21622263? ago

The DNC doesnt die with the dirty politicians, It dies when stupid people wake the fuck up. So dont hold your breath.

21620313? ago

Nice analysis...has much more substance than just opinion or speculation.

21618321? ago

(Styx Hexenhammer suggested them running Jimmy Carter, lol.)

21617970? ago

To know 70% of these whores will have to be given deals makes me fucking sick!

Look it up yourselves, Q says so directly in 2 different drops.

21617926? ago

Fallback plan is civil war after attack on DT or nuclear conflict India Pakistan or...

21616748? ago

Styx Hexenhammer

Which one? I heard there are more than 600 of them!

21616676? ago

I would strongly suggest that all of the swamprats keep their heads on swivels. The People are pissed. Nancy has declared war on 60 million citizens, and her minions have spit in our faces. The 2nd amendment solution is about to be applied as so many of us have taken an oath to protect the Constitution from enemies both foreign AND domestic. This whole country is owned by We the People, not them, the elites. It's time to take our country back.

21615934? ago

Styx Hexenhammer is a Satanist Shill.

Avoid like the Plague. <

21617755? ago

Back that up or shut up

21618593? ago

He says he is an ex-Satsnist.

As if.


Part 6 >

"The Nazi ideology was partly developed by the Thuel Society which is an occult organization. Aquino studied Nazi occultic beliefs for establishing his satanic cult and knighthood. The openly satanic YouTube shill Styxhexenhammer666 runs a large Satanic-Nazi cult. Tom Six is an extremely evil and disturbed Dutch noble and high-level satanic architect. Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan and today Peter Gilmore is a high priest of the Church of Satan and top Satanic warlock and mind controller in the United States. Peter Gilmore has a very high-level authority within secret societies and he is extremely sadistic. Peter Gilmore’s wife is Peggy Nadramia and she is also a Satanist. Anton LaVey’s daughters Karla LaVey and Zeena Schreck are high-level satanic witches today. Sammy Davis Jr. was a well-known member of the Church of Satan and was also a Jewish convert and Roman Catholic Knight of Malta. The royal families run the organized religions and also run secret societies including Satanism, Setianism, and Luciferianism. The highest level satanic warlock is Prince Domenico Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottoboni.

Ozzy Osbourne is one of the highest level Satanists in the world along with his satanic family and members of his band like the very evil Zakk Wylde. His rock group Black Sabbath is named in reference to the Black Mass which is a satanic ritual that has known origins in France. The earliest documented Black Mass was held by Queen Catherine de Medici of France. The Medici family have been linked with witchcraft numerous times and are the head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many Satanists practice Hermeticism. The rock musician and Satanic-Luciferian Axl Rose’s name was changed to William Bruce Bailey for his stepfather. Alice Bailey was an architect of the Luciferian New Age religion and developed Lucifer Publishing Company now called Lucius Trust. Ozzy has a song called Mr. Crowley in reference to Aleister Crowley who is one of the most well known Satanists. There are reports of Aleister Crowley admitting to sacrificing hundreds of children. Ozzy Osbourne even bit the head off a bat at a concert. Ozzy Osbourne is a descendant of the Osborne family which were the Dukes of Leeds and British politicians. George Osborne is a British politician today. Osborne House located in East Cowes was a former residence of the British royal family. A high-level Satanist that I am aware of is a man named Carey Cowles and he is involved in human sacrifice, pedophilia, and electronic harassment. He is a computer technician and trained in hacking. Carey Cowles is one of the most sadistic cyber terrorists on the planet and has hacked the entire internet. Many occultists came out of England and were involved with Freemasonry and the Royal Society like Francis Bacon, Thomas Browne, and Alice Bailey. Jay Z wore a shirt using Aleister Crowley’s motto of “do what thou wilt.” Jay Z has worked with the music producer Rick Rubin who is a high-level satanic warlock in the music industry. Rick Rubin has worked with Eminem and he is extremely satanic. Rick Rubin produced Black Sabbaths album called 13 and has also worked with the Dixie Chicks. Rick Rubin is pure evil. The Dixie Chicks supported the West Memphis Three who were three teenagers that were convicted of murdering three young boys as a satanic ritual. Johnny Depp is a major supporter of these child murderers and satanic ritual abuse programmer. Johnny Depp is an architect of satanic ritual abuse and really evil.

Marilyn Manson is a high-level member of the Church of Satan and he oversees many Wiccan cults as a back up for the Luciferians. Marilyn Manson’s ex-fiancé Rose McGowan is a high-level satanic witch involved in human sacrifice and cannibalism and she is probably as evil as Harvey Weinstein. Rock music industry is filled with Satanists and Luciferians like members of the bands Metallica, Guns N Roses with Axl Rose, Rob Zombie, Ministry and Al Jourgensen, Slipknot, AC/DC and Angus Young, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pigface and Nivek Ogilvie, Anthrax, Disturbed, and the rock musician Henry Rollins. Anthrax uses an inverted pentagram in their band logo. Gavin Rossdale the ex-husband of Gwen Stefani is a child murdering blood drinking psychopath that says in one of his lyrics “blood is like wine.” Trent Reznor is a really evil and murderous Satanist. Insane Clowne Posse is horrorcore rap group and very sadistic Satanists. Their Juggalo cult members are satanic as well. Lady Gaga is involved in child sacrifice, blood drinking, murder, terrorism, and mind control. The hand “sign of the horns” is a common satanic symbol representing the inverted pentagram with the horned goat Baphomet inside. This symbol is often used in the rock music industry and also used extensively by Luciferians in politics, entertainment, and Hollywood. Barack Obama and George Bush can be seen using the sign of the horns frequently. The Church of Satan and Temple of Set follow masonic formats using degrees and initiations. Most Freemasons worship Lucifer. Satanists worship Baphomet. The construct of Lucifer is the false light that conceals his real identity or essence which is Baphomet a goat-faced hermaphrodite. Satanists and fully initiated Luciferians are involved with torture, human and animal sacrifice, blood drinking, cannibalism, and sexual sadism. Luciferians and Satanists are not much different except for their outward appearances. Luciferians are more effective because they blend into society better. Satanists are extremely dangerous and malicious. The author Stephen King is a top architect of satanic ritual abuse and psychological torment. They are involved in the broader plot for total human enslavement which is the agenda of the New World Order. These groups use witchcraft which is mind control, torture, satanic ritual abuse of children, deception, chemical warfare, and other covert methods of tyranny.


Michael Aquino is a top architect for satanic psychological warfare. Aquino works with elements in the US military which carry out electronic attacks on civilians. Michael Aquino serves Prince Michael of Kent whose father in law was a Nazi.


Peter Gilmore is like the Pope of Satanism. Gilmore specializes in designing spells or psychological warfare using the concept of “doom.”

tom six

Tom Six is from a Dutch noble family in Amsterdam and is a satanic film producer that created the very sick movie franchise called the “Human Centipede.” Tom Six is a satanic ritual abuse architect and has a really depraved mind.


Stephen King is considered a King of evil by many Satanists and is officially nicknamed the “King of Horror” He is a top architect of satanic ritual abuse and satanic psychological warfare. His depraved nature is expressed in his books and movies like the Shining. Stephen King is a psychological tormentor.


Prince Domenico Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottoboni of Italy is an architect of various forms of witchcraft or sorcery including Freemasonry, Hermeticism, and Kabbalah. The Crescenzi bloodline is ancient. Sorcery is the covert manipulation of a person’s life using deception, illusions, gang stalking, theatrics, brainwashing, poison, and other covert methods. Satanists do this because they enjoy being sadistic".

Read the whole post to see who we are dealing with.

21618837? ago

That's a list of arbitrary assertions.

21623920? ago

It's well known he was a Satanist, even though 'apparently' he isn't anymore.

Bullshit. <

I don't believe him.

I will be digging very derply into this person, and known associates. TBA.

21623994? ago

I agree that Styx what's his face is a Satanic PoS.

21624066? ago

Thank you! Finally someone starting to wake up. I don't post cotroversial comments like I did, unless there is some basis to do so.

Time to have this dicussion, present the evidence, and post experiences of Anons, so people can stop posting his work on here.

That article I posted is saying he runs Nazi cults.

I want answers. <

21615755? ago

They are literally fighting for their lives. That's the context of their actions that we all need to be mindful of. They have the freedom to do anything now because "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." And lose they will. We are sheep no more.

21615701? ago

Or if you look at it more rationally - this is just a classic leftist "If I can't have it (winning the election), nobody can" and trying to skewer Trump. They have no candidate that will stand up to any form of scrutiny, so they attempt to destroy the other side like the infantile fuckwits they are.

21615635? ago

Do you guys believe that 10% of usa pop is cult?

21617792? ago

holy shit! That's a megaarmy of zombies!

21615579? ago

And their climate trillion dollar cash cow , Miss Thunberg and the World wide occupy movement, wild fire break outs in CA , Brasil & Australia all blamed on climate change , they know they are losing and have no qualms about destruction to get their way

21616914? ago

I heard she just landed, in like Portugal. They should move the climate summit back to South American, kek!

21615461? ago

Their existence is not at risk. They protected a rapist by the name of Bill Clinton. They suffered nothing. They are clearly insane, yet did well in the 2018 elections. As long as there are millions who want and get your money, and welfare mama's who won't get a job, their base is intact.

21615413? ago

They are trying to start a world revolution to break down governments in favor of government banks as their unchallenged method of domination. Their goal was never to avoid liable, looking foolish or to continue their businesses.

21615258? ago

Jimmy Carter - their best Hope! Ah hahaha ha ha ha!

21615326? ago

Actually, their best hope is Hillary Clinton...

21617760? ago

Big Mike....calling it now

21616150? ago

Oh, please, stop...laughing too hard...ah hahaha ha ha ha!

21620432? ago

I didn't say it was a GOOD hope, just their best shot IMO.

21615219? ago

The opposition is hindered by splintered and compromised comms. They are all playing their own hands now. Hard for them to have a 'fall back plan' when they cannot comm about it freely anymore.

The WHs are independently acting as well, BUT rather under pretty good lines for coordination of comments and events across the many fields of operation. Big Top View.

21615094? ago

You're right. They are going all-in for two reasons. First, they believe Trump has a strong chance of winning in 2020, and they believe that would be the end of the world. Second, they are terrified that Ginsburg will die soon, and they cannot have Trump putting another conservative judge on the Supreme Court. If Pence takes over, they think they can push him around a lot more than they could Trump and get a more liberal justice on the bench.

To the TDS-driven libs, anything they can do, whether unethical, illegal, or evil, is justified in order to prevent what they see as the worst thing ever.

21617746? ago

And yet.....they can never even articulate the reasoning behind these stances.

21615245? ago

First, they believe Trump has a strong chance of winning in 2020, and they believe that would be the end of the their world


21615065? ago

clank clank, spoonie love in tha building

21614914? ago

Hmmm. You must watch a lot of TV?

21614988? ago

Nearly none actually. (Bitchute some though.)

21614864? ago

I don't see a SINGLE hint of any liberal leaning friends on social media backing off even an inch from the leftist and MSM narratives on everything that's been happening up to this point. Just based on that admittedly small sample size, there are still two starkly contrasted realities perceived by the American public right now. So if anyone has any hints or hard facts to indicate an actual public awakening is taking place, I'd like to see that.

21618054? ago

Epstein has not reached critical mass yet

21624108? ago

hopefully soon.

I can't imagine this going on until the election,

NPC's don't have attention spans past tomorrow...

can't believe I ever thought they were normal!

21618022? ago

Then you need to be more vocal on social media. You need to be more brutal. You need to pray that God will guide you.

I've basically silenced most of my brainwashed friends on Facebook by destroying them in arguments and being brutal in my condemnation of their evil, and brutal in my mockery of their brainwashed stupidity. The only ones left who still post political stuff are the utterly moronic extremist leftists who are so deranged they push centrists to the right.

21616998? ago

There will be no mass red-pilling. Even when all the evidence comes out the blue-pilled are going to deny it, cry coup, and and protest in the streets by the thousands. This is with Trump and Q are being so careful as to conduct everything meticulously according to the rule of law and legal procedures. They are well aware the blue-pilled are going to HATE it and cry foul, so they will armor themselves with the moral high ground and properly obeying the laws of the land. That way they can have legitimacy as they tear down the Deep State's top actors and maintain the loyalty of the law and order types in the police and military.

Its also why its taken so long, Trump had to clean out the justice department and reformat the courts to have hope of conducting even remotely reasonable or fail trials. If the Justice department remained full of traitors, and the judges determined to throw the trials their attempts tot ake people like Schiff before a judge would end in disaster and mistrial, all while thousands of the blue-pilled chant and protest around the courthouse.

21624087? ago

I agree, no use doing something this big if they're not gong to do it right.

21631123? ago

There is no converting the blue pilled. Bluepilled is solved with 9mm asprin. When the Pain comes, treason will be purged from this land on Wall Street, on the Nation Mall, and on Main Street.

21617723? ago

Perfectly said....this is exactly what's going on (imho)

21614597? ago

This isn't the end game. The real end game is a survalence state like china. Where they can control every aspect of your life is AI. Your life will be intentionaly made so miserable that you will accept the ushering in of a post humanism era with the promise of Transhumanism to rescue the human race.

Welcome to literal hell on earth

21617728? ago

You're half right....what you described above was THEIR endgame, but not the ending that's now unfolding.

21615000? ago

That the end of the game. I'm using a chess metaphor.

21614797? ago

Your despair is not welcome here. Begone faggot.

21615140? ago

I love it how you tell me to be gone when this is the stark truth that I speak. The broader plan of the satanists that are in control. You have to recognize their end game in order to beat it. What's happening in the USA is just one major chess move of many to come and of many that have been.

They even write about it. Have a chat with Elon Musk, even though he seems to be going with the wrong plan as of late.

21617734? ago

You think the satanists are still in control?

21615501? ago

You obviously don’t know how to beat Satan if you’re posting despair. Despair and fear is one of their favorite tools. Get out there and fuckin crush

21616079? ago

Despair is a human emotion. The fact you are calling despair means my post elicited that emotion from you which you are trying to project onto me. Your response is exactly why I posted what I did. People need to understand their plan, come to terms with it and over come it.

I have been awake for well over 15 years before Q ever showed up. I'm well past the despair, the anxiousness and the incessant urge to research non-stop. I'm also well past the activist stage with trying to spread the word. Ive been in the action, preparation and training stage for the past 9 years in attempt to better weather the so called storm y'all want so badly. If the situation is right I will give a glimpse into the horror that I and many other people have discovered. It is the choice of people like you to open your eyes and validate. My hope is that more and more people will see past what Q is saying and see the larger picture that is being eluded to and help stop it.

21616300? ago

AI seems like a gay psyop. They want you to think ahead and be afraid of the future. Just like climate change hoax. Saying AI is going to ruin everyone’s lives is just like saying the climate is going to kill us all in 12 years. I guess I’m just gonna beat the satanist in a different way than you and crush without their approval. That’s fine good luck out there

21616871? ago

AI isn't the future, its here, it's been here for a while. The reason we are hearing about it is because they have made a crap ton of progress with deep learning and the prospect of quantum computing right around the corner will lift all restraints off AI development. I work with machine learning at work to process geospatial information. It works very efficiently at processing a shit ton of information while giving very accurate results. This is essentially how face recognition and personal tracking works on very large scales.

Now if we get into deep learning.. its creepy how self learning AI works.

Here is an example of deep learning. This is from google deepmind program which taught its self how to walk with no prior input from humans.


Now imagine these systems set up to a control network like the social credit score in china that has a learned bias given to it by the government. It would have the capability to track and process every thing every person is doing and act accordingly. Literally removing the human element when it comes to policing. All it has to do is lower your score and boom you can't travel, you can't buy food. You are literally cut off. I would also bet money on it China is already using AI for this purpose.

21614538? ago

I fear that in their final desperate attempt to regain control they will attempt assassination / revolution / violent take over / start a war domestically or internationally or both.

21617621? ago

Except that revolution or violent takeover require A) guns and B) people who know how to use them.

Let 'em try LOL.

21617974? ago

They will use private companies, mercenaries for hire and foreigners from all over the world

21620924? ago

Kinda hard to hire such people when your funds are dried up because of that EO....

Again I say, LET 'EM TRY.

they've already displayed "what they can do" and it's not gonna be enough.

Notice how their little ANTIFA group will never go beyond the borders of CA or NY?

There's a reason for that. Come to Texas, for example. Fuck around and find out.

21616958? ago

They will move to physical violence as their political options continue to fade and dwindle. This ends with the military in DC, there can be no other way. Thankfully for us, we know who controls the Military, not just in law, but in loyalty and willingness to serve him.

21615959? ago

They've already tried all of that.

21617980? ago


21624391? ago

What's to explain?

Just pay attention....

21614847? ago

They have tried multiple times with assassination

21617741? ago

Wilshire Blvd dirty bomb extraction operation?

21615248? ago


21614508? ago

OK. What should I pack for the FEMA camps? Should I bring a tooth brush? So many questions here...

Should we self-report or wait for instructions? Who will take care of my lawn when I am gone. It is immaculate now, and needs mowing twice a week.

21615064? ago

Forget lawns. Stealth grow food in the front, and have a farm in back.

Food prices are fixing to go up.


21616849? ago

The past four years I have been practicing my gardening.

Farming, not so much -- I need to expand the scale of operations, and work on efficiency and automating.

But, my skills are growing!

21614939? ago

Don't worry about the lawn. It's not yours anymore.

21615026? ago

Yeah, good point. My work serves the state,

21614756? ago

You need shower sandals. And a bar of soap.

Disposable fluoride brushes and vaccinations are provided.

21615880? ago

Get that soap-on-a-rope stuff. You don't want to drop it.

21614980? ago

Lol. Pink pussy hats, too?

21614653? ago

In 2017, made a small profit on Bitcoin....re-invested that into gold and silver to hedge my bets in my stocks through out 2018. Jan 3, 2019 started investing in REAL precious metals. Brass and Lead.

21614703? ago

Lol. It will be a great investment.

21614486? ago

Everything they have accomplished to bring them this close to overthrowing this country is at stake, as well as their lives and livelihood. They have a scorched earth attitude and they HATE us, and POTUS who represents us. Yes, they will gladly unleash all their fury on us before they are finally put down. These people are sick.

21614779? ago

I promise you their full fury is only drop in the ocean compared to the fury that will be unleashed upon them.

21617752? ago


21614450? ago

The penalty for treason is death - that's why they are acting so desperate. They have been caught and time is almost up for them.

21619040? ago

Serious question - not a challenge: The penalty for treason IS death. How many folks here think that those identified for treason will end up being executed?

I don't see it happening even though I believe it should happen. I hope the answer is they are stuck in a hot, clammy cell in GITMO for years before the 'die of natural causes'. I want them to suffer but on the other hand, as long as they continue to live, they can be pardoned if some Democrat president orders it and we end up with those filthy traitors back in our midst.

21615176? ago

Desperate is the right word to use. I don't think they have any backup plan at this point.

21617790? ago

"Logical thinking.

Ammunition is finite.


21614322? ago

(Criminal liability? Not sure.)

RICO is criminal

21614130? ago

They want society to collapse. They want breakdown so they can call in the UN. That is their goal. Demoncrats are communists and all of them will need to be hanged by the neck until dead.

21617120? ago

UN vs Patriots. I have my money on who might win, especially since at the very least, 30% of military is going to go rogue and sit with the people of America. The remainders are the dykes they let in because muh equality and some shitskins who have the optic set to 12x because they think it shoots a higher power round when set at 12 rather than 3, from 30 feet away. Lol, they can't even see what the hells going on when they look through the scope.

21616874? ago

This. The success and the strength of an independent USA is the biggest threat to globalism. It stands a shining example that yes a sovereign nation-state works and benefits its citizens. The same holds true for Russia. They had already desperately tried to drag the USA into waging a hot war against Putin but Hillary failed, and Putin has craftily out menuvered them repeatedly, even refusing to raise to obvious bait to open fire on US forces.

Since starting WW3 has failed, they are instead trying to fracture the USA apart, and send it into total ruin so that the Congress will have zero options other than calling on the EU for aid. But Trump is handily thwarting that, and all their schemes at removing him, including evading multiple assassination attempts.

Its time to realize these Europeans are our enemies. Our people came to America to escape European elite tyrants, and we will live here in defiance of their attempts to re-enslave us. If they persist we will bring the fight to them and destroy them.

21618047? ago

This /\/\ from a Brit who has seen this.. Guys you know that we can't do the same we have no guns no level playing field. The example you set will be the blue print we demand . Our Eyes are on.

21616759? ago

Don’t forget the progressive filth.....

21616575? ago

Ya know... I've been seeing some crazy "subliminal" messages about waking people up... I know how that sounds, but the new frozen move I watched with my kids, kept saying water had memory... well that train of thought will lead to, if followed, will lead to deeper enlightenment. And in one show in disney + they are singing a tune that when listening to the words it's all about awaking and opening up to truth and curiosity. Which are all right brain questions. We have been force fed left brain food all our life, so why now? And is it for the good? Or is this an attempt to WAKE people in a controlled manner so they can remain in control/naritive

21618084? ago

Espirito Santos moves in all of us. Do you know there are sleepers in every dark place being awakened to the light ? Even the writers and execs of these movies. I was firmly embedded in the left .. Until I awoke to self determination.. I believe there are many more of us sleepers waking up in the institutions for many years even... when Q says nothing can stop this I think he refers to the light awakening inside us. That is triggered by God.. nothing can stop that no external force no red pill blue pill or black pill can withstand the light of God awakening in our cells it over writes all.... I know.in here to tell you it happened to me.

21616823? ago

Very interesting! Have you seen "What the Bleep Do We Know?"? (There's a question mark in the name, kek.) It goes into the research of Masuru Emoto, who researched exposing water to words, whether spoken -- or even written! -- and when that water was frozen, the positive words would form beautiful crystals, vibrant colors, symmetrical; whereas the negative words would form asymmetrical, muddy, ugly crystals.

We're mostly water.

Seems we suffer when in a negative environment.

Seems perhaps [[[some people]]] know how to produce such, most effectively without awareness by others.

21616340? ago

truth! all part of their plan.

21615868? ago

Don’t get me all hot and bothered now

21615274? ago

Wait. Aren't WE the UN when it comes to taking territory and subduing resistance?

UN taking over USA would not be a Peacekeeping job where they send in a thousand Pakistani army reserves. They would have to fight the US military, US Law Enforcement, dozens of organized militias and approximately 300 million firearms in the hands of what would be VERY ANGRY citizens.

21619186? ago

No, the UN has their own military force. In theory it’d be Dem leadership creating a scenario where our military either stands down and defers to UN troops, or supports the UN troops’ efforts.

21622838? ago

What UN military force? They depend on member states providing troops for specific missions. What member nation is going to be able to STAGE and EXECUTE an invasion of a country that has literally hundreds of millions of armed citizens and a military fully composed of those same citizens?

IN THEORY, there COULD be a third option, could there not? One wherein 90% of the military does not stand down or help, but rather actively resists.

This UN takeover dribble is just that. They couldn't take over Haiti to help fix it. How can take over USA for the purpose of subduing us?

21625765? ago

There are enough member state troops to create a military force. Of course Americans would resist such actions.

21627292? ago

Seriously. How are you gonna stage a million military to invade the USA (if it doesn't agree to being invaded)? Who would be in control? The French? The Gambians? What?

There is plenty of REAL stuff to worry about. Try and focus on something closer to reality...like aliens from space.


21627472? ago

I don’t worry about it, just answering the question. The UN has its own leadership and directives from whoever controls it so they’re setup to be used a certain way but don’t think invasion is a risk - that’s only a scenario that would be staged by a globalist President such as Hillary, for example, because I think they know they’d lose, even though they could put together a military force. I do think the globalists’ keep testing Americans’ resolve to see if/when such a move could be feasible, using climate change as the justification.

21615271? ago

Blue helmets= targets

21615251? ago

UN wouldn't last long. There would be an American behind every blade of grass and tree

21615025? ago

The UN has asbolute zero against the US military might, let alone its allies. No worries. Let's not get into the last line of defense, armed citizens. Not to be a war monger, but I wish they would ...

21614876? ago

Societal breakdown is one part of their strategy towards their ultimate goal.

But right now their short term goal is surviving.

21614922? ago

To me it almost looks like surviving = destroying society so that there will be no institutions left to hold them accountable.

Clearly the strategy of slowly and gently boiling us while most people relaxed unaware in the warm bath is no longer in play. Now it seems to be pedal to the metal all the way to judgement day.

21616513? ago

"Clearly the strategy of slowly and gently boiling us while most people relaxed unaware in the warm bath is no longer in play."

Clearly! I bet the scumbags that started this agenda 21 plan would be madder that a wet hornet if they could see what this group of scumbags have done!

The turds that were supposed to just keep turning the heat up slowly got greedy! They didn't want to do their jobs and pass it on to the next generation. They wanted to force things faster than the plan called for because they wanted the ultimate prize for themselves! They wanted to be the ones with total rule and control over the world. So they cranked up the heat all the way to high and the froggies felt the scalding and started jumping out of the pot! Haha!

21617714? ago

Yes, but I think it had more to do with Trump winning.....they have no Plan B (and no ideas) so this is their only play left.

21616012? ago

Clearly the strategy of slowly and gently boiling us while most people relaxed unaware

Exactly. Hence their shift from slow boiling us to a One World Gov't, to "we need to save ourselves from bad orange man"

21614546? ago

they're the filthiest and most perverse treasonous scum that's deserving of the designation of traitors in all of history

21614688? ago

The president said that the greatest virtue to appear with "such a group of sick, sick, sick people is, to me, all about the spirit of Christ." He repeated his call for Congress to repeal Obamacare, declaring "there is only one right answer to Obamacare."

"He's disgusting," his father said. "He's a disgusting person who deserves to die."

21617704? ago

whose father said that?

21614388? ago

Conspired with the UN to invade our southern border.

21614109? ago

You must of noticed Q 3649 pic was missing Brennan its because I believe he has been taken. You realize Shumer is totally out of all photo-shoots with Pelosi, remember cooperating witness.

21622847? ago

This justifies its own thread. Ideally with before and after pictures.

21618745? ago

Brennan was never in the original picture to begin with. Check Trumps Twitter.

21615815? ago

You must of have noticed

21614827? ago

DiFi too. Not a word from her in many many weeks

21617010? ago

And where’s Maxine?

21615315? ago


21614660? ago

Now he is back with Shumer and Gephardt! The tone of what was said about Gretchen Carlson last month at Creamer's hearing ,as you are very well aware, was 'this witness's credibility has been affected' and that they 'cannot treat her with the same 'Kindness and Care' the Obama Administration once showed him.' So you are fully aware these elite are still in power.

The plan is to scare the masses into assuring President Trump gets reelected. These interventions have been greatly accelerated by the media, so the population has been co-opted and duped into a larger and larger state structure of propaganda. This is based on the idea of the elites having to "defend the country" and thereby protect the masses from "the evil" ideology of fascism. As such, the outcome is to provide legitimacy for the government and the centralization of power.

This is the end game.

21613783? ago

Yes!! It’s clear that the Great Awakening is upon us! It will all be revealed! Wwg1wga!!!!!!! I’m so excited!!

21613778? ago

Your opinion is retarded and does not matter.

21614786? ago

Actually is is you that are retated

21614211? ago

look a faggot in the wild! how does barrack obama's cunt taste?

21614037? ago

Your shillery has no power. Begone.

21613979? ago

Ok, shilloomer.