22789018? ago

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22187846? ago

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22187730? ago

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21910599? ago

I dont know how i missed this post but

Thank god it was only temporary.^

21911938? ago

I know right! The Author featured, is excellent value. <

I will feature more in a new post.

21916912? ago

Hope youve got a few min of rnr Sir for christmas.

Recipe recieved. Many thanks.

Unprepared for next bake time.

Will respond soon with ingredients.


21916979? ago


21917741? ago

Did you c 3764?

c to c = sea to sea coast to coast

pearson and pearson

feeder { human trafficking}

recipient¥. Investigation into the book publishers 500 billion top five in world.

6 *[1] in kill box. Most with ties to u.k.^

6 * (S)

21917765? ago

Yep. I watched iPot yesterday, and just finished today's show.

He went through the posts, and went through the book stuff with Obama, Biden, Comey et al.

I am digging.

I do understand the Seth Rich Wikileaks/ Russia Hoax/download speed issues well.

I saw the 6 X 1s AND the 6 X Ss immediately, and knew what it meant, and who it was meant for. Thanks! ;)

I am digging on UK > Papa D and Dumbo Downer, Haspel, Deerlove ATM too.

5:5 Sir legit!

Peering DEEP. <

Did you saw that fuckwit Comey tweet this >

James Comey

‏Verified account @Comey

I often hear Trump supporters say they don’t pay attention to his tweets. But you must. And ask yourselves whether they reflect the values you want in a president and in America. What he tweets matters. Is that who you are? Is that who you want your kids to be? Don’t look away.

3:42 PM - 28 Dec 2019

He is threatening me you know. <

21922768? ago

Im not sure whom i pot is.

I didnt know ! not surprised And more likely via podesta who has ties to S hemi.

21925567? ago

iPot is a You Tuber with great coverage of Q.

21917015? ago

Mom told me about this last week my response be carefull with the power goni g out.

Zeus may strike with lighning of the gods. Interplanetary friction causing thunderbolts from the alignment in space. “0-0”


21912479? ago

So meditating with 3 6 9 isnt evil if i have no intent?

Ie mj 12?

^Bit werry.

21721919? ago

Part 2


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The Master Number 33 is the final Master Number and without a doubt the most sacred number held above all others in the world of occulted knowledge.

I believe the primary reason this number has been written into the nearly all the creation stories of mankind because the Solar Year = 365.2422414 (3 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 4 = 33) solar days or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 49.7 seconds. AND we now have the Son/Sun of God. Before the age of Pisces, we had other gods who lived for 33 years. The other reason for this is the fact that the sun will pass through a zodiac sign for 30 days before it begins the 3 days process of transitioning or (working) into the next where it is reborn into the next sign of the colander year (it takes 3 days for the sun to clear the last sign)….Jesus lived for 30 years, worked his ministry for 3 then died and was reborn.

The sun also rises on the exact spot on the horizon exactly every 33 years. Also, a continuous 12 lunation calendar with no intercalary periods will re-coincide with the solar year every 33 years. Thus, every 33 years the lunisolar cycle is completed bringing the lunar months back in sync with the solar seasons.

This number has everything to do with solar worship and we know that the mystery schools were all about solar worship as they grew out of the older mystery schools of the Sumerians and Egyptians. This is the exact reason why. It would appear that the Master Number 33 is the most sacred for a multiple of reasons, both mathematical and as it relates to the occult.

In the Bible, the meaning of the number 33 is connected to certain promises made by God. It also represents Wisdom.

33 or more precisely “thirty and three” are mentioned 6 times in the bible.
Jesus lived for 33 years
Jesus performed 33 miracles
The “beast” is mentioned 33 times in the Bible
33 kings in the land of Canon had to be killed to receive God’s inheritance. Moses killed 2 of them (Amalek and Og), David killed the other 31. Totaling 33.
Benhadad of Syria came with 32 kings in order to take over. 32 plus himself makes 33.
King David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years
A very old Jewish tradition, recounted by the first century A.D. historian Josephus, states that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters!
The star of David and his two triangles, one inverted and placed on top of the other one. Two triangles each having 3 sides is 3 and 3. Or 33.
33 sons and daughters of Israel (Genesis 46:15)
3300 officers of King Solomon (1 Kings 5:16)
There are 33 titles for the Antichrist in the old testament and 13 in the new testament.
Jacob had 33 children with his first wife Leah. (Gen 46:15
According to Jewish law laid out in Leviticus, a woman had to purify her blood and was not permitted to touch anything sacred for 33 days after her son was circumcised.
The Bible contains a total of 66 books. That’s 33+33 or 33×2.
The name “God” occurs 32 times in the first book of Genesis. And with God dictating to Moses, that makes 33.
Lucifer took a third of the stars, or angels with him when he fell from heaven. That is 33 1/3.
The 33rd time Noah’s name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. It’s, for this reason, the number 33 is sometimes associated with “God’s Promise.”
The 33rd time Abraham’s name is used in the Bible is when Isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old, OR 33×3 (Genesis 21:1 – 2).
The 33rd time Noah’s name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. The Eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with a flood and seals His pledge with the sign of the rainbow (Genesis 9:12 – 16).
The total number of times ‘three’ or ‘third’ is used in the book of Revelation is 33. This, of course, is the trinity or 3 times 11 and defines God’s judgment.
The New Testament is comprised of 66 books. or 33 X 2. or God’s promise multiplied by creation or himself divided. 

Occulted Mystery Schools and Master Number 33

With this knowledge of the number 33, it is easy to understand why most secret societies including the Freemasons do not care what the individual religions of their members are. All which is important to them is that they believe in a creator, and I don’t necessarily disagree with this.

It is interesting to note that the game of Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday who among other things was a Theosophist. Abner had extensive knowledge of the occult and it can be found everywhere throughout the game he created. Among other encoded ritualistic numbering, the distance between bases is exactly 66 feet between the center of any plate to the next or previous plate. Again, this is the path of the new testament, divided by the creator.

Image result for baseball masonic

Whether it’s science sports politics murder number 33 is used prominently in any ritual or permanent undertakings executed by members of secret esoteric orders.

The twin towers stood for 33 years before they were collapsed by the international cabal.
The Towers of Light memorial which stood in place of the Twin Towers after their collapse shown every night between March 11th and April 13th. Exactly 33 days. 44 bulbs in each light times 2 lights come to 88. It took 88 years to birth the European Union. (if you are of the belief as I am that the Twin Towers were taken down as the beginning step in an overall paradigm shift then utilizing sympathetic numerical magic fits right in line with this.)
The Alfred P. Murrah building in OK city (OK city bombing) was named after a 33 degree Freemason. It consisted of 3 rows of columns with 11 columns in each row. 11×3 is 33
After the trial of the OK City Bombing, Timothy McVeigh was given a stay of execution and was eventually given the death penalty after he turned 33 years of age.
The first shot fired in the Civil War was fired at Fort Sumter in Charleston NC. Charleston NC is located on the 32 degree parallel. One degree away from transformation. (water is frozen at 32 degrees and only transforms and is free to move at 33 degrees and above.)
Pope John Paul the 1st was found dead exactly 33 days after becoming Pope. He had vowed to investigate wrongdoings in the church and clean house. A message was clearly sent.
JFK was shot and killed on November 22nd in Dealey Plaza. 11/22 equals 33. Dealey Plaza is also the sight of the first Grand Masons Lodge in Texas.
March 30th, 1981 Ronald Reagan was shot and almost killed by John Hinkley Jr. 3/30 equals 33. John Hinkley Sr. was very good friends with George Bush Sr.
Buzz Aldrin (33-degree mason) the first man to set foot on the moon, bought with him on the mission a Scottish Rite banner/flag which was later donated to the House of the Temple …. Gordon Cooper also carried a Scottish Rite Banner/flag on his 1965 Gemini 5 orbital mission.
Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Scottsdale, AZ are all located exactly on the 33rd degree parallel and site of the largest witnessed UFO event in world history, known as The Phoenix Lights.
On 3/3/03 the UN World Prayer Center called for everyone to pray simultaneously at 3:30 pm.
The queen mother’s time of death was 315. That is both hands pointing at the 3. Or 33.
Yasser Arafat was pronounced dead officially at ‘3:30’am
March 3, 1933, Governor Clarence Martin closed all banks when he declared a “Bank Holiday.”
During the first lunar landing, the craft made a 33-degree descent.
Atlantis embarked on its 33rd and final mission, which was also the final mission of a space shuttle, STS-135, on 8 July 2011. STS-33 was a NASA Space Shuttle mission, during which Discovery deployed a payload for the US Department of Defense (DoD). STS-33 was the 32nd shuttle mission overall and the ninth flight of Discovery. The details of the mission are classified.
Shakespeare writes that Julius Cesar died from 33 wounds

Most scientific discoveries were so made and solidified by members of Freemasons. It is because of this the signature of 33 is found throughout the scientific world.

Water is frozen at 32 degrees, but once at 33, it becomes water (transformation). This is an alchemical principle and it is no coincidence the 32-33 degree designation happens at this point. The measuring of heat or transformation in degrees is no coincidence. Your diploma is also called a degree and allows you to move freely within commerce in a field of your choosing, much like water can move freely above 33 degrees and is not frozen in place.
The Atom bomb was developed and tested at White Sands NM. located on the 33rd degree parallel. The two atom bombs used in WW2 were eventually detonated at Hiroshima (located on the 34th degree parallel), and Nagasaki (located on the 32 degree parallel.) One each above and below the latitude of creation of the bombs.
According to the Newton scale, 33 is the number at which water boils.
33 is the atomic number of arsenic
33 rpm on a phonograph record. invented by Thomas Edison, a Freemason.

Without a doubt, the number 33 is the most sacred of numbers so far as the occult is concerned. If you wish to understand what is happening in your world I’d recommend that you learn to recognize how, where, and when this number is being used in order to reverse-engineer the intended purpose of its use.