read something or if they generally lack semantic ability to either comprehend or respond to a post due to underdeveloped brain.

Stating that they were to lazy reading someone else's post just confirms the ignorant attitude and also often destroys the discussion in the thread.

The average IQ of people typing TLDR in Internet forums is about 64.

The average IQ of people typing TLDR in Internet forums is about 64.

Since I am a lonely masturbating boy with no brain I have no capacity to read all you said, but due to my lonely social life I still feel like typing something in this thread, I will type TLDR".

21748917? ago

TLDR: faggot

21747958? ago

But there’s so much material out there so sometimes one must “pick and choose”. This is using discernment not necessarily laziness. Just b cause you are the one that wrote the lengthy block of mumbo jumbo doesn’t make it worth reading. Get over yourself you phony “mystic!”

21752191? ago

Not mumbo jumbo, brilliance on show for all to see.

Not a phony mystic, just a great personal relationship with The Holy Spirit.

Let's face it Fren, you did not even read my work.

It scares you. <

21745835? ago

Oh yeah! 👍

21743361? ago

I love this -- "White Hats are using (((their))) method of communicating via symbolism, numerology and specifically Acroamatic Cyphers, Pythagorean Geometry/Gematria, Concentric Gematria/Numbering based on 11 (which is the symbol for Pi in all this), and Sacred Geometry (among other methods). "

And that the Q team is trolling the living daylights out of them. I keep trying to explain this to people, but they are so stuck in first gear and "muh bad orange man" that they can't raise their vibration one iota to catch on. Thank you!

Oh - and in watching the Cosmic Disaster movie from an earlier post, I think I've figured something else out. [They] don't just want to reduce the population so [they] can have the earth to themselves. [They] know the possibilities with the Solar Minimum and the pole shifting. They know there is only room in their DUMB's and at the south Pole (which will become a place like Hawaii) - so they need to kill us all off and have a manageable population of idiots to do their bidding but not question anything. All the climate change bullshit is just to distract us and divide us even more. If/when the poles do shift, [they] will tell any survivors that it was our fault, and that [they] are the survivor's saviors. Don't laugh... watch that movie and think about what could be ahead of us - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_zfMyzXqfI&list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br

21758408? ago

Great video, thanks! Pole shifts are a given; the directions of polar molecules locked in different strata attest to that. Should the earth flip, tropics become icy and the ice caps become equatorial, but temperate areas remain temperate. Should the Earth's spin reverse, since we spin towards the east, it will be the west coasts that are inundated. Could that be why Google is moving to China? I agree that mankind will be blamed for the catastrophe; never believe it and save all the evidence you can, online and written, that we are innocent (albeit manipulated to think otherwise). Keep faith in humanity - we are magnificent beings with amazing potential still to be realized. Advocate for faith in humanity. We can access the Divine and must continue to strive to do so.

21745016? ago

Yup i dont know anybody whos said this on here^

21743495? ago

I will watch it fren. Thanks!

And thanks so much for those kind remarks.

Time to put this whole puzzle together. <

21745061? ago

Funny the puzzle i have over at my house is almost complete. Kek.


21745069? ago

We are nearly there Sir. <

21746588? ago

The other day i said here to random anon how many times the word Justice under the law ot the word justice has been used in the 17posts. 1. Somhe

is trying to tell us somthing and i figured it out. Justice is Just Ice ie glacier ie ice age. And he is saying just ice under the l a w = the Art of Justice". Which in turn is art of just ice . Its a loop of ice.


21773937? ago

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21752400? ago

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21746891? ago

There's that 88 again... <

21755646? ago

Q Post 1007




  • ++ +++



21751165? ago

  • antartica ant ART ica. Art of justice is law which is in the center of the ice Talk about mind blown then . What is antartica a glacier a mosaic of ice. Went to gemtria and entered in antarctica. Golden eagle immenuel armageedon blakc star democracy the sun fallout omega stellla age of reason almond tree dec 3 and last for best hack the mind of god

21742734? ago

You will find this video very appropriate: https://youtu.be/OY3KQdC97So

An hour long but definitely worth it.

21745000? ago

Just listed to a couple of vids with him. He seems grounded and authentic.

21743320? ago

That is a fuckin' amazing interview. I learned sooo much bro. Thanks!

Really piecing this all together, but I have so much new insight yo apply, my decodes will become very technical and looong kek!

Better have some of the "Peruvian" coffee handy as SB2 would say! ;)

I will link as always. Much love.


21743237? ago

107 is jfk jr.

21742629? ago

Wow!!! Thank you anon. I suffer this board for the off chance to read (& archive) posts like this one. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your diligence on this subject.

21742886? ago

Ha! You think I wasn't already on this? I'm locked in!

Kek!!! Much appreciated. I lub you fren.

21743334? ago

Ditto. <3

21742662? ago

Gee thanks fren!

Wait till you see what I have been working on.

It's amazing what you can do with a pen and paper, an old cracked phone, and a persistent, curious mind. <

I will link to you from now on.





21746185? ago

NMBRFG, will you marry me?

21746690? ago

If you are a Christian, a Patriot, and a real Woman, that's in it for the long haul, then sure! When do we meet? <

21747322? ago

Hmm...I guess that depends on where you are. I'm in Southern California. If you're coming to me, we can meet in two weeks. I can come to wherever you are but in that case it will have to wait until June :)

21752152? ago

Thinking about how. You probably don't realize just how far I am away...

I will message ASAP. This could be fun regardless!

Where there is a Will. <




21752540? ago

...there is always a Way! I look forward to your message ^_^

21746889? ago

Wait, you're a dude???! Ahahahaha

21746898? ago

Yes. No plans with a man. <



21746615? ago

Hes too busy decoding for that plus bad run at most ladies has put him off a wee bit i doubt hell answer you. But who knows you might get lucky. Kek

21746696? ago

Never say never Fren. <

Thanks for the support.


21743234? ago

Hey bud.. I'll read this tomorrow morning. Usual time.

Peace and love-

21743338? ago


21746931? ago

Ok excellent thread!

Totally agree with it all, and as for POTUS hand gestures, I definitely feel SOMETHING is going on there. He does this thing where he taps the side of top of the podium at rallys. Usually a double tap, and imo, this is a more recent thing. I just dont remember him doing it before because its a pretty glaring movement.

No clue what it means, but as you said, it COULD be Morse code, but I have a feeling its something else altogether different.

21747003? ago

It means 5:5 <

21742260? ago


Anyone reason why this large stock wouldn't appear on the ticker? Seems like it's really just a coincidence.

21742526? ago

No it isn't.

21742293? ago

There is no such thing as a coincidence. Get real pal. <

21742110? ago

Why would Trump / Q bother with SUCH complex gematria and codes when they are busy taking down the most evil corrupt powerful people on the planet? Seems like a completely unnecessary waste of time and energy and for what? So a bunch of autists can decode some complex math problems that may or may not be nonsense? I believe in Q but don't stretch it.

21745087? ago

Hey dilldo and i say that with sincerity. They are declassifying prettty much everything secret and top secret in q s posts. So i d say doing what obummer promised to do and lied about to get elected is a Yuge fucking deal.

21743372? ago

Because they are letting us in on the secret and it takes all hands on deck to overcome the evil that has infested this planet for far too long

21746627? ago

Infested like a germ. <

21742273? ago

It is beyond mathematically impossible I am wrong at this point.

Please do your research before dismissing me so arbitrarily. Thanks.


21743570? ago

Namer fag

21745259? ago

You filthy animal. Classic example of a pig.

21743604? ago

Here ya go, ya filthy animal. >


21742541? ago

As always nmbrfg I live what you do and And am eternally grateful thanks (#;)

21742582? ago

Thank you. <3

21742271? ago

Quite literally the dumbest thing I've ever read on this board. Congrats anon!

21742547? ago

And you are clearly THE Dumbest Shill on this board.

Over the fucken' target. <

21743431? ago

Over the target

Fuck off, boomer. Back to reddit or Facebook you go....

21743519? ago

You are just shitting bricks because I have busted open your comms., and you are pissed!

Weaponized Autism at work, employed using Asymetric Warfare, in a covert Information War. We have you DEAD TO RIGHTS Nigger.

Now fuck off you idiot.

21743874? ago

Busted open my comms? Wtfff man, you're fucked in the head, boomer.

21744058? ago

Your bosses.

21742220? ago

Obviously some of that stuff is a stretch but I doubt the 11/9 symbolism in media associated with Trump and Trump becoming president-elect on 11/9 is just a coincidence.


21742563? ago

Of course it is deliberate. We are in end times, and Trump has been chosen by God to avenge 911. <

21745195? ago

Inc truth bomb ! The bomb always explodes with 1000 rays of light does it not?

21745221? ago


21742149? ago

You are too dumb to see what is going on here.

It is a Secret Society Masonic War.


21742087? ago

Holy moly!!!


21742198? ago

Thanks. Digging.

21741879? ago

Don’t forget the dog comms, food comms and the closed captioning on cnn.... it’s just so obvious.

21742209? ago

I am doing the dog comms. decode shortly.

21742635? ago

I am curious to see that explanation.

21742718? ago

I will link to you. I want to study all of iPOT's dog research findings first, and expand from there. <


21743096? ago


21741775? ago

Straight up mental illness above.

21742226? ago

Me thinks I hit a nerve... <

21741802? ago

Straight up shilly deflection above.

21742219? ago

Yes indeed. Thanks for your support. <

21741613? ago

Go away, dense OP