21831232? ago

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21754339? ago

Good day sir.

I have been looking for the marker. + ++ And +++

Can you help me find where postus said this please.?

What did POTUS just say the other day? +++?

So, 33+ +++, or 33 + 333

21755731? ago

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21754399? ago

Oh you can search Qmap for +++ and get results, if that's what you meant?

21754727? ago

Noth8ng came up i would appricate the source from twitter where this came its very important. Thanks again.

21755200? ago

I don't have a Twitter account. Im not sure exactly what you're asking for though..?

You're right though, Qmap doesn't recognize the +...

My back up site does though. Give it a minute to load up...


21755441? ago

Yea thanks . You said trump tweet had those markers.

They indicate a bomb drop. Hence why Q used them in





Potus was marking the drop before the bombs were dropped.

When we see them take heed its about to happen. Ie the stars will fall.

21755471? ago

Oh Potus said, verbally, plus plus plus in a recent video clip. Should be able to find that, as it was a big deal. Maybe Cordicon has the clip

21755595? ago

Thanks found the video.

April showers.

Keep peeled for those markers.


21760257? ago

Shadilay indeed...

Peace and love patriot

21695667? ago

Thank you. This is amazing and mind blowing. Well done.

21696646? ago

Thank you. I'm glad you were able to follow... !

21694961? ago

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21689953? ago

When/where did Q "always" say "it's about THE BREAK"?

21694757? ago

Ill assume youre a shill, because a real anon wouldnt ask for info to be spoon fed. Regardless, here:



21687033? ago

They going to kill off trump?

21687103? ago

That's not at all what I said, and that won't happen...

21687187? ago

That's about the only thing that would make the entire world morn.

21687221? ago

*mourn, and it would certainly be a shock.

21687228? ago

Typed too quickly, I'll leave the error.

21687341? ago

No worries, I do that too. I just wanted to correct so no one else got confused. It took me a second to figure out what you meant. Peace

21689102? ago

Mourning sun brings heat!

21690183? ago

Mourning son. JFK jr? Bringing the heat?

21689321? ago

Lol. Indeed

21686831? ago

I find this kind of stuff intriguing but I dunno. Feels like making one assertion and then building other assertions off of the first one.

21686060? ago

Disinfo agents love to connect dots that really don’t go together in order to “intrigue” but also to confuse. “Must be right because it sounds so smahht!” Like that SB character. Think for yourself and don’t be led astray by disinformation.

21692821? ago

Sounds to me like they may try to take out trump. Also why would the sun bringing heat matter?

Would it be that there are reflector type defense lasers under control of deep state? They need to take them out using tofs of god

21685995? ago


21685725? ago

You spent a lot of time on that. I'm sorry. Will you be able to carry on when it doesn't happen?

21686176? ago

Absolutely. Will you if it DOES though?

21688379? ago

I think so. Here's the thing, I haven't been sitting around my entire life waiting for someone to save me and I don't expect someone to now either. I've noticed that people are starting to use the possible return of Jesus as a cudgel against others, as if they are better Christians because they, and only they, truly believe he is returning. Sounds a bit like a Jehovah witness thing to me. I do wish you luck in your predictions though.

21689348? ago

I think my point in ask this is, Jesus has been here and he isn't who people think he is. He indeed came like a thief. And that's putting aside the term Christ meaning Chrism, or anointing oil... something we all can tap into.

21689774? ago

You know who Jesus is?

21694776? ago

Quite a few people do actually, very popular people in the Q movement that I have confirmed with...youd be VERY surprised. Its one of those things youll have to discover on your own, with a sincere and open mind/heart.

That said, Ill give you one hint, and thats it....

Have you ever heard of the RAINBOW BRIDGE to Asgard?

21954251? ago

Jesus was the legend given the key to asgard via the senven seals because he was worthy. Just like those whom removed the scales, will be able to do when he reveals himself and the rainbow bridge will activate +++ april showers.

Shadilay 5:5

21962318? ago

Can you please explain what you mean by "those whom removed the scales"?

21962441? ago

Scales of calcium on your third eye or petuary glad

21957331? ago


In a 'Flash' (enlightenment, crown activation), in the 'twinkling of an eye' (Pineal activation), at the 'last trump' (the full activation of the human, all 7 chakras) 'For the trumpet WILL sound' (Something BIG is coming, nothing can stop what is coming, truth is a force of nature, ascension is inevitable, WWG1WGA), 'and the DEAD will be RAISED' (the spiritually dead along with the spiritually alive will all ascend together, be enlightened together, raise the serpent on the cross together)

The veil must be torn in the temple, between the lower 5 lamps and upper 2 lamps.

How does David beat Goliath?

He picks 5 SMOOTH stones from the living stream of water. (as apposed to cut stones, like the masons) and throws it at Goliaths forehead, it sinks in and symbolically blinds his 3rd eye, killing him immediately, then David cuts off his head (the head of the serpent, access to the upper 2 lamps)

Altered Carbon tv show shows them implanting a Hex shaped chip inbetween those lamps, between the 5 / 2, to become immortal. A literal tower of Babel.

21957290? ago

Holy shit...

This just gave me chills.

An anon who 100% comprehends EXACTLY what I am talking about....

We are on the exact same wavelengths, Fren.

Shadilay , indeed!

Peace and love patriot

21954279? ago

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21698851? ago

Norse mythology had many gods. Jesus doesn't have any brothers or sisters that I'm aware of.

21699193? ago

He actually does.. its in the Bible. But that's neither here or there

21697772? ago

Liar fraud

21690198? ago

What the fuck is wrong with you?

21690562? ago

That's your answer?

21685534? ago

The Majestic 12.

21686199? ago


21685531? ago

I hate this DaVinci code shit. Need a doctorate in Calculus to understand...

21689976? ago

I've been following Q since the start, granted I haven't read every drop, but I dont recall any of the stuff anon posted as Q "always says". Me thinks OP is either reaching or just making shit up

21686093? ago

No you don’t. There’s nothing there to understand it’s just a bunch of random ideas and connections that don’t exist. Lies thrive in obscurity.

21685300? ago

Can you break this down in lay mens terms?

21685270? ago

This week: paid bills; one for 7.11 and one for 333.

Pick 3 was 999 (didn't play).

21684802? ago

I'm confused... yet intrigued.

I don't think the dead will be rising up... Timelines splinter and fractal, I don't see how they can possibly converge without upending our very reality, which would lead to psychotic breaks for most.

It feels like you are on to something here, not sure what exactly. Thanks for posting.

21685854? ago

The bible, we all [most] have one. It tells us the answer if we would only learn to take it literally. What do we think of Jesus ascension, literally, for instance. About the power of the Holy Spirit IN us. About the dead rising? Hollywood has us convinced these are fantasy. They are reality, and we have the legend and the key : the Bible. Its all laid out for us to access, if only we would open our minds to the reality.

21687135? ago

It tells us.... What the heck dude. It's a 2000 year old book that tells us nothing of relevance now.

21688296? ago

Its a 6000 year old book. It tells us exactly what is happening now, if you read it fully and not take passages out of context.

21688458? ago

It's actually less than 2000 years old written by people 30 to 60 years after his death.

21690112? ago

Moses wrote the old testament which predates his own life. The new testament is the part that is less than 2000 yrs ago, and mostly by Paul. As y'all like to say: "some people did something" .

21686388? ago

You're taking the Bible literally ?? So how many gays have you murdered?


21688287? ago

It does not tell us to murder gays?!

21686118? ago

Exactly. When this poster started invoking Matthew chapter 24 and re-interpreting it for his own silly purposes, I knew who and what he was. I disinfo agent

21685349? ago

Thanks. That's why blackout necessary?

21687000? ago

He is already here. Just not publicly. And the date you were given was my first asumption untill this happend.

Read all links and replies underneath.


21697785? ago

Liar. “Your steps shall slide in due time!”

21706343? ago

Go fuck yourself and what ever b.s. train you ride around on.

21687269? ago

The LION...

There are some walking the earth today who know. Who have removed the scales from their eye.

Did you know that an IS exists outside of time, and can inhabit more than one BE at a time, spread out through what we perceive as time?


Jesus acquired a rainbow body... he wasn't the only one...

21687374? ago

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21687308? ago

All the hairs on my body just stood up and my brain tingled and now i weep.

21687371? ago


Peace and love patriot

21687449? ago

God speed let the light mark every step your armor takes. So your enemy knows you and when he cometh you hes blinded by the light.

21687843? ago

I pray this be the case for ALL that strive for Eden.

21684775? ago

Great decode, anon! We will all know soon enough if your decode has been accurate.

21685360? ago

Short term doom lol XD

21684697? ago

Ill add that I tried getting on and posting this early this morning, but havent been able to log in till now...

21684580? ago


Now, the crazy one ... fwiw


What a coincidence.

4 points / 4 booms

Dark to Light 1:07

More to come.


Notice, 1:07... Ever heard of Juan O'Savin? THe individual who frequents shows like Abel Danger, Roseanne Barr, among others? Juan O'Savin (107) has a way of speaking and a tone EXACTLY like JFK Jr. He is also EXTREMELY knowedgeable about WHAT is going on, and the cabal.

But.... I thought muh Jfk Jr. was ded.. muh Q sed he was ded... YES! But, understand Project Looking Glass. Time. Timelines. Timelines are MERGING (Look into Project Looking Glass and the 12/21/2012 issues they had)

If you converge timelines, which is what is happening, something funny happens, and ITS IN THE BIBLE (Also shown in the season finally of Man in the High Castle)


But HOW? Because, in other timelines, people that might be DEAD in our timeline, are actually still ALIVE in other timelines!

When FULL CONVERGENCE happens, suddenly EVERYONE will be alive, in one SINGULAR timeline. WWG1WGA? Why do you think [THEY] are so worried about 'the singularity'?

And guess what... THIS Q POST ALSO ALIGNS WITH THE OTHERS! I will align mirroring the post and aligning the 'dark to light' with the moon.

So, here is the FINAL PICTURE I will paint for you...

Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather

D / Q / Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days / GREEN_578cDT324-45785sd4DMP / HRC detained (the carcass or spiritually dead mentioned in above verse) / mocking bird media going down (Vultures go down to feed on carcasses)

Morning sun brings heat. / Blackout Necessary / The sun will be darkened / 5:5 / COMMS_OFF / More to come

Full moon coming. / Dark to LIGHT / the moon will not give its light / Blind / Dark to Light 1:07

Undiscovered stars learned. / a week to remember / the stars will fall from the sky /BOOMs en route / 4 points / 4 booms

Missions forward. / BOOM / the powers of heaven will be shaken / what a coincidence

Q / BOOM / that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory



Peace and love patriots !

21696143? ago

Thos can also relate to the Earth catastrophe cycle


21692871? ago

Sounds more like they will try to take out trump. Then white hats black out the sun to prevent deep state from using reflective weapon technology. While dark they will destroy these using the rods of god or some other weapon that looks like falling stars. Possibly four of them. But hey. Who knows...

21754358? ago

Misssed this comment the other day.


21686335? ago

Great post, as per, thanks

21687740? ago

I have often wondered if the Bible was the map. This is incredibly fascinating. Thank you.

21686489? ago

Thank you :)

21684964? ago


21692879? ago

You must be a liberal. They always want a cock gun shooting them in the mouth.

21692910? ago


21695695? ago


21695960? ago


21692942? ago

So you are s liberal then. I suspected

21692970? ago


21696094? ago

I didn't think liberals were able to cuck anyone. Did you have a differing experience you wanna share?