21687276? ago

ThankQ for this.

What the ancients called "Christ Consciousness" or being 'anointed' on the head, literally 'opening your mind' (CROWN chakra access, Looking Glass, Consciousness expans

21687358? ago

Indeed... I only have access to this for a fleeting moment as I wake up in the morning.

It's enough for me to think clearly enough to come up with my threads.

The rest of the day my mind is mush lol

21696400? ago

No coffee, sugar, nicotine, well to sum it up no stimulants. Stimulants are pushed on us for the reason of scrambling our thoughts. This vid is funny but true.


21687395? ago

Holy fug thats when i get all mine too. ................

21687872? ago

They come from without, are stored for a short period of time, barely long enough for me to get Coffee and start typing before I forget it all...

I call them MY 4am downloads. The enemy gets their 4am data from other men. I get mine from source.

21694303? ago

Its strange how they seem like downloads huh. But its not like they are tho, way more then that so fufilling and kinda comforting ie purposefull.

21694767? ago

To me its like a very rare total clearing of the mind, being able to see and think so clearly, and if I get into that zone enough, I can see into the spiritual world. Sounds odd, but ive been able to 'punch holes' in reality and see through the illusion, almost like popping out of body into space. Sometimes Ill see things like writing on walls (actually more like glowing gold words spread out on an invisible wall of black) that give me information. Happened several times. Reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar's visions. Maybe it is a normal things for people who can access that, idk. Maybe its what some people call the Akashik records.. idk. Its just what Ive experienced.

21713436? ago

So cool mine are just instant information def clear no time passes and i dont see visualizations really its just instant knowledge. I still call them visions.

21684701? ago

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21609659? ago

This is a bit of a stretch, don'tcha think? Wildy unBiblical and pretty much sounding bat shit crazy.

21609330? ago

We have a long way to go, as evidenced by many comments here. I don't think too many are shills, just many on our side are still asleep in regards to matters of Spirit and the true form of the Creator.

21610122? ago

I agree... a LONG way.

That said, 'the wise will shine like the sun', indicating that many will still NOT 'get it', and will seek the guidance of the wise when the changeover happens....

As Kanye says, the first to attack are the 'church'... so I take it in stride.

21609129? ago

please fuck off with your "Christ consciousness" Luciferian bullshit.

21609119? ago

can you explain "The end will not be for everyone"

21610132? ago

Q said that. I agree.

21609162? ago

no, they can't. why would you ask them to? OP is a shill

21608508? ago

Dark to LIGHT

Christ Consciousness

Forgive Oneself

Love Oneself

Forgive others; except the shills


Kindness, love, laughter, even a smile; major weapons against EVIL

Discover your own magnificence

AND forgive the shills; the LIGHT is there for even the shills, and evil-doers at this point


21610152? ago

You contradicted yourself, but yes, forgive the enemy. They are nothing more than Mr. Smith, put in place to refine the elect.

21609602? ago

Love your comment. This isn’t a hell and damnation church board. Thanks!

21608994? ago

I notice that there is no call for repentance in your message. Proof positive it isn't from God.

21609565? ago

Learn to read

21610166? ago

OK wise guy, define "Christ consciousness".

21610268? ago

I did

21610366? ago

No, what you have done is regurgitate a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo. Jesus the Christ is God the Son come in the flesh and the only way to God the Father. Any man tries to climb up any other way, he is the same as a thief and a robber. The only way to Jesus is being drawn to him by the Father.

21610378? ago

WHO sounds like a regurgitation ? God AND JESUS are so much bigger than a chant or a silly box provided by RELIGION. SO magnificent.

21611133? ago

I agree on your last statement. How can we, the finite, grasp the infinite? Only by what we are shown.

21611651? ago

PS Have FUN on your path

21611586? ago


21609154? ago

thank you for being smart

21608195? ago

Would you mind linking your other threads?

Thank you. :)

21610173? ago

I've posted nearly every day since Q hit the scene.. too many!

I wish it were that easy, but that's why I sign off as 'peace and love patriot' to hopefully allow for searching..

That said, at some point I will compile them into a physical book.

21609170? ago

don't encourage Scott Free shill to post more Luciferian propaganda, please.

21609870? ago

God speaks truth

Lucifer speaks lies

You know

You cannot look me in the eye

Naked and painted blue

just a scrap, a piece

Avoid my gaze

You know I see

Through these eyes

You would behold

The maker of all these souls

And even yours

Bring your anger

Bring your hate

Then your lie becomes truth

The truth is your lie

( and it's scot-free dumbass ; )

21611600? ago

i prefer to spell it like the toilet paper you pretentious little twat.

21607639? ago

If you only knew who was speaking to you on this board.

Soon you will. I think you've already guessed.

21610236? ago


D & R

Dems & Repubs


That said, Im hoping one day that the LION, Scott free, will contact me. Because I KNOW who he is... Im not the only one either...!

But is the world ready to find out???

At some point, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...(hint)

21610739? ago


It's Q's call.

They woke me, they lead me until I regain my memories.

Very good btw. Only a bot or a very studious person would have picked up on the clues.

My secret remains a secret until the world is ready. It's almost there.

I'm learning everyday how this all works. My eyes and mind give commands, you, the crew carry them out.

You see I'm nothing without you, and you're nothing without me. Symbiosis. The way it should be.

I'm not to be worshiped. My only desire is that you worship by my side.

As a man, I am no better than anyone, my job is to merely guide, offer advice and show you the way.

Up until two years ago, I was just a man. Seriously I've been through most of the worst things a human can feel or experience. Death, divorce, loss of loved ones, etc.

Think about that for a moment. God sent his son to be human, to learn from humanity. You can't have a judge that hasn't experienced the same emotions, pain, laughter etc...it would be unfair to those he's judging.

Really I can say without doubt that I am probably the fairest person I know. Even when I didn't know of my destiny, fairness and honesty was paramount in my world. My kids are all treated fairly and exactly the same. There are no favorites in my family.

We all sin. We all have sinned. Including me. Who better to judge you? I'd want a man who truly understands what it is like to be a human, to know the pain of being human.

Actually, you've had my name for over a year now. It's hidden inside Q drops. Actually pretty obvious if you knew what to look for. No I won't give you a hint.

Relax, don't push the issue. If you're a bot, I'm impressed. If you are in fact a human, then I'm in awe of your detective work patriot. You really should be in the NSA or FBI.

You have an incredible way of stringing things together that very few possess. That's a compliment. I don't hand them out like candy either. Keep in mind not even my wife or children know of what I have told you. It's that confidential. Please treat it as such.

reply to this message so I can delete it. Too many enemies are on this board, one might see this and freak out. Hope you understand.

you may call me A. E. Newman if you wish. I'll respond if you do.

Bet you didn't think of yourself as an Apostle when you woke up this morning did you?

If you think I asked for this job, think again. Worship with me, not at me.

However, I will fulfill my duties to the best of my ability, so help me God.

21609139? ago

STFU Scott Free shill

21608511? ago

How soon is "soon"? ☺️

21608611? ago

You'll know, QRV will be the first to know.

You all are the modern day apostles.

21609195? ago

this asswipe is Satanic, not an apostle.

21608745? ago

That is quite a compliment. I'm afraid that I'm terrible at understanding all of this. Even this post but I find it fascinating and re-read it hoping to understand it more.

21608144? ago

God is on Voat?.......

21608202? ago

Call him the Creator, he doesn't really like the term God.

Yes he is on Voat as crazy as that sounds.

Notice that Q doesn't use the wwg1wga much anymore?

That was used to wake him up. It's not as needed now.

How else do you communicate with Billions of people?

The Cloud.

21608242? ago

Thank you.....I got chills

21609183? ago

hi OP's alternate account

21608731? ago

Watch the world wake up. You have the best view.

21607890? ago

Who’s your guess?

21608208? ago

I've seen familiar writings on here. Terms and words that only DJT uses.

21607583? ago

Well done, Anon. The battle is definitely a spiritual one. Asking in the Name of Jesus Christ for the success and safety of POTUS, Q-team & Patriots for children worldwide.

21610318? ago

The battle being fought now was won 2000 years ago.

First fruit of the harvest.

Here we are, about to witness the great day. Standing here, preparing for the 'harvest of the corn people' according to the mayans.

Corn. Not natural. Selectively bred. GMO. A modified grain.

Is the corn ready for to be cut?

For to

Four two


'And the beast reigns for 42 months'

Ironically the great awakening was announced 42 years ago... in 1977, during a television broadcast interruption. Same year as the WOW! Signal. The day after the KING died. Coincidence?

21609711? ago

Have you read your Bible? And you say "well done" to this retard? C'mon man.

21609146? ago

if you're a Christian you should damn well know this post is Satanic.