21739535? ago

The Baphomet cancer kult https://voat.co/v/QRV/3542267 We Need to ban Pornography and Other Forms of Degeneracy

21739873? ago

Hey we accept everyone here. Especially these Brandon Straka types

21739332? ago

BOOM!!! -Another Q Proof!!! ^

Q Wants us to all go gay

21738744? ago

Your family must be proud of you, are they trannies as well?

21738780? ago

No, but to two daughters are. When I adopted them they you two beautiful little boys.

21739166? ago

You need to keep the number for suicide prevention handy where they can see it.

21739184? ago

Our girls are very strong. They are captains of both their soccer and basketball teams.

21739216? ago

Well of course they're captains. Men are stronger than women.

21739227? ago

We’ve had them on hormone blockers since age two.