21730551? ago

So we are in the 7 year tribulation and it ends in April of 2023?

21730718? ago

Not exactly, people have confused themselves with this idea of a "7 year tribulation" when that is not the case. Daniel mentions 70 weeks AKA 490 days. During the last week, in the MIDDLE day of that week is symbolically when the "sacrifice ceases" which is 8/28/2019, and then 8/29/2019 is the beginning of a 1260/1290/1335 day period. The last day of the 70 weeks of Daniel is 8/31/2019...

April 24th, 2023 is the last day of the 1335 day period mentioned by Daniel.

"Tribulation" may not be the right word for this...

My interpretation is that between now and April 2023 is a serious period of energetic changes, and this is synchronistic as we also expect "The Storm" or mass arrests and political upheaval to take place between now and April 2023...

21731092? ago

And he will show himself pi publicly. For now he shall touch as many lost souls as he can to do the most change possible.

21728744? ago

HOLY SHIT this is garbage

21734059? ago

So without looking to see the obvious you dismiss at your own loss.. Ok move along.

21734808? ago

The only obvious thing here is people randonly picking numbers, dates and events that are "special".

This is complete garbage.

21735213? ago

You don't understand it at all if you did you would get it and not say this. It' mathematically impossible to be chance as Q says.

21735785? ago

Q is talking about the odds of tangible items. Not dates picked and events out of the air like you are doing.

This is full on GARBAGE.

21736242? ago

I didn't pick anything. For those that have eyes to see. Prove its garbage by following what is being said the dates encode in the tweets that line up with pi and the q drops. Mathematically impossible for it to be chance. It is all connected. Keep saying garbage and I will point out that you are not seeing it every time. Let's go

21736492? ago

Ok let's go. Starting with this garbage.

"The FIRST Zionist Congress was held on August 29, 1897! 100 years before 1997, and 122 years before the actual 1260 day period! But to make it even better, it was held from August 29th, to August 31st. August 31st, 2019, is the last day of the 70 weeks of Daniel, as the first day is 4/29/2018!"

By what definition is that the first zionist congress?

What is the 1260 day period?

And why does it matter that it is 100 years before 1997?

Why does it matter that it was 122 years prior to the "1260 day period"?

Why does it matter that aug 31st 2019 is the last day of the 70th week of daniel?

Why does it matter if the first day is 4/29/2018?

21736635? ago

Why is it garbage ?.It's the ds mirroring the bible codes. That the numbers keep coming up again and again in Hempstead and in the bible verses Mayan codes and Q as well as pi did you not deaf any of it. It was using the number patterns in the bible to match the timelines now so we know where we are in revelations..

21737055? ago

How about answering my questions in the post you replied to?

21737380? ago

I.did do your own research

21737407? ago

No you didn't answer it at all.

It is YOUR job to tie together your logic. I understand why you refuse to, because your job is to just defame Q and group by making them look crazy.

21742505? ago

Then read this it explains some of the multi level codes here and get.to to speed and stop.being shiity to.other patriots.


21742790? ago

And still your link answers NONE of my questions.

Are you going to answer them directly or not?

21742806? ago

I did. Many times

21742366? ago

Nope you do your own research It's all included in Q the research was in the post. The math everything they links to bible coffee and verses are the same same as the numbers in pi. Check and verify yourself. I have done the post is self explanatory hoi to the point where you must check it. If it was all random the numbers would be all random but they aren't in all the stems quotes the same numbers can be found again and again. That's the point. Mathematically impossible to be chance. The numbers prove that.

21742816? ago

I have done my research, and it says this is GARBAGE.

I am asking for an explanation on why you chose these dates and events over others.

And for your definition of zionist congress.

You have answered nothing and just keep pushing garbage.

21742840? ago

I didn't write it. Maybe you should post your proof its garbage then ?

21743473? ago

My questions are the proof it's garbage.

If you or he cannot tie together WHY these numbers, events, and explanations are chosen and linked in this analysis....then it is worthless.

So, why was that congress considered the zionist congress, by whom, and why was that specific congress session cited as the start od this analysis?

21746758? ago

It was the start of the congress derision of zionism the ds occult mirror rhe dates to suvert the will of God because they know the divine plan encoded in the numbers.

21747243? ago

Why is that congress considered the congress of zionism? What was special about that congress?

21729317? ago


21728495? ago

How's this for a synchronicity? JFK born 5/29/1917... Q first posted 2 x 17 x 17 days before 5/29/2019!

21728305? ago

The FIRST Zionist Congress was held on August 29, 1897! 100 years before 1997, and 122 years before the actual 1260 day period! But to make it even better, it was held from August 29th, to August 31st. August 31st, 2019, is the last day of the 70 weeks of Daniel, as the first day is 4/29/2018!

Definitely a solid find OP, nice job. As Q has always said "symbolism will be their downfall". They do this stuff out in the open thinking we'd never notice, but here comes the great awakening...!!!

21728265? ago

You're telling me Jews like to do things on occult holidays? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!

21728170? ago

this is complete gibberish., mixing all kinds of stuff into a pot. a witches brew for sure.

21728230? ago

Really? Nothing OP has said is gibberish, and I follow his reasoning here... The satanic deep state definitely like to do things on certain days (remember Friday the 13th)?

21728107? ago

What is the prophetic timeline? Here is the timeline, and here is a brief explanation.

Until recently, this knowledge has been ultra secret, and only a very small amount of people knew about this stuff. A small number of occultists, and people initiated into secret societies are educated in this. I believe that people like Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons and Futurama also have knowledge about the timeline.

The beginning of the 1260 day period mentioned in the Bible is 8/29/2019. This day is exactly 50 years and 7777 days after the founding of Israel (5/14/1948)... On the 50th anniversary of Israel, May 14th 1998, the last episode of Seinfeld was aired (a show which has many Jewish characers and Jewish producers)... That day is exactly 7777 days before August 29th, 2019, the beginning of the 1260 days!

To make a long story short, the prophetic timeline has some sort of relation to the number Pi. The famous number of the beast "666" first occurs in Pi at the end of 2442 digits. 2442 days after 12/21/2012 is 8/29/2019! This is very synchronistic as 1221 * 2 days after 12/21 is the start of the important period of the end times... What is 12/21/2012? It is the end of the 13th baktun of the Mayan calendar, one of the most important landmarks in history.

Another example: Terminator 2 Judgment day is about a day called "Judgment day", and in the movie that day is August 29th, 1997! Exactly 22 years before the actual 1260 day period! 1997 is also a special year as it is the end of 1144 years (the last day is 11/11/1997), and a 7920 day periods starts 11/12/1997.

Now, you're going to like this last example. The FIRST Zionist Congress was held on August 29, 1897! 100 years before 1997, and 122 years before the actual 1260 day period! But to make it even better, it was held from August 29th, to August 31st. August 31st, 2019, is the last day of the 70 weeks of Daniel, as the first day is 4/29/2018!

That is only the tip of the iceberg.


Where We Go One, We Go All, In Light

21731104? ago

What about dieho,d do you know of?

21731063? ago

Go,look at q post with coordinating numbers.

21728757? ago

HOLY SHIT even more garbage