21919752? ago

Astrology is pseudoscience. Mere superstition.

21919014? ago

Fuck off witch

21918523? ago

I am responsible for me and my actions, my emotions, I hope others try this if they have not already. There are many who do not consider their own body a temple. Astrology is for fat chics who dye their hair black, yup I'm proud I said that. I like me.

21918144? ago

How would your life look like if you’d stop hiding? How would you feel if you’d truly open up to life? Would your career be more fulfilling? Would your relationships be more loving? Would you finally feel at ease with the world?

I've been in hiding so long I have no idea what its like not to hide anymore. I'd feel like a kid again, free as a bird. I never had a career, because, you know: hiding. My relationships could be more public and open, but I crank up The Love in every way I know how, of course being more open might show me new ways of doing so. I Am at ease with the world, I've seen how we are all tiny cogs in a giant cosmic machine.

Things tend to unfold as they should. "Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing."

"Timeline 1" = Best possible outcome.

I've never been happier in my life, and it looks like its only getting better! Beyond my wildest dreams thus far, how much better can it get? Let's find out shall we? ....

21918209? ago

Sounds like 12th house energy for you. The natal house where these planets are merging in your chart says a lot about which sector of your life it is affecting.

21918453? ago

I understand the significance of astrology:

"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do!"~J.P.Morgan

Plus there are medical disorders that only occur in certain astrological signs as well. However, it never stuck in my head like other things did for an unknown-to-me reason. I've read so much about it, but not much ever seemed useful to me.

Yet, with so many hidden truths now being exposed, it seems like its about to become much more important in my life. Perhaps its because our collective hive mind is about to wake up to its importance as well?

For now it seems like the biggest adjustment I'll need to make is not being considered crazy any longer simply for trying to tell others the truth of our times. It's been a slight comfort to know that instead of causing damage to the collective in some unforeseen way, I've always known regular people would just write me off as a nutter and be done with me. Now my words might start to carry more weight, its already begun to happen.

Last time this conjunction happened 38 years ago I was a kid just under 10 getting redpilled about hidden mysteries, and discovering my hidden talents. Finding out I wasn't "normal" and didn't fit in anywhere. My motto then was "I hate life", now I'm so thankful for how everything played out, couldn't have been better, but it could have been MUCH worse. I Thank The Creator for that!

I was born on Jan 8th anything you can tell me about that in connection to the conjunction would be appreciated. I'll do my own dig but, your experience and understanding would make it more valuable. Also if you could provide a good link for me to start with, that'd be perfect. I don't want to get stuck in the "fake news" supermarket tabloid astrology.

Great post OP, we need more of this for after the arrests and after the clean up settles down.

21918584? ago

So you're a Capricorn and the transit is happening in your 1st (solar) house, that is HUGE. Go to astro.com and if you know your birth time, enter it and have a look at your chart. Which of your houses is ruled by Capricorn? This is even more significant to you personally than your solar house. Here is a good explanation of the houses. So for example if Capricorn rules your 2nd house, the conjunction is affecting your money and property.

These are slow planets however. Even though the conjunction is exact in January 2020, most of us have been feeling the effects for a couple of years now. Massive transformations are taking place. The outcome will be glorius.....if we can make it. The more out of balance we are, the more intense the transformation will be for us, both personally and globally.

BTW you are not alone in feeling like you don't fit in. You are probably a starseed (material for another post), one of a massive group of galactic souls who incarnated during these times to lead others through the transition. Best wishes, anon! I like the J.P. Morgan quote :)

21919153? ago

I admit you gave me goose bumps anon! I Am a starseed! I even got to see how I came to Earth! (in "dreams") I was told I got here sometime in medievil times, though I was lost for many lifetimes, died in almost every war since then trying to stand up for Justice. I've seen and felt the last few since WW1, ouch. I'm so blessed my body kept me out of a military career this time. I would've been military intelligence and a clown in America if my 18yr old self had his way, again I thank The Creator for that. At the time it was a huge let down though of course. I don't think I've ever been this old before, maybe a few times, but it feels really weird to be over 40. I don't look over 40 yet either, its like I don't know how to yet! lol

I almost mentioned I get the feeling Earth astrology didn't stick because I've lived much longer under different stars, but I also thought that might be for another thread. Great minds think alike I guess!

I'm excited I might get to be 4D again in this Life, but if not its no big deal there's always the next one. And if I don't quite make it to the end its all good because now I get to go home!! I'm trying to stay focused though, because I start to tear up with Joy at the thought of going Home.

Thank You for the links, I clicked around for a few minutes but its going to take me a bit to figure it all out. I couldn't quite figure out my exact houses, and I don't want to doxx myself here either. We still have a little hiding left to do until its totally safe. I know starseeds are protected from some of it like redcross workers are on a battlefield, but I don't want to push my luck just yet either. I've died here enough times for now. Plus we're supposed to just assist not do it for them, but taking the back seat is hard when you want to help so badly.

Glad we got to talk, no coincidence I'm sure of it!

I'll dig some more and get back to you though your wisdom is more valuable to me than the actual data points.

Thanks again Fren, you made my day!

21919801? ago

Aw man we could talk for hours. I arrived in the middle ages, too. My first life was so awful, it has been hidden from me. But I've seen the rest. This is my 5th one here. Earth school sucks, amirite? Godspeed, anon.

21917960? ago

Pluto isn’t visible and is too small to effect , stfu

21917694? ago

Oh shit this is a trip. Also in the Bible, Book of Revelation, it mentions silence in the heavens for half an hour after the last seal is broken (year 20000).

If a day is counted as 1000 yrs in heaven, then a half hour is 20 yrs and 9 months. Roughly August of 2020.

21917066? ago








21918789? ago

and don't forget 2020

perfect vision

21922763? ago

And hindsight. Future proves past.

21918644? ago

Shadilay Fren, Shadilay!

Much Love,





21917019? ago

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21916185? ago

Great Post OP.

21916132? ago

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."

21917962? ago

Yeah, because choices are made by us.

That said, we have little knowledge about how the forces in our solarsystem shape our make up.

The influence of the moon on people is well observed. I spoke to a nurse for ex TBS addicts, who now live semi dependent, She said: full moon is the day these guys start to make a fuzz. one day before to one dat after. Then it seizes to happen. Just one example.

I happen to think that during the period of conception to birth, we are most susceptible to such influences. Of course, the state of the mother, what she takes in, whether the period of being knocked up is peaceful or stressful (different hormones) is a game closer to the vest. Tests on rainbow trout with varying degrees of electro-magnetism have shown that it influences appearance, behavior, size, etc.

A step further, deeper into the small, in the quantum world, it is shown that particles can pair, what happens to the one, happens to the other. We know of the quantum behavior: particle and wave. We know of particles that disappear and reappear while moving from one position to the next.

So, I would not be surprised if in the grander scheme of things, certain tendencies within ourselves both individually and on a macro scale, are indeed influenced by planets.

To dismiss such a notion out of hand, would also force one to dismiss the quantum realm. We are house in matter as a symbiotic entity. The way our matter expresses, influences our spiritual being and vice versa.

21916108? ago

Wow.. my thought was...

This isn’t the end it’s the beginning

There isn’t an apocalypse it’s a new future

No death only light

Dark to light

21917952? ago

I suggest you look at what apocalypse actually means

21922808? ago

Armageddon | Definition of Armageddon at Dictionary.com


Armageddon definition, the place where the final battle will be fought between the forces of good and evil (probably so called in reference to the battlefield of Megiddo.)

21923229? ago

Who here said anything about armageddon???

Apocalypse original meaning = uncover/reveal

21938278? ago

just stacking them together the way most people do... don't get yer undies in a twist

21922802? ago

The real meaning of the Apocalypse , page 1 | Forum


The term APOCALYPSE means to reveal. It doesn’t really imply the end of the world, but a cosmic realization based on light or seeing reality

The “ APOCALYPSE ” is described as a inevitable reality based on the laws that govern worlds, not any magical egotistical sky-God concept of righting evil.

21916180? ago

Sure seems this way

21916092? ago

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

21916085? ago

interesting stuff.

21916007? ago

GREAT post!!

21915887? ago

excellent post!

21915717? ago

Check out all the porn posted below this post. LMAO