21731716? ago

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21720779? ago

Unless we have proof one way or another, don't we have better topics to discuss? Like Q's Looking Glass "time machine." ;-)

21720756? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/G7AD370eITWJ - ( FULL The Ingraham Angle 12/13/19 | Breaking Fox... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/oRyV3Y5QVCZO - ( The Ingraham Angle FULL 12/12/19 | Laura Ingrah... )

21720504? ago

If you watch this whole 9 minute video clip you'll see that Ingraham is clearly a full-time fucking bitch. Women her age who are still single are single for a good reason. Watch and learn. She's a fucking cunt bitch.


21719553? ago

Things are in tippy top shape.

21717875? ago

Laura Ingraham? Don't kid yourself... They are ALL here! Laura, Sean, Tucker....all of them! But.... the Bad Guys are here as well. Hence Q's disinformation campaign.


21740953? ago

Yes, you are right, and also the entire White House cabinet is most likely here, as well as rock stars like Graham, Nunes, Cruz, Sen.Kennedy, Ratcliffe, Solomon, and.... even POTUS has been here. I’ve heard them say things on the air that were said only here, not on the Q posts. I’ve seen some posts that had to have been from insiders, can’t be explained away, way too specific. You can bet dimes to dollars they are all here.

21717477? ago

F@$k you censoring YT a-holes!

21716699? ago

I know someone who spoke to Sean Hannity directly regarding Q and he said Sean told him all the reporters know about Q and need to be careful about what they report on so they do not out the fact that they follow. This information came to me over a year ago.

21715288? ago

Ah come on. Farce? During a farce. Anyone could predict that.

21714977? ago

"Video unavailable"

21714734? ago

Farce is a common word.

That's like saying 'I'll say the word, 'shirt'.

21714594? ago

tits or GTFO out

21714458? ago

I wouldn't put it past Faux News to shill on the 8's and 4 as well as here or Gab just to pull in the anons for ratings and street cred. She reads from a script, so basically anyone who knew that was in the script could've posted that..

21714344? ago

let's keep in mind that her, Hannity, etc still advance the "Russia Meddled in the Election" narrative. for that they all deserve to have NO JOB when the shit hits the fan. they can't claim "we didn't know!"

21718192? ago

How are they advancing the "Russia Meddled in the Election" when they consistently denounce it has a hoax?

21721405? ago

they say the Russia investigation of collusion with Trump was a hoax, while still saying Russia meddled

21730947? ago

I've been watching both and they aren't trying to advance the whole "Russia, Russia, Russia" hoax in regards to Trump conspiring as they say, but that doesn't mean that there wasn't interference in our elections by Russia.

Do you know for a 100% fact that there were, irrefutably, no Russians that attempted to meddle/actually meddled in our elections? Even if they are cabal Russians working for the DS and probably not part of Putin's Russia?

Considering how often the U.S. has been involved in interfering with elections and governments of other countries (even if it was the DS), it wouldn't surprise me. There is a strong possibility that there was interference and most likely it was the DS.

21714794? ago

Well they did meddle, but only as "agents of chaos" and not very effectively.

21714186? ago

There are no coincidences. Great job IngrahamAnon!

21712409? ago

And I've known you [anonomously] for 5 minutes. What would you believe in my shoes? On one side we have 8kun messages, video, YT fuckery. On the other side we have an anon nay sayer. You may well be right, but I will need more before I can discount this, or to fully qualify it was Laura through additional proofs in the near future.

21712307? ago

I mean, What Are The Chances That Someone Would Say The Word 'FARCE' During A Farce?! I mean, WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!!!!!!!!

21712025? ago

I just spoke with Laura. She told me it wasn't her and she does not frequent 8kun nor had she ever frequented 8chan or 4chan as she steers clear of Conspiracy Theory websites.

I think it was her. watch how she said it.

I think is the key word. I think does not mean it was Laura in which I have personally confirmed.

21714482? ago

I just finished having phone sex with Laura and she said fuck you you liar.

21712129? ago

If it was Laura, I wouldn't blame her for denying it. Her career could be on the line with the new management at Fox. If it was a larp, they did a convincing job!

21712291? ago

I've known Laura for 15 years. It wasn't Laura. K?

21712438? ago

And I've known you [anonomously] for 5 minutes. What would you believe in my shoes? On one side we have 8kun messages, video, YT fuckery. On the other side we have an anon nay sayer. You may well be right, but I will need more before I can discount this, or to fully qualify it was Laura through additional proofs in the near future.

21712475? ago

Believe what you want. "Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth because they do not want their illusions to be destroyed."

21713024? ago

Funny conversation. You may not believe this, but I heard of a guy one time who claimed to be telling the truth, but he wasn't!

21715116? ago

Its a troll. Just downvoat them and move on. Don't feed the trolls.

We all know it's Laura. Why would all her videos be censored like that? Think logically, it's all real.

Q keeps repeating, we are the news now. Reporters will come to get the news for their show.

21713099? ago

Politicians. Trump. All leaders.

21712009? ago

I don't doubt MANY conservative personalities and communists monitor all things Q. She would be the only one to come out of the Q closet. I'm not sure making herself that big a target would be worthwhile. Dropping hints would be enough to get the anons attention. The Dems will believe it no matter if it is true or not. They will be coming after her in force.

21712159? ago

... and a lot of bloggers, news website owners, reporters ... I've read others digs and dug up stuff only to see it on a website the next day. Very cool!

21711968? ago

Welcome to The Party Laura <

21711579? ago

I'm not saying i don't believe she's on 8Kun, I think Watters, Hannity, Gutfeld, a lot of them probably are. But Farce? I think I heard 37 people just this morning use the word farce... it was fairly good odds.

21713601? ago

Well Laura could be following Qanon via various other channel than 8kun. Such as, but not limited to, one of the numerous aggregators. Like https://qmap.pub or event this QRV voat or anything else to her liking.

21713586? ago

Ingraham December 11th Video: Jeff Sessions Discuss Durham's Authority To Subpoena & Interview at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3560595/

21712000? ago

Yeah, we'll need something else. <

21711645? ago

... and she looked directly into the camera as she used it 9sec into the broadcast, giving it a little extra emphasis, then kind of coughed, and continued on. Sure looked legit for an on-the-fly confirmation proof. Not the quality of a Q proof, but she will undoubtedly get the opportunity to create a better proof very soon.

21712032? ago

dont listen to the demoralizing trolls. this is definitely a legit habbening.

21711543? ago

Except she uses that word with great frequency. A single word is not adequate proof, and is less so when it's a part of her regular vocabulary.

I realize you want to believe, but be skeptical and actually have some reasonable standard for proof.

21711742? ago

So what is the likelihood she DOES say it, EMPHATICALLY, within the first 10 seconds of the broadcast with a 21 minute delta from 8kun post to saying it???? You want to calculate THOSE odds??

21711837? ago

LOL Do you actually know what "delta" means?

I'm just curious, 'cause you folks use it with remarkable regularity - and it's seldom every correctly used. It's like you just grasped onto the word and now collectively use it whenever you can't think of a word.

21712020? ago

It means "change in"

21712070? ago

And time didn't change - it was just later. If time had changed its rate of progress, that'd be delta. I assure you, that did not happen.

20 minutes later isn't delta. 20 minutes happening in 19 minutes is delta.

21712337? ago

Achievement unlocked: 🗝

21712328? ago

Fair enough. <

21711923? ago

Huh? Do YOU know what "delta" means? He used the term correctly. It just means the difference between two values.

21712244? ago

lol...in mathematics it has a different meaning which is obviously the meaning within our context here. They aren't talking about rivers lol.

21711988? ago

scroll down moron,


noun [ S ]

UK /ˈdeltə/ US


a change in a figure or amount


the measurement of how the price of an option changes compared to the price of the shares, etc. that it is based on:

21712042? ago

It's become an Anon term, and has been for years now. We mean the change in time.

21712036? ago

I did. There was no change in time. In fact, time proceeded exactly the same way it always did.

The same definition, as used in math, might make this more clear to you - I'll try...

"variation of a variable or function"

Time proceeded exactly the same as it always does (relative, of course). That's not delta, that's just 20 something minutes later.

21712270? ago

Just...just stop. You're an embarrassment. If you're being serious, then I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong and weird about this.

21712962? ago

a finite increment in a variable

He's right about delta.

21712011? ago

Was just about to comment this.

Obviously this user knows we’re not talking about geography.

21711886? ago

Best part about comments like these is, you know if the person genuinely wanted to improve the people they were interacting with, they wouldn't be a massive cunt about knowing something someone else doesn't. As though we were still in the school yard pretending to know what a Queef is.

I guess maturation never comes for some.

21711908? ago

You can't improve Qtards.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

That leaves using them for entertainment. They're otherwise worthless.

21712360? ago

you can’t reason with someone hanging out in a forum full of people they hate (you hanging out here but just want to trash talk Q folks, must have a meaningless life... GL with that)

21712461? ago

See? There you go being stupid. You might want to not make assumptions and you might not want to actually try reasoning - 'cause you suck at it. No, you really suck at it. You Qtards are the least logical people I've ever met.

I don't hate you. I pitied you, at first. Now, you disgust me - but it's not hate. Your intellectual inability and dishonesty are disgusting. I'd have to have liked you in order to hate you.

As such, I use you for my own entertainment when I've nothing better to do - which sometimes happens when you're retired. You're my entertainment. You're not good for anything else, despite what you might claim. I've literally traveled the globe and I've never met a collection of people more useless than you Qtards - and I've been to both Somalia and Rwanda.

I don't hate you. I'm disgusted by your idiocy, I know you add negative value to society, and I have no respect for you - but I don't hate you.

I will use you for my entertainment and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. You WILL entertain me - because I will make you do so. You're the most easily manipulated morons I've ever met.

21713845? ago

well I just found out that the jews are pretty stupid with low imagination....

just more cunning than the rest of the people.

are you a jew maybe?

21714159? ago

I suspect you didn't 'just find out' anything of the sort.

21714801? ago

you suspect wrong .

I just found out last week how miserable and stupid is overal strategy against Maga

when someone denies you hating and viciousness but offers kindness and firm stand

you just dont know how to handle them right you small stupid jew?

That is why you are trying to destroy German people for more than 200 years and next in line is America and Japan....

welp. not gonna work anymore

21714819? ago

Wait, you think I'm Jewish? LOL That's funny.

21714999? ago

you did not deny it and I asked,

until you state othervise I conside you a one small hearted full of doubt and lack of self esteem

stupid one..

here is a photo for you so you can relax https://ibb.co/Lzh0QPN

21715012? ago

I'm gonna let ya believe it. This is too funny.

21713487? ago


21711367? ago

Ok, so...? Personally I cannot watch her, she is just abrasive, not gracioius, harsh and bully-ish, and seems at times she exerts much vitriolic animosities.

But anyhow...so? Did she add anything other than plugging her show?

21711444? ago

I'm looking to the future. She has a couple million viewers that do like her. It would be great if she could bring enlightenment to them from the revelations she learns from 8kun and/or VOAT. Maybe she does a truthful exposé on Q and 8kun. At a minimum she will be equipped with the questions anons are asking, and she has the opportunity to interview the right people asking the right questions, for all America to see. How's that for an icebreaker to accelerate the Great Awakening?

21712132? ago


21711236? ago

How the fuck does ANYONE get on that piece of dog shit website?

21711383? ago

Well I click on it and voila...

If you want a mirror use qanon.news, archives.

21711339? ago

With the internet.

21711332? ago

They use their brain

21711171? ago

Very interesting. Of course this leaves open the possibility that it's a producer or someone else on the set with access to the script. But fascinating nonetheless.

21711784? ago


It could have been Laura or it could have been a show producer with access to the script. Someone from the Ingraham Angle is on 8kun, though.

Laura placed great emphasis on the word 'farce' 9 seconds into the show, so either she did this deliberately, or it could have been an Ingraham Angle producer posting on 8kun then telling Laura to emphasise the word 'farce'. Either way the influence of the anons is spreading.

21718792? ago

Agreed on both points. Very interesting if it's someone from the show and I did watch the clip, she did really emphasize the word "farce".

Welcome to the fight, Laura.

21712105? ago

Notice how the show is called the Ingraham Angle.

Angle = Angel

Angel is an anagram if Angle.

The Order of The Nine Angles is a Satanic group at the top of the Evil Empire.

These players use names that suggest who they are esoterically.

21715065? ago

How about the word Info Wars?

21711092? ago

I don't know exactly what it is about her, but i would rail the fuck outta it. I usually don't like super skinny chicks, but I'd make an exception for her. Maybe she reminds me of a skinny version of an ex

21713103? ago

If she’s a Patriot truly, then I’ll tap that. If she’s a Socialist there’s nothing worse than a Socialist. The greater of any two Socialists is still a Socialist. Don’t bang Socialist quiff.

21714313? ago

Listened to her for 5-7 years while she had her radio show. She's was a consistent small "c" conservative the whole time.

21711416? ago

she's okay... I'd fuck her just because she told Lebron to shut up and dribble.


21711137? ago

She looks great for her age. My concern would be just when things are going great and the big "O" approacheth, she will interrupt ...

21710962? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=6zM_NZx1kn0 :

The Ingraham Angle FULL 12/12/19 | Laura Ingraham Breaking Fox News Dec 12, 2019 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21710690? ago

It's better if she actually recognized Q first. I don't particularly enjoy seeing her present till proof of Q reporting is done. Otherwise she's trying to pouch viewers for self-promo gains. Q first or GTFO!

21710458? ago


21716182? ago

I call it fame fagging when the people go there name dropping themselves and their fame is because of Q. They already think they are the authority opinion on all things Q on other platforms. But if a person with there own platform wants to join the movement so be it. She may have been there as a journalist and didn't want to hear lurk more fag when she asked questions.

21710623? ago

I see it as an opportunity to further the Great Awakening through Laura (and other high visibility news people). If they are hooked into Q, all the better. We need as many loud voices as possible. As far as famefagging, Laura has millions watching her show, I don't think she is about selling trinkets to 8kun anons or gaining followers there.

21710756? ago

Discuss Q or nothing. 8kun is Qanons vs Ingraham hangout. We are the news. She wants us to follow her, nah.

21711126? ago

What a dumbshit response. Nobody in the media can join the parade if they don't do it your way.

Fuck off.

21714328? ago

One must always name the dumbshit.

21711212? ago

Is she with Q or not? Simple yes or no. Otherwise you're concern fagging.

21710840? ago

I seek Truth.

She doesn't have it.

She can help spread it.

This is the apocalypse.

No one can stop it.

21710419? ago

Everyone is calling this a farce - fake and gay

21710839? ago

No, only you are fake and gay.

21710402? ago

Could’ve been anyone with access to teleprompter script. I’ll need a nipple slip to confirm.

21710733? ago

He said nipple.....

21719913? ago

Would you settle for a Sharon Stone "Shot?" :>D

21710607? ago

Ah...a wardrobe malfunction...that'll work.

21710503? ago

I don't think it would be on the teleprompter script if she arbitrarily selected the word 20 minutes before showtime and injected the word into the opening commentary herself. Produce an official copy of the script and you have the sauce to prove or disprove your point.

21710540? ago

Pretty sure you missed my “point”

21710640? ago

I noticed! Lol!

21710313? ago


21710271? ago

The tide is turning.

21710715? ago

A new day is dawning.