21732878? ago

Post 3671

Leads to bill barr video of him with a time code. 141

Leads back to post 141. Which is a post clues in tons of posts lead back too.


12-Nov-2017 5:53:04 PM NZDT

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


Copy link to post

Rogue operators are here.

Failed to shut down site.


This will only get worse.

Archive and coordinate.

Crumbs dropped will soon paint the full picture.

The picture will open the eyes of the world.

We can't do it without you.

God bless you all.


21732257? ago

why has no one started a thread on death of Natasha Veselnitskya?

21732268? ago

her boss, not her

21732275? ago

bill browder?

21732013? ago

Love the new Schiff vid where he gets shouted down by his constituents back in Cali. Bet Pelosi wasn’t stupid enough to go out in public - MSM TV studios don’t count.

21734212? ago


21732861? ago

Soon he won't be able to walk on the street or get out.

21731826? ago


I fucking knew it! I posted the following decode a couple of weeks ago regarding FLOTUS' Christmas message, then I linked the Be Best, and Army tweet, where I KNEW to leave the B2 out of the genatria to solve the puzzle. <


I will take some credit for this one boys. KEK!


NSFW Anon ARMY Tweet = Love QAnon > Plus FLOTUS Christmas Decode 'o-o' < (QRV)

submitted 12 days ago by 3545026?

Hi. There is a lot here.



On the house at the start of the video 0.01 secs ( 1 = A = Q): >

Top line:


1 = A = Q in Isisian code

The 23 means 11 btw (2300 hours)

Then it goes to 45 (POTUS) > 4+5 = 9

Thus 911 revealed.

Bottom line:

8 & 9 are shown >

8+9=17 (Q)

It also looks like two 4s are hidden behind the pillars on the second line. 44 [RENEGADE].

Later in the video the dice and domino: >

The Domino (fitting choice) dots add to 17.

Further, it is made up of 11 black dots, and 6 yellow dots. So thus 6/11. <

Yellow and black denote Danger as sign posts > Danger for (((them))).

Inverted this of course reveals 9/11 again.

The sides of the dice, show a 4 and a 5 (45 POTUS).


And the dice also shows the 2 side, which also represents 11 (2 ones).

Snake eyes in a game of craps, equals 11 or 11/66 or God (11) over Satan (66).

Thus the dice shows 911 and POTUS throwing the winning dice (Snake Eyes, which is bad luck for (((them))) > FLOTUS trolling KEK!).

The rabbit is a Q Alice in Wonderland reference.

The duck [SITTING DUCKS] is shielding itself from The Storm.

The bird is a Dodo > [DS] going extinct.

It is a warning that the 911 domino is about to fall. <

At 0.42 secs, the picture of the house has 22 little wreaths on it, 6 on the left, and 16 on the right.

Then at 0.45 secs, FLOTUS adds the 17th wreath on the right hand side > Q.

So 6 on the left plus 17 on the right, reveals 23, which is a Patriot confirmation code.

So 6/23

The 6 is then flipped 180° to a 9 > And there is 911 revealed again (as 23 = 2300 hours or 11 o'clock) > thus 6/23 = 9/11. <

There is more. >

U.S. Army


The calm before the storm


A team of Rangers silently hold their position before executing a platoon raid.

Photo by 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment


The Army tweet above (same day) 'capital letters' (TARPRRRF) Gematria reveals a message of 'Love QAnon'. I left the B out here as it had "2B" in the tweet > BB > Be Best. B was left out deliberately as it had a 2 before it.

I noticed this, and chose to leave out the 2B, as it corressponds to BB of Be Best, which is how it ties in to the FLOTUS video.



Notable: >

Love QAnon

Jewish 976

English 690

Simple 115

Also comes up with Rabbit Hunt.

There is a rabbit in the shot.

EDIT 2: Gematria of TARPBRRRF >



Storm Is Coming

Jewish 489

English 876

Simple 146

I have already done the decode for Be Best. See QRV. Notable > Hero Dog.

The time length of the FLOTUS video was 57 secs.

NOTE: The Army referenced 75th Battalion (75 is a mirror of 57, the length of the FLOTUS WH video > a confirmation link).

Also there are two bakers in the background of the shot of the cake. A nod to us. <

More coming. In progress, as I am phone fagging and on the move.

Kind regards,




There you have your Q proof through Gematria. <

21732604? ago

Does your head ever explode, SB2?

21733079? ago

No. My thinking just expands further. <


21733097? ago

Fuck off namefag

Youre all the same

21733230? ago

21731712? ago

Q3670 confirms last nights thread https://voat.co/v/QRV/3561273 !

21731693? ago

Probably a dumb question, but what happened to Huber? I remember from a while back it was Horowitz and Huber investigating, then it seemed like just Horowitz, then H. and Durham. And I’m missing something? Or has Huber’s investigation been ongoing this entire time and just went completely radio silent?

21731827? ago

Well I read literally a dozen or more articles in the last year saying Huber never activated, issued subpoenas, or convened a Grand Jury. Many of those articles were from places like The Gateway Pundit, etc.

So they are correct. Or Huber wins the Stealthy Jeff Award for {crickets} above and beyond the call of duty. But he is in Utah. It’s easier to be ‘stealthy’ outside the Beltway. I hope this is the case.

21730712? ago

I assume when a B2 Bomber comes out of stealth mode it is about to bomb the crap out of its target.

21731280? ago

I think they stay stealthed til the end of the mission...

21730559? ago

I always pray for truth. I have no beliefs just faith. I have hope that Q is an honest actor, but I judge by the fruits and haven’t seen any yet. Proofs are not fruits. Sorry for dissing you—I do think there are shills here and they usually antagonize the sober-minded with their intentional misspelled homophones.

21729331? ago

Barr and Durham have America's future in their hands! Time to drop the hammer gentleman! No mercy!

21729276? ago

Q start. what is Q going to start?

21731264? ago

The coincidence between durham’s start date and q’s start date is about to be important.

21730127? ago

"Durham start" date is the same date as "Q start" start date. The date Durham was appointed and the date Q started posting.

21731240? ago

Good call.

21729870? ago

Anything, please!

21728601? ago

Thanks v/QRV admin team.

21728592? ago

21728479? ago


Time to restore the rule of law

Justice, Freedom

make us proud

21729446? ago

Yeah - wasn't Whitaker the Stealth Bomber? Hmmmmm. Are we about to finally see what he's been up to? Woo hoo!

21728384? ago

Wow, Q actually admits to his fakeness.

21728379? ago

Yes, after this latest Q embarrassment I think its safe to say that we’ve had just about enough of this Q business.

21729901? ago

How was Q embarrassed?

21728237? ago

The shillage in here speaks loud and clear the Left is scared to fucking death.

5 More Years!!!

(Trump will only need 2 years to completely destroy the Democratic Party once and for all. Then it is The Party of Trump, and 20-odd fly by night radical left socialist parties. LOL GL WITH THAT!)

21730341? ago

“Shillage.” What a moron.

21731332? ago

Speaking of shillage...

21731147? ago

Lefties ALWAYS hate being called exactly what they are.

21731311? ago

So either a person thinks that word is clever or they are a “leftist.” Really? See, that’s what I’m talking about when I call someone a moron. Now you know how it feels, though I doubt you’ll understand why.

21731327? ago

Ok shill.

21730223? ago

The awesome part about yesterday is that the left was freaking out about President Trump trying for a third term! They completely skipped over "we might beat him" for his SECOND TERM!!! That's just fucking awesome.

Additionally, a Senator proposed term limits for Senators today! Fucking winning, and I'm nowhere near tired of it just yet!!!

21729438? ago

Well, he can destroy the Dem party, but it will take more than three years to destroy the DS and all that's behind it. The Satanic Cabal has been around for thousands of years. This is just their latest iteration.

But if you want to watch a Libtard's head explode, say what that youtube video has on the cover -- "I am the Chosen One." kek. I've said that to some of them and they go absolutely batshit crazy. There are entire websites devoted to "debunking" this and wailing about how this is a religion for us. I always say, "Nah. Not a religion. We love saying it because it is so fun watching you snowflakes get triggered!" And that sets off a new round of "Reeeeeeeeeeeee!"

21730232? ago

I bet we can power some sort of motors with "reeeeeeeeeeeee" :)

21731888? ago

I'm able to power a car with my enormous sense of satisfaction right now, with ZERO emissions. <

I love being right, after being called crazy for 3 years. 🤓

21731173? ago

Too much reeeeeesistance.

Leftists only receive and take, they don’t generate shit.

21729810? ago

I have been telling friends that you need 4 consecutive terms and maybe one more to be safe. 20 years will end most of the top levels of Deep State through death, however that comes, and retirements. But as the CIA & FBI only promote to their top spots from within, it is difficult to keep that Deep State line of succession from being interrupted. Look at Strzok. He could have been around the FBI for another 25 to 30 years due to his younger age and maybe even ran the damn place if his ego and cock didn’t create his downfall.

I expect by 2022, Trump’s biggest checkmark will be who is his successor and how to keep his KAG agenda going. We know VP’s rarely follow in their President’s shoes. So Pence is not the 2024 option.

Hussein was stuck trying to preserve his legacy through Killary who self anointed herself President before she had her own party’s nomination. Plus Hussein knew she was dirty and that would be her downfall eventually. I don’t see Trump having that boil on the ass of morality problem thankfully.

21730289? ago

Are we really certain that they were in fact lovers? I've read their texts and it doesn't seem so, I mean yeah "Q has it all" but is this perhaps a portion of the necessary disinfo?

I agree about Pence. He was "given" to Trump. I'm surprised he's on the 2020 ticket, actually. My expectations are for a "Trump" administration from here on out. This President will win in 2020. His son Don Jr. can run in 2024 and 2028. Eric can run in 2032 and 2036. Baron will be over 35 in 2041, so might not make the cut just then.

Even so, rules can change. I am currently reading "The Last President" by Ingersoll Lockwood, it's a short read and I'm 20% or so of the way through. Presidential vote happens, mobs try to take over and are beaten back. Looking forward to finishing it!

21728867? ago

I FEEL the accuracy of this

21734562? ago

Yep. Fucking rekt. Military planning at it's finest. Fuck all shills. Pain is coming and you're on the wrong side of history. KEK

21728201? ago

anyone on what exactly is fake? could this be related to the discussion on boards last evening about a photo ??

21737323? ago

The conclusion of this post 7505194 on 8kun.

21731242? ago

Same question.

21730456? ago

What you were reading there, son, was an obvious personal confession as to the fakeness of Q.

21731248? ago

This is not the answer.

21728100? ago

Think mirror

21728513? ago

rorrim knihT

21730199? ago

Ronin was an okay movie, got worse with the rewatching

21727820? ago

Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike Niggerfaggotkike

21728252? ago

Why YES, yes you are.

21728299? ago

Thank you sir.

21727929? ago

Confirmed, Q is over the target....

21728054? ago

You're false prophet is leading you down the wrong road.

21728218? ago

Your a moron

21728246? ago

Coming from you, that means nothing to me.

21730035? ago

I guess your right. You’re logic is unassailable. Is they’re some way I can make amends?

21730055? ago

Are you Christian by chance?

21730106? ago


21730140? ago

Pray for guidance towards truth. Perhaps HE will lead down this path some more, maybe down the one he has sent me on. Even in disagreement I wish you well.

21730330? ago

Down the path that says DJT is a false prophet, just to be clear?

21730378? ago

I would say just pray for guidance towards truth. Because you and all other Q believers could be right, and myself incorrect.

21731120? ago

I always pray for truth. I have no beliefs just faith. I have hope that Q is an honest actor, but I judge by the fruits and haven’t seen any yet. Proofs are not fruits. Sorry for dissing you—I do think there are shills here and they usually antagonize the sober-minded with their intentional misspelled homophones.

Sorry I meant the above as a reply and posted instead as a stupid context-free comment

21727767? ago

A Traitor's Justice

Why capitalize all 3 words. Is that the title of a movie or book or something?

EDIT: Don't know if it's related, but I did find a well done youtube series by that name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9oEMq1xs6E&list=PLCoy4osnfjBCiZeJDthcONUPJ9KFUVxnC

21729989? ago

I took "A Traitors Justice" to mean Barr having to take down and arrest the other traitors. He was AG for GHWB. And, involved in the CIA's Mena op...Im sure he's not as clean as we'd like to think...

21732918? ago

justice under the law.

Is in 11 posts .


21730171? ago

Right? I did a search for "who is bill barr" and his wikipedia link came up, which included that he worked for the CIA in his formative years...

21737248? ago

His Dad, too.....from hiring Epstein to writing pedo-vibe "novels"....what are the odds?

Still think he's a white hat, though.....or at least a red hat trying to make things right.

21744166? ago

Red Hat was a Linux company. Later, I learned, it is a reference to Saturn/Satan.

Then I put together that in Linux (all Unixes) there are "daemons" which run things in the background. Life seems to rhyme, it seems...

21734570? ago

He knows what went on. This is a good thing. Watch and see. He's no longer controlled. Unleashed. Good luck Rothschilds.

21744155? ago


21729583? ago

That guy knows his stuff! Thanks for the share!!!

21727699? ago

Is D2 a ceasar cipher meaning F meaning F spy meaning Foreign spy?

21727649? ago

7 days of silence from Q since 3666. Does that mean anything to you guys?

21728096? ago

Yeah. It means he took week off I think. Checking the deltas to be sure.

21728206? ago

Mom said the meatloaf is ready. You can come up from the basement now.

21729071? ago

Ahhh, crap ... miss your mom's meatloaf.

Advanced notice, next time, please!

21740095? ago

I will leave some on the table at your moms house in the morning.

Your half brother said hello. Your half sister says hello and to stop wearing her clothes.

21730159? ago

meh, ketchup should be optional, add it as you like, don't bake it in

pulp fiction pilot episode, daddy smashes baby tomato, "catch up!" :)

21727608? ago

I think I've seen that o7 before. Does anyone know what that means?

21728185? ago

he also has been on boards for at least a yr, i posted his memes and material last yr ..

21727816? ago

It's a salute.

21727796? ago

A person giving a salute. O is the head 7 is the arm

21727518? ago

There is is folks! Trust Barr. He's our guy!

21728947? ago


21729372? ago

Country breakfast

21727494? ago

Plug your phone in! Who lets their battery get down to 1%? I can't stand it! LOL

21727445? ago

B2 is B squared is BB is Bill Barr! He’s the stealth bomber! Things are happening!

21734037? ago

Be Best means that too. <

21731389? ago

B squared wouldn’t be BB. (That makes no sense mathematically.) It’s B2 as in two “B” letters, or BB.

21741093? ago

Right. You’re right. Not B squared. B times 2, is what I meant.

21731401? ago

Or 2 Bs

21727393? ago

HAHAHAHAHA. Q is protecting Barr???? Ya, this is how you know Q is fake.......

21728260? ago

Nope. What we know is that your pedo-shill cocksucking pig faced cuck.

21728058? ago

Q is a false prophet.

21727784? ago

Dude you're gay!

21727815? ago

Dude youre a fuckin retard!

21727896? ago

"You're" Learn to spell foreigner.

21728044? ago

"You're", learn to spell foreigner.

There you go nigger fify.

21730578? ago

I said spell not proper use of gramma you stupid biped. What the fuck? Do all you anti-American faggots have reading and comprehension issues?

Stupid faggots

21730691? ago

You made a mistake, and I fixes it. Ta Da!

21730777? ago

I have no problem with that. Thanks

21731033? ago

You're welcome, and goodnight.

21727761? ago


21727509? ago


21727422? ago

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

21727454? ago

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

21727349? ago

"When a B2 bomber is no longer stealth (think public statements made last week) what must that signal?"

I'm thinking that when a B2 bomber is no longer stealth, that means that it is getting ready to drop bombs - meaning the white hats just released the FISA and now they will be dropping bombs. Is that what you guys are getting?

I'm just not sure how to put that with Bill Barr being attacked. Maybe they are two different topics?

21731699? ago

When a B2 bomber is no longer stealth means it has already dropped it's bombs and has returned to friendly territory.

21730233? ago

2 days on the 17 th.

21729390? ago

The attacks on Barr have already begun. [They] are trying to impeach him. Lots of chatter on Lib sites about how he's a bad and evil man. [They] are going to throw everything they can at everyone telling the truth. It's their only defense.

21728188? ago

A B2 is no longer stealth because it's completed its mission, and is safe from enemies.

That's what makes sense to me.

21731212? ago

The word “signal” is important. Q did not say “consequence,” he said “signal.” It would be a message from the bomber.

21730243? ago

good point

21734575? ago

B2 = 2 B's = BB = Bill Barr. We have more than we knew! Fucking awesome. I can't wait!

21727825? ago

Seems legit. Next week's smear campaign will be the flak

21727672? ago

no a stealth bomber can drop bombs all day.

the consequence of "a stealth bomber that is no longer stealth" is the bomber will be attacked.

21731189? ago

Mission is over?

21727451? ago

So when Bill Barr speaks out (breaks silence) which he did, he will now begin dropping bombs. And they (black hats) will begin coming after him.

21727395? ago

I think you are correct. When a stealth bomber is no longer stealth you now have a visual on it. I'm taking the Barr post as he will be taking fire since he's now no longer stealth (now over the target).

21731236? ago

That's my take, too.

21727505? ago

Oh yeah, maybe that's it. Not that he's about to drop bombs necessarily but just that he's going to take fire. That makes sense.

21735959? ago

You take fire over the target

21727770? ago

Not that he's about to drop bombs necessarily but just that he's going to take fire.

I would read that as "He's going to take fire because he's about to drop bombs.

21731224? ago

But B2s can drop bombs with stealth on. Why use a stealth bomber to unstealthily drop bombs?

21732428? ago

Because you want to use stealth to get to the target then let them know it was you.

21727318? ago

Thanks for letting us know Q is posting today. Wish we could fix the format of the posts above. Difficult to scroll through. I think Barr is more than ready for this fight. He seems almost giddy!


21729442? ago

Qmap.pub is excellent. Also has a whole lot of info in the side bar. Click on the icons and find lists and photos of all sorts of things. Also memes.

21728558? ago

I think he’s suicidal.