21689793? ago

No. Voat has been crashing long before the Qtards ever came along.

21685401? ago

Voat is down more often than you moms pants. I wouldn't read too much into it

21692285? ago

Oh what a jolly chuckle I've just released

21685174? ago

Do see a psychiatrist. Voat has had these issues for a long time. They need to upgrade the servers. It is that simple and has nothing to do with some bogeyman attacking the site. lol

21684897? ago

If Patriots are close to anything, It's INSANITY! Another day goes by when nothing happens, only to be told that, in the future, something will happen in the future! How much future do we have left?

21684654? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the insanity of the democrats reminds me of Baghdad bob the guy who kept reporting everything is fine as bombs were going off behind him.. the lies on cnn the distortion they are going down with the ship? or they know it willnall work out

21684421? ago

Naw, it's just the people who run voats are idiots. It's a mess of C# and duct tape.

21684387? ago

Nah. They just don’t give a fuck about getting caught anymore.

21684341? ago

Patriots aren't licking the jews balls good enough, komrad

21684316? ago


21684898? ago

Got anything original in your repertoire .. ?

21685142? ago

You are NOT INVITED into this discussion. So f*** off.

Because you didn't invite us into the discussion about the future of humanity.

Although you are not *human". You are demons.

21686352? ago

Nice you reveal who YOU ARE racist demon

21684911? ago

Most Jews are not evil, but most evil people are Jews. How’s that?

21685897? ago

Damn fine point

21684985? ago


21684285? ago

I thought same thing- Over The Target ;-)

21684673? ago

You guys have been "over the target" for years now. What's the point of being over the target if you never drop the bomb?

21684751? ago

21686367? ago

It's been "soon" for, what, 2 years now?

And what is that post supposed to show? You guys are gonna use FOIA, playing by their rules, to get them to show their hand? Mmk. You don't seem to understand that you can't keep following their rules and expecting them to give in. You think they aren't above hiding documents from a FOIA request? Really? Nvm I dont know why I even bother.

21686912? ago

We are counting on that actually.

21684193? ago

Dig dig dig.

They only throw roadblocks in front of a moving force.

Theres more in that report to be dug .

Be loud and proud Anons.

21684757? ago

21684132? ago


This^^^ is why it's buggy this morning

21687915? ago

How bout dat anon? I find this hidden/mispelled name phenomenon extremely interesting. Folks should be wearing out shovels digging on this. WT actual F is going on with this?Q?

21685889? ago

Holy shit. Is that how people are referred as in the report or is this how they got around FOIA requests by intentionally misspelling their names in the records?

21686980? ago

As petty, cheap, and low tech as it sounds, yes. Fucking hindsight

21685384? ago

Misspellings matter. Sentence formation matters. Learn the comms.

21687922? ago

you have more than you know

21689792? ago

We have declas.

21684314? ago

Thank you for pointing this out!! I didn't see it when coming to QRV.

21684410? ago

Not alot of people did. It was jumbled up in the time slots from the interference this morning

21684120? ago

Hillary Clinton must go down!

21683877? ago

I don't find Poal.co too Q friendly

21683720? ago

I love the smell of VOAT being down in the morning. Smells like victory!

21683831? ago

That means the jews are freaking out. We done good boys.

21685764? ago

I posted the bloodlines of 'Elites' yesterday in response to a shill saying that not all these people were Jews.

He cited GWB as an example.

I then destroyed his argument by starting to post the full bloodlines tracing back to their Jewish roots.

After less than 10 mins, VOAT is down... <

For a looong ass time.

I will a big post on the bloodlines, as Q has asked us to look into further.

21688414? ago

Link it here when you do, I want to read it!

21693890? ago

I will. Thanks fren. <

21686687? ago

also this 90% of Russian Bolsevik leaders were Jews

and the population in that time was only 4 % in Russia.

Imagine that !!!!

I read explanations on Jewish websites it is all candy and dandy

sweet propaganda ...

21686015? ago

Ditto one of my posts re: Chandler Rothschild connection boom down for hours.

21686423? ago


21685847? ago

Good job Anon. Looking forward to seeing your work

21745766? ago

Let's start here >


21686358? ago

Will link Sir. <

21685822? ago


21686349? ago

TBA. <


21684584? ago


Get lost already, we know your game. The reset isn't happening this time :)

21685117? ago

lol, get em!

21684419? ago

MAH JOOOOOOOOOOOOs is it, fatass?


We know Luciferians, your time is nigh

Giant fucking FAGGOT

21684859? ago

So very gay old worn playbook

21684622? ago

fuck off kike!

21683766? ago

ha. fucker.

21683687? ago

Backup forums would be nice

21685548? ago

Yes, thank you!

21683886? ago


I'm not familiar with 8kun yet, so I it would have taken me a while to find that.

21684052? ago

It’s already full of CP

21684590? ago

Shill is obvious ^^

21684358? ago

No it's not. Ignore this shill that doesn't want you to go there.

21684960? ago


(((their))) panic is obvious.

21684628? ago

I’ve been posting tranny stuff there. Malware too

21684858? ago

No one clicks on spoopy links there unless they are retarded. Goes for this site too.

21685121? ago

I track the click throughs on my trolling for performance reporting. You’d be suprised at the amount of clicks I get. Lots on QRV

21685968? ago

Well then you might get a promotion to Sr. Faggot for the end of year performance evaluation.

21685986? ago

Heck yeah. It’s an easy gig, but someone has to do it. Beautiful time of year in Haifa

21687744? ago

Muh joo land is in the colder part of the year.. maybe you like lower temps idk? I prefer summer.

21683930? ago

sort by creation date

pick the highest number "Q Research General #9XXX: TitleGoesHere"

R: 751 means the thread is full (751 replies) so the active one will have less than that.

21684843? ago


21683714? ago


21684028? ago

They ban all discussion of Q. The mods are Israeli

21684075? ago

I’ve been spamming with malware too. LMAO

21683855? ago

Honeypot for shills shilling shills

21683681? ago

YUP.... Horowitz testimony and BOOM!!! Voat is down........

21683678? ago

So true. The fear us discussing the Horowitz report

21684765? ago

Or finding this out
