steve440 ago

My message to the left, their minions, their handlers, their teachers, academics, comedians, tv hosts, whoever you are...

Stop telling us how to live, stop telling us what is right or wrong, stop interfering with our lives. We don't give a shit what you want or how many tantrums you throw. And if push comes to shove, if the SHTF we will destroy all of you because we are more intelligent and we are stronger physically and mentally.

And that is what you fear the most.

Kjd ago

I think the plan is to turn all white in people of the WHITE elitists stand out as ROYALTY and slave class all mixed brown races. (the rest of mankind to be enslaved). Easier to identify as slaves vs Royalty.

Birdbrain ago

Who benefits?

Hell just say it! Don't beat all around the bush. It is is the fucking Jews. When the niggers kick of white genocide never forgot the fucking semite scum that set it up.

SandyAndreas ago

This is not part of the reality I live in, it's more like an advertising wish list based on orders from the cabal.

Remember the UK (pop culture central for the past decades) was supposed to be the model for welcoming the invasion of refugees and accepting them into our societies and it backfired bigly. Hence the constant softer touch eugenics styled commercials, movies and books. The interracial romance genre is booming like erotic novels were when that dreck FSOG came out.

GlendaleBurbank ago

The Narrative: Black men & White women. In your face: Kim Kardashian & Kanye; Chloe Kardashian and (I can't remember his name-basketball player).

I asked my high school neice and nephew to pay attention to the MSM...I asked them to study how the narrative of black men with white women was shown every day in ads and shows on tv. I asked them to look at how many ads/shows show white men as stupid; the black friend as the smarter one. I said if you were watching American tv in another country outside of the USA ; what percentage of black people would you think made up the population of the USA? They said it looked like blacks made up about 50% of the USA population if coming from media basis. I told them blacks make up only 13% of USA population; they were stunned.

Vibratron ago

It's bizarre how "overboard" they have gone on this propaganda, like you said, the Black is always smarter than the White character, and now the Female is always the "super hero" (if not a Female, it's a Black) .... those who prepare and use this mass advertising have a clear agenda (and it's not selling soap)

1031grnis ago

Interesting it's almost always black men with white women.

Vibratron ago

it makes me almost wonder if there is a law against showing black women on TV, or in the movies or advertising

NosebergShekelman ago

Us jews are superheroes. It doesn't benefit us at all, goys.

Pollycracker ago

Woman are the point of entry for media interest, and have been since the 60's.

qfollower911 ago

Biblically speaking:  

1 Timothy 2:14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.


BTW: this is why Adam is charged with bringing sin into the human race rather than Eve. Eve was deceived; Adam knew better and chose to sin anyway.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Smart! Eve should have realized she was being sweet talked and charmed.

But in all fairness, she had never done the bar scene and hadn't been around yet to get street smart.

She Knew good and well she was going against what God told her to do. She actively fell for the serpent's ploys.

Female's aren't always as naive as they let on and God's no slacker and giving them an excellent functioning brain,

The man is set up as the leader of the family. Man is to be in charge no matter how many women hate it, but he is also supposed to be doing so in the way God commanded. When he doesn't. ..problems in the marriage and family.

It is a luciferian agenda that plays to these feminists psyche and ego to think they should be in charge or leading the way. They should be taking care of the family and nurturing the children. But we've all seen what a slave society has pushed down people's throats and pushed. ..2 incomes Required just to get by. Now much of society seems stuck in the plot and many kids are being raised by the internet. Predators abound, lack of morals and a feeding into satan's ways. Incredibly sad!

That doesn't take onus off of the woman as God gives commands for both. Generally it is disobedience to God when a marriage or family are not functioning properly.

The world would Never tell you that and not sure what the churches are teaching as many of them have signed an agreement with Baal. . .yet Another slick ploy men fell for. A high percentage of these churches sold themselves out for 30 pieces of silver. They should have been aware as the deal came into play not long after the Bilderberg group's first meeting.

The leader who started it from the Netherlands reminds me of President Snow. Creepy!

Personally I believe Adam was being a man and didn't want Eve to suffer God's consequence on her own. Not sure if he ever gets credit for this as many times I have seen men's actions be read wrong. He was put in a really rotten spot. I Will say. . ..satan knows Exactly how to get to women and he needs their reproductive system for more sacrifices and slaves. It's no wonder he went after her first. He likely knew she would convince Adam to do the same. Made satan's work half as hard.

Interesting how satan still uses women to get to men. Likely sometimes vice versa.

stric9 ago

And they fall for it! Women are my equal my ass...

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Not All women fall for it.

God gives some of us discernment!

I'm just as sick of their garbage and I wouldn't want to or Even pretend to be as a strong as a man.

Men have strengths in areas women don't and vice versa. But physical strength?

Why would you want to try to compete? Only a luciferian agenda would push something like this!

I hate the feminist agenda, but even they are being fooled. These globalists, dem leaders don't like women.

If anything they Hate women. They encourage them to destroy their young, go against nature and make them Think they don't need men. They are Just using them to serve their own selfish purpose and sadly these women are allowing themselves to be played by it.

I wouldn't want to do half of the things men do! Ridiculous to try to turn these men effiminate. Look at there even Voat pretends the word doesn't exits as they don't like the spelling, but I for one support and am thankful for Good, Strong, Protective men. The wise ones are the men leading the way of putting this country and literally the World back together. Leaders. . .that's what God meant for them to be!

Thank you all White Hats and patriots who took it upon yourselves to do your God Given Duty! God bless every single one of you for Leading the Way!

God made male and female for a reason! I'm sure glad He did! I wouldn't want a bunch of gross hats running things, No Thank you!

Pollycracker ago

Clear thinking here my friends.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago


LibertyorNothing ago

Well said! I for one detest the entire “feminist” movement. All it did was destroy the family unit, emasculate men, and create this self destructive society disguised as “free thinkers for equality” blah blah blah.... Men have roles. Women have roles. Period.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Couldn't agree More!

con77 ago

They re signalling the destruction of the white race

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Sad. They have done so in South Africa.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

How do you say “KALERGI PLAN”?

If you haven’t searched this yet or understand what it is, take 10 minutes out of your busy schedule right now and just skim through the basic principles - IF you want to know what this is all about.

skidder ago

It's being done to destroy the white culture and race. We know this from the memes that are being put out by the left regarding white male and white privilege. Probably in order to tear down the homogeneity that keeps us bound as a group. Possibly to lower overall IQ as a group as well. It's a control mechanism and must be revealed for what it is.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The attackers they support on this are generally the ones receiving all the benefits.

I know I didn't receive Any of the perks and money for scholarships that my minority friends did. They lived far more lavishly as my family lived within their means. Yet some of them on the receiving end act as if we have some sort of privilege! I want to know where it went. . , never benefited from Anything and clearly neither did any of my other Irish or German friends.

Really something how the Dem leaders and globalists push their Lies.

The white male is the most endangered among all because of their Female worship.

Have you ever considered Why they worship the female? They need reproduction of human slaves and sacrifices for satan and his kind to perpetrate and use to feed upon.

It is Indeed a control mechanism, just as all of their machinations are!

organist1022 ago

It's every other commercial anymore.

Hand_of_Node ago

Are there really people who watch commercials?

Whitebear ago

Every movie, tv show, etc too.

con77 ago

I saw a fucking ex lax commercial that had a nigger and a race traitor

Drunkenst ago

“One of these days Alice...,” Jackie Gleason as Ralph Cramden

Oh_Well_ian ago

Notice how all the children have zero White features.

I am intentionally boycotting any brand that promotes this shit.

Slimpickens1 ago

Mud sharks