21739538? ago

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21562114? ago

Most of the porn now days, homo and hetero, reflects the Jewish fixation on assholes. On licking assholes, on fucking assholes on fingering assholes. What is it with Jews and assholes, and shit jokes. Those people are sick.

21557892? ago

You'll never succeed in banning porn just stop it's impossible.

21561448? ago

You can make life more difficult for the smut merchant and less profitable.

21556518? ago

How is Q going to have time to ban porn when he is lynching all the qrv shitposters?

21556043? ago

Everyone could simply practice self discipline and not watch it without any fascist laws being made.

21556036? ago

When has government control over anything ever done any good.

Sorry, no sale!

21561501? ago

This is the issue, is industry of Commiefornia and your taxes funding the smut industry would you believe some of these peopel collect breaks and grants and special film arts loans with no strings, they have their own special accounting. In a real America without the siwtch off money and twist of taxes and a proper conservative level playing field I don't think these filth mongers can survive, they would fuck off to France or Mexico or Canada or Amsterdam or some hole and make their movies of filth from there, why don't they move? Because it connects to the wider industry of black mail, drug running, human trafficking, the girls in the DVDs rent out their ass on twitter, someone in the back room pimps them out and has a room where they sell the narcotics and other connections to other criminal shit.

21568790? ago

This is the issue, government perverts everything that it touches. That includes things that it subsidizes with our tax money as well as things that it makes illegal. To believe that the government can actually do anything else is simply naive.

No sale!

21553841? ago

Censor yourself, faggot.

21553505? ago

Fuck off with your censorship

21553023? ago

Agreed. Pornography is not freedom of speech or freedom of the press. It is legalized indecent exposure, meant to pervert and desensitize us and cause the youth to ruin their lives with unwanted pregnancies, ruined reputations, tearing families apart, STDs and pushing the envelope towards ever more degenerate acts. Now the cuckold and interracial crap is absolutely turning women against white men through psychology and propaganda. Backlash against perversion, usury and inflation is what caused the rise of nazis in the Weimar Republic. We are at that point yet again.

21561544? ago

how will soap make your living @TheBuddha @WORF_MOTORBOATS_TROI ? @Vrblpollushin @MadJackChurchill ask heygeroge

21552851? ago

If we outlaw Rap, and the niggers who rap it, we'll be halfway there.

21561429? ago

Yeah broadcasting shit lyrics about hating women, shooting at Whitey and saying fuk da Police while playing plastic nig noise and sampled plastic beats is supposed to be music now. What the fuck ever happened to melody, chords and harmony, when did people accept Nigger noises as music? I find it sad because Black used to make good music like Funk and Blues and Gospel. The conspiracy says there's a ((( media ))) cabal pushing all the mentally retarded crap and evil shit into people's minds. I dunno, I thought it was paranoid but not so sure about the conspiracy anymore.

21552844? ago

It'll make no difference. Porn is a weapon in the depopulation cache. The culture issues you're referring to are started by eroding the ability to maintain a family and family values. People adopt a culture and the sooner they do the longer they'll hold on to it. Porn prevents any lasting socializing but destroying family values in the 80's to 2000's was what got our society to the niggerish hiphop mumble noise

21561573? ago

This time soap box dindooo dooozz ? @xenoPsychologist @sirRantsalot ? @Mr2Stroke @blumen4alles so heygeorge knows

21571064? ago

Trust the plan!

21552461? ago

Don't think you are going to have to , the Industry is going to kill itself off from the sheer weight of all the corruption and human sex trafficking involved. Just my opinion.

Peace Y

21552300? ago

It used to be thought as unclean and now the media and cabal has made it mainstream and something to look up to. Sin will be with us till Jesus takes us home and burns up the deviant, unrepentant.

Now though it is in everyone’s face 24/7 and is destroying society and children’s futures.

21552190? ago

Make everything legal, including prostitution and drugs... and then tax the shit out of it.

Like, to the point of prohibitively high taxes - booze, cigarettes, porn all become occassional indulgences, instead of everyday habits.

21553155? ago

Do you want crime? Because, this is how you get crime!

21552079? ago

slow down let's just keep it patriotic.

21551986? ago

Ever heard of Pompeii?

Porn and its associated businesses have been around centuries longer than that to which you attribute it.

And despite this, good people managed to survive.

Prohibition will not provide the results you seek.

21555087? ago

So by your reasoning, we should just let the opioid epidemic play out, and we'll all be just fine? I'm glad Trump is infinitely more wise than you.

21555262? ago

Prohibition hasn't prevented this "epidemic" now has it?

The trouble with free will is that it sometimes allows people to make train wrecks out of their lives.

Do you stand in opposition to free will?

21564248? ago

Freedom of speech was never meant to include photographic depiction of sexual abuse of women, which is what porn consists of today. We have rules against entrapment, "leading the witness", incitement to violence and child pornography for a reason. Tempting people with something so degenerate and primal serves no purpose. We are nation of laws, and the founders could not have imagined a day when their puritan and Victorian values would have resulted in the filth and abuse of women we see today.

21567016? ago

Tempting people with something so degenerate and primal serves no purpose.

So, you do stand against free will and He who designed the concept.

Glad we've got it in writing.

21552432? ago

LMFAO Pompeii went BOOM! dumb fucks might have survived better if they weren't too busy putting things inside their anus

21555297? ago

Actually the city and its inhabitants were smothered by ash. And the sexually-charged nature of the community was preserved, bearing witness to the fact that pornia has never been unique to modern Western culture.

21551866? ago

Watch Legend of Galactic heroes before you go full Rudolf Goldenbaum Neue Reich mein freund

21552439? ago

Weimar USA 2. point 0

21551627? ago

Make brothels legal everywhere - like in Nevada. Then the low-life women doing porn will have an avenue to earn a living - through the only talent they have, and that there's a market demand for

21551612? ago

We need to ban communist, socialist, illegal aliens, dual citizen politicians, career politicians, foreign ownership (even partial) of any business engaging in media dissemination within the US (no matter what medium, format, etc), and corporations need to cease to have more power in the political system than individual citizens (IOW, no power at all)

21551527? ago

Orrrrr just raise your kids to not be degenerate faggots... How about that?

21552423? ago

Why are the same guys pushing the filth the same dual citizens who want it banned in Israel?

21552569? ago

This is the answer... and its all massively unprofitable... Infinitely so. Which means its taxpayer funded and delivered FOR FREE online. Porn is paid with tax money and delivered with tax money. If we followed The Constitution they would have nearly NO MONEY. Imagine what would happen to the quantity of porn if this was done.

21553125? ago

Wow. I dodged a bullet -- both figuratively, and apparently literally -- when I decided not to pursue a porn-related business, back in the 90s. I had seen "Voyeur Dorm", a women's dorm with cameras all over, which they consented to, and users could chat with them etc. Cameras were new then, and it was intriguing.

The guys I was working with didn't like that idea though, and said we should do phone lines. Almost rented a building, phone lines, etc, but decided not to. So glad I didn't!

Figuratively: I wouldn't have made any money, would have gone into debt, etc.

Literally: had I actually done well, [[[they]]] just might have taken out the competition!

21553160? ago

Wow! Crazy story bro. What did you do instead?

21553840? ago

I worked in software. Kept doing it. Became a millionaire. Then six figures in debt. Guess I requested the "wild ride"!!! :)

21553912? ago

Yeah I requested that ride as well.. Oh well, sure beats being bored as fuck... Never was one for debt though. I was never much of a math student but I sure understood exponential growth well...

21562283? ago

Yes! I wrote a program to win at roulette. Rather than doubling a losing bet, it would triple it. Because "constant doubling" just means you win what you would have won on the first bet if it had been a win. I.e., lose 1, 2, 4, then win 8 -- you've lost 7, and won 8, total profit is 1, which is what your first bet was.

By tripling, you greatly increase the payout from "a long string of losses." Repeating the above example: lose 1, 3, 9, then win 27 -- you've lost 13, and won 27, total profit is 14, which is 1.5x the bet before the last one, and 14x the initial bet.

When I got to Vegas, my idea shattered, because there are house limits. Once you reach that limit, you can't continue going higher, and thus, the strategy ends up failing.

The ride has completely changed, now! Concussions disabled me from working, and now I'm making Rick Simpson Oil which is helping a great deal -- so much so, that I plan to help the folks at my brain injury support group; teach them how to make it, bring the materials to their house/garage, they just supply the flowers. And I'm thinking in some cases, I'll provide the flowers as well.

Very strange. Especially since Q has said cures will be known -- I have a strong feeling that this is one of them.

Also returned to Scripture a few years back, after having spent decades as an atheist. So glad I didn't die back then, that wouldn't have gone well!

So how has your ride been? God bless, patriot!

21551518? ago

Ban porn, but keep freedom of speech right?

21552443? ago

What special speech, what unique great political and sciece messages are they saying in porn? Apart from the grunting groaning and putting things inside their anus

21560371? ago

Freedom of speech is even for the things you don't like, else the other side takes away the things you like - that they don't. Freedom of speech is all or nothing.

21561352? ago

I agree... there might even be weird things I agree with in the times of back in the old days of Sanskrit and old Hindu India, the whore house in Arabia and the Rome Empire and Weimar Germnay, I'm kinda open minded on a lot of things but I'm asking you what special messages do they say in smutty film, its supposed t have a 'speech' or a message so what wholesome words or writting do these degenerate fuckups deliver to you and what will they give others? Maybe there is a reason porn used to be almost underground and the mainstream toned down to soft core, and some say it has gone too far now, needs to be driven back underground, its all over twitter, reddit etc on twitter you find ISIS accounts, weird fetish shit all over the webpages, the pornography all kinds of weird shit but people, the (((media))) are only screaming SHUT IT DOWN when it comes to patriots posting their love for America etc. You are saying it has a special speech or message? I'm simply asking you what that message is apart from degenerate x-rated filth. Have you ever looked at the wider industry broken people, the pills and booze, exists only because of abused children who become prostitutes, credit card scammers in stores, the drug trafficking the human trafficking, where do you think the real money comes from? Do you think its just DVD sales of Pamela Anderson, Jenna Jamson, Storm Daniels? If you defend it as speech I would like to see what they are saying, are they just doing oral stimulation of a man's penis? Are they just putting some object up their asshole? Do they have any special message to say, or are they just broadcasting groans and nudity and fucking and moans and lewd obscenity and filth?

21579711? ago

"You are saying it has a special speech or message?"

No. I'm saying simply it is a form of speech. I would agree that we should go after the criminals that are hurting others. Put the traffickers, abusers, etc in prison or death. But, categorizing all people in the porn industry as human traffickers, abused children, etc, probably is an over-reach and inaccurate.

All I really mean, is if you can take away others freedom to view porn, because you see it as doing no good for them (while many would see it as doing good for them), what can they take of yours? Or what can they "tone" down of yours? Your religion? The books you read? Maybe eventually everything you are allowed to see, hear, think. It's a slippery slope IMO.

21553084? ago

There are cartoons on Adult Swim (and elsewhere) that push the boundaries of "what is porn?"

I bet that's by design, now!

That said -- I have a difficult time with this. "Freedom of expression" unless you harm someone, i.e., don't cry "fire" in a crowded theater.

I suppose the prostitution laws should have some legal effect here -- after all, "someone is being paid to have sex." That might be an angle. I have no use for porn, personally, but I also have no use for quantum mechanics, but I don't think that people expressing those ideas should be locked up.

Difficult thought experiment, but I fall on the "freedom of speech" side -- and, hopefully we can think up ways to get 'em in jail, like tax fraud did for Al Capone.

21551495? ago

Just what we need is more government regulations telling what we can and can't do. Op doesn't think porn should be legal? Move to Saudi Arabia. Or Yemen. Convert to Islam and grab a stick. Op could slap a woman for exposing her wrists. Pfft. You're pathetic. What we need is to get Government out of our lives, and to protect our liberties. Not infringe upon them. If op doesn't like porn, don't watch it.

21551417? ago

Hold yer horses, pilgrim . Wooaah. Everything in moderation. Please get some help.

21551449? ago

Hold your horses. We're banning you too. You're going on the list.

21551276? ago

You can't reason with degenerate fucks. No amount of banning it is going to magically make them think "Gee, I'm in the wrong here". Best to let them off themselves.

21561588? ago

Oy! Vey! https://voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3539574 Jew pornographer is upset because white porn stars refuse to have sex with negroes

21552334? ago

Thank Dershowitz, the guy with the dead wife you can not name, he brought the smut merchants in, defender of wife killers and other criminals and filth

21551145? ago

You mean like banning guns, drugs and other forms of crime?

21551116? ago

Looks like it's already being worked on, read a headline saying free porn would be banned, so this would also provide an age check before viewing.

21551076? ago

Nope, just add a disclaimer like on cigarettes: YOU ARE EJACULATING TO GROWN UP CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIMS.

21555079? ago

Brilliant, 5 stars

21553019? ago


21557717? ago

Lol I thought through that line.

If pornstars are stealing all this energy from losers jerking off at home, and all these pornstars are slaves and being energy harvested like the NXIVM crap, and they're all under the thumb of people...

Basically everyone masturbating to porn is jerking off so some sick old man can live longer. Might as well just be jerking off to a picture of Soros.

21562863? ago

Soros pix and cold showers ftw!

21551020? ago

No the fuck we don't.

You are the problem in the world.

Because you are unable to restrict your own urges, or are unwilling to manually block the subs that offend you, you ask for 'governmental intervention'

You people are literally the worst.

21553032? ago

Explain why you think pornography is freedom of speech or freedom of the press, because it is neither. It is indecent exposure, period.

21554278? ago

Indecency is subjective. Period.

21554497? ago

Kotex, the final word in feminine protection. Period.

21552591? ago

Amen! Glad I'm not alone here 🙏🏻🇺🇸


21551450? ago

Jew pervs and the Dindoo drug dealer and an industry of abuse https://i.imgur.com/RCl0eDJ.jpg

21551416? ago

Came here to say this.

21550950? ago

Wow. Did you read what you wrote—I mean really read it as if are someone else?

21553004? ago

did you?

21550915? ago

Ban government.

21550813? ago

Rooted in hip hop culture. Think bigger narrow minded shill. It’s in ALL popular culture!

21551456? ago

what ((( group ))) owns the music studios https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3028134

21550832? ago

Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. I just love America.

21550657? ago

No. People need to have free will to make a choice. Also its impossible to legally define what porn is. We should critique porn as bad art

21553049? ago

Bullshit. The easy availability of porn is no different than the availability of heroin or opioids. Stupid kids will try it, get addicted and ruin their lives. There is a reason porn used to be underground and soft core, and it needs to be driven back underground. If you want to do it, do it illegally.

21551374? ago

It's not Art its Filth and Smut and in the back rooms and in the other venues you will find the networks of drug traffickers, the pimps, the addiction and abuse, the prostitution, the blackmailers and the destroyed lives. The islamist and the Negro horde is the raw force, attack and sometimes terror and illegal invasions ... Hollywood... aka hollyweird and the Porn industry is run by global homosexual mob or gay mafia, most are bisexual drug addicts owned Jews/Globalists. http://www.trueorthodox.com/pictures/pervjew.jpg I think at the top, there are some super rich scum bags. They're definitely Jews. Globalists? You could make the arguments using the content of their own sites easily. The nuclear family is incredibly important throughout history and all this brother/sister/father/mother fucking is the most successful assault on that social dynamic in recent memory.

Is it some crazy organized cabal?

21550622? ago

slippery slope...

21553330? ago

Yes it is. THE WORSE THING YOU COULD DO IS INVOLVE THE GOVERNMENT!!!! If the true objective is to save people's souls then it is not a governmental problem. It is a spiritual problem. Tell me ONE THING that the government has got right? Why do FOOLS always want the government to bail them out? It is because they have shallow souls. Find God, find yourself, find faith. And the porn goes away!

21552389? ago

THAT SLIPPERY SLIMY OLD RODENT... Same excuse Dershowitz uses and he's a slippery snake, maybe even a dual citzien rat, the guy with the unknown dead wife, he got those big prono producers into the USA, the same excuse he used to defend the poor pono merchants, even twists stuff around to defend people who killed their wife ... but also very quick to say SHUT IT DOWN when something is posted that israel MIGHT find offensive

21551924? ago


21551313? ago

I am fine for making them less able to make a living on filth, push them out to edges of States, down the the smutty part of town, bust them for drugs, tax them more, jial them for human trafficking and fraud and other shit they are involved with ... then ask how are they making money with all this free pornography around, is porn the fornt for other crminal business done in the alley behind the studio, also ask who is running the studios and why is the media not calling out their criminality and exposing their agenda? https://voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3539574/21527641 Terri Minsky looks like a man in drag.

21550472? ago

Self ban yourself, that would be better.

21552319? ago

Yes, if no one watched porn, they'd shut it down. Anything that doesn't produce shekels gets switched for something else that does.

21552407? ago

Porn does NOT make them money, all the DVDs flop and are a failure, its another industry that makes the bucks....its the spyware virus, the human smuggling, the hookers and drug running where the cash moves in.

21551342? ago

MEDIA? kikes and kebabs suck the USA into Endless Wars, commie euro globalists subvert, israeli, arab push degeneracy industries drugs? .... Both want to destroy the West. Jews are the brains behind it. Islam is the dumb muscle. ...Media says its all ' just a antisemitic conspiracy' https://www.bitchute.com/video/tnUdm7YiDaRd/ The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons

21550853? ago

found the PEDO^^^

21550937? ago

You must have looked in the mirror

21550353? ago

I consider porn Hate Speech

21550213? ago

Jews are behind all degeneracy.

Rid the USA of all jews, watch America become real again.

21556930? ago

maybe its a constant cycle @Conspirologist @dayofthehope They say Jew York porno merchants from back in the old day all moved to Commiefornia. I would argue that porn is a form of sexual harassment, be it online throwing some banner at you or some parade or some online pop up its all sexual harassment, you go online looking for an old retro game, maybe download a tv show and all this shit pops up, before it was normal pornography, pin up stuff now its just fucking weird, abusive shit, trannies, the stuff coming off reddit sites like 'pornhub' is just filth degenerate and 'incest' themed also. This thing maybe it flows up and down like a wave, I remember the days back in the 90s in NYC, I was literally almost a kid walking the street facial hair popping up, thought I could take care of myself and maybe I could, I was a fast springy crazy kid. I don't know what would have happened if I got mugged, I didn't carry a gun but I never looked like I had money and I guess I was fast, could do a little judo, had a good left hook and a good kick wouldn't think twice about using a random object, a lump of wood, stone as a weapon. I liked some cities I liked working in them and feeling their heart and culture. NYC is strange it has that love it hate it feel to it. Wasn't ready to see what you'd see the big city then guys looting through bags of stolen merchandise, you could have some Black girl grab you -ask do you want a good time honey, the corruption and filth was so bad you could smell it in the air. I heard from friends other years before it was even worse, typiod, plague and other ancient dirty stone age diseases coming into the Big City. That Rudy Giuliani guy gets in at it all moves away or moves out of sight, the Latin girls used to sit in doorsteps want to fuck for dollars, Rudy gets in its no more XXX rated theatre, more electronics and clothes and disney and sony, it might have still been corrupt but at least it didn't look filthy and homeless. Not sure what's going to happen Commiefornia, they say NYC can be saved but others say Commiefornia and other places are done. A 'Sincity' is just one of many places, it could bne in Rio, it could be in Thialand, maybe the corruption and filth Europe is another story, some say places like Holland, the Dutch built it on all that Babylon, Soddom & Gomorrah old dirty money, what are the 'Black Nobility'? @flyingcuttlefish @madmalloy You know these pages and sites, I don't see why they shut down sites and ban channels for asking about some Jewish question or offend the left or offend islamist or some dumb fucking excuse ... meanwhile other websites are pushing degeneracy and tranny propaganda and other weird shit, is that not sexual harassment. what is it with the homosexual agenda, why do they ally with the islamist? Do they not see the footage of moslems chucking the gays off high buildings

21557918? ago

Porn exists only because of abused children who become prostitutes. Obviously the government agrees, otherwise they would ban porn as sex slavery.

21552598? ago


21550210? ago

Not all porn is bad.

Moreover, sexual deprivation fosters a similar degree of psychosexual degeneracy as does childhood sexual molestation.

Porn must be limited to that which is natural & normal; and that which is unnatural & abnormal (especially violent or abusive) must be banned.

No need to overact into witch burning.

Women & Nature are not the Enemy.

21551439? ago

So The Great Voat Porn Wars are Finally upon us? not just in the USA ...France is literally the real life Blacked.com https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2883261 like a horror movie a porn site ethno hate experiment by Macron? Sarkozy: Challenge of the 21st Century: Racial Interbreeding ...... https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=I8yaiN6ew_g Sarkozy Calls forced race mixing https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=j4KqvVlp9LQ ... https://galliawatch.blogspot.com/2008/12/mtissage-now-its-obligation.html Hollywood movies and Tv? All these shows now show mixed relationships. They want to blend it....Current Owners of MindGeek: CEO Feras Antoon (Residence in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) COO David Marmorstein Tassillo ... and France ...https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/195129248/ ...

21550751? ago

Hes just trolling, 99% inflammatory off topic threads are shill threads

21550241? ago

I do agree that sexual deprivation also fosters similar negative effects, but I still don't believe porn helps with that in any way. It has skewed the sexual market very significantly.

21552929? ago

Okay, how about: nudes, but no sex?

21550388? ago

The sociosexual promiscuity & perversion instigated by Bolshevik education & entertainment media (some intrinsic to our government) has been what has “skewed the sexual market” as you put it (and profited politically and financially from this skewing).

Queer choice of words.

Why else do you suppose HRC has been a staunch moralist, especially with regard to video games? (Only video games from companies that did not give her her cut, as Queen of Whores.)

Sex should not be marketed.

Women & children should neither pay the price for the hatred & perversion of others, nor be punished for selfsame perversion.

Beauty is neither responsible for the ugliness nor the lechery of the observer.

Sexual market, indeed!

21550130? ago

Islam is right about women.

21551485? ago

No it isnt the prophet of islam was a theif and a coward, he was an inbreeder, fucking his own family and fucking his own cousin... the bloodlines of Arabia regress as Arabs then would copy the life of their so-called perfect prophet .... he also raped animals, he dress in women's clothes, mohammed the founder of islam also had sex with his dead aunt, he had many wives and many in-laws, screeching wailing mother-in-laws, his favorite wife was the 6 yr old Aisha, he was a criminal and a pedophile, that's what islam is about. Read the Quran or Koran sometime, this book and other so-called holy islamic texts its where the islamist perverts and Terrorists get all their inspiration, their shit book is even translated into other languages so dumb fucks like you can see what the religion is about.

21551892? ago

Psychological reactance implies that people will react against anything that impinges on their freedom. This includes commands and suggestions. If you want to get somebody to do something, sometimes it helps to ask for the opposite.

21550002? ago

Fuck your morals,nazi.

21550051? ago

I'm not a Nazi. I believe in America. And I support America every step of the way. I'm a Patriot.

21551854? ago

Like you, I'm not a democrat.

21549956? ago

Climb the water tower and paint over your sister's name...you mean?

21550080? ago

Not sure what you mean by that....

21550111? ago

Whitewash it.

Who defines degeneracy?

21550220? ago

Let your pipe cool down a bit

21556845? ago


Best thing about free advice is no one gets cheated.

21550154? ago


21549874? ago

Heil Hitler

21551508? ago

chill dumbass out, have a drink https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=ujlGF_1569199833

21550137? ago